The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun sign and rising signs.
To get grounded and to get down to business is what you need to do. Your home is your rock and your place to get strong. Your heart is filled with charity, so when you try to direct your energy, a chartable act of kindness will make your heart sing.
Today’s affirmation:
“Home sweet home.”
Communication means everything when you have a point of view to express, and you have to do it pronto! There are pressing situations that you may not be able to postpone, so walk very carefully when say what you have to say. The style in which you do so will decide the outcome. Simplify your words.
Today’s affirmation:
“I come with peace.”
You feel good about yourself and are socially accepted. However, you want to make an impact on someone you socialize with, and that is not as easy as all of that. How do you make progress with that particular crowd? Perhaps it’s your confidence and calm exterior that will win their heart…
Today’s affirmation:
“Common, who cannot love this face?!…”
The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your personality is a little stern today. You may be a little overly conscious about how you present yourself to the world. You may not like what you see in the mirror, but is that really that important? Keeping your business running smoothly is an exercise all of its own today.
Today’s affirmation:
“I keep things running smoothly.”
Being truthful with yourself is the answer today. When someone comes around and tells you what is in their heart, you may not want to get involved, and rightly so. But when someone really needs you attention, you have to say what you truly feel, and let the consequences be whatever happens.
Today’s affirmation:
“I can only be me…”
You have to stop worrying about finances. There is no such thing as security, no matter how much one wants to spin it. Life is a series of ups and downs, money comes and goes and starts all over again. If anything, find ways to make your life easier by letting go of unrealistic expectations. And by being grateful for what you do possess.
Today’s affirmation:
“Possessions: You can’t take them with you…”
You are in a business mindset today, and relationships play a roll of major impact. Get in touch with those who matter in that respect and make sure that there are no misunderstandings. That takes a lot of diplomacy and thoughtfulness.
Today’s affirmation:
“I tread on eggshells.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have been doing so well for the past two years and this is the continuation to that trend. Mercury retrograde be damned, you are on a roll! Yet, taking unnecessary chances may backfire, so play it as safely as possible, and continue to amaze us all.
Today’s affirmation:
“My enthusiasm is a beautiful thing…”
You are out there going out on a limb, and people complicate matters by not being as feisty and courageous as you are. You can become sarcastic and unforgiving, if you don’t pay attention. And what makes you so smart anyway? You have to deal with people on their level, and then you can get the true essence of them.
Today’s affirmation:
“Ah, they are only human…”
Relationships are highlighted. Whoever you have to talk to today knows that you mean business. They won’t mess with you because your attitude is serious and demands respect. The saying that you teach people how to treat you, and today that is so true! Complicated issues at home find some solutions, when you don’t look at them as so complicated.
Today’s affirmation:
“I understand the crocks of this relationship.”
You intend to showcase your work ethic and you succeed. There isn’t much you cannot accomplish once you put your mind to it. You do your part expeditiously, and then get started in explaining and helping someone who is not as keen as you are about the subject at hand. You ought to be grateful for the opportunities
Today’s affirmation:
“It’s all in how you look at things.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You want to have fun and you may go overboard and then regret something you’ve done, which means that you will have to redo it in the next few days. You get back to minding the store and to make sure that the books are done in a detail oriented manner.
Today’s affirmation:
“I combine business and pleasure.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will have strange kinds of energy levels: on the one hand you will be busy and love every minute of it, but on the other hand you will yearn for complete meditative stillness, maybe even silence days, where you can feel the air move, and when you can watch the grass grow. Use your spare time to renovate certain areas in your home, the ones where you choose to meditate or where you choose to do Yoga. You will be self-reliant and courageous. Your family will depend on you and you will oblige in any of their wishes.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Sagittarius.
The Moon conjoins Saturn, makes an easy angle with Jupiter and makes and excellent angle with Mars.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star