The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun sign and rising signs.
The Moon is in your sign as well as the Sun which means it’s the New Moon in your sign. Anything is possible especially anything that you intend to start today. It has the potential to surpass your expectations in the future. There is so much momentum in your horoscope that you may not be able to stop yourself when you have a new idea in mind anyway, so go for it.
Today’s affirmation:
“I have to get doing.”
The New Moon will be a little tough to navigate as you may be confused and unable to tell your elbow from the door knob. But once you decide to get out of the house, you will feel much better. Especially when you decide to donate something to charity and to make sure that you uplift someone’s spirit. You have to understand that you will be o.k., it’s all going to work out alright.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am generous with others and God is generous with me.”
The New Moon has you wishing and hoping and having faith that you will be understood and accepted. Gather those whom you like to see in your life, the group that has the potential to give you the proper advice, and they will provide you with the strength and knowledge you need to gather in order to go further.
Today’s affirmation:
“I create a circle of friendships.”
The New Moon is your chance to get started on the business proposition you have been so excited about and that you have built the foundation for. Get busy even though it is not an easy task now that you have so many irons in the fire, it may be difficult for you to recognize what holds most importance, but that is where meditation, even for a few minutes, helps greatly.
Today’s affirmation:
“I roll up my sleeves and try to tackle it all.”
The New Moon lifts your spirit as you eagerly try to find ways to make your plans for the year into a reality. As long as you can keep this enthusiasm up that is the key; if you lose this it, you can miss on an amazing time in your life. Go for your loftiest dreams and don’t let any naysayers discourage you. You may be envied, but you need to push forward and keep your eye on the prize.
Today’s affirmation:
“I have the right to become.”
The New Moon has the capacity to set you free from certain chains that bind you. You can free yourself from wounds and hurts that have become a part of your life and that you may not even think are possible to let go of. But you can! Knowing your financial standing to the last dollar will help you to have the confidence you need to be the independent person you want to be.
Today’s affirmation:
“I can move forward with ease.”
The New Moon brings a relationship up close and personal with you. It may be too up close and personal. It may be uncomfortable for you to bring issues that must be dealt with regardless of how you feel about them. But once you will bring them out in the open you will be so much more peaceful about them and you’ll be glad about what the new understanding is.
Today’s affirmation:
“We must get something resolved between us.”
The New Moon tells you to look into your health regimen. Remake this commitment to yourself that you have just a couple of weeks ago at the New Year. Be your own best friend and get on that treadmill, change the dietary intake you know you can do better at, and get started on a year long self improvement cycle. Even when you are already doing the right thing by you, everyone needs a little adjustment from time to time.
Today’s affirmation:
“I get excited about taking care of me!”
The New Moon brings out your true self: The self that is uniquely yours. Allow yourself to be the creative self you know you can be. Whatever makes you passionate and whatever turns you on to make your life a pleasurable experience on a daily basis, that ultimately has you make more money, let it come out and celebrate your authenticity.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am passionate therefor I succeed.”
The New Moon makes for a great start for a year that will bring you the ambition to make the changes in your home that will benefit the growing business you will have. You will need to have a balance going forward, and this is your chance to implement the balance you crave. And should you have the desire to start a home based business, this is your chance to get started.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am all about balance, right?”
The New Moon is a reminder for you to catch up with those little bits of knowledge that you may not think are important, and yet will make all the difference in the world when you really need the know how and find out that will need someone else’s help. You can help yourself, if you just settle yourself down long enough to study it for yourself.
Today’s affirmation:
“There are things I don’t know? Really?” Lol.
The New Moon gives you the opportunity to look at all that has transpired in the past couple of years, and where it left you now financially speaking, and make the decisions you have to make accordingly. You are much wiser now and know how to handle your money in a more mature way. If you have to downsize in some areas, start now and have a balanced bank account
Today’s affirmation:
“I am financially secure.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will take leap of faith and start something that you have wanted to start. Something in your heart that has taken root and won’t let go. You have to have do it even though you are not sure it will be able to become what you want it to become. On the other hand, how do you know it won’t succeed? Take a leap of faith ad prove to yourself and you put your money where your mouth is. Great things begin with one step.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Capricorn.
The Moon conjoins Pluto, makes an easy angle with Jupiter, an easy angle with Mars a hard angle with Uranus and conjoins the Sun for the New Moon at 9:17 PM EST.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star