March 10, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have been in charge and have had many responsibilities. It has been nice to have come to a zenith in your career. And now what? Have you had enough, or do you want to keep the high intensity job? That is the question going forward. The answer is there inside your heart. Today, these responsibilities are taken with a take-it-easy attitude and with a deep understanding and acceptance. You enjoy your unique kind of spirituality that makes you happy being you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for all that has transpired recently.” 

By: Michelle Star


You have been pushing and prodding and looking into creating new situations for yourself, and you have gotten quite a bit of information to push your agenda forward. People haven’t understood you as of recently, but that hasn’t discouraged you in any way. So if you begin to doubt your abilities, you must push those thoughts back, and keep on doing what you have been planning. There’s more work for you today, but you don’t mind that one bit.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way.”

By: Michelle Star


You have been looking at the circus all around you. Stuff that had nothing to do with you directly but that has an effect on your life, and you can’t believe it. But you have been relaying on your friends to lean on and to support your fragile state of mind, because of outside influences. You have depended on meditation and on proper physical exercise, and now that Mars is in your sign you are ready to do your thing and to ignore all that is happening around you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for putting my blinders on and moving forward.”

By: Michelle Star


There have been a transformation in you about how you relate to the most important partnerships in your life. It hasn’t been easy: some of whom you have removed yourself from their presence all together, and some of whom you have adjusted your attitude towards, just in order to get along with. You have gotten wiser in the process, which you can’t deny.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a better person for my tribulations.”

By: Michelle Star


You haven’t been able to depend on your boss but somehow, you have come a long way. People in high positions have been acting mighty strangely, and it weren’t for your sound mind, and lucky conditions, you may have lost your mind. But here you are, stronger than ever, and in position to advise those higher ups who you think ought to go further, and who needs to be shown the door. But being kind is the best thing that you can advise yourself.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the position I have been holding now.”   🙂

By: Michelle Star


You have been pushed in so many directions it’s a wonder you still have your head stationed on your shoulders. But you took it all in stride and you have been plodding along refusing to let any setbacks interfere in your progress. Because of this attitude, you have been making major progress that has everyone standing and saluting, which is something any proud Leo would love… you shine today and are ready to collect your hefty paycheck.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my hefty paycheck…”   🙂

By: Michelle Star


You have been working relentlessly to make your life better. It has been tough on your nervous system as you have had to deal with many obstacles, some of which have been effecting you emotionally, but you have learned to overlook and overcome your emotions. You have been working on making the foundation of your life stronger, and today, you reflect upon this and appreciate the person you have become.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the person I am today.”

By: Michelle Star


You can taste the appreciation and acknowledgement that you are about to receive in the not so far distance. It is due to your hard work and to the eclectic people who are responsible for pushing you this far. You must remember those who were there for you on your way up in the world. Don’t get discouraged by the chores which keep piling up for you, since you have been a busy bee, and don’t focus on that aspect. Just put one foot before the other, and you will get it all done by sunset.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the madness in my happy life.”

By: Michelle Star


You have been working overtime running around and trying to keep up with yourself as well as with the Joneses. You have been educating yourself in order to be able to keep up with the latest trend in the world of computer in order to be on the cutting edge of technology, and you are exhausted from trying. But now you do it all with a smile on your face and without complaining. Knowledge is power, and it will come in handy now and always.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the common sense I weave into my life.”

By: Michelle Star


You have been wondering why life got tough in the past many months, and why you have had so many changes to an otherwise familiar life pattern. But you know that now you can handle anything and anyone, and that sometimes what happens to us versus what we want to have happen to us is all for the betterment of our personality. And today you try to focus on the new chores in front of you, but you are happy to do them.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the new events in my life.”

By: Michelle Star


Life has been more intense than you have bargained for, and yet some of the massive changes you have been experiencing have brought you much joy. They may have been disguised in a way that you may not have recognized their positive effect until it happened. But now you are a different person for it, and a much more experienced individual. In order to make even more changes, you are busy gathering all the information that you can find today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the good things that have happened in my life.”

By: Michelle Star


You have been trying to keep up with all that the world has to offer and you have been trying to be a leader in the brave new world we see all around us. But you can’t make anything move faster than nature intends it to be. You have to be a part of the world even when you think that humanity as a whole have so much more to learn and so much more to aspire to be. Do not be disappointed in humanity, it’s doing the best it knows how. Now you try to keep people in your life, who have grown apart from you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for trying to inspire everyone.”   🙂

By: Michelle Star


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will spend most of your humanly possible energy on your career and your job. You will have to consciously carve time for play, or you will get lost in the shuffle. You will be yearning to find time to play, and your family will need your attention. You will be busy working only because you will be so dedicated to your work that you love, that it feel like a game to you. You will not allow your family members or anyone else stop you from progressing in your ambitions. You will search to find any kind of information and education you need and you will be the leader you know you are deep down.

By: Michelle Star


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Leo makes an easy angle with Jupiter, an excellent angle with Uranus, and an easy angle with Saturn.

The Moon enters Virgo at 5:08 PM EST.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only