Saturday, October 19 – Sunday October 20, 2019.


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, you are all business all day and you are happy about it when you are required to do that which makes your brain sharp. Your heart needs some more tranquility, try not to fly off the handle, but you can handle that, since you are happy about completing a project. On Sunday, you are in position to make out wonderfully in the money department, in spite of yourself standing in your own way. Get control over intense uncontrolled energy, sign that contract, and watch positive monetary possibilities become a reality.


On Saturday, one of the best days of the month for you, just a little meditation time and you notice that you go from whatever confusion to clarity just like that! Now you can project what you want to see happen, once the Sun will enter your sign in a few days. Halleluiah! On Sunday, one of the best days of the month for you, there is noting that can stand in your way, as everyone seems to love you and wants to come and help you finish all sorts of projects. The only thing standing in your way is you low energy. You don’t have to knock yourself out to do anything today, just watch the world come to you.


On Saturday, a monetary issue that you had no idea what to do about or how to handle, today, you have the opportunity to come up with the best solutions to. Hint: a family member is more knowledgeable than you know, and can come in mighty handily. On Sunday, nothing makes you happier than to go down memory lane and find out that your life has been one you wouldn’t change with anyone’s, thank you very much!


On Saturday, relationships are highlighted. You come up with great ideas that you are then so happy to tell the person you most want to impress. You may want to pop the question to someone super special to start a brand new life together… On Sunday, relationships are highlighted. You own the conversation and feel your demand on the audience. A great day to push your agenda forward, but not without some warnings about your behavior: you can bring the know-it-all attitude down a notch… just saying…


On Saturday, digging deep comes easily and you get the answer to an old question, finally! Even though you come up with solutions, it’s still not the time to get the most results, but a good start to get your results. Remember this and keep in under your vest for future reference. On Sunday, you do so much for your family and you certainly go overboard today! Nothing is too good for them, as you knock yourself out to please them. But let’s face it, it turns you on greatly, and you are having the best time working on them hand and foot…


On Saturday, one of the best days of the month for you, will be wonderful if you find an entertaining way to create a pleasurable venue to enjoy your weekend. Take your loved one and go see a show or an interactive show you can all have lots of laughs together. On Sunday, one of the best days of the month for you, is a continuation to yesterday, and love is something so easy and so pleasurable, that every little misunderstanding is forgiven. How about a romantic dinner to cap off the weekend? 


On Saturday, you are all about your home and family life. If you need to do some home improvements, you can get someone who won’t change you an arm and a leg for doing the work. Your thought pattern is in positon to let go of past hurts with your loved one. On Sunday, a romantic brunch and a vigorous walk afterwards gets all your energy out. Love is in the air. You have learned from experience and you make no mistakes today. It’s easy breezy for you and your love.


On Saturday, communication goes smoothly as you come to an agreement of the minds. On a personal note, go for a ride or check out new places in your immediate neighborhood and find a fun place to rejuvenate your energy. On Sunday, love is in the air and nothing furthers your love than communicating about any issues you have to discuss. Let yourself hear what the other is saying without interrupting, and you find out what is in their heart and on their mind. Interrupting only frustrates and results with no results. Write down what want to reply, or make a mental notation, and only then come back with a reply. Click on save and do use this as a template to successful communications…


On Saturday, a work situation that needs answers finds a way of fixing itself without your interfering or your help. Either way, all you have to do is get out of a way of solution, and see your profit margin improve to the place you wanted the operation to be in your dreams… On Sunday, your money spending can be monumental, if you don’t put a cap on what, and on how much you can afford. When it comes to business, when you take a chance, you can make a great profit as well, considering if you get the opportunity to do so…


On Saturday, the Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Life is a game and you intend to play it to the tee. You enjoy your life today, and your communication skills, which can be problematic sometimes, come easily and bring warmth to your heart. On Sunday, the Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You want what you want when you want it, and that can be a problem, since everything else is such an easy time for you. Curb the attitude and desire to control and demand, and be the purring pussycat you can be, and watch love blossom.


On Saturday, basic needs have to be addressed, like shopping for food, and taking care of laundry, cleaning your home, and all of the little things that seem great when they are not addressed. On Sunday, your need for rest is overwhelming. Throw your hands up in the air and give up! Stay put and put your feet up. If you don’t have that luxury, certainly do just enough to not upset your body any further. Don’t worry, everything will be just fine!


On Saturday, collaboration and friendships can go hand in hand, and together you can come up with just what you are all hoping for. You may have to pool your money together to get the results you all want, and it will be worth it. In another case scenario, you will have to split the profits and that is ok too. On Sunday, a celebration of life is on the menu today. Leave everything behind, all worries and all business activities, and have a jolly brunch. Don’t go on a bank breaking spending spree, but don’t forget to spend your money on pleasurable reasons


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be all business all the time. You will be forward thinking and constantly looking to improve on your knowledge of your business or career. The only problem you may encounter will be yourself, because you will have to get out of your own way to allow the positive results to come through. You will have a lot of energy, which will need to be directed mindfully and wisely. You will enjoy to lavish your love with gifts.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be in position to change the course of your career. You will do so in order to create the changes that are needed to get to the end result you are seeking. You will feel powerful as you will be in charge of your destiny. Give to charity as a reminder to yourself that a higher power is at work as well, and to not forget your origin and where you came from. Just because you will receive adulations, doesn’t mean that Karma is not working all the times… Love will be powerful and balanced, you will give freely and receive freely.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon enters Cancer at 6:43 AM EDT.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Pluto.



The Moon is in Cancer.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars, an excellent angle with Venus and a hard angle with Saturn.

Venus makes an easy angle with Saturn.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Neptune, a hard angle with Pluto and an excellent angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star