December 27, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Not one to enjoy being lazy, today you can sit by the window and day-dream all you want. No one will stop you from meditating on what you want your future to look like. And even though it never quite matches our imagination, it’s a good place to start.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can feel a change coming on.”


Your mind is trying to tell you something. Are you listening? Or are you continuing to go along with whatever has been going on in the past? It’s time to think about what changes you want to make, kiss the past goodbye and try to begin the preparations. Nothing happens overnight.

Today’s affirmation:

“I must let go of some aspects in my life.”


A certain relationship is gnawing at you today. What should you do about it? For one thing, you must leave your ego at the door and see it as a collaborative effort. You have as much responsibility at what is happening now, as anyone. Forgive yourself and start fresh.

Today’s affirmation:

“It takes two to Tango.”


You roll up your sleeves and start your work for the coming year. Early as it is, it doesn’t seem so to you. You are willing to go the extra mile, and to begin the preparations for an ambitious year coming up. Eat your cereal, you’ll need the carbohydrates to keep up with the momentum.

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel pooped already… lol.”


You want to have fun. You want to party. You are enjoying this holiday season, and no one can stop you! They only wish they had half the energy you possess to make this season a fun one. You feel optimistic about the future, and you are ready to take the risks necessary.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am hot stuff!”


You would rather not leave your couch today, let alone see daylights. But if you must, you must. Otherwise, take advantage of a vacation you may have, and put your feet up. Don’t be afraid to have a private ceremony of tossing of the old trash; think of new ways to do… everything…

Today’s affirmation:

“Netflix, anyone?!”


You are making your phone calls, and reaching out to people via private messaging, just because you’re trying to keep in touch with one and all. After all, is that not what the holiday season is made for? And especially today, when the crab is coming out of its shelf for all to see.

Today’s affirmation:

“Look at my new outfit!”


Unfortunately, your mind is on worrisome financial expenses. There is nothing you can do about spilled milk. You just have to learn from it, and try to make top dollar in the coming year. Make a pact with yourself today, that you will go outside your box, and stick your toes in new territory.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ready to take on new responsibilities.”


The Moon is in your sign, and you are willing to take risks and dare to tread in places you never thought you’d have the courage to tackle. You are enjoying a fantastic holiday season and your mind is wondering into the coming year. Wonderful changes are in the air.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ready, willing and able…”


You are in no position to get out in the world and roar. You are in position to be quiet today, mind your own business and take care of what looks like a possible cold. Stay out of trouble enjoy your family and your home. There is no place like home on a day like today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I think I won’t be coming out today…”


There are so many places to go, and so many people to see that twenty four hours are simply not enough. But they will have to do, lol. Put on your sneakers and let some steam off, by doing the things you love to do whatever they may be. Show your individuality and be an inspiration.

Today’s affirmation:

“Wait for me, I’m on my way!”


You are all business all day, so whatever your ambitions are, you are busy doing what you heart is telling you to do. If you are a business person. You love to dig into your books today. If you are an artist. You have wet paint in your hands, and are as happy as anyone could ever be.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am one busy individual today.”


Today’s Happy Birthday

In the coming year cycle you will value your freedom, and you will value anyone who will be understanding enough, and who will be willing to give you the space you need. You will see so many changes happening in your life, and you will be eager to accommodate any request on your time that they will require. You will enjoy a year where travel may be an important key to your success. Love is also possible on a trip, or with someone who has the same view of the world you hold.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Virgo.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter, an excellent angle with Saturn, a hard angle with Neptune, a hard angle with Mercury, an easy angle with Venus and an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star