December 14, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Spruce up your home for the holidays today. Get together with an elder family member who may give you advice. Try to accept this heart felt advice with an open heart and an open mind. Being obstinate doesn’t put you in the best light. But if you listen it can make for beautiful season for someone who loves you and who loves to hear from you.

Today’s affirmation:

“Home sweet home.”


Speak from the heart, and who knows, you may even put to rest a yearlong negative situation with someone special to you, and end the year on a high note. Think love in all you say. Forgive yourself above all. Forgive yourself whatever foolishness you may have been saying to yourself, when no one was listening. Be gentle with yourself.

Today’s affirmation:

“Love rules.”


You have your dreams and visions for the coming year: Try to visualize what you want your year to look like, financially speaking. If someone wants you to give to charity, of course you have to chip in some. But should they make you feel guilty about it, saying it goes to a group you must join, well, you don’t have to do that at all. Remain true to yourself.

Today’s affirmation:

“I envision a beautiful life.”


The Moon is in your sign, and you rule the day. It’s joined by a sweet energy that allows you to be yourself. Show to the world who you truly are and what you aspire to be in the coming year. Turn off all the noise today, sit and meditate and let hope fill your heart.

Today’s affirmation:.

“Good things are coming.”


You look in contemplation towards the future, by first looking at what has passed. You can either brood on what could have been, or you can accept that everything happens, or not, for a reason. You are at the epitome in your career, and your heart may be mistaken today, by not being as grateful as it ought to be. To give to charity, makes you feel wonderful, and changes this dynamic for the positive.

Today’s affirmation:

“Doing for others brings me back to myself.”


Being involved in a group, has its ups and downs and can put a worry into your heart. But looking into the coming year, it has much potential of financial prosperity. The future looks bright, and you have to squelch temper tantrums caused by fantastic imaginations.

Today’s affirmation:

“I try to keep grounded.”                                       


This is one fine day to approach your boss or those who can make a difference in the coming year, and engage them in conversation that doesn’t have to do with career, but which can bring you both onto the same page about what you aspire in life, and what you have in common. Or just bring them coffee and cupcakes as a token of appreciation.

Today’s affirmation:

“We aspire towards the same goals.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may be daydreaming your day away, but that is exactly what today is meant for. The bigger you dream, the more you will be able to accomplish way down the line. Or make a reservation for a plane trip, to go somewhere exotic, and celebrate life to its fullest. Also, tell each one of your coworkers how much the past year meant to you being in their life daily.

Today’s affirmation:

“You are special to me.”


There is no sense in nickeling and diming, when you can enjoy your life without being overly protective over your joint finances. There is no reason to be overly loose about spending your money either. Try to find a balance there, and you can avoid a temper tantrum, caused by that insecurity, and you can enjoy your holiday season unburdened by guilt on either extreme.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is my budget. It’s easy.”


Relationships are highlighted. Invite people who you love into your home for a home cooked meal, to enjoy by a roaring fireplace. What else is life for anyway? The holiday season is made for sweet days like today. Cozy up and have a most romantic dinner just for two. Love is a gentle expression of words and poetry.

Today’s affirmation:

“We are two lovebirds, cooing.”


You are the hero who saves the day for someone who may be slacking off at the office, and you come to their rescue. If you hide their behavior, there is a higher power which is watching over the both of you, and all goes well. Otherwise, you may have to explain yourself… You are doing things in a holiday spirit of giving, how much blame can there be? Lol.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am doing a good deed.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Life is a beautiful thing when you have love in your heart, and when you want to share of your heart. There doesn’t have to be a rhyme or reason to enjoy the holiday season. Get out there, look at the season of bright lights, and take in a show, if you can. You may go overboard with an expensive night out, but then so what?!

Today’s affirmation:

“Check out the beautiful lights!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy life to its fullest. You will start new projects and start on a new ventures which will have your spirit into. You may turn a part of your home to a place where you can conduct a home based business, and feel very connected to your home dwelling. You will make sure that you enjoy each and every day. You will have the sensitivity to understand people and therefor they will want to be in your company.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Saturn, conjoins Neptune and conjoins Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star