May 9, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are inundated with work issues that you don’t want to not have to deal with today. You realize that just because you are made to deal with subjects that you’ve been wanting to put an end to, in the end you are happy that you tackled these unpleasant situations.


You are trying to balance your work life and your home life. It’s a delicate situation, but you are intending on finishing up, and by hook or by crook, you manage to! You leave nothing to chance, and ask no one for assistance.  


You realize that not everything you know about a situation, and not everything that you have heard about that same situation is yours to repeat. The best thing is to move on from it. As long as it hasn’t hurt more than your feelings, you’re whole…


You may be nervous about money issues but you now that it’s all temporary and that you will be alright. But whatever happens try not to make it an issue that can hurt good standing relationships with those who have assisted you for a long time now.


When it all looks like it’s too much to handle for one person that you find how strong and resilient you truly are! Ok, so someone disappointed you, but you find that maybe it’s actually was good that they have moved on.


Just because you may be disgusted with a situation, and have even moved on mentally from it, but it’s there staring you in the face. What are you supposed to do? Don’t talk about it today, but Do make a decision when you will speak about it so that you can move on. 


You may be making a much bigger deal about a situation that may never be resolved anyway. Sometimes it’s good to avoid situations and leave them alone. Watch from the sidelines to see what happens and how it develops without your input.


You are more mature now, and when generational situations come to light, that you have to take care of someone older, you see it from a more mature point of view and take on responsibilities that weren’t able to prior. Growing up looks good on you!


You may have spoken about a situation over and over again until you feel like you have no more to add to it, but here is someone trying to suck you into the discussion again. It’s your life, and you can recuse yourself from the same old same old.


Emotional impact of a situation that is certainly trying, and yet, where you have to show that you can rise above. It’s challenging for sure; they are watching to see how mature or immature you are in the way you respond. Calm down and shrug it off.


When you are afraid to make a final decision about a long standing issue, but you know that you have to. Somehow, and it may be uneasy about doing so, but you finally put an end to it, put a period and are able to move forward. Halleluiah!  


You know that you have to take better care of yourself and put time into self care. But how do you find the time to schedule for this? Time management is difficult, but you make a decision which you are proud of, and finally create a schedule you can live with!


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will try to continue on the same path you have chosen that is not easy to manage. Find someone to assist you so that you will be able to balance your work and home life simultaneously. Love is possible with someone who is likes to read books and who is charitable. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Leo makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The moon enters Virgo at 6:54 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star