October 31, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury leaves your sign and enters Sagittarius: start paying attention to wasteful spending. It isn’t necessary for you to go into debt over the holidays. Set a budget, and stick to it. Venus retrograde is leaving your sign and flips back into Libra. It remains in retrograde for the next 2 weeks, until Nov 16. Beware of love that comes out of hiding and into your doorstep, like nothing ever went wrong. Play it super safe, for your heart’s sake.

Today’s affirmation:

“I walk softly and carefully.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Mercury enters Sagittarius and you start to get an inkling of things to come, as father time slides into your slice of the year. Promote and do whatever your heart desires in your career. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16. Today, you can find fault with anyone who looks at you cross eyed. But that doesn’t mean that you have to cater to base emotions. Don’t make rash decisions about someone’s loyalty. And let a lot roll off your back, like a duck…

Today’s affirmation:

“I let things roll off my back.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius and you think about all that has transpired in the year that is coming to a close, and where you want to see your future to look like. You are in a meditative mode now. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, and people see how wonderful you are, and are willing to crown you and shower you with love, even though you may not feel like you deserve the accolades. Make sure to dress for success, as you will be judged by your appearance in your business dealings.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to be seen when I want to hide.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius and your social scene is about to explode with exciting invites and interesting people. Can you handle the volume? That will be the question. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, here to remind you that you have to be nice to all people from all walks of life, whether you have the time for them or not, whether you agree with their world view or not. Find something in common and have wonderful discussions.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like to meet, greet and discuss.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius and as a super busy time is descends upon you. Hope you are ready for the sheer volume of work you are about to receive. You will have to write down what you want to say to higher ups so that you won’t forget and you will be sought after for teaching engagement. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16; you have to be aware not to be jealous of what others possess, or be hurt by other’s successes. To compare yourself to others is self-abuse. You can only be who you are and you are enough.

Today’s affirmation:

“I must get organized.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Mercury enters Sagittarius as you develop a thirst to understand your place in the world. You will have a sharp tongue as you will speak with precision and with no pretense. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16: all fingers point to the way you relate to those closest to you, to those with whom you have the closet relationship. Do you treat people with love? Do you speak respectfully to your partner in business? Smooth out the wrinkles and don’t show anyone the door yet!

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to learn to forgive and make nice…”


Mercury enters Sagittarius urging you to take a close look at your joint finances and at the business dealings you have and to make sure that you are being dealt a fair hand in all transactions, and become the independent person you want to be. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, self-love needs to translate into how you treat your body, the castle to your soul.  Don’t beat yourself up for not having taken care of yourself, it’s a new day and we are headed into a new year, so make it good!

Today’s affirmation:

“I make decisions that benefit me.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius and it gives you the power to negotiate good deals, because you have the right approach that bring clarity when you speak with a partner or a potential partner. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, and your lust for life is reignited! You will want to go out and paint the town red. Romance will entice you, but beware of old flames with roses in their hands. It may be a reconciliation, or it may not, but it’s worth giving it a second look. Don’t jump into anything hastily though.

Today’s affirmation:

“I intend to have a good time!”


Mercury enters Sagittarius: you wanted to have enough work, you’ve been looking for more to do, and now you’ve got it! You will have to learn to delegate, so that you can free some time for self-help, like time for exercise. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, and slips right into your favorite place in the world for you, your home. You will want to keep the hearth warm and don’t be surprised if people invite themselves to your kitchen. So have a well-stocked freezer, for a cozy time with family and friends.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to have time for me and my family.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Mercury enters Sagittarius and as the holiday season approaches and it places you, this year, in a family mode and mood. Flipping pancakes for the fam and having a cozy ol’ time. Venus retrograde flips back into Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, urging you to make peace with someone you may have had words with, which were offending. But you have to be very careful to use only reconciliatory language.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I speak softly. Very softly, and create peace.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius and the focus is on your domestic bliss. Prepare your home for entertaining, clean and polish your stemware, and plan a celebratory meal, good enough for a king, or your boss…  Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, here to remind you that money doesn’t grow on trees, and that you have worked long and hard for it. You certainly don’t want to purchase something gaudy which you will regret, and won’t be able to return. So make sure that you know the refund policies when you make a large purchase.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can entertain on a shoe string.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius and you want to get a certain message across, this is the time to shout it out loud and clear. It’s also the proper time to sign papers which will make legal and binding what you need signed in your business dealings. Venus retrograde reenters Libra, and remains in retrograde until Nov 16, toe great thing is, this is your time to appreciate yourself and have love for yourself. But the danger will be in not giving enough Of yourself. Do unto others as you would do unto you, and give charitable time to those who need a listening ear.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am here for me and for you.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find new ways to do the same old things, you will find ways to add panache and style into your business world and your private life. You will seek your privacy but will be thrown into the lime light. You will be most impulsive. May this be a warning to you, and never rush into any decision. Not that things won’t have a chance to come out wonderfully, but they can turn situations in most unexpected direction. Ask someone you trust before you do anything drastic.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Leo.

Mercury enters Sagittarius.

Venus makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The moon makes a hard angle with the Sun.

Venus retrograde reenters Libra.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star