October 16, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is your time of the year, and today is a day of cleansing for you. The day where you think of the year that’s past and how it relates to where you are today. You make a checkmark in your mind about what you want to fix, and what you are happy with and want to protect. Acknowledging this boosts your confidence and enthusiasm, of what you want to do coming up.

Today’s affirmation:

“I embrace the year that’s past.”


You are contemplating a relationship and need to have a conversation about your progress, and about what problems need to be addressed. Before you go on a blame game, you need to also remember the good things that are happening, and the good times you have had, and not forget the sweetness this union brings to your life.

Today’s affirmation:

“Every pancake has two sides.”


You can delegate some chores, so that you don’t have to feel like you don’t have any time to have fun. You need time to socialize and you are not in positon to do so. But today, you need to roll up your sleeves and work on projects that need your immediate attention, so that you will be able to enjoy life in the next couple of days, with some fun and recreation.

Today’s affirmation:

“First thing’s first.”


It’s a good thing that even though you are determined and are in a career mode now, you do have a chance to make time to make people smile and to engage with those with whom you work. You wish to make a game of any situation and lighten the atmosphere some. Meet up for a special lunch and just have a few laughs. It’s important to take a break, and it’s important to bond.

Today’s affirmation:

“We need to do some human bonding.”


You look at the little mess in your home, and pick up the dust buster so that at day’s end, you can step into a home clean home, which is satisfying to the soul. If you are not able to get away for a short few days, how about a staycation. If that seems impossible right now, than how about a meal at home where you celebrate another culture, another part of the world with its cuisine.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home turns my soul on!”


This is your chance to let go of past hurts, with the help of information that is available in the written word. Or in speaking with a professional who can help you get yourself from being stuck in some situation. A counselor who can put things in perspective, and zero in on what exactly needs to be worked on and what you need to leave well alone, since it has been beneficial to you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I put things in perspective.”


You may have been surprised lately about something your partner may have said recently. This is a good day to get down to the bottom of it with a candid, insightful and intimate talk. It’s also a next step in your career, or a continuation to a business transaction that is bringing a project to its final stages. It feels good to move it along with a financial blessing promised.

Today’s affirmation:

“Things are getting simplified.”


You keep working on yourself and on your health. Your appearance is important, and today may cost you a pretty penny, but such is life and you are willing to sacrifice some for the sake of being healthy and feeling healthy. Your love life may be on the rocks, or is it that you are finding out about what has been simmering under the surface? You put things in perspective.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s important to work on myself.”


Your energy level is low and you are battling it to become greater, but to no avail. Why don’t you just let it happen, allow your body to do what comes naturally and take a nap to regenerate it. Your job has a surprise waiting for you that will bring you some heart palpitations that you will confuse as some energy surge, but no, it’s just a faster heartbeat…

Today’s affirmation:

“My heart goes boom, boom boom…”


You are trying to help a friend and end up understanding yourself better… from having fun it can become quite a trip to self-discovery. Your humanitarian side is showing itself and it allows others to be able to reach you easier. You have unique traits and they are in full bloom today. Your uniqueness is what makes you different from the next person, and needs to be celebrated.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am special.”


Your wish list is getting longer and more comprehensive. When you understand yourself, you understand the world around you and visa-versa. You need to get your knowledge up to snuff so that you are as much of an asset as you want to be. As you used to be. Nothings stays the same for long especially in our fast changing world. You want to feel rock solid as you move forward.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing can stand in my way.”


You dream of a better place for you and are willing to work hard for it. Your mind may be wondering a little as you find yourself looking out the window. Bring ideas you have to the boss’s attention and you will make a mark on your future possibilities. You mean business, and you want to be heard and to be taken seriously. You can accomplish both with flying colors.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing is impossible.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will put things you have started in the year before into perspective. New situations will start to show their effect and begin to make sense. You will be happy to be traveling on the road you have chosen, and you will be happy to build upon it. Your monies will bring in profit, and you will be wise to find investors to invest in you. Love may be complicated, but full of vitality.

God luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Taurus makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The Moon enters Gemini at 10:30 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star