October 18, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. You don’t mind complications as long as you end up on top. So at the end of the day, you do end up on top. Which means that you don’t mind going through whatever you are going through today. And that includes disagreements with coworkers and family members. And you don’t let sit quietly! You are popping and showing you don’t take anything laying down. Calm down and you will be able to see the light!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having this great energy at this time of year!”


Some days we don’t need to be taking chances. Today, is one of those days. Unless you know for sure the answer, you may not want to take a chance and to just throw balls up in the air. Go for what you know for sure. Continue to develop projects you are already involved with and leave unknown situations for another day to begin. This is a fine day to research whatever you need to research, not that you will find a final solution, but, it will lead you on the path to learning more.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for collecting information for another day.”


Relationships are highlighted. You hold the key to someone’s happiness today. I know, that is not the position you want to hold, and yet, some days it’s imperative to be extra kind and extra compassionate. You never know when you may need someone to talk to. You don’t have to make judgements, just pay attention and give solid advice. You are a people person, and today, all you have to do is just prove it.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being the one who shows they care.”


While you are all business all the time, and mostly enjoy it, and it’s beginning to drive you a little crazy! But you are compelled and propelled to keep doing what you’re doing without being able to see the light of day. The good news are, that you cover a whole lot of ground and a whole lot of subjects. Nobody is happier than you for the weekend to come, and to hopefully, have time away from work, or career or anything demanding. If not, you are in control of your life, and you can jiggle some things around and make the time you need for downtime.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a great week in my career!”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Is there some complication about a monetary situation? If there is, and after much trial and tribulations which are on a winding road from one direction to another, you will get your wish and get the situation resolved. However, you need to have your listening ears on, and to be open to any possibility and to accept the answer. Choose to have a good time with intimate friends who understand you and want to have a good time. Where you can open up and not worry about being misunderstood.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making sense out of confusion.”


Your home needs you attention, or perhaps someone in your home needs your attention, or both. Rip away anything that keeps you locked in the past, and make room for the future to be able to come in there. Whatever you have learned in the past week needs to reverberate through you, and you need to stay home as much as possible today, so that it can all get into you from the jumble you feel inside. It will all come together and you will feel whole and satiated. Information can be a powerful thing, and you need time at home to absorb it all. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having one door close for another to open.”


Vigorous talks are necessary for anything to go the way that is natural and healthy. And you are having lots of talks and plenty of discussions that uncover the reasons behind the actions of your partner or any one in your world of relationships, be it business or personal. Or so you hope. Because this day if fraught with complications and misunderstandings. It is nice to finally get the answers you have been hoping to get, for you and for the other person, so that both of you can move on with a peaceful heart.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the ability to have answers.”


You may be conjuring up scenarios in your mind about what you deserve and what you don’t deserve. But these things only add to confusion. As long as you can be contented with what the good Lord has granted you, you will be a happy camper. Life is not about money alone. Life is also about keeping promises and keeping your word. When people see that you vacillate, they feel betrayed. Stick to what you know to be true, which includes taking into account other people’s feelings, and live by that. Your earning potential relies on that truth today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to be contented with my life.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You feel a lot of contentment. You may be a little sensitive today. Meanwhile misinterpreting what you see and hear, and respond from that standpoint. All you can do is ask again for the other person to repeat what they said, before you repeat information given to you, to someone else. Keep it simple and you will find that there is a lot of good will and good intentions in the words you are told. Kapish? Exactly! Lol. Make sure not to spread any misunderstandings around.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for life being good.”


If you have felt stuck this week about anything, today will set you free after much looking into your past and contemplating it deeply. Nothing worthwhile comes easily and today doesn’t come easily. But there is nothing like the truth, your personal truth that feel like a victory. It may take looking into your family history, when you understand your origin that brings you tranquility and peace of mind.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for remembering my roots.”


People come and go. Seasons come and go and sometimes they coincide. Today, is one of those days where they coincide. Perhaps your buddy is a snow-bird, who is looking to fly south, and you are feeling melancholy. Perhaps your buddy has not told you the truth about their whereabouts and you feel a certain way about the situation and consequently, about this person. But it’s just life. It’s no big deal, if you let it slide. Another person will take the place of this one, and when your buddy comes back a knocking, you will embrace and be happy.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to adjust to changes.”


You are all business all day. You show compassion and humility, even under complicated situations, and bring out the best out of those you do business with. It’s all good and well, but you need to let go every once in a while, and let your hair down with special people to you, or just to get out and mingle. You find people a little confusing and their message gets a little jumbled, but human connections do good for the heart. Put down the electronic devices and get in touch with anything other than robot.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the silly people I encounter in my life.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find education to be the most fascinating. You will want to expand your horizons and to travel for the sake of learning. Not everyone may be on your side in this respect, but self-knowledge and self-awareness will give you the courage you need to defy the naysayers. You will be sure of your intentions and be commended for your courage to do what is right by you. Your home will be filled with love, so bring your love home.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Gemini.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Neptune, a hard angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only