June 9, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Full Moon in your Sun sign and a lot of truths are about to come to the surface. Truths that you may or may not be ready to hear. Beware of major fights and dissolutions of close relationships. However, the truth does come out and the proper person does want to exit, and good riddance.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not fearing the future.”


You would rather run and hide today, but being a professional is super important to you, and your reputation is everything. Therefor on this Full Moon you do your best to come up with your quota or come up with the product you promised, if it takes everything physical out of you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the strong spirit I possess.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Some Full Moons are made for a party and this one has a party written all over it. You consciously intend to bring the sunshine to any room you enter, because you know that you can get the stars and the moon with a good attitude and you pile it one big time.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being the life of the party.”


Being a jittery type you could have been more anxious that you are this Full Moon, the reason being that you are confident that whatever you have doing has been taking root, and that you are looked at with adoring eyes by those who want to see you succeed. The rest can try hard to rattle you, but will find themselves pushing against the wrong person.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ground I have been gaining.”


You have some serious ants in your pants. This is one of the best Full Moons of the year for you. Plan a trip or get your bicycle and get your excess energy off, so that you can think about the work at hand that is neglected because you can’t concentrate, until you get outdoors and enjoy life regardless of the day of the week.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the love of life I have.”


There’s no reason to feel guilty about how you handle your life. You can be who you want to be and do what you want to do in the land of the free. This Full Moon reminds you that you can relax and spend a little on yourself and your loved one. It’s no one’s business but your own.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful that I can splurge some on my honey and me.”


The Full Moon is in your Moon sign. You may be jumping out of your skin that things aren’t moving fast enough for you. There are changes you have had to make and some which are now in the process of happening. The best thing for you to know is that the slower your progress is the better, no need to be so impatient.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for how strong I have become.”


This Full Moon you need to make your health your number one priority: You can no longer continue being oblivious to your health. Find a program of exercise and a nutritionist if you must, and get your life on track to health and therefor prosperity. You need strength to handle the hustle and bustle of life itself, and it starts from the inside out.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for learning to take care of number one.”


The financial fluctuation may be a source of confusion to you, but you may as well rejoice because you can be on a down swing one day, but on an upswing the next. This Full Moon you may as well place your attention on your children who need, you so get busy doing the right thing by them, and you know that everything has been taking more time than you assumed. Or just get in touch and find out about their state of wellbeing.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my wonderful children.”


You have been working hard all your life and you have had it with the responsibility and the tribulations involved. But that is the price of living on planet Earth. This Full Moon you can make the internal decision to make your life easier, less hectic and with a lot more time for recreation. But today, you still have to deal with career choices that are not easy for you to make.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my successes in life.”


This is one of the best Full Moons in the year for you. You want to make your dreams and plans a reality, and you have the wind in your sail, but the wind is strong and demanding, and you do have to answer to the calling. The good thing is, this is a great chance to weave your interests and your future into one fabulous cloth.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for these heavenly opportunities.”


Finances are what you are thinking of this Full Moon you may be getting discouraged. But don’t be, there’s a lesson to be learned in every situation, and it will make you stronger still. It makes you determined to leave the past behind and start fresh with a new sense of how the world works, and how you belong in it.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ever changing world we live in.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will muse over the past few years and how you have advanced in your life, and how far your relationships have come. You will take them seriously and decide to work on them as you value them so. But you know that one relationship will not last the next year, but you are ready and willing to let go of anything that doesn’t work for you any longer. No ill feelings at all. Also, you will be a stickler for detail. You will be so much of a nitpicker that it can annoy even those who are your staunchest allies. So if you don’t want to turn people away from you, you must remember to tone it down a little.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun at 9:10 AM EDT.

Jupiter begins its direct motion.

Venus makes an easy angle with Mars.

The Moon conjoins Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only