July 2, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The weekend continues and you’re still trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with the weather! And you are just about to let loose with adjectives you would rather never have to use. You can be easily angered today so now that you have this awareness, use this energy to have the best day ever, and don’t give anyone the satisfaction to see you angry about anything and everything.

Today’s affirmation:

“I refuse to get angered over petty stuff.”


The weekend continues as you find yourself bending over backwards trying to please family, and that can be exhausting. However, this gives you the perfect opportunity to show your grace, and your willingness to accept people as they are, and not as you would want them to be. Accepting who you are is key to peace for your soul at any time anywhere.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need time to rest my weary mind.”


The weekend continues and it isn’t quite like you to be this spontaneous, but you like it! You like the new you. The new and improved you. You are as fascinated by your changes as it is to watch you grow and learn. Today you don’t mind to get out of your comfort zone and to stretch yourself a little further. It ignites the creative in you.

Today’s affirmation:

“People are fascinating.”


The weekend continues and you want to show how intelligently you have maneuvered your career, so you come out with all kinds of proof to that effect. But we don’t care, we just want you to relax, forget about your career. Summer’s here so find a way to be present now, celebrating the weekend and not somewhere in your office, even if it in your mind.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to retrain my brain.”


The weekend continues and there is so much activity all around, it makes you want to do the opposite! You would rather be alone and look at the parade passing by, but instead, you are required to join in the celebrations, like it or not. But by evening you join in with much more ease and excitement. If the weather is agreeable the best way for you to calm down is to take a long walk with your thoughts.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am alright even if I don’t get my way.”


The weekend continues and you don’t seem to be able to stop internalizing issues big and small. There is no reason to wrestle with your soul, you can’t ‘win’ this way. But you can overcome even the greatest of hurdles when you listen to your soul, and immediately forgive whatever you don’t like about you. Breaking down a huge wall sometimes is just refusing to engage.

Today’s affirmation:

“A better I is emerging!”


The weekend continues and so does your feistiness: you just can’t lay down and let anyone roll over you. Well not literally, but if you reign yourself in, and leave those unscrupulous persons be, the repayment is your own sense of peace. But should you reign yourself in, you will feel drained. It’s the beginning of July! Have fun, forget about these individuals, your peace of mind is more important.

Today’s affirmation:

“I deserve better from myself.”


The weekend continues and you continue to knock yourself out for the sake of others, while you leave taking care of yourself at the bottom of the list. If you continue in this vein, you will not have enough energy for your business later on in the week. After the evening arrives, it would be wonderful to combine business with pleasure and invite the boss for a celebration.

Today’s affirmation:

“I cannot neglect my career.”


The weekend continues and you are happy. You can do what our want and be yourself. The question then becomes what to do when others aren’t as enthusiastic as you are. Do you try to mold them to what you want them to be, what is convenient for you? Or do you learn to be nonjudgmental and decide that no matter what your opinions are, they don’t have to be anyone else’s you are a unique individual, who is willing to live and let live.

Today’s affirmation:

“Summer is upon us!”


The weekend continues and you need to make up your mind about whether to ditch a promising business endeavor for the sake of spending more time at home? Or wouldn’t it be wiser to love whatever life hands you and not rebel against things big or small just because you are being finicky Sometimes a cross road only means to make a distinctive decision once and for all.

Today’s affirmation:

“There’s no going back!”


The weekend continues and things come to completion. They may not be what you wanted them to be, or as you planned, but they are what they were meant to be, the way that nature intended them to be. You need to change your approach in order to be a happy camper, and not demand that your schedule be the one regarded as gospel. You learn flexibility which will bring peace to your spirit.

Today’s affirmation

“I learn to go with the flow.”


The weekend continues and you have come to a conclusion that no matter how much you worry about money, it makes no difference or worse: it creates negative situations. This is one of the greatest lessons to learn, and if you decide to make changes in that direction, you are on to something amazing. Let go of expectations, and open your arms to a wealthy you. Think positive.

Today’s affirmation: 

“I am what I think.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will begin on a new adventure. A new leaf is turning and you will enthusiastically turn it with anticipation and a zeal that can make anyone envy. Not only will you have new opportunities, but they can counterpart to whatever expectations others have of you. But you know something we don’t and you will be every happy with this brand new you. Celebrate your uniqueness and compete only with yourself.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Mars makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The Moon in Libra makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 1:00 PM EDT. 


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful Sunday











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star