The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
Moon for sun signs and rising signs.
In the coming week the New Moon on Tuesday marks the true beginning of the year cycle for you Capricorns. With a plethora of planets including Saturn, Mercury Pluto and Venus, you may be able to give it biggest push for your career, in perhaps years. Change of direction is advised.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“I will surprise you with my gumption.”
Venus will enter your sign on Wednesday to lighten up your soul and atmosphere, and the Sun will enter our sign on Friday to bring with it the energy you need. You will find yourself out of a maze that will lead to a bright day and an unencumbered soul.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“There is a light at the end of the tunnel.”
In the coming week you will come to realize your importance within the community in which you have been evolving and finding your home in. Neptune your ruler and in your sign these days, will make a connection with Mercury on Friday, to cement your intellectual contribution.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“I am creative with my money.”
The coming week will get you out of an exhausting work routine you have been living and into a little more communal presence and social presence. You need to get out a little more, and enjoy good times even though it is winter. Especially so when you are so entrenched in difficult work.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“Sometimes a shock will get you moving.”
In the coming week you will be researching your options. A lot of information will be thrown at you and you will have to find the forest from the trees. You will find a new direction to your life and can begin to take a first step to a long journey and the opportunities will follow.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“An unexpected turn of events is a teaching tool.”
In the coming week you will need to understand your financial standing before you can make any major changes in your life. When you understand your position and are confident of it, you will be able to make commitments and find investors for a career you are interested in.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“I need to be entertained today.”
In the coming week people will show you their true faces and their true position on things you may have been on the fence about. You can begin fresh in a relationship that needed to have a new understanding about it. Make new rules for you both to follow and a new road to chart.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“You can’t knock me off my perch!’
In the coming week you can start on a new health regimen that will accelerate your good health to an optimum power. Make a commitment to yourself, or perhaps you already made your New Year resolution. It will help your professional life as you need to improve on your energy level.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“I can handle any sudden change of direction.”
In the coming week you will find the most interesting and innovative and creative ways to tackle the same things you have faced before. Let your imagination fly and you can’t go wrong. You can be a little crazy, it’s alright. Just don’t be bland and don’t stick to the true and tried.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“I bring out amazing tools from the tool box.”
In the coming week you may be surprised at opportunities that will come around that will be an extension to what you have been working on that will turn up the heat on your ability to show off your talents. Start a home based business that will include helping others infused in it.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“I can handle any crazy from you.”
In the coming week Jupiter in your sign now, you lucky Scorpions will on Monday, make a positive connection with Pluto and you will be off and running to reclaim your place in the world early on in the week, as you have momentum on your side for the remainder of the week.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“Sticks and stones, etc.…”
In the coming week you will find ways to improve on your monetary situation. You can do great things this week, so don’t over stress on any transactions that can have you unsure if you are going to make a profit or not. Take a chance, and make a new start that may surprise someone.
Sunday’s affirmation:
“A sudden profit to rejoice in.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will find that you will have to make quick decisions so you will have to be on your toes and stay focused. You will face challenges the outcome of which will depend on how strong you are in your convictions. The less rattled you may become the better. You may make decisions and take a turn in your life which you don’t see as of yet, but you have the right to make your life what you want it to be.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon in Sagittarius makes an excellent angle with Uranus.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 2:42 PM EST.
The Sun makes a hard angle with Uranus.
The Moon conjoins Saturn.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful Sunday
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star