The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
You have been enjoying time of introspection and meditation, and now that upright Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a time of personal growth and a time when you will enjoy showing your bubbly personality. However, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd you will have to be careful about getting involved in any gossip, and speak very humbly or risk others’ thinking that you are a showoff, and they will want to see you brought down a peg or two. Keep being honorable and you will nothing to worry about.
You have been enjoying a time of social interaction and you have found out who your true friends are. And now that benevolent Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be glad to have more quiet time for yourself. A time for reflection upon your past and a time for meditation. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you will have to be careful about any monetary transactions and pay close attention to any details between the lines.
You have been enjoying a time of good standing in your business and your career, and now that jovial Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be glad to have more time to mingle and for making new friendships and time for a little more fun. Now that Mercury, which happens to be in your sign, begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you need to be extra careful about anything that you do which has others involved with, and which can affect their standing and consequently yours. Be extra respectful of others, so that you won’t have to have to explain yourself later on.
You have been enjoying time of visualization of what will makes you happy, and now that magnanimous Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will get the opportunity to put this into action and grow your business and advance in your career, while being fair to your underlings. Remember to keep some cards close to your chest, and understand that your problems are not other’s problems and that they can only exacerbate situations, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd.
You’ve had a time of self-examination and have been deep in thought, and now that no-bounds Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will rejoice in allowing yourself to reemerge, and visualize how to make into reality that which is best for you, and have the freedom to make concrete plans. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd you will have to make sure that you are honest when dealing with friends, and make sure that every communication is clear as a bell so that there will not be any complications that may arise later on.
You have been enjoying time of making connections; some that will be there for the long run and some that have been good for the time being. And now that blunt Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will able to delve deeper into yourself, and be able see through others phoniness and truthfulness with clarity. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you will have to pay close attention to all business transactions to make sure that your reputation remains intact. Make sure that you understand what everyone involved has to receive and that there will be no misunderstandings down the line.
You have been enjoying a period of taking time for taking care of your health and time for having good times with family. Now that opportunistic Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a time of making new personal connections, and of being able to get closer to those you love and have good time with them. Since Mercury starts its retrograde today until June 3rd. you will have to be aware of what you say, and how you communicate with anyone with whom you have a difference of opinion with: you want to be able to remain on friendly grounds with everyone going forward.
You have been enjoying a period of creative expression, and now that boundless Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a period of taking time to have a robust health routine that you will find easy to put into place, and which will make you more energetic. You will have to be careful about signing any financial documents that have other people involved in, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd. Read and reread the small print and postpone signing, if you possibly can.
You have been enjoying time with family closeness and reconnection, and now that excessive Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a personal time for plenty romance, and for creative endeavors and of doing your thing. However, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you have to listen carefully to what everyone says before you respond, so that others are able to express themselves, and feel like they are being heard, and to make sure that no misunderstandings arise for you to have to clean up in the future.
You have been enjoying a good time of getting to know your neighborhood and find places of entertainment and good communications with everyone. Now that hospitable Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy more private time at being a couch potato, and a time of taking care of the needs of your home, decorating it and some entertaining there. However, when it comes to your job or way of making a living, you will have to make sure that you do your job correctly and pay attention to details, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd. the devil is in the details, and the clearer direction you give or receive, the better for the long run.
You have been enjoying time of making a good living and making money in a way that you enjoy, and now that no-limit Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be able to study and expand your knowledge that will serve you for years to come, so that you can make money in a way you will enjoy going forward. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you will be extra creative and able to express yourself in a zany but fabulous way. You will, however, have to be careful and be aware, that you don’t disrespect anyone, which may come back to haunt you.
You have been enjoying a time of personal growth, you have learned much about how strong can be and how capable you are, and now that generous Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be able enjoy a time of using this knowledge and have opportunities to make more money and a time for self-enrichment. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, little things are going to be asking, or even demanding for your attention in your home, and you will have to fix them before you do anything else, and not neglect them anymore.
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will have loads of energy to do whatever you desire to do. You will have to be careful about monetary transactions and have read the small print. You will enjoy quiet times and make time for travel and good times. Love will be possible with someone who is soft spoken, and also fun to be around.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The moon is in Virgo.
Mercury begins its retrograde motion.
Jupiter enters Aries.
The moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Uranus.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star