September 5, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun sign and rising signs.



Mars enters your sign today so whatever misapprehensions you may have dissipate with the swift action you will be taking today. You are giving others too much of a chance today: if they have already come off as unreliable, why give them so much credit?

Today’s affirmation:

“I take off the rose colored glasses…”


You feel strange today. There is a mystery in the air that is making you quite uncomfortable. You trudge through the day as if you are walking through mud. You expect too much of yourself. Give it up. Clean up your environment, if you must do something significant.

Today’s affirmation:

“Mama said they’d be days like this…”


Making connections and creating new bonds suits you fine. Everyone seems so friendly. You may even find somebody with a kindred spirit to you. It takes time to develop relationships, but a good start is a good start after all…

Today’s affirmation:

“I will take a chance on you.”


You are willing to tackle head on any situation in your career, in order to make sure that you are well ahead of the game. You may not see the opportunity precisely how it really is, but you are willing to give it a chance. After all what have you got to lose?

Today’s affirmation:

“I give it my best shot.”


You go round and round when you try to convey something of importance and wonder what had gotten a hold your tongue. That’s alright, lighten up and find the amusing in it. There’s a charm in your delivery today. You are forceful yet tentative… what a combination!

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is funny this way some days…”


Before you get yourself in a financial situation that you have no control over, it’s best that you take things one at a time, slowly and in small measures. Nothing big suits you just fine. Start small and build on it. No large sums of money to lend or borrow.

Today’s affirmation:

“One bite at a time makes for moderation.”


You are gearing up for the Full Moon tomorrow by trying to readjust your frame of mind: You are just not sure if you are seeing things for what they are? Your brain is cloudy even confused. And there are those who are pushing you to give an answer right away.

Today’s affirmation:

“I must clear my head first…”


You can do your job better than you assume. Don’t doubt your ability to do the best job you know how. When somebody needs you, don’t be stingy and give them the best of you. You may need somebody someday yourself, you know…

Today’s affirmation:

“My name is Charity…”


You are walking a tight rope and wonder how it will turn out. Being cautious is a smart way to look at this situation. You had faith in it when you first started this project, hang on to that for today, and the puzzlement will clear itself up. Your energy is marvelous though…

Today’s affirmation:

“Tomorrow is another day.”


You may be looking for answers and solutions when there are none to be had. Make the best of whatever situation and call yourself a winner, regardless of any outcome. Your home is where you need to place your attention: Bring spirituality into it and have a happy home.

Today’s affirmation:

“My life is looking up.”


Being knowledgeable gives one an edge over the opposition. Some days you lack that knowledge and that edge, and yet you have to keep on keeping on give the impression that you are the one who is best suited for the situation. This is where you stand today. Oh, well.

Today’s affirmation:

“Hmmm, I am well prepared…”


There is not a reason to start spending like there is no tomorrow, and yet you have this strange confused feeling inside that may be propelling you to act in a foolish way where it comes to your money. Put a limit on expenditures and don’t let tomorrow’s Full Moon play with your head.

Today’s affirmation:

“It takes money to make money.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will see things through rose colored glasses. You will give everyone a fair chance and then some… you will have an attitude that will say, hey, I count and I can make a go of any situation, even the most absurd. You will be able to make people see you as their savior so be there for those who are most needy, but stop short before you cast your pearls before swine, as you may be taken advantage of if you are not on your toes. You will be recognized for past work and will be praised for being the marvelous you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Aquarius makes a hard angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Pisces at 1:29 AM EDT.

The Sun makes a hard angle with Neptune.

Mars enters Virgo.

Mercury begins its direct motion at 7:20 AM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star