The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
Well if you are snowed in you may be grateful that you get the chance to gather your thoughts. Do your communicating with those who you wish you could contact, or need to contact and send out your group messages. You stand in good position to connect and get a fantastic response.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having the courage to do my thing.”
It’s a good day to spend preparing for your taxes and setting your financial picture straight in your head. You roll up your sleeves, take out your magnifying glasses and get to seeing it for what it really is, and you will be able to dig up situations that you may have not been able to notice before.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for taking care of my finances.”
You are surrounded with people both positive for you and negative for you. They are expecting for you to show who you are and bring your best. Is it that you are trying to test them or are they testing you? Just be yourself and may the chips fall where they may.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having the faith to be myself.”
Do you suffer from headaches? You can get stressed by simply having to do that which doesn’t sit well with you. But not everything in life is meant to be enjoyed. Some experiences are necessary to learn and grow and succeed because of the struggle we face. Do what you have to do and don’t stress!
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the headaches that made me the wonder that I am today.”
The child in you is coming out play. Perhaps you are happy to be playing in the snow? How about get happy about shoveling it all… Take notice to all opportunities that have the internet at the base of them and go out on a limb. The only thing you may regret is the thing you haven’t tried.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having the courage of a child.”
The simple chores in life take precedence as you have to make your office a place where you can invite people and make a good impression. You can get stir crazy if you are snowed in, and it will all effect your overall mood to get busy and do some physical work. Look at it as a yoga and a meditation.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for doing my chores with a smile on my face.”
Having to deal with people takes a lot out of you today. You try to be polite, however, it is difficult for you not to say what is on your mind. And that is not always a positive review on what is being spoken. Try, try hard, and you will see that you can leave a good impression.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the nagging people I love so much…”
Have a little party of the year at home by yourself, or with someone you invite. Whatever the case may be there is no reason to live high on the hog. You can make a beautiful home presentation at very little cost. Try to make your home a little neater and tidier more sanitized, so that you can have an environment suited for health.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for learning how to save and have fun at the same time.”
You want to take the world by storm and you can. But you have to show your strength and not your cynicism. Once you become an emotional demanding person, is when you make people feel uncomfortable. Be yourself, but be your polite and restrained self that you know how to be. You can play the game and come out victorious.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having learned how to be a class act.”
You want to gather your energies and to have some time today to take it easy. Kick off your shoes and be glad that you are in a great position to be recognized for your hard work thus far. You deserve a little break today, with a bubble bath and foot massage…
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the moments of rest I get today.”
You have so much to say to a friend, that you need to pick up the phone and have a voice to voice conversation. Remember those? You don’t have to push your agenda today on any unsuspecting person. You have to see if they are interested in your opinions in the first place…
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having people I want to talk to…”
Your confidence is sensitive these days but when you rely on your knowledge of a subject then you have nothing to fear. Get busy with your work and with your home life and forget about all your deficiencies. No one is perfect, so you can’t expect it from you either. Some days are best to be quiet and to listen more than to respond.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having the wisdom to know when to keep quiet.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming tear cycle you will criticize yourself and that is not a good thing to do. You will be ambitious and have every intention to find a way to make your journey in life a pleasant experience. You want to travel and yet if you are worried about your financial status, you can find ways to travel; perhaps not too far from home, and yet learn so much and enjoy so much. You will be a powerful and sensitive person all wrapped in one. A thoughtful yet solid individual.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon enters Virgo at 3:11 AM EST.
The Moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Neptune.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only