Saturday, January 11 – Sunday, January 12, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This weekend you are thinking of your life and making major changes because you have been checking out conditions and finally coming to a conclusion after long time research, of try and fail, try and succeed, and now you know what you need to do moving forward. It’s such a personal thing that you alone are privy to. Your life is shaping up nicely, and hopefully you are happy with what you are seeing happening around you. It’s your life, might as well enjoy it! It’s because of a rare occurrence on Sunday, of Saturn and Pluto conjoining in a sign, and this time it’s in YOUR sign! Propel yourself to higher ambitions, and the sky is the limit. 


This weekend you enjoy private time, to think meditate and be alone. Should you have to stick your head out of your cave, it will take a lot of effort. There is so much to contemplate, but at the same time, things will happen that will be completely beyond your control. So to learn to let go of control of your life, is the message loud and clear, and it’s because of a rare occurrence on Sunday, of Saturn and Pluto joining together. Listen to what you see in your meditative state. Don’t be afraid, be prepared to make changes which will make themselves known to you, all you have to be is open to them.


This weekend a genius idea about what you do, in collaboration with others who are in your field of expertise, and who you want to associate yourself with, is something you have to explore. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday that makes it possible for you to enjoy certain people’s company. However, if you become obsessive about this idea, you may scare them away with your intensity, and you don’t want to do that, so remember to be as gentle in your approach, as you possibly can, when you present your case.


This weekend is about you wanting to reach higher grounds, wanting to climb to the top of Mount Everest in your business. You have toiled long and hard and you know that you have got what it takes to get to the pinnacle of your career. It’s because of a super rare occurrence on Sunday, of conjoining Saturn and Pluto together. Shoot for the highest star, and don’t think of quitting something you have been involved with for a long time. Reach for a higher position and don’t be shy in the way you present your case for a promotion.


This weekend is a time of appreciation of how far you have gotten in your pursuit of making your life an interesting life. The vision you have for your future that is based in past performance and past experiences, is making its mark on your life now. An occurrence that is most rare, on Sunday, of Saturn and Pluto conjoining together, is what creates an avalanche of opportunities that can change your life for the long run. Advertise your talents and you can’t go wrong. Use your knowledge of your craft to inspire others and to be a role model.


This weekend you may think that nothing is coming up the way you would like it to, and that your troubles may be too much to tolerate. But it’s just at times like these, when you want to quit, or wonder when it will get easier, that a light comes out of the darkness, and you realize that yes! This can have a positive outcome, if only you hung in there longer. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday, that you are being tested to see if you’ve got what it takes to see the distance. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, the best is yet to come! It all depends on your determination to see things through to the end.


This weekend sheds light on past relationships, and on how you look at the relationships you have now. If you want to quit on someone, may it be because you know darn right that it’s truly over. Because if you still have feelings for this person, you can change your mind and get back to it, with a new understanding through clearer negotiations. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday that gives you the opportunity to make things better again, and to give it another try. Same goes with a business partnership. You can make it if you try together again.


This weekend you can change your mode of operation. You can see what needs changing in the way you handle your life, and how you handle issues relating to your health, in relation to your life. How much time per day do you devote to your work and how much time per day do you devote to down time, and devote to taking care of you, the machine that makes it all happen. You found out that you must give your body the respect it deserves, or it will bark. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday, that has you face to face, that you no longer can run on empty, and think that you can get away with it. Join a gym and love the body you have.


This weekend cupid plays an important part in the frame work of your life. If you are looking for romance, this individual you may be having a casual coffee date with, could turn out to be the one who will change your life. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday, that you are in the mood to try a new romantic possibility. However, drama could be a part of this coupling, and that could be a drawback. It’s also a weekend where you can express yourself on paper, and come up with wonderful creative ways to succeed in your chosen field, and make a mark with your wit and enthusiasm to draw in clients.   


This weekend you want to feel like you are standing on solid ground with your family and your home life. Anyone who has been neglected because of your ambitious nature, or because your job has been taking you away from them for periods of time, are going to chime in and demand your utmost attention. It will only do your unit a whole lot of good if you don’t rebel and continue to behave in the way you have been. You must make changes to accommodate the ones closest to you. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday, that you have to adhere to a new set of rules they may demand from you. If you want your family’s wellbeing, do this, find a way to make these necessary changes.


This weekend it becomes clear to you that nothing can stay the same. Time keeps marching on and changes must be made. You no longer can sweep it under the carpet what you have known for a long time now. You have to make a move or a change of some kind, to accommodate recent events. You have to break free from the mode of operation of yesteryear, and look forward with anticipation and eagerness towards a new future to carve for yourself. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday that gives you the courage you need. The kick in the pants you need to move forward, so don’t be afraid of the unknown. The best is yet to come.


May this weekend gives you the courage you need to have, to make changes in what you have already noticed needs to be revised, in the way you handle your money. The old ways of you managing your money and financial affairs have to change. You have to create a new way of looking at it, and that means that you may even need change your job or career altogether. Or perhaps you have to learn how to invest better, so educate yourself in any way you find interesting and mentally invigorating. It’s because of a rare occurrence of Saturn joining together with Pluto on Sunday, that you suddenly have the drive to take care of this part of your life.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will have a cleansing type of a year. Perhaps you want to clean out your closets and once and for all, start with a whole new way of feng-shui in our home. You will want to renew your mind to be on a spiritual path. You will want to associate and relate to people in a way that creates peace in your life. You will be able to create abundance in your life, but again, in a way that brings happiness to you, and not just by turning your wheels daily.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have a profound year of changes, so make sure you are in touch with your soul and spirit, and make the changes in a way that will benefit you both outwardly and inwardly. You have set the ground for this already, so it will come as no surprise to you. Have the courage to want a better life for yourself, and you will be able to reach the goals you set for yourself, and consequently for those you love the best.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon enters Leo at 7:16 AM EST.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus and an excellent angle with Mars.



The Moon is in Leo.

Mercury conjoins Saturn.

Saturn conjoins Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star