Saturday, December 25 – Sunday, December 26, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you falling in love all over again with a career that has enticed you in the past and to which you didn’t have a clear pass to. This is your time to take the bull by the horns, and make an appointment with someone who can be pivotal. You will speak in a way that is inspiring to the listener. See your career take off, with a lot of hard work of course. 


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you mulling options and a new way to communicate what you have been wanting to communicate, and to touch people in a way that you haven’t tried yet, but which is right at the tip of your tongue. ‘Never give up on yourself’ and what you have been wanting to tackle, ought to be the motto for you to follow, as the year comes to an end.


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you licking old wounds that happened in the course of the past couple of years we are all so familiar with, and that now you recognize the wisdom you have acquired. You are spiritually connected to the very core of you.  Know that hope is the only way to get into the New Year. You have an abundance of hope when you decide to tap into it. 


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you contemplating people who you either want to have back in your life, or find a new appreciation for someone you didn’t give enough credit to. Before the year goes out, connect with these people and reclaim a relationship that will be fulfilling to you as a person. Someone of that description may even be at your holiday table this very weekend…


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. We are looking at you embracing a career that is taking a new course, but to which you are well acclimated to and are well compatible with. You seem to be worried about money aspects of your life but that can change on the dime as soon as the New Year begins.   


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you and your romantic life. There is someone who has been in your life, and who found a way back into your heart. The situation was fraught with drama, and this person is back in your graces looking to rekindle the romance. You never know, and everyone deserves another chance. Make the New Year a fresh start, and see where it leads.


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you being all mushy and filled with sentimental feelings towards your family who has been there for you at this time of Corona that has been effecting you so. You want to press the reset button on those whom you have gotten into a falling out with, when you were having such a tough emotional time. Good for you to want to start the New Year fresh!


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you having zip in your step, and a tune in your whistle! You are one happy camper, looking to have a good time with your friends, and forgiving those who have been a pain in your neck recently. You want to press the forgiveness button and get back on the road to your happy place in your life. Life is short, and some people’s stupidity is long. Lol


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you contemplating getting back into the work force because there are subjects you have enjoyed and to which now you would like to get back into and make money in the process. You have to remember that the world has changed and that most likely you will be doing this work out of your home. Have you taken that into consideration? If you have, go for it.


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you making all sorts of commitments to yourself, about what you have promised yourself prior to now, and that you want to get back to the life you have known before. Do it! Do whatever your little heart is dictating to you! This is a New Year coming up, and there is no reason why you can’t make yourself a happy and whole person.


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you feeling sorry for yourself! Stop it! You may feel a little low about personal matter, but hey, that’s not the end of the world! Stop worrying that maybe the situation won’t work out, because it will! You need to have faith, as the New Year is coming around the corner. It’s time to get spiritual and to do some transcendental meditation and learn to relax!


This weekend when Venus in retrograde conjoins Pluto again, and Mercury hangs easily with Neptune. I am looking at you belly aching about a friendship gone awry? Stop it! There is no great loss if this is not someone who has a positive influence on your life. If you have done a lot for this friendship, and you are not getting the thanks you deserve, remember that seldom will one be repaid by the same people one has been kind to, but it will come back to you tenfold!


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will transform into a better version of yourself. You will make plans that suit your heart, and tread upon lands that make you want to live and explore. You will study human nature and find love that is true and deep. It may even be with someone you have loved before…

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be very focused on your plans to make your career what you want it to be, and good for you! You will be very specific and able to make it come to fruition because of your ability to focus. You will be able to communicate your intentions with grace, and will be able to get people to support your intentions, because you will show that being compassionate is part of your plan.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Virgo.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

Venus conjoins Pluto.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mercury and a hard angle with Neptune.



The moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Venus and an excellent angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Libra at 11:25 AM EST.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Neptune.

The moon makes a hard angle with the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

December 24, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The last square between Saturn and Uranus throws your health into play. As much as you want to have a good time with your family, the expense of it all makes you feel like being as thrifty as possible, so that it doesn’t affect your mental health and worry systems.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my family. Let’s stay healthy.”


The last square for the year between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, brings into focus that you have to have hope to get through the recent events in your life and in the world. Think of today, and be preoccupied with the enjoyment of life one day at a time, especially today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the fun and hope I infuse into my life.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus makes you feel fulfilled by your family’s input. You are learning how to accept situations that you may not have looked at positively before, but as long as its done in a charitable manner, you are changing and accepting.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being ever learning and a thinking person.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus makes you want to communicate with a friend with whom relationship may have been strained, and you want to make it right. You choose your words precisely and you deliver with intention that produce success.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for getting it right with someone special to me.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus shows the professionalism and the changes you are experiencing in your career, and the way you go about changing to better your future. Think of the money you will be making and the people who put you there.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the people who appear my life when they are supposed to.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus, and the moon in your sign today, makes you feel empowered in knowing that your path is clear. Even though you have so much to learn in your career, the knowledge you need to acquire is clear to see.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the clarity of what I have to do to move forward.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus, you are hanging on to your metal health and what you need to do to stay happy and loving. God lives inside of you and don’t you ever forget it! Chase away any negative thoughts and do something wild and wonderful. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the desire to have a spiritual and meaningful life.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus, and the impact of people being unreliable and darn right infuriating is taking a toll on you. Reach out to your friends today to tell them all about it. It’s nice to have someone you can trust to talk to about your issues.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the wisdom I get even from negative people.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus has you try to reconnect with siblings and to get acclimated to the changes the direction your family life is taking. You may find that you are talking business this holiday, but that suits you just fine. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my ever changing life.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus and the money crunch you have been experiencing only makes you more determined and ambitious. You can see the big picture today, and know that hope is something you need to have to get to the next level.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for getting tough under pressure.”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus, and like it or not, but the changes you have been experiencing are great! And now you are almost used to the physical toll it has been taking on you. What you need is to kick your shoes off and take it easy.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for all that has transpired, it has taught me so much!”


The last square for the year between Saturn and Uranus, the crazy shape the world has been in has been hard on your emotional being. You feel so much for those who have lost loved ones. It’s best that you spend time with someone who understands you intimately and passionately.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the wonderful person with whom I am spending time with today.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will try to cover some ground traveling. You will be making sure that you have enough freedom to do the things you haven’t been able to do. you may have to tighten your belt some in order to do the things that matter the most, but oh, how your soul will thank you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Leo makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

Saturn makes a hard angle with Uranus. 

The moon enters Virgo at 3:25 AM EST.

The moon makes an excellent angle with the sun and a hard angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, November 6 – Sunday, November 7, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. Your past is catching up with you and telling you to put situations that have caused you much pain, to rest. It’s easier said than done, but if you expect out of yourself that you are the one in charge of your emotions, and that you are the only one who can find peace deep down, you will be able to get a handle on this. Enjoy the holiday season unencumbered, but it has to come from you.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. You can come off as a demanding person with a personal agenda. Think about being gentle in all your interactions with people, especially with those who are dearest to you. You will not be in position to settle grudges or to show what is on your heart and mind, no matter how much you want to unburden yourself. Whoever it is that you want to approach, may see it as an aggressive move and not respond in the understanding manner that you think they ought to. Have a happy holiday season by concentrating on what makes you happy.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. Some family members feel like a rock around your shoulders hanging there and is about to break your neck with its heavy weight. Ask yourself who put this weight there in the first place: no one can use you or burden you with their endless stories of woe without you consenting to accept this. It’s almost a form of abuse, and you have the right to free yourself of this. Have a happy holiday season when you concentrate upon family members who are pleasant and who want to show you kindness.  


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. You will be having the time of your life, even though you may not understand how you have gotten so lucky! Don’t question the mysterious ways of heaven, and accept your good fortune with open arms. Enjoy a fantastic holiday season and don’t feel like you have to explain the smile on your face. This kind of enthusiasm is contagious and you will be an inspiration to one and all.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. There is a whole lot of commotion in your home place. Either you are thinking of uprooting, or you are trying to make some kind of renovations in the middle of the holiday season. Try to take it easy and do only as much as you can, so that you can enjoy the holiday season without stress. Do everything you need to do in advance so that you don’t feel so pressured. Do what will make you happy in your career, and try to find a happy balance in your life.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. There is so much to learn and so much to absorb that your head will be delightfully spinning. You may have taken on more than you can chew, but it will feel great to be this busy! You expect a lot of yourself and you will be happy for forget yourself within all this new found knowledge. You will be learning and enjoying a holiday season with some travel and time with your favorite family members.   


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. You will be sensual and fascinating to the ones you want to attract, and to be charming will come so easily for you! Also, you will be convincing when you speak to those who matter, about how you want to make money. Bring forward a financial plan. Having said that, you already may have plans for the money to leave your hands, even before the money landed in your account… lol. Hang on to your money and you will have a happy holiday season.


Mercury entered your sign and will rush through there until November 24. You will think in aggressive manner, and be a little more daring than you think you have in you, yes, even you! Let anyone try to shut you up? At their own peril. You may be a little too forceful and too demanding, but hey, in the end, you will get your way, so watch out, here you come! You will take on a bigger part in the holiday season and enjoy it immensely. 


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. When you prepare for the holidays you have to think about slowing down and doing things in a gentle manner or you will be sorry. You will overdo and over work your internal system and then wonder why you can’t enjoy the holiday season? You must be gentle on yourself or your brain will be on overload. Take time to rest and time to do things for yourself besides all you will do for everyone around you.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. You will be so much in demand that you will think that you are the king or queen of every holiday gathering, lol. But seriously, there is no way for you to get your dancing shoes a rest, so enjoy being in demand. Get your social media presence the way you want it to be, and enjoy your plentiful of friends that you will gather along the way.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. You have so many responsibilities to take care of that it can become overwhelming. Just because you are in position that puts you in charge of a situation, or in charge in your work place, doesn’t mean to say that you can rule with an iron fist, lol. Be careful about how you approach people, and what you say to them. Are you stretched a little too thin? Learn to delegate a little better, and you’ll have a happy holiday season.


Mercury entered Scorpio and will rush through there until November 24. Some times in life are specifically better for one than they are for another, and this time is especially nice for you! You will feel freer than you have in a while, and feel that you can stretch your wings farther than you have assumed is even legal, lol. Allow yourself to be happy and don’t worry about what others will think about what you do. Go ahead with your plans and they will come around when they see that it’s a good fit for you.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will enjoy a year that will have you busy, productive and energetic. You will be a good communicator, but you will have to not be aggressive and do your thing quietly and not in an irritating way, lol. You will be able to reach your goals on your terms and be a happy person. Love will be possible with someone who has a good sense of humor, who is a good communicator who enjoys people and good times.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have a year where you will be busy, productive and energetic. You will be a good communicator, but you will have to not be aggressive and do your thing quietly and not in an irritating way, lol. You won’t settle for anything that you won’t see as true to who you are, and will find ways to absolve yourself from situations that hold you down and hold you back. Love will be possible with someone who is down to earth, and who will make it easier for you to go after your dreams.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Sagittarius.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Venus.



The moon in Sagittarius makes a hard angle with Neptune and an easy angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Sagittarius at 9:04 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

November 5, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. To take on more responsibilities will never feel so good or so right! Your reputation will follow you and bring you good results. Work on your public image and enjoy a pleasant time at the top.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of being appreciated at the top.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. You will feel optimistic about your future and make plans about your future. Plan a trip to an enchanting land, a destination that will make you feel alive and back in the game, and be in the company of your loved ones with you if possible. A change of scenery will do you good. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of enjoying life.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. What a long stretch you have to strengthen bonds with people you want, and to bring them to see your side. A long stretch to speak your inner truth and come to a place of mutual respect. This is a fine opportunity to invest some money and see it grow.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch for my personal truth to be understood.”  


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. This is a long stretch for Venus to be in one sign, and it’s in your favor, because it is in your house of relationships. You will enjoy a time of peace and harmony with your loved ones, and with everyone else in your life. Some of you may get engaged to be married. Love all around, what a lovely a holiday season is in store for you!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of being loved and accepted.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. You will enjoy a long stretch of pleasant work environment and of getting to know, or getting to understand your coworkers. You will be there for them and they will be there for you. You will be rewarded for your loyalty, service and efficiency.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of being appreciated for my work ethic.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. You will enjoy one of the most enjoyable holiday seasons ever! You will have a way of making everything fun for everyone. No party will be complete without your wit and antics that will create an atmosphere of cheer with you there. Make your debut and do it with style! Romance will run hot as well. Life is wonderful!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of having the time of my life.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. This is a long stretch to come to peace with your family. If there is anyone there you want to have a loving relationship with, take your time to reach out and to have a wonderful holiday season. Add another plate at the holiday table for them. This time is all about your family and your home. Decorate your home to your heart’s delight.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch to make peace within my family.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. It’s a long stretch to unleash your tongue and become the life of the party and the most interesting conversationalist in the room. You will attract people of like mind who are on the same wavelength as yourself and enjoy understanding and compassion.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having such a long stretch to enjoy freely speaking.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. What a long stretch to have it your way, where it comes to making money the way you want to, and to enjoy fair pay for your work. Spend some on yourself too. You will a time of sensuality and a fun time dating new prospects.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for a long stretch of enjoying the way I make money my way.”


Venus enters your sign to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. It may have been a long time since you felt wonderful and just enjoyed being alive and kicking. This is a long stretch to feel contented and to look good while you feel so good. Everyone loves you and wants you there. You will have a lot of suitors to choose from and lots of fun dating.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of looking good… lol.”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. You come to understand that to look good on the outside, without feeling good on the inside, is not fulfilling. You will search for ways to calm your interior and to come to peace with your past. Forgiving will come easily and make you feel contented.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of feeling good inside!”


Venus enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6, 2022.  It will retrograde between December 19 and January 29. You will enjoy a wonderful social media presence, so expand on it with new ideas. You will have a very enjoyable holiday season being sought after, and invited by to many parties. No place will be complete without you there.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for such a long stretch of being popular!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be able to express yourself in ways you were not able to for a long time! You will be able to come to mutual understandings and to enjoy a peaceful year cycle. You will enjoy high energy and be able to reach your goals. Love will be possible with someone who enjoys good conversation and who complements your personality in every way.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Scorpio makes an excellent angle with Neptune.

Venus enters Capricorn.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter and an easy angle with Pluto.

Mercury enters Scorpio.

The moon enters Sagittarius at 8:53 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

November 4, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today’s New Moon reminds you that it’s ok to find ways to let bygones be bygones. It’s ok to allow yourself to stop festering about some issue or some person who you must to let go of, for the sake of your mental health. Your health is most important; take steps to protect yourself.


Today’s New Moon reminds you of who was there for you and who is there for you. Life has been challenging and you know who is in your corner. Send them a shout out and make contact. If someone does not belong there and is causing you pain, this is your chance to cut the cord. 


Today’s New Moon is here to whisper in your ears, that your environment is important to your health. It reminds you to make your work space pleasant to your eyes and to your body. Get a new comfortable chair to sit in daily, or get artful flowers and place them on your desk.


Today’s New Moon reminds you to buckle up and get ready to do the things you long to do and which you are afraid to tackle. Do it afraid and you will benefit from the outcome? Do nothing and you will miss out on an opportunity for growth and personal challenge.  


Today’s New Moon has you examine your home, where you want to live and how you want to live and how you want to continue with the old traditions and how you want to break some and start your own traditions. Plant that seed and watch your life change and evolve.


Today’s New Moon brings out the possibility that you want to take a course that can improve your life. Sharpen a skill and sharpen your mind. Not that there is anything wrong with your life, it’s just that you want to improve on what you are already doing. Knowledge is power.


Today’s New Moon is here to tell you not to be afraid that things have drastically changed. That you have to make a living in a slightly different manner, or have to make your money in a very different way to that which you have gotten acclimated to. Tell yourself that change is good!


Today’s New Moon is in your sign, and represents the beginning of the year cycle for you. Make up our mind about what you want to do, and make the first step in that direction. You may be a little shocking to some, but as long as your decisions speak to you, it’s all that matters. Keep growing and expanding your horizons.


Today’s New Moon begs of you to examine your motives and to make sure that you remember to take care of yourself first and foremost. Be kind to yourself today, and see if you can carve time to relax; light a fragrant candle and meditate with soft music in the background. 


Today’s New Moon is best for you to think of creating a digital business or to expand your online presence. You may find people of like mind there to click with and enjoy. The future is here to stay technologically, and you need to catch up with it right now.


Today’s New Moon tells you to rethink the way you have run your business and to find a better way to balance home and career. There has been so much thrown at you, and yet you stand strong! There is room for improvement so that you can have a way to be with your family more.   


Today’s New Moon reminds you that you need to never feel stuck, and to never stop looking higher to the sky of endless possibilities. No matter who may tell you that you are a dreamer that needs to stay with your feet to the ground, keep dreaming and to try to reach higher grounds.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have great desire to make changes again, even if you may have made great changes in the past year. Still, you see a need for personal growth, and a need to have someone there to share your life with. You will possess great energy to plant a seed. Love will be possible with someone who has energy to match your own, and who likes to take chances in life.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Scorpio.

The moon conjoins Mars, makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The sun conjoins the moon: New Moon at 5:15 PM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The sun makes a hard angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

November 3, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will embark on a new way of doing what makes you happy. You have had been doing your best for yourself and your family, and long to try something new, but you want it be something meaningful to you, something to lift your spirit daily. Love will be possible with someone who is on a spiritual path and who likes to help the less fortunate. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Libra makes an excellent angle with Jupiter, a hard angle with Pluto, conjoins Mercury and an easy angle with Venus.

The moon enters Scorpio at 8:53 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

November 2, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. In a relationship there is more than you alone. Make sure that the other person feels heard. Only this way can you come to a peaceful agreement and to a meeting of the minds.


Are you exasperated with yourself? Find peace within you that you are taking care of every chore and detail. There is no reason to rush anything. Time is on your side. Take care of details.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. There is a dilemma on whether you ought to forge ahead, or listen to your fears and back off the project completely. Never give up! And don’t be so hard on yourself.


Don’t be afraid to dig into your history, and find out what makes your family dynamics work. Open up, and don’t get stuck in old ideas and old habits. Begin new traditions of your own.


You have to take a leap of faith no matter how scary the proposition. There is a reason why you are at this cross roads. You have come a long way, so don’t be afraid to take on this opportunity.


Without taking a chance in life, you won’t be able to make more money. Somethings you have to take a leap of faith, and go for it. Make it into an enjoyable game, and you will enjoy your life.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. If you have been doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result, obviously, you have to get your feet unglued, and take a chance on life. Do not let fear dictate your future.


When dealing with people, you can’t win when you insist that it’s your way or the highway. You may find yourself on the highway. Are you expecting too much and need more help? Chill out!


Make sure others have a chance to put their two cents in, or they’ll declare you a dictator! You are no alone in this meeting, and they are bursting to speak as well. Don’t hog the conversation.


You want to get ahead as well as the next person, but you have to remain nice and cooperative. Or you’ll find yourself playing alone with no clients… look at your clients as little treasures…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Visualizing a better future? Sure, but get your head out of the clouds or you’ll forget an important appointment… get back to reality, and appreciate the good things today has to offer.


Certain people do not deserve the kindness you have showed them over and over. It’s time to move on and do the project solo. Sometimes your own company is all you need. Love yourself.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have to not get frustrated at the amount of time it will take you to make the changes you want to make. Perhaps the reason things will be moving so slow, is because you are not completely ready for this drastic change? Love will be possible with someone who is a little bit of a detective, and who enjoys meditation and talking to people.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Libra.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

November 1, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



A job that may have lingered on and on comes to a brilliant conclusion today. Hurrah to you. This evening is a time to celebrate this achievement with the ones who worked with you on this.


Your creative side comes out to play, and within it you come up with practical solutions. By the evening, you have peace of mind knowing that you are in better shape in your job, so you can relax and get some extra zzz’s.


You may not want to leave your home this morning, and indeed you are just as productive if you can work from there, if not more so. This evening is made for romance, play and foolishness.


There isn’t much your sharp eye can’t see today, observations that can shape your career. This evening you put it in perspective in the privacy of your own home. Sit by the fire place and do some knitting…


Your feet are on the ground as soon as you wake up, and you are straightening out financial issues and making sure that you start the week with a clear desk. This evening, you come to life again chatting and laughing.


No matter where you are, at home or in the office, you find today easy to come to decisions and conclusions. You communicate your needs easily and with precision. This evening, you think in a practical manner about the rest of the week.


If you can have a late start, or if you have the opportunity to stay in bed a little longer, you will be better off. An ‘aha’ moment happens when you least expect. You wake up to life this evening, ready to start the week even if you are a little behind on your chores.


Although you are better off being with and connecting with your peers and allies, hashing stuff out, in the morning, it’s in the evening hours, in the privacy of your home away from anyone, that you easily come to decisions.


You are all business this morning, reaching people and answering to your communication. People are naturally helpful and together you find brilliant ways to handle situations. The evening hours are made for meeting friends.


You will have to put your blinders on today, and try not to get lost in day dreaming. Tonight you find great solutions that can bring you up the ladder of success, in whatever you were not clear on all day…


You are introspective and deep thinking today, sorting out your feelings, doing some Yoga and meditating. It could be a good idea to wait until the evening hours to answer to various communications with people.


You find out who is on your side today, by what they do for you and how they treat you when no one is looking and when it’s not a matter of reward. This evening is about you getting the mental rest you so deserve.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will come to realization that you need to make some changes, and you will have plenty of energy to begin to take inventory of your life. Trust your instincts and follow your wishes. Love will be possible with someone who is bright, and who loves the company of people. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon in Virgo makes hard angle with Neptune, an excellent angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Venus.

The moon enters Libra at 7:11 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, October 30 – Sunday, October 31, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. People will come on aggressively, but think twice before accepting money from anyone. Really read between the line, and think of how much are you willing to lose before investing with other people… 


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. People will not understand why you get upset over little things. Stop sweating the small stuff, because you will go bananas when real things happen that can try your patience! Take it easy, or lose friends over tantrums…


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. There isn’t much you can do when the job is way over your head. Fess up and say that you can’t do it, and need help. Or you will end up looking foolish and more: you may look very unprofessional. Ask for help…  


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. It’s all fun and games and you have the right to have a good time, but do not do so at the expense of someone else. If you do, you will yourself with some kind of fight on your hands! Enjoy life but be considerate…


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. Keep an eye on your home and prepare for the winter months. It may cost you some money but you will appreciate every single penny. It may be noisy and with commotion there for a while, but it will be worth the effort…


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. You will be very expressive in the way you communicate, and be very forceful your delivery. You will need to tone it down a little, or watch unsuspecting standers left with their jaw dropped … lol.


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. If you are not careful you will find yourself blowing money left and right, and then complain about not having enough… there is no reason to overdo things blindly. Open up your eyes and stop the madness!


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. You have to be careful that you don’t become overly forceful and demanding, and sometimes you have the potential to even act erratically! In other words, think about how you respond to whatever people are doing, saying…


Mars enters your sign to travel through here until December 13. You will have to handle a lot on your own. You will find that there are things that are better kept private, even though you may bust at the seams to expose. If you do, it could have a boomerang effect that you’ll regret…


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. Your popularity will skyrocket, and your influence will have the potential to reach the heights. Become an influencer… the price may be some of your friends will become pea green with envy… lol.


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. You enjoy to suddenly be in a leadership position, or you will strive to get there by hook or by crook. However, you have to understand that the fall back can be painful, if your ascent is too fast, and only temporary…  


Mars enters Scorpio to travel through there until December 13. You will want to break loose and do whatever you would like to do regardless of any kind of logic. It may be fun for a minute, but then when you get down to reality, you will say: “I did what? Why?” Lol…


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will want to wrap things up in a hurry, and desire to get started elsewhere before you are completely ready. You will need to get your ducks in a row slowly and patiently. Love will be possible with someone who is business oriented and who has a pleasant disposition. 

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will get a fresh start on life. You have long been ready to move forward and you will finally get the chance to do just that. There is a ‘don’t look back’ written all over this. Be contented and happy with your decisions. Love will be possible with someone who has a bright disposition and who can help you in your wish list.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Leo makes a hard angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Venus.

The sun makes a hard angle with Saturn.

Mars enters Scorpio.

The moon enters Virgo at 2:10 PM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mars.



The moon is in Virgo.

The moon makes an easy angle with the sun and an excellent angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 29, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. You celebrate life and the changes that are happening, and to which you are not afraid to take on! But you do have to be careful about the character players involved in the project. Do you all get along? Treat it gently. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people who make my world go round.”


Big changes in your life show themselves front and center, and you have to rejoice. It’s your life and you have to embrace it. Contentment is something that comes from being into your changes and not running away from them.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to accept change.”


You get it through your head, that there are many things for you to be appreciative about, and so much good times that you can have within of your job. This is how you get to joy: the less you complain the happier you will become day by day. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for accepting my life as it is right now.”


Being fearful is a dangerous thing because it stops progress. You have to let go of insecurities, leave a pity party behind and let the future come in. Don’t be your own worst enemy… let go of that which doesn’t work.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being strong.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Changes that put you front and center are something that you welcome in a world where we all have gone thorough many difficulties, and when you are looking for a brand new day. Embrace great changes with love.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for a brand new day!”


Changes that will take you places and give you the opportunity to travel are opening up. You are introspective about your future, and will have to roll up your sleeves and get to some serious work ethic.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having work I need.”


Sometimes a change comes out of the clear blue yonder, and you have to make decisions you may not be ready to make. It really all depends on how brave you are to take on a situation that can change on the dime.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being ready for anything and everything.”


You are all business all day and you are serious about it! You are going to get through to someone who makes you feel powerless, no matter what it takes. Patience! It is a turning point in your career, and you are thinking about it and getting used to it.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the changes in my life.”


This is one of best days of the month for you. You can’t stop your mind from making all kinds of scenarios that you want to live to see. Why not? It’s your life and you have the prerogative to create your own fantasies and to eventually, make them into your reality.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for visualizing a bright future.”


You come to great decisions about people who can help you put the past behind you, and the future in front of you to create and recreate. Choose them carefully, and do it with strength and confidence! Live now, and take a chance on life.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for choosing my crew carefully.”


Relationships are highlighted. You find out who is there for you and who isn’t. You have to get used to those who have left your life, and those who are here to start new relationships with you, be it professional or personal. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the newness in all that I am.”


When you are thinking of making changes, but you have second thoughts because you know that it isn’t time for drastic changes, and you are therefore not positive about what move to make.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not jumping into anything.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will think of how to make huge changes. But you need to have a solid concept first, and that is what will take up your time. Change is difficult, therefor you want to have a good plan in place first. Love will be possible with someone who is fun loving yet is financially motivated.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Leo.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus and an easy angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star