The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
You are in good standing with those who want to assist you, and you trust them today. On the other hand your mind is racing: Meditation is key to calming down. Take a few moments here and there to gather your thoughts and to get centered.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the good people who surround me.”
There are so many chores to take care of, you don’t know what to do first. Meditate when you first wake up, and try to clear your mind completely. Even if you can do it for one second only… Put one foot in front of the other, and trust your instincts.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for taking care of my needs first.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. There’s a difference between talking of what’s in your heart, and being truly heard. And you may not stop until you are heard. For those who love you that is not a burden. But you do can go on and on today…
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for saying less and being heard more.”
You are lavish with your brilliant ideas, and trust that you tell them to the proper people who have the ability to propel you forward. But make sure you are not playing fast and loose with valuable information pertaining to your career.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for my career opportunities.”
Your great optimism is a beautiful thing, however, you have to infuse your day with some pragmatic energy that keeps your feet somewhat on the ground. You stand a risk of being too way out there: Make sure your dreams can become a reality.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for my fabulously optimistic mind.”
You are in touch with what is in your heart and give it a voice. Meanwhile, you work diligently and know that when you do not get overly emotional, you are respected for your strength, which you possess today in a magnitude.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for not fearing to look into my heart.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You brighten the room when you step into it, and people want to bask in your light. You may be too lenient with someone who may not be nice as you see them today. Try to see people in a more realistic light.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being the good person I am.”
You don’t have to be a hero all the time. You can say that you are under a heavy load of responsibility, some of which you may be carrying for someone else as well. Well, let that person know that you are only human.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being the responsible person I am.”
You would like to break free from all obligations today, so if you have the opportunity to do so, then by all means, kick up your heels and get away for the day. If at the office, be the creative person you are and enlighten those who need your wisdom.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being generous with my knowledge.”
You hear the grievances coming from your home for the lack of time you are showing there. But you can only do what you can. Instead of feeling remorseful, shower them with love when you are there.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the quality in the time I give my family.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have the opportunity to educate yourself about someone or about a certain situation that needs discussing. Allow everyone involved to view their position, even if that requires some more of your time.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the patience I exercise with others.”
You have the right to do with your money as you wish. Your generosity will be on the borderline of being way too lavish with someone, but that is your prerogative. However, someone may want to take advantage of you, so you have to make the distinction.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having been practical with my money.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will have the opportunity to start fresh. You are ready to make great changes in your life. You have the right people supporting you and people of like mind to start an endeavor that will be both satisfying and successful. Beware of being overly generous with your money and with your time: Time is a precious commodity, and if you will notice that you are being taken advantage of in that way, stop that behavior, and concentrate on your personal growth. Love happens in unique circumstances and with a sweet and eclectic person.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Aquarius.
Mercury makes a hard angle with Jupiter.
The Moon makes an excellent angle with Jupiter, an easy angle with Mercury and an easy angle with Uranus.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day
for entertainment purposes only