May 11, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have good intentions and try to perform in your job the best that you can, however it’s at the expense of your health because you are pushing yourself beyond your limits. Remember that you are human and need to take a break every once in a while today. You will get paid handsomely, which will make you feel better anyway…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Not everyone wants to come out and play. Their attitude and the way they approach you, tells you that it’s a good thing that they may not want to engage. However, the ones who do, are here for you and want you to not only do well today, but to have a few laughs along the way. 


You may not feel like getting out of bed today, because you know that there is someone who is opposing your ideas to what the important issues of the day that need to be tackled. But of course you must get to the business at hand. Once you do, you will be wise to move with caution and to observe more than to engage. You feel good having something up your sleeve that is known only to you, you don’t have to give it away.


The mysteries of nature that create the spring season, is calling your name today. The warm air makes you want to hop on your bike and go for a ride in the park, or ride around the neighborhood looking for outdoor hangouts. To take a friend with you is a bonus you won’t miss out for the world. And what about work? Oh, you’ll get to it at some point and make it fit somewhere in the day…


You must be sick and tired of fairy tales told to you about how much money you can make. Today, the fairytale continues, as numerous people tell you that they want to include you in their transactions that will fatten your wallet. Stop being pessimistic! Opportunities are there. You never know, so don’t leave any stone unturned and you will see money coming your way.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Personally, plans and ideas flooding your mind are worth following. When others speak, take whatever you hear today with a grain of salt. If you are a gullible person, you will fall lock stock and barrel for a story delivered with passion and which sounds convincing. Having said that, everyone is still worth listening to, because opportunities are endless when you weed them out and try to find the real ones.   


You don’t have to work out every day, do you? You may choose to stay home and give yourself a facial, or take a lazy bath before you go to work. Even standing up may be too much of an energy drain… But of course, you get yourself to do what you need to do, and resenting it some. Don’t be hard on yourself. Some days are just like that, that you drag yourself around…


You can make anyone feel cheerful today, and without much effort both… you just be yourself and you seem to make people happy today. Or rather you all get silly and make foolish jokes. It may produce friends which will come about in this odd way; friends who are a mixture of business and comedians… 


There are some people at your business place who are a little bit of an emotional bend today, and are difficult to talk to because of that. The best thing to do is to avoid them like a plague and do things yourself if possible. The good thing out of the day is that you come out looking like a shining beckon of light and are even congratulated for a great day’s work. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your day dreaming encompasses a far and wide range of subjects that you are meditating on. Your mind is wondering all over the place, but you don’t mind because the visions are positive and uplifting, and plus, you can’t help yourself. The big picture you work up in your mind, has a lot to do with why you see life in its best case scenario. Enjoy your life!


Before you sign on any purchase, or on any business transaction that is meant to pay you, read carefully between the lines, there could be some buffoonery going on, even outside of the fact that Mercury is retrograde. But good things do happen today, because if you wish to enjoy your home life, you can invite someone without breaking the bank, and have a heart to heart talks.   


Relationships are highlighted. There are so many things to discuss about all sorts of issues that will keep you both amused and interested for hours. If you have to speak to a business partner or your boss or someone who’s working for you, you may want to remember that Mercury is retrograde, and that your words matter. Good vibrations from you are better and go farther than any words can…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will do whatever makes you happy even if it may irritate some people. You will simply be doing what comes naturally and you just won’t be able to please everyone. You will however, please you and that is a very good thing. You will need to make clear what you expect from people, which may be unclear. Love will be possible with someone who fun to be with is, and who has a good heart. 

Good luck and God bless you.

Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Virgo.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mars, an excellent angle with the sun and a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star