Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.
Today’s planetary layout:
The New Moon in Aquarius is at 6:48:08 PM EST.
The Moon enters Pisces at 6:48:17 PM EST.
The Sun enters Pisces at 6:51 PM EST.
But do not confuse this as two New Moons because it is not.
What it means in plain language:
Today’s Happy Birthday:
The coming year cycle can be a truly magical one! Like it or not, good
changes are coming to a head. New partnerships will spring up and old
alliances will disappear into thin air. But do not fret! It all happens for a
reason. You need to believe that whatever new roads you want to choose
they will come to meet you. Same with people: the ones that are meant to
be there for your benefit, will be there. New friendships will rise and have
the potential to remain for life. You’re well prepared to tackle new ambitions
head on and have no regrets in the process.
Good luck and God bless you.
The New Moon in your sign and the power is definitely with you!
Your confidence is high, the possibilities – endless. Use today to try to
influence those who are key to your progress. Right after the New Moon,
the Sun marches on into Pisces, and enters into a financial sector of your
horoscope. There are going to be some more limitations that you will
have to contend with financially speaking.
Today’s affirmation:
“I use my day to make phone calls.”
The New Moon has you feeling awfully strange! You are not sure whether
you’re seeing straight. Is it deception that your eyes are privy to? Alas!
Right after that the Sun marches into your sign and all is brought into the
light of day. You will do whatever is necessary to find if truth being told.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am a detective is what I am!”
The New Moon sheds light on the amount of time and effort you’ve put into
dreams that you might have been the only who believed that can even get
off the ground! But now the work really begins, so roll up your sleeves.
Today’s affirmation:
“I will take my vitamins regularly…” 🙂
The New Moon in your sector of business, closes a month of opportunities
that from now we’ll see which will come to fruition, and which ones have
been smoke blown in your face.
Today’s affirmation:
“I threw enough spaghetti on the wall for something to stick.” 🙂
This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. The New Moon is
here to remind you that if you think small you become a small person. And
if you think big, it may be scarier, but you will create a life on grander scale.
Today’s affirmation:
“I give it may all and hope for the best.”
The New Moon will bring a sigh of relief to a high strung period that will come
to an end. You will have a sense of well being as if a new day is bringing the
sun shine your way. You’ve let go of old habits that were not allowing you to
move forward. Now it’s a new day and with it new plans are on the horizon.
Today’s affirmation:
“I can think of a million things I would like to accomplish.”
Relationships are high lighted, You get new found respect for a loved one
in this New Moon. Just when you thought you’ve had it all figured out, you
start to enjoy someone’s company you never thought you ever would.
Today’s affirmation:
“I give a second chance and have a change of heart.”
The New Moon symbolizes that it is either an end of the road in some way
for you, or you get a wake up call that you can’t continue to be sleep walking.
Wake up, get back into the light of day and tell fear to go find someone else
to harass and hold back. You’re done bowing to negative and dark forces.
Today’s affirmation:
“I open my eyes and see the necessity of failure.”
This is one of the best New Moons in the year for you. Life was something
to behold: To go out on a limb and to celebrate and dare see what develops.
Now on the dime, it will change and with it your happy go lucky attitude. In
it’s place you will look at the serious side of life and have reverence for it.
Today’s affirmation:
“There are many facets to my personality.”
The New Moon brings to your attention what you have been doing to
make your life a better and an easier life. You will begin to see that the
seeds you have sown will begin to take shape in the next few weeks.
Today’s affirmation:
“I intend to keep up the good work.”
All this running around is coming to a climax this New Moon. You realize
that there is a sense of beauty in staying put in order to get things done.
Life is like a cycle of stop and go: now the stop sign will come on. You will
be glad to consolidate your energies and use them wisely.
Today’s affirmation:
“I need to regenerate my energy.”
The New Moon will stop the leakage of your wallet that was beyond control.
Once you’ve learned how to live within your financial limitations, then you will
be able to breakout and live life to it’s fullest. Plan an educational trip.
Today’s affirmation:
“My thirst for knowledge will create success.”
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day