January 4, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun sign and rising signs.



You go about your business and making progress about things that make you grow as a person. You are progressing internally when you may not think that externally you are progressing. But you have to become strong on the inside before you can make a difference in your outside world.

Today’s affirmation:

“I work on me first.”


Relationship and private things that you tell no one about and which will make the difference going forward are wisely staying in your private space. You don’t have to tell everything, if it helps you heal and therefor thrive later on. Keep it close to your vest, and only let in those who absolutely have to know.

Today’s affirmation:

“We will figure it out together.”


You want to work on your dreams as the year begins however there is the mundane things that have to take priority today. Take care of the what makes your world go round on a daily basis, and then get to the things that are in your heart, the things that you want to spend your time doing.

Today’s affirmation:

“Everything takes time.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your thinking is clear, your attitude is clear and you can get the results you want. You may be somewhat impulsive but you can reign that in and take a breath every once in a while and then get down to brass tax and do some great progress.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is nothing I cannot accomplish.”


You are thinking that you can conquer the world but at the same time you are being a little too aggressive in your thinking. You may be pushing people a little too much even though it’s with good intentions. Your home is where you get your best ideas in and where you find your peace today.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is no place like home to chill.”


You feel compelled to finish everything and the work you have today, and to do it speedily so that you can take care of your family’s issues and not dwell in your own mind and in your own problems. Communicate with your coworkers that you need time for your family.  

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is complicated.”


You can’t blame anyone about a monetary situation but yourself. You take your own chances and you have to take responsibility. On the same token, when good things happen to your monetarily, you can take the credit. And money issues are excellent today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do alright when it comes to money.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You understand your responsibilities and are willing to do what you must do before you can party and have a good time. You feel as though you have the world on your shoulders, again, deal with your work then do your thing.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do the right thing.”


Conversations need to stay light and lively. But you are feeling a little jumpy and unrestrained. Meditation and calming of your mind will do you wonders. Your aspirations need some time to be achieved and today is good to work behind the scenes and do the stuff that takes perseverance.

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t mind doing things alone today.”


You get the assistance you need today. You are looking to make great things happen in your life, but no one can do it on their own. There’s always someone who will mentor you or see if you need anything to make your journey easier. Communicate what you need at this stage of the game, and you shall receive.

Today’s affirmation:

“Who is on my side?”


Be happy with what you have and in the position you are holding in your career now. Your mind need not wonder about other situations you think are better than what you’ve got. Happiness is not a result, it is in your journey no matter the circumstance. Enjoy every day as if it were an adventure.

Today’s affirmation:

“The grass is always greener…”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Some days are meant to be enjoyed both at work and at play and they can interchange. This is a day where your confidence is high and your spirit is in great shape. You are a citizen of the universe who understand the machination of the heartbeat of us all…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am super human.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be a stickler for detail. And that is a great thing because you will be looking at your financial picture and you will take an active role in changing it in a way that will bring more structure and clarity to it. On a personal note, you can be very intuitive and be the spiritual being you were meant to be. You will work hard and make very good profit.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Leo.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars, a hard angle with Jupiter, an excellent angle with Mercury and an excellent angel with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star