September 3, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



In the coming week Mars will enter your sign on Tuesday adding much needed energy to you, and the Full Moon on Wednesday will have you jumping with unrestrained energy. There is a lot you can do in a week that speaks to you so much. You can do anything and go the distance, provided you restrain and pace yourself, and not tire needlessly on things of unimportance.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I need a vacation, so I think I’ll take one.”


In the coming week you will be all about other people and care more about them than you will about yourself. There’s a difference between being there for someone and being a doormat to those who may think that you can’t see through them and try to manipulate your energy. Be charitable towards those in need, and then get back to taking care of your family.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Let’s have fun!”


In the coming week you will experience great potential and a jolt of energy in your business world: You will find yourself to be in demand in way too many places at the same time. To find your priorities will be the key to great success. It will be challenging to understand your supporters, so don’t be shy and ask over and over again about what needs to be cleared up.   

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I anticipate a great business day today…”


In the coming week there will be so much going for you that ought to make you glad right from the get go. You will get the chance to get your career on track from a misunderstood direction and to get back on track. Get the kinks out and get moving. You will need to think before you speak so that you don’t waste too much time on trying to explain your intentions.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“My charm is something to hear!”


In the coming week you will feel like you are coming back to life! You will find pleasure in so many things that may seem simple to others but they light your heart on fire. You will be able to see the future in front of you and the inspiration will be great. Life is changing, and you will know what exactly you mean to do going forward, that may have eluded you up to now.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I negotiate a great financial deal.”


In the coming week your ruler Uranus will make an awesome angle to Mars, until Saturday, it will get you up and hopping! It will get you to have heavy discussions with partners that need to listen to your wise words. But if it’s financial situations that need to be discussed, you need to remove the edge and the sarcasm out of the conversation, and relax the atmosphere.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am confident, but have to be polite…”


In the coming week the Full Moon on Wednesday will challenge you to remain calm and in control! No matter how those with whom you work carry on and may even find fault with you, you are the one who will be under the microscope and you are the one who will have to be the hero in the situation. But just imagine the respect you will get for being cool calm and collected.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I want to spend my day in meditation.”


In the coming week you will have the opportunity to go up against the best and come up the winner. Your spunk, tenacity and daring spirit will be next to none! You will leave fear and hesitation behind and dare tread where few dare to go. But you won’t get the support you think you deserve, and that’s because you will be envied. You can more than make it on your own.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Let’s get together my buddy…”


In the coming week you will have a wonderful time if you make sure that you make the time to simply live! Go to the theater, or go see a show that will tantalize your senses; do the things you normally have no time for. Take a chance on love, take a chance on a career move you think is too crazy to try. You can get the advice you need from people who have had the experience.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“My career is on my mind.”


In the coming week you will have to make sense out of things that don’t make sense. When Mercury goes direct on Tuesday, solutions will come easily. And the Full Moon on Wednesday will being you the respect you deserve and the position you have been vying for. So ask for what you think you can handle and higher ups will be willing to negotiate with you.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“We have such a heated conversation.”


In the coming week you can be immersed in insecurity if you let yourself go there. Your mind is a fountain of questions. Which way do you turn? My advice would be: Don’t wrack you head, go back to the drawing table and choose the road of least resistance. You are a genius at giving advice, now take your own advice, and you will know what to do, and do it with style.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I shop because I am nervous.”


In the coming week Mercury retrograde now in your sign, will go direct again on Tuesday. Celebrate, and move on quickly because you can. You have the wind beneath your wings so use the momentum to continue. Pay attention to your finances over the Full Moon and don’t allow confusion to get the better of you; clear it up and take advantage of an advantageous time.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I want to have a day with my honey…”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you be a ball of energy. You will take risks and be very professional in your approach and it will take you half the time to accomplish tasks. You will be very impressive and will surprise yourself with abilities you never knew you had. You will be an open book and say what’s on your mind and be as critical as you only can be. Do humanity a favor and think before you cut somebody down to size. Lol. You will be there for those who need you and benefit from it in the end.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aquarius.

Mercury conjoins Mars.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful Sunday











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star