June 21, 2022 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will have loads of energy and enthusiasm to enjoy the summertime. You will enjoy taking care of your hearth and home, and to enjoy a lazy time reading by the pool and hosting barbecue parties that will give you a chance to show your personality. 


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will enjoy a time of reconnecting with your inner self by learning more about your surroundings. You will be interesting to talk to, and people will want to spend time with you and learn from your experiences. You will be busy going on walks and hikes and talking and talking.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will be happy to relax some from the past four weeks of birthday parties, and to get down to the things that you enjoy on a daily basis like back to making a living. Do remember to make time for a little fun in between your ambitious money making.  


The sun enters your sign and for the next four weeks, you will leave behind anything that stopped your progress and find your rhythm. You will have in the spotlight, bask in it, and be the best version of yourself. You will find time to have a good time, going to the beach and visiting with friends. Artistic pursuits will find the light of day. You will be dedicated to make progress in your career.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will take time to pause time to meditate and time to travel to destinations that give you the ability expand your mind, your view of the world, and where you can stop and take time to relax.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will enjoy the company of good friends, and have a lively time hurrying between many business engagements, and spending time with friends. Your career will be kissed with blessings. and you will physically like your reflection in the mirror.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will enjoy a boost in your ambition, and will make sure that you have all the tools you need to take your career to the next level. You will enjoy the company of important people who will be helpful in your pursuit. You will enjoy travel to leisurely and exotic destinations. 


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will enjoy traveling to remote destinations where you can plug your computer and study about the culture of the places you visit. You will enjoy expanding your horizons in more ways; like taking on higher education about whatever you enjoy learning. 


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will enjoy a time where you can bring forth your projects to those who can invest in them. You will be creative and show the world how talented you can be. But you will always make time to have a spectacular time to go to shows and to listen to music.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will find your audience, and will be able to improve your relationships, both personal and professional. You will be supported by your family who will make sure that you have the ability to do your thing. Your home will be open to visitors and you will enjoy having company.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will be one busy bee! You will enjoy taking care of your professional needs and you will find plenty of time for your siblings and for family members who will need your emotional support. You will make time for exercise and time to eat healthily.


The sun enters Cancer and for the next four weeks you will have a blast in the summer sun. You will find the fun in every situation and want your flamboyant side to show. Perhaps you may want to spray that shocking pink strip in your hair. And while you are at it, you will make a good profit on whatever you are working on.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The sun enters Cancer at 5:14 AM EDT.

The moon conjoins Jupiter and makes an easy angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 20, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will you will have your mind set on your career. You will think of your business and how to expand on what you are already working on. You will be blessed with people who will give you the freedom to succeed and who will be loyal to you. Love will be possible with someone who loves deeply, and who understands your spirit deeply.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Pisces makes an easy angle with Uranus.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Jupiter.

The moon conjoins Neptune, makes an easy angle with Venus, an easy angle with Pluto and a hard angle with the sun. 

The moon enters Aries at 11:37 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 17, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have your clothing all laid out all ready for this evening festivities. If there are aren’t any, you will come with some! Nothing and no one can hold you in, when your energy level is through the roof and when there are friends to celebrate the last Friday of the season with.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for celebrating life!”


You are all business all day long and you manage to cover a whole lot of ground. You don’t need anyone’s assistance, thank you very much! You enjoy making money during the day, and you enjoy spending quality time with those closest to you in the evening.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the money I make.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Dream big! No one can tell you what to aspire your life should look like. What a fine evening to hang out with your besties! Exchange your views and your dreams and celebrate your life.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my big dreams and for my little dreams.”


It’s nice to be making money all week, and to be making money and to be appreciated for your methods is even nicer. You must be exhausted and may want to have an evening all to yourself to recuperate, and wait for the weekend to have a good time.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making a living my way.”


Relationships are highlighted. You have come so far already and are glad to be out in the world doing your thing. Take the opportunity to speak to someone who is in position to make a difference in your life, and to listen to sound advice.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the amazing people in my life.”


Find out what the top priority tasks you have to sort through and concentrate on. There is just too much to do and not enough time to go through it all. If you are running around all day, consider it a form of exercise, if you are sitting all day, take time to stretch and to eat healthily.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the many jobs I am blessed with.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. No one can stop you from having a great time. You can do what you want, enjoy your life, and still not argue with whoever may be standing in your way. To do your thing and keep the peace is a talent you possess being the gentle soul that you are.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not letting anyone rain on my parade.”


Your home is your castle. That is where you recharge yourself mentally. There is no shortage of obnoxious people and you have learned how to skirt their existence. They may be trying to aggravate you today, but you are coming up with a protective wall around you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my home sweet home.”


You have to have a good time and nothing and no one cans top you. You can’t sit still and are the ring leader of where to go this evening and what activities to take part in. Stay close to home and enjoy the little new music venues available. Life is a bowl of cherries.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a good time with friends.”


It’s your money and you can do with it as you please. You may want to waste some on frivolous items and on having a good time with friends or coworkers, and no one can stop you. Decide ahead of time on whom you wish to bestow this kindness on, but don’t be foolish…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being in charge of my spending.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You do your job with intensity and expertise all day long. After that, to hang out with you is a guarantee of having a good time in the evening. You are the life of every party and we all want to bask in your light. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my sweet life.”


You may want to spend time alone in meditation, and in doing anything that requires a calm and focused mind without the prying eyes of others. But when your friends come knocking, you have the right to choose to say that you are not in the mood for any big party.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my right to privacy at times.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy the decisions you have made and enjoy the road you have decided to be traveling on. You will knock down any obstacles with joy. Life is an adventure and you will be a happy participant. Love will be possible with someone who may be a little shy, and who likes to travel. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aquarius.

The moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter, a hard angle with Uranus an easy angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 15, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have a lot of control today. Whether it is handed to you, or you take it, try not to take control in a forceful or aggressive way. You must not shout orders when you try to communicate. People will react to you kindly if you just tone it down some, you certainly are the boss today…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. No matter how much you have to do which is mundane and takes over your life, you enjoy it because you are so earthy, and as such, enjoy the simple things in life. You are optimistic and have a positive view of the world. 


What is in your heart, shows on the surface. This is not a day where you can hide your feelings. Own them and don’t apologize. You have the right to your feelings. At the same time, feelings are overrated; so before you make any decisions, make sure you are calm.


Relationships are highlighted. The good side of your day is your career and the people you see every day and who have your back. However, you may be asked to have a conversation that will require of you to open up about private issues and you might not be ready for. 


Your job is all you care about, but you need to make sure that you get some exercise in at some point in the day. The good thing is that the drive to take care of yourself, to come up with a healthy diet is powerful in you today, so you are a happy camper who can have it all.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. This very lovely day appears in the middle of the week; a day where you are happy with life in general, enjoy just being alive, and feel comfortable in your position in your career.


You enjoy life’s possibilities, and the fact that life is open now. You are busy doing the things you haven’t been able to, and are catching up on. You have to do your job while your head is not really into it, and still people like to listen to you and are inspired by you. 


You are in a casual kind of mood. If you could you would stay in your sneakers all day long and do all you need to do with the least amount of baggage. You need to let go of anything that is hurtful and that may be weighing you down and get on the boat to happy land.


When you approach important people to you with the respect due them you get rewarded. Today is all about you making money and enjoying the relationship between you and whomever you make money with. You are focused and dedicated.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your personality is what creates the atmosphere that your coworkers relate to. You are the leader of the pack and they are ready to follow your instructions. When you are done with your own work, you help the ones who lag behind. 


You are like someone who is has two sides. The one that is the extrovert and the one who is the introvert. When will each one appear? That all depends on the scenario. But most of the time you would rather not have to explain yourself and you don’t want to have to prove anything.


All work and not play makes for a boring existence. You may have been bringing extra work home, or perhaps you work from home. But today, you need to make time to connect with a friend or invite a friend over, and enjoy a conversation that has nothing to do with your job.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make plans about your future. You will be letting go of baggage that has been weighing you down, and items you don’t need any more, to make space for the future to be able to enter. Love will be possible with someone who is a deep thinker and who likes to give you compliments.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Capricorn.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter, a hard angle with Mars and an excellent angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 14, 2022 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today’s Full Moon has you searching for new territories. You want to expand your horizon and to bring your talent all over the universe. Or you may have it in your head to hop on a plane and visit someone who will be shocked and happy to see you. 


Today’s Full Moon can have your emotions all tied up with great decisions that have to made. You want to feel good about the future and to make peace with the past. You can’t drive looking at the rear view mirror. You can, however, put your foot on the accelerator into the future.


The Full Moon in your sun sign today, is giving you a sense of freedom and a need to connect and to have a good time. Since this is the only Full Moon in your sun sign for the year, make it count, and open up the communication with someone important to your future. Your energy is high and your personality is inviting.


Today’s Full Moon may throw your schedule out the window, then have you run in different directions that your job is not included in. You will catch up eventually. In the meantime you have great desire to do the right thing by your body and to get your health routine of track.


Today’s Full Moon has you bursting with a bubbly personality that demands of our attention. You come alive with the desire to live your life the best you can. You are the life of the party, and make everything into a fun experience. You are the one who puts a smile on everyone’s faces.


Today’s Full Moon may be a little difficult to hide emotions (of gratitude?) that may bubble through. You show up for everyone and you do not regret that. Try not to struggle with the different responsibilities that pop up throughout the day; it only fuels your energy.   


Today’s Full Moon you have so much to communicate that may not seem very important to others, and even to you, but you have a great need to talk. It accompanies a great need to take a walk or to move around. Invite someone for a hike and enjoy the conversation. Do what makes you happy.


Today’s Full Moon talks about your money issues and about the pay that you know you deserve, and how much you are really going to get for a specific job, and the chasm between the two. Don’t get yourself all riled up. Do the best job you know how to, and have a wait and see attitude.


The Full Moon in your moon sign today. This is the only Full Moon in your moon sing for the year. Take full advantage and show your personality and all that you are able to accomplish. Make your plans and go for them. No one will be able to deny your ambitious needs, and come to your aid.


Today’s Full Moon is pulling at your heart in every direction. You see a need and you just wish you could help someone through their struggle. Even a helpless little puppy makes wish you could give them a home. You are such a good person, and today, you shine from within.  


Today’s Full Moon gives you the energy you would like to have every day… get your group together, and have a discussion together, and come up with brilliant solutions and with long term ideas to develop down the line. Some fun antics will pop up, so enjoy some foolhardiness…


Today’s Full Moon shows your expertise, and your desire to be appreciated for all you have done for the business, and for the talent that helps everyone else in your business dealings. Make long term plans about how to expand your career and engage those who can be pivotal to your ascent.   


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be seriously looking at your life as a whole and start to make long term plans. There is still a long way before you can make changes, but you can start by making a first step. Love will be possible with someone who has a great personality and who is a mover and shaker.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Sagittarius opposes the sun. Full Moon at 7:52 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Neptune.

The moon enters Capricorn at 6:14 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 13, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. Get Face Time going, because you will find it necessary, even comforting at times, depending on the day. You will enjoy those little conversations which may not seem very important on the surface, but which will make you happy. This is one of the best days of the month for you: why not start today. Pick up the phone and connect with someone. Have a few laughs and start your week off nicely.


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. You will want to have a life that is more organized, and have a more simple and economical approach to your money spending. Expenditures which are unnecessary will not inspire you at all. It will all be about what makes most common sense. To be financial savvy, now that will intrigue your inspiration. Put up for sale those items that you need to let go of, and it will lighten your mental load as well.  


Mercury enters your sign again, after it had retrograded into Taurus. It will travel in your sign until July 5. Every little thing helps in the whole picture, and now you will be able to take care of the issues that got murky or down right out of control. You will begin to find your footing again, and able to express your needs, especially when it comes to friendships. There can be super positive resolutions to whatever might have happened. Relationships are highlighted today, so begin today, and approach whomever you want to have peace and good will with.  


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. Your sensitive side will be flaunted for all to see even more than it has been very recently. Your private business is your business and you may choose not to have your problems out on the street, so to speak. You pick and choose the people in your life and so, it’s up to you who you open up to, and who you completely trust. 


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. This will give you the opportunity to reconnect with friends, and to make fun plans with them. If you have a computer you need to purchase, or a program that you want to add and study, that you will find it easy to do. This could be the time you would choose to do so. This is one of the best days of the month for you: if you want to take a chance on someone, why not as them to join you, when you need a coffee break.


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. From not being busy or occupied enough, to being all over the map with so much to do to make your career what you want it to be. Love your career and it will love you back. This is your chance to be able to make sense out of, and to put into place the details that may have been missing. Put order where it was lacking.


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. Your sweet soul will enjoy the freedom this transit will be providing. You will have the courage to bring your project up for reviewing. You will feel free to express your views and you will be able to do so with compassion and without judgement. You may choose to take a trip to a faraway land. Have a good time!


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. You may choose to straighten out any and all financial transactions between you and someone else and make sense out of it. You will be wise to do so, as it will bring you all back together with magnificent results. Now is also the time for that intimate conversation you have been hoping is the right time for.


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. You may find yourself nit picking at those you love the most, and try to express what you need and yet it may come out as strong and judgmental. If you always be considerate of people’s vulnerability, you will speak soft and with most consideration. The moon is in your sign and you rule the day: make some time for the things you love to do, and go ahead and indulge some.


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. You have been feeling like you have to catch up with time, and find time to do the things that would be beneficial for your family. You feel as though it was all at the expense of your own health that had been neglected. Take the bull by the horns, and get yourself to the gym. The no excuse train is here, hop on! You will enjoy the opportunity to do yourself favors.  


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. You have been caring for your family and paying for your home maintenance recently. Doing for others was all good and well, but now it is your chance to break free for a while and do the things you would like to do if you were to awake the child in you. Do the things that spring makes you want indulge in, like going to museums or taking dancing or pottery classes?


Mercury enters Gemini again, after it had retrograded into Taurus until today. It will travel through there until July 5. Your domestic side will come out, as you will see all the little projects that need to be done around the house. In order to try to keep the cost down you will be a do-it-yourself kind of person. You will find yourself eager to learn and eager to study. You will be interested in reading new invigorating books that your fire up your imagination and creativity.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a desire to make your life manageable. Whatever has been ineffective you will be eager to tackle, and put the way that makes common sense to you. You will pay attention to the details and have a sense of relief and accomplishment. Love will be possible with someone who is a communicator, and an organizer of people coming together. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Sagittarius.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

Mercury enters Gemini. (Again.)

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, June 11 – Sunday, June 12, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



When you want to show your loved one how much you love and appreciate them on this lovely spring weekend, what better way than to present them with a bouquet of flowers. Or a trinket that may be costlier than you have planned initially to spend. Oh well, you can always replenish your bank account. But the loving atmosphere that you will create will last for months to come.


You love life, and all kinds of surprising and great things can happen on this lovely spring weekend. Your actions may be unpredictable, but come from a very positive place. You can change your mind on the dime, and still have the support of those who love and appreciate you. Self-improvement and working on what will make your life contented and joyful is all encompassing this weekend. 


On this lovely spring weekend, you will find life sweet and cozy especially when you pay attention to the little details that can make your life either happy or not. Luckily, you choose joy and contentment. You lure into your net helpless creatures and try to mend them. You may find love with someone who may be psychologically or physically injured.


Friendships are so interesting this lovely spring weekend. You all have enticing possibilities collectively, that can make this lovely spring weekend magical and special. Get a large group together, the larger the merrier, and have a blast. Lord knows you could use getting out. You have been hibernating long enough. Romance is hot so make yourself available. Get out and mingle.


You shine bright like a diamond and are worth every solid penny! Your contribution is priceless. People in high position see you and see your value. Why not invite your boss to a barbecue? On this lovely spring weekend, you can find love in places that have to do with your career. A business associate may be interested, so why not go on a coffee date and find what you may have in common.


You are here there and everywhere. You fly from one flower to the next drinking the nectar of whatever looks delicious and exciting. You dare go places you never dared go to, and enjoy the company of people who could normally annoy you. This lovely weekend, you love one and all. Your high energy level is attractive to love prospects from unpredictable places.


Fleeting feelings of discontent, can turn into a lovefest that appear from unpredictable sources. Listen to your instinct this lovely spring weekend, and you will turn anything unpleasant into something beautiful. Pay no mind to the small stuff, so that the big and beautiful possibilities of love will be able to appear. Enjoy it when you are most desirable and attractive.    


Love is most inspiring and most intriguing this lovely spring weekend. The moon is in your sign most of the weekend, and your personality shines and sparkles. You make everything possible and are a leader to us all. Make decisions that you want people to follow, and they won’t be able to decline. Everyone wants to please you, but don’t become a diva… that will backfire in a hurry…  


You think you have it all together. Good health a good work ethic, and the ability to please one and all. Alas, to take care of your health needs to be your priority. You find that you cannot go to the same gym as usual for whatever reason. But hey, you can find an unexpected love interest there. Go with the flow on this lovely spring weekend, and you may be able to take care of your tasks as well.  


You need to and want to shrug life’s unpleasantness on this lovely spring weekend. You want to take a chance on love and want to see what life has in store for you. This is not a weekend to shut yourself off from society. This is your chance to dress up to the nines, and avail yourself to a love connection that you can find everywhere! People are mesmerized by your stimulating personality.


If you could only invite everyone over to your house on this lovely spring weekend, life will be all that you could wish for. The things you discover about your ancestors lifts your spirit. You may be surprised by some of the information you can find about someone in your family. You will appreciate them even more than you already are. There is nothing greater than the love of parents.


This weekend rain or shine you won’t be able to contain yourself. Your itchy feet find the sneakers by the front door and out you go. Oops, don’t forget your keys and all essentials… who knows what you can find along the way. This lovely spring weekend with all its lush greenery makes you feel alive. And the new coffee place is calling your name. You may even find a love interest there.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will open your heart to those who are less fortunate and surprise yourself at that mount of compassion you possess. Success will find you because of your good Karma. Love will be possible with someone who is on the same path as you, and who understands what makes you tick.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will find the inspiration within your family structure. They will be there for you in all you go through and will make a part in your success. You will depend on them and they will come through for you. Love will be possible with someone who has a great big heart, and who likes to help those who are less fortunate.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Scorpio.

Venus conjoins Uranus.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus and a hard angle with Uranus.



The moon in Scorpio makes a hard angle with Saturn, an excellent angle with Neptune, a easy angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Mercury.

The moon enters Sagittarius at 6:32 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 10, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will demand a lot from yourself. You will seize opportunities in unusual places and be able to turn any chance into a success with tenacity and determination. Love will be possible with someone who is fun loving passionate and hard working.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Libra makes an excellent angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Scorpio at 4:41 PM EDT.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live wit h passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 9, 2022 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. You are most powerful now and your energy level is through the roof. When you deal with people you have to take that into account or you can scare them. Take time to make people comfortable before you engage in any kind of business transactions.


You try to take care of your need to exercise and you may be going overboard. Take your time and enjoy what you are doing instead of going through it like a hurricane. Mind body connection is what you need to be about now, so light candles and have soft music on and do some yoga instead.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. No matter the obstacle, and they are plentiful, there is an easy solution. Don’t be lazy, you are a little bit lazy today, you don’t want to feel guilty, so do whatever needs to be done and get it over with. After that it’s a drink with a buddy.


You can’t please everyone, even a family member. Stop trying so hard, and get started doing You in a gentle or in what, some may even say, selfish way. Take time for meditation, a bath or anything that makes you relax and not think of petty crazy people. You have too much to accomplish.


You can’t get mad at someone when they are expressing themselves. You may not understand them but you don’t have to; just be there for them, and they in turn will be there for you someday. The favor of letting them be themselves will resonate and appreciated long term.


When things get tough, you get tougher! Situations outside of your realm of influence can get control over your emotions. Be the wiser and don’t succumb to the lower part of your being; feeling are overrated. Rise above feelings, and you will be adulated in your career. 


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. But that doesn’t mean that you are free to do whatever you please at the expense of someone else, maybe even someone who is dear to you. You may be on a little bit of a warpath. Put this energy to good use, and concentrate on yourself… 


You feel vulnerable and in need of a big hug. Everything is getting to you. You want to take time to take care of your health, but you just don’t seem to find the time or the inspiration needed for it. Give yourself a break today; take a day off if possible. If not, just do as much as you can handle.


Even your best of friends is not a saint. There are flaws in everyone. So when a friend needs you to listen about something urgent, you oblige, and then may be surprised at the toxicity of their problems today! You may want to run and hide. You are conflicted, because what are friends for?   


As knowledgeable as you may be, today is not an easy day to prove to those in the know how. Before you dare, have it all together, and speak with confidence but expect to be interrupted. If you belong there, the truth will rise to the surface. Otherwise, there are other pastures for you to feed on.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are eager to communicate privately, or on social media. That’s great! The problem is that you may be super impulsive and may put something out there that you may regret. Write in down in your notes first, and only then put it put there.


You can’t fix money issues with money, there is an education that has to happen, a solid foundation that you can build your life on. It does take money to make money, and you may have to invest in something that has a long and far reaching benefits, that you may not understand at this time.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will choose self-indulgence, crave and create good times. However, you will have make time to get your work done with a good attitude, lol… Love will be possible with someone who is able to keep up with your high level of energy, and who can help get your feet back on the ground.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Libra.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mars and an excellent angle with the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 8, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one magical day! There isn’t much you cannot accomplish once you set your mind to it. One and all are willing to see what you have to offer, so bring it on and don’t hesitate to be your authentic self.


This is one magical day! Being of service to someone is a charitable act that will come back to you tenfold. To create good Karma you need to see the whole situation and to try to walk a mile in someone else shoes.


This is one magical day! You have a tendency to blossom where you bloom. You accept vibrations from many places and create an atmosphere of understanding that makes people feel closer to you.


This is one magical day! The sky is the limit. Whatever is at the depth of your soul, and start all over again, you garner all the experience you have learned, and start to create the life you desire.


This is one magical day! All your plans seem to be coming together. Sign up on the dotted line and start a most magical life. The future is bright. The universe is trying to make your wishes come true.


This is one magical day! You are working your magic, and we are your audience. You begin to reap what you have sown. The future is beginning to look like a place where we can all live together.


This is one magical day! You are given the possibility to discover something major that sheds light and can connect you to a person who can open up the world to you, and create many connections.


This is one magical day! You have to be right with your inner self if you want to be contented. Let this be the start of meditation of clearing you mind of any thought for a few minutes each day. Miraculous.


This is one magical day! Your temperament is such today, where you can settle down, appreciate your progress, and sprinkle love on your aspirations and have them all hum with good vibrations. 


This is one magical day! You have invested so much of your time and for so long, and today you influence people to trust in you and in your abilities and offer you opportunities you’ve aimed for.


This is one magical day! Today’s epiphany is to never again be tough on people. Instead, you realize that from now on the less you judge people the more they will be willing invest in your projects.


This is one magical day! To pull strings to get what you want, needs to be done in a most gentlest of ways. Give someone their freedom and allow them to come back on their own accord.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have plenty to celebrate. You will have much to enjoy and have much to be thankful for. You will be daring and willing to take a chance on life. Love will be possible with someone who is romantic and appreciates the good things in life.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Virgo makes a hard angle with Neptune, an excellent angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Libra at 11:23 AMM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star