The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun sign and rising signs.
So you have been super busy and today even though your energy is undisputed, you do need to get out and about and see some friends and kick it around some. And you will be surprised how much you have in common with a new friend. After your work is done, of course.
Today’s affirmation:
“There’s time for work and time for play.”
Even though you are in touch with your innermost private thoughts, and even though you know exactly what you want to do, there are still obstacles in the way. You still have to wait your turn some. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t set the stage for what you want to see happening.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am the only one who knows what I will do next.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Certain information or news that you hear will serve you well. You need to keep it on the up and up without any twists and turns. Say it like it is and you will be heard loud and clear, but twist it around and it will linger on and on…
Today’s affirmation:
“I keep my story straight.”
Your ambition is all there, and your eye is on the prize, but it takes a happy and settled heart to be able to get the most out of an opportunity. So today you have to deal with your inner feelings and with understanding of what has transpired this week so far.
Today’s affirmation:
“I internalize my ambitious week.”
Relationships are highlighted. You give of yourself a little too much. It’s time for you to invert your energy internally to make your life better, and not everyone else’. Set your sights high, and stop placing your attention everywhere but where it is supposed to be. Set priorities
Today’s affirmation:
“It’s my turn!”
You have to keep an eye on your health regimen. You may be tired and under the weather, and now one can do it for you but yourself. Have faith that everything will be alright, if you have to take a personal day and just vegetate. If you can’t, then take it easy and do the best you can.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am taking care of number one.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are the one who brings a smile on everyone’s face. We want to be you today. Your attitude is charming and people don’t understand that it’s up to you to decide who you want to spend the day with. Your choice…
Today’s affirmation:
“You are in… and you are out… lol”
You are a work horse at this point and if you find yourself at home, perhaps it’s a good thing. Perhaps you need some down time. If you have a home based business, today you can expand on it and find ways to make it more successful. Or start one in your kitchen…
Today’s affirmation:
“It all starts at home.”
You are in the mode of learning every day. That is why this is an excellent day to enroll in something that will have your career on better footing. You may be running around in circles, or you can find what turn to take, so that you don’t have to go in a circle.
Today’s affirmation:
“I learn therefor I grow.”
You are getting the knack about how to handle your money from a new and changed point of view. You are in a much better position to hold on to your money and to invest, so stop spending it foolishly, and invest only in your own future.
Today’s affirmation:
“I invest money to make my life a better place.”
The Moon is in your sign and you have the power. You are very in tune with yourself and you understand what is missing in the equation that you need to add to make the year a success. Listen to what you are feeling and thinking today, and pay heed.
Today’s affirmation:
“What do I need to do to improve on perfection?” Hmmm.
Today you come off a little shy and introverted to those who don’t know you. And maybe you are looking to camouflage on what you want the world to know about you. But whatever you do, don’t start a secret which is easy for you to fall into and that may cost you a pretty penny later.
Today’s affirmation:
“There are no secrets I am holding.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle your energy will be light and lively. You will work wonderfully with others and even ask to work with others. Being or working alone will not make you the happiest. You will find yourself doing things you never thought were even possible to do and you will be proud that you will take the chances you will take without blinking an eye, when in other years you would over think things into an oblivion. You will make new and lifelong friendships the kind that gets you moving. You will be generous to a fault and loved beyond your imagination.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Scorpio.
The sun makes an easy angle with Mars.
The Moon makes an excellent angle with Neptune.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star