The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun sign and rising signs.
The New Moon in your sign means the beginning of the year cycle for you, where you can begin on new adventures. However, there are yo-yo and boomerang effects happening today, throwing you off course, and not knowing how exactly to start on whatever you have in your mind. You have to wait for a more concrete day to start on any new projects.
Today’s affirmation:
“When in doubt, do nothing…”
The New Moon asks you to keep information close to your vest and to not allow the light of day to see it, something that you apparently don’t want everyone to know. Yet. And you are right: You do need to use good judgments and for that you still have a few days to wait. Your energy is so unbalanced today that it can jeopardize your health. Take your vitamins and eat healthily.
Today’s affirmation:
“Secrets are sacred.”
On this New Moon you need to get out and socialize. You never know who you may meet. The excitement in the air has your name on it, and you will have a lot of fun. Take nothing for granted, no matter how good it may seem. Give it a few days before you make a final decision. Internet meeting places are also available, but you have to make sure that whoever you are chatting with is for real.
Today’s affirmation:
“Nice to meet you…”
Your business life takes an exciting turn out of the ordinary. Career opportunities are highlighted this New Moon. The excitement can be too much to handle, and celebrations are abound. However, your family feels neglected to the point that if you do not respond you may find an empty room when you finally come down off of cloud nine.
Today’s affirmation:
“I’m sorry! I got side tracked.”
The New Moon has your head spinning round and round with visions of where and what you want to do in the long term, but you have a negative feeling all and at the same time. You just don’t trust the euphoria you are feeling. Wait a few days to come down from cloud nine and you will be able see clearly. Good for you for being optimistic, even overly. Because what will you be without a dream?
Today’s affirmation:
“Oh, I see beautiful colorful visions!”
Your emotional compass is having a hard time finding its boundaries. So instead of thinking about the same subject over and over again and getting nowhere, sit down and try to find your stillness while meditating. This New Moon tests your patience and your stresses about some issue in your life. Retail therapy may be tried in order to calm the nerves, but how much can you rely on that?…
Today’s affirmation:
“Peace is a treasure we all strive to find.”
It will take a miracle for you not to walk out of an aggravating situation: A relationship that has not been working for you is very difficult to tolerate today on this New Moon. You set your sights on your own program which is to have as much freedom as possible to take care of what your dreams are. Your job will be more difficult than usual, again, don’t do anything in haste that you may regret in a few days.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am jumping out of my skin…”
You will never let anyone down at your job. You are a reliable bull. Yet today, you want to do something to break the monotony of your everyday life. You are a creature of habits that doesn’t appreciate change, but today on this New Moon you can hardly stand the routine. Do something to break up the day and do something to entertain yourself with. Your employees may not be as reliable as you would wish them to be today.
Today’s affirmation:
“Same old, same old.”
So you have a brush in your hand and you are painting your office or decorating your environment with pumpkins and Halloween caricatures, and still you want to do more! Your energy level is through the roof this New Moon and your creative streak ought to be the thing that will satisfy your craving for action. You bring cheer everywhere you go and you don’t mind entertaining everybody.
Today’s affirmation:
“Let’s do something outlandish…”
Your home is the place where the action is. Good and not so good? But that is where you find your voice on this New Moon. You can take nothing for granted, just put some lasagna in the oven and enjoy a meal with company of your choice and with a lot of love and peculiar stories sprinkled about. And don’t be shocked at the content of some of those stories. No response necessary.
Today’s affirmation:
You want to be heard, badly, and now you can explain and negotiate with someone you love, as this New Moon does bring a new understanding. But don’t bet your bottom dollar on having it cemented into their brain, only time will tell if this is a permanent solutions and the way going forward to relate to one another. Your mobility may be hindered today, so take it easy, and take your time getting from one place to another.
Today’s affirmation:
“Communications is a must.”
Your money situation is disorganized today. It’s difficult to predict the outcome of an opportunity that seems to be absolutely wonderful, however, nothing is absolute with today’s New Moon. You have to go about your business as usual, but give a few days for things to settle down and for the facts to come out. Your self -worth shouldn’t be effected, but it can be so be on guard and feel safe and secure.
Today’s affirmation:
“I appreciate myself.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will have relentless energy that will need to have boundaries applied to in order for you to make the right choices and right moves in your life. You will start on new adventures that will stimulate your imagination and show you that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to no matter if you have to try over and over again. The New Moon on your birthday will give you the opportunity to find out who you truly are. Listen intently to what transpires over the next twelve months.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon in Libra makes an easy angle with Saturn.
The Sun makes a hard angle with Uranus.
The Moon conjoins the Sun: New Moon at 3:13 PM EDT.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 9:42 PM EDT.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star