October 5, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun sign and rising signs.



The Full Moon in your Sun sign and you are the one who is having the best of time, enjoying life andn the Full Moon that represents who you are. The horoscope is all about love, and as such this Full Moon is about you wanting to give away the farm. But before you forget that you too exist in the mix, look around you and see how much you are loved as well, especially because you are such a charitable and good person today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Must I think of myself?”


The Full Moon makes you need a friend or those who understand you better, because you may feel misunderstood today. You are so gutsy most of the time, but this Full Moon you would rather not get involved with any major issues that can only give you irritation. Remove yourself from any controversial situations which do not further your agenda. Stay the course you have etched for yourself and where you can’t get lost. This is no day for you to try the impossible, and why strain when you can be pampered and loved?

Today’s affirmation:

“I take the easy way.”


This Full Moon displays your dedication to your career or business today, your innate understanding of how it works and its pros and cons are so embedded in your mind that it brings out the creative side of you. If you are in advertising, you can cook up a pretty idea that will have everyone stand up and cheer. You want to celebrate life as only you know how, and there are some pretty people looking for you for the party to begin. Once your work is done, of course…

Today’s affirmation:

“I work hard and play hard.”


The Full Moon brings what seemed to have been impossible subjects to bring up in your office, into negotiations and considerations. This Full Moon is about your business and how you handle issues that are at your disposal to make decisions on, and about issues that you have no control over. Take the ones you can make decisions on and don’t expect that to be very simple either, just make a decision, even a temporary one and remember that you can always have the prerogative to change it later on.

Today’s affirmation:

“Should I do this or that?”


The Full Moon has you thinking of your life in the past and all the good times you’ve had. This Full Moon you think about where you see your life going in the future. Make plans that feel good to you. You don’t have to be practical, because you may not stick to these plans, but they will get you in touch with your true self, the one that wants you to be happiest. Make plans for being the happiest you. I doesn’t cost a thing, and who knows, they just may come true…

Today’s affirmation:

“One has to dream it first…”


With this Full Moon you are a true lover to end all lovers! You are so dedicated to show your partner how devoted you are, and your magnetism is so high, that it’s difficult for dream lover to keep her/his hands off you. Good for you! At the same time, you may be the one who can be overly demanding. As long as you know your limitations and the other person’s boundaries, you can have a beautiful love affair today. And don’t start a fight for any petty reason, because it may backfire.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a lover, not a fighter…”


The Full Moon in your Moon sign brings out the impulsivity, this Full Moon brings out the uncertainty in you as well, so think less, and do more for others, because you won’t be able to figure out what to do for yourself. You are very useful for those who need you to assist them in their work, so there is the example of another way to use your energy well and productively.

Today’s affirmation:

“What can I do for you?”


This Full Moon makes you rethink the way you operate in your work. You find out how far you can press any issue, which isn’t far… You may have to tighten your belt a little, and that is not so easy for you, or perhaps you look at ways to be more productive so that you can get better financial results. You are super creative these days which comes in handy.

Today’s affirmation:

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”


The Full Moon has you itching to get up and out the door! If you have the luxury of doing just that, more power to you. You will have the best of times when you get together with a BFF. If however, you do not have this kind of luxury, bring out the entertainment of your choice right there in your home, and take some time to play games, your creativity is something to behold today. Or watch your favorite show. At work you are complemented for the good energy you bring along wherever you are.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is a song in my heart.”


In this Full Moon the home that you cherish more than anything in the world, has you somewhat frustrated. There are things you want to do to your home, and perhaps you can’t afford what is needed, then go for the simplest solution. Or perhaps someone wants to use your home as a hotel, and because you love them so much, you don’t have the gumption to send them out. Do what is best for you and your family.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is where I look for peace.”


The Full Moon brings about communication that makes you uncomfortable. You want to tell your side of the story, and perhaps you feel somewhat insecure about being received in a positive light. Your sense of self has been bolstered lately, and yet why do you feel as though you ought not to say what’s on your mind? But, you are right in that assumption. You need to gather your thoughts and your words this Full Moon before you speak, so that no unnecessary misunderstandings arise. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I listen and think it over.”


With this Full Moon, Venus and Mars conjoin in you sign today, and so this Full Moon, you are in a rather cheerful and optimistic frame of mind. But don’t become so giddy that you forget about the bottom line, the good ole’ one hundred dollar bill. Your heart leads the way in a unique way today, so you can forgive anything and not get yourself in a tizzy over things which are out of your control. You are sexy and can try a new look in your beauty make up to great success.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I a good looker!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be a person of exceptional high energy. You will be a person who wants to celebrate life, especially considering the shape of the world we live in, you will want to show everyone that we need to enjoy life and not succumb to outside negative influences. You will feel compassion to humanity as it is as a whole, and your lack of judgement will be the light that others will come to bask at. You will show kindness and lead the way to a spiritual kind of existence. You will enjoy meditation and bring people together. You will be a leader in your place of work because of these attributes.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aries.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mercury.

Venus conjoins Mars.

The Moon opposes the Sun: Full Moon at 2:40 PM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star