October 17, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. It is nice when situations chug along without much opposition to your plan. The package you are waiting for arrives on time and you are happy to make that phone communication that acknowledges that. Information you hear sets you free to do whatever your little heart desires. The day benefits you so you ought to take advantage of it.

Today’s affirmation:

“Everything is coming up roses.”


Today, you are a detective without even wanting to be one, and you can bounce any point of operation in any direction you choose. Just make sure that you don’t have ulterior motives because they will come back to haunt you eventually. So as long as you are transparent for all to see, any scheme will eventually not workout in the long run. But if you choose to be above board, you come up with something you can be proud of and which brings in a great deal of profit.

Today’s affirmation:

“I won’t get sucked into anything underhanded.”


Relationships are highlighted. It certainly takes two to tango. In some cases it takes a village! But no matter how many are involved in a situation, it’s up to you to keep it moving forward. And since you have the potential to get people together today, all you have to do is to bring enough evidence that you know what you are doing, and so you inspire anyone to get behind your thinking, and to back you up. When it come to love, a double date, sounds like fun.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a persuader.”


You show the rest of us how to be a consummate career person who is able to reach any heights. You go about your business without complaint. You take in everything you hear around the office, and make it your business to make sure that it comes to pass with or without anyone’s help. And you are being noticed for your input. It doesn’t matter that your intentions may be selfish. The outcome is a positive one.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am an asset and I matter.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. The sun is shining on you and all that you enjoy doing. This can be an ordinary day that turns into an extraordinary day. Your mood elevates those who are fortunate enough to be around you. You make music where there is no music, and are the creative force that gets things done right, and with the passion needed to get them done with love and accuracy.

Today’s affirmation:

“The world is my playground.”


You home is focal point where you put your energy into, and where you get your strength from. You are letting go of past burdens and your home is the soft place to fall, at the end of the day. You bring the changing seasons into your home in decorations, or you make renovations which are more a reflection of who you are today. Find the people who can make it happen, but remember that it does take money. Think of it as investing in your mental health.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is my castle.”


You need to be in touch with anyone whom you have the desire, or the necessity to get in touch with and haven’t for whatever reason. It’s in how you relate to people that makes all the difference today, and you do it beautifully. You are fair minded, and even handed and strike a balance that is just right to get your strength up and to be noticed with all the gentleness needed.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have that special touch.”


You are thinking of one thing and one thing only: You have making money on your mind. You work diligently to create progress. There may be changes done to your schedule, but that won’t matter to you, because all the roads lead you back to your work. Your focus is strong and your intentions stronger. Your family unit is what all this fuss is about, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Today’s affirmation:

“You got to do what you got to do…”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. This being one of the jolliest times of the year for you, makes today even nicer. Never mind that you are sheer joy to be around, you are experiencing sheer joy for you to be you!! Never mind the struggles you know, and the situations you find so difficult to let go of. Today, you have a blind eye to the world, and you find that happiness has nothing to do with surroundings or issues. You find out that happiness comes from within.

Today’s affirmation:

“Ah, so this is what contentment feels like…”


If you have to finish something substantial, there is no day like today to get it done. Some unseen force is with you, even if you don’t have the stamina. But you do have the time necessary to put into a project and to get it done. Stop thinking of everyone else’ needs and try to concentrate on what is in your best interest. Better yet, after you complete your assignment, take time to clear your mind and give yourself some TLC.

Today’s affirmation:

“A bubble bath for my weary body.”


You can get so much more accomplished, when you do it with everyone else hand involved in it. You have to get together with those of like mind and of the same interest, and come up with a game plan. Your input is powerful but so is theirs. You are better off together than apart today. There is nothing sweeter to end a day’s work, then to get together with a fun friend to have some laughs with, and to kick around some ideas you have.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s do this together.”


You are all business all day. You have one thing and one thing only on your mind: How to make the best profit possible. Your energy is such that you look like a reliable person for people to have faith that you do the best job possible, and that you will produce what you promise. You have a gentle way about you and you communicate with whimsicality that draws people in.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s another day’s work.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be blessed with pure energy. Uncomplicated occurrences will allow you to have a smooth ability to accomplish what you decide to make the focal interest in your life. You will have clear vision, and you will be happy that your goals find a way to be achieved. You will blossom where you are planted, be respected for your achievements, and get paid handsomely for them. Love will be so much fun to travel with.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Gemini.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star