Saturday, October 15 – Sunday, October 16, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.                          



As you get up on Saturday, you have a need to stretch your legs and limbs and go for a walk or a sprint. After that, a nap is in the schedule, since it’s difficult for you to keep your eyes open. The rest of the weekend is made for family time, hopefully. Conversations can have some pushback, but who cares when you are surrounded by the ones you adore.


With money coming out of your hands like a sieve, you try to diminish the need to spend. Instead, this weekend is the perfect time to take care of your health, and the space in which you create your health in. Set up a system in your home that is conducive to making you feel strong physically. Do you have those dumbbells in a place that makes able you pick them up periodically? And then create meals that have your health in mind.


From the moon in your sign at the onset of the weekend when you feel strong and make your presence known, to becoming more conscientious about your environment, as you try to be practical and see what you can do to help others be the best that they can be. Sometimes to let others shine brings your strength out into the sunlight. When you want to be a leader you have to know how to serve.


You have thoughts that wake you up that you may be not happy with yourself, for all sorts of imaginary reasons. Shake yourself off and top berating yourself. After a rough start the rest of the weekend is smooth sailing with the Moon in your sign and you calling the shots. But don’t be overly bossy, or they will tell you what’s what. Lol. Play nice and be kind. Lol. 


You don’t have to advertise your feelings this weekend. It will make you feel stronger when you keep your opinions to yourself. And when in the company of others, their views of the world do not have to be challenged by you. When you keep things close to your vest, you get the respect you deserve. When you speak up, you find yourself in a vulnerable position that is unnecessary.


From feeling pressured to be on top of your game upon the start of the weekend, you feel much more leisurely the rest of the weekend. Never mind the pushback you get from your group, you can handle it, and you have the wisdom to understand that you do not have to respond. Bring some coffee and donuts for everyone, and they will have to get in line and see you for the team player that you truly are.  


You show an independent spirit this weekend as you go about your business with your big-picture plans in front of your eyes at all times without fail. You will find that people have a staunch stance, either for or against what they think you ought to do, but it won’t faze you either way. You are wise enough to keep on keeping on.


You will have to fight yourself this weekend. You will have to prove to yourself that you are no slave to your feelings. Whatever negative thoughts your mind comes up with, thoughts that make you worry, please, push back and don’t fall for the trap. If you feel like being alone, so be it. The fire place crackling, with your feet up noshing on chocolates and streaming, will do…


From quibbling on Saturday’s start of the day, you try to make it up the rest of the weekend. Being social and coming out of your shell will be the most important point. You want to prove your standing is strong and that the little faux pas, is nothing but a glitch. You show strength and tenacity to continue under any circumstance.


The necessity to clean your office and put some sense into the system there, keeps you busy earlier on Saturday. After that, with a drink in your hand, hopefully, a healthy smoothie, you get on the phone to contact anyone who will listen. You don’t feel like being alone this weekend, so you find ways to be in touch. Laughter ensues and follows you throughout. 


Your independent thinking is what turns you on this weekend. You find that others may not be on the same page as you. You find that they are not on the same wavelength or not even on the same planet as you are, but you won’t let that deter you from believing in yourself. You keep your head down and take care of your chores, one by one, feeling like a winner, making simple out of complex tasks. 


From being grumpy, and a party pooper on the start of the weekend, you become the impresario who wants to entertain one and all. You are well to invest in your talents and to put yourself out there for all to see. Never mind what the reviews will be… you don’t care, and that is the correct attitude. Be yourself and let the rest shake out as it may!


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will surprise them all with your initiative and self-promotion. You will be at the top of your game as your career will be most important, emotions can run high. The challenge: how to respond, will matter the most… Love will be possible with someone who is agreeable, easy to get along with.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle, your independent spirit will burst out and take you to places you have been looking to achieve. You will let no one clip your wings and you will soar as high as you choose. So aim for the stars. Love will be possible with someone who allows you to be yourself and who has a sympathetic spirit. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Gemini conjoins Mars.

The moon enters Cancer at 12:11 PM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter.



The moon is in Cancer.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 14, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You know exactly what to say to sooth the friend. You know how to butter up someone who is key to your success, because your words flow off your tongue with ease and with the experience you have to prove. Love is easy to come by and to win over, so give someone a try. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the love in my life.”


Money issues get the kiss of approval from the planets and you are able to get paid handsomely. You are the epitome of how to execute chores with ease, and get the medal of the person who can do it faster, and with the most devotion and enjoyment.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for enjoying taking care of business.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Love dominates the day, and it’s a perfect day to try a new site and swipe right on anyone you think may be the one… Or go on a blind date, you never know what can develop. Don’t hide at home. After all it is Friday…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the possibilities in my life.”


Nothing is sweeter to you than your home. If that duvet with the flowers on it, that you ordered has arrived, arranging your bedroom perks you up. There is nothing more tempting than hopping on your couch with a chocolate cake watching the tube.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my sweet, sweet, home.


Today, you have soft place in your heart, to the point of distraction, for someone you care about. Try to give the compassion you have intended for a friend, copy it and give it to yourself. Don’t forget that you are as important as any squeaky wheel.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a loving heart.”


There isn’t much that can go wrong and so much that can go right. You are on top of every situation and in front of every possibility. You take advantage of whatever plan you have, and create a money making possibility with ease and without much stress.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for enjoying my life.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Romance is on your mind as the weekend is approaching and the chances of this day to be a delight when it comes to your love life is very strong! There is nothing supporting anything detrimental and everything supporting what is sweet and loving and kind. Have a lovely day and a great evening.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the good things in my life.”


There is nothing shameful in loving yourself. In fact it’s the foundation to a healthy relationship with yourself. Forgive yourself for whatever you can’t do, and for whatever you cannot stand in someone else. Take care of your health and do only as much as you can today, no pressure.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for allotting days for self-care.”


Relationships are highlighted. Today, you make a natural leader for the mere fact that you have compassion, dedication and understanding of whomever is in your group balanced out equally. It’s a love fest that can’t go wrong and cannot lose!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being fair with one and all.”


If you are looking to get promoted and have to speak ‘to whom it may concern’, today is a good day to get the conversation started. You stand in a very good place and ought to take advantage do this. Rely on your expertise to carry you through to the finish line.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the opportunities in life.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. This is a day when whatever gutsy plan you put together in your mind can actually come to fruition in one day. Or have the opportunity to dream up a travel plan and to actually be able to put it together in a jiffy and get there without much fuss. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the freedom that makes me happy.” 


You don’t have to look far for the love that is all over you and surrounds today. You find it right at home and with the ones you are closes to. What would you be without them? And how they reflect on you personally is what today all is about.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people who make an impact on me.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have loads and loads of energy. You will have a nicely balanced year of work and pleasure. You will find fun in travel for the sake of happiness. Love will be possible with someone who likes to travel and who makes friends easily.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn, an excellent angle with Venus an excellent angle with the sun and a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 13, 2022 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Whatever way is easiest for you, is the way to approach your day. Should you see it fit to take on an assignment that has you outdoors for some of the day, help yourself to this?  Enjoy your day moving around, your body will appreciate, and your partner won’t mind.


You are not in the mood for nonsense, as you provide a voice of reason. You want to see concrete effort that makes sense in dollars and cents. You provide a reliable work ethic and lend a shoulder to lean on, for those who are busy doing these tasks with you.   


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. When you search for a day that you are brave and have the guts to say something that needs to be said, today is your day. Do whatever is best for your own interests and everything else will fall into place. Fear nothing but fear itself. You got this!


There are issues with your business or career that you know that you best tackle without anyone involved because it doesn’t involve anyone else. Your mind is at peak and you come up with the best work, when no one comes in and out of your space or your room.


When you work in a group and all of you put your energy together, you come up with the best work possible personally and collectively. One hand feeds the other, and when you connect all your hands together, you come up with a supportive circle of power.


You are all business all day, as you have a one track mind when you discuss what is best for a transaction. You come to conclusions about how much profit you ought to make and you proceed to do all that is needed. Strike it while it’s hot, and secure your position. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your thought process is most clear and uncluttered today, and you come to decisions that make sense and where you see a clear road ahead. Discussions with your partners are advised; you will cover a lot of ground, and come to amiable solutions 


You are in touch with your innermost self and know what is good for you. However, it may not be the day to ask for what you need, even though you process it in your mind. Having a moment of clarity is a treasure to categorize and get back to when you need it


Relationships are highlighted. When you have an issue to discuss, whatever you need will be awarded to you, because you come to your partner with a good attitude and a smile on your face. Your friendship is what connects you together, and since you have trust in one another, nothing that can go wrong.


You have to speak up about issues regarding to working conditions. What does your office need from superiors to give you? The road is clear for you to ask for it. Is your chair good for your pasture? Your health is where you ought to concentrate on today.  


This is one of the best days of the month for you. If you have something to convey, today the words come out of you easily. No matter how dramatic you make it sound, you will be listened to and you will feel heard. All you need is the fearlessness to speak up, and you possess that today in good measure. Go for it!


Your home is highlighted as you want to come up with the best decision in regard to issues within your family. There needs to be an agreeable conclusion to a lingering commotion situation there. Your mind is clear and easy solutions are at your fingertips.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will continue on the path you have chosen and find that it’s a path with least resistance and that the road is clear for you to make your plans into a reality you to your liking. Love will be possible with someone who is easy going and exactly what you prayed for. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon enters Gemini at 1:00 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 12, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You may be trying to impress someone with your miracles and magic. If they are the sort that it is what impresses them you are in like Flint. But most down to earth humans won’t fall for anything that isn’t tangible and you can find yourself disappointing yourself for trying so hard. Just go about your business and don’t try to do be superman/woman.  


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. If you are looking for structure and the ability to do your chores in an orderly manner, forget it. The best way to succeed today is to go with the flow… be as easygoing as you can be, and let the chips fall as they may. But do hold on to your money and not listen to a friend’s financial ‘advice’.   


You find that your experience and hold over your responsibilities doesn’t seem to impress those who work under you, and you find yourself taking it personally and getting emotionally hurt. The truth is that you are a bit overly micromanaging today. Loosen up some of the grip, expect less and let them do their thing and let them stand on their own.


It seems like the less you speak the less chaotic the day becomes. Today is a perfect example to the ‘silence is golden’ adage. When your peers, out of the blue ask you to get a pizza together fun ensues. But you don’t have to spill any tea just for the sake of adding to the conversation. Some days you learn so much more by being quiet and by listening.    


You are all business all day long but the day is far too confusing to make sense out of simple transactions. Give it up! You don’t have to try so hard when all the signs say to step back and allow the day to unfold in its own twisted way. When money involves other people, you need to pay close attention and wait for a better day to make decisions.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Having said that it takes a special kind of understanding how to make the day a success. Try not to go against the standard expectations, nor try to convince anyone about what is best for them. Stay in your lane, speak of your experiences wisely, but don’t expect the sheep to follow. It’s all good; you have your path and they have theirs. 


The less expectations you have about how your day is supposed to develop, the better. Your schedule will be fluid and your response unpredictable. Don’t get upset when things get out of your control. Apply a ‘whatever happens, happens,’ kind of an attitude and you will be the happier for it. But try to stick to a schedule and it will go nowhere.


Relationships are highlighted. All is harmonious as long as you don’t expect much of what you think you deserve from a partnership. If you want to do something spectacular and daring, the advice will sound discouraging. But don’t judge anyone today either. It’s just one of those days… and try that unattainable stunt another day anyway.


You try so hard to concentrate on what you do every day, and yet everything just makes you want to stop and go back home and not deal with anyone or anything. They are just too much to handle with their constant controlling ways. You won’t be bossed around or will you?! To fight about anything will send you going nowhere in circles. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You make people smile with your cheerful attitude. To succeed, stay in your lane and do what has been true and tried only. And when a sense of euphoria takes over and you want to do something special, that includes everyone and that you think will be easily enjoyed by everyone, what you will get are word jumble and defiance. 


What you think about today and what is bound to happen during the day, have a bit of a disconnect there. Spontaneity is the wrong instinct to follow. You may leave today’s affairs and go home on a whim, which is possible and the best case scenario. Remember that your money looks best in your bank account, and not wasted on some scheme.


You seem to be confusing people not by choice, but by saying things unnatural to you personally. You seem to say what is so true to yourself but you may be hurting some people’s feelings, and be oblivious to that. Some days teach you that not every truth needs to be told. So try not to speak or advice about your observations. Not today…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that not every beginning is clearly etched in stone. You will have to go with the flow and trust that your Karma is good and that whatever unfolds will be go in your favor. Love will be possible with someone who is a deep thinker and whose love will be empowering to you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Taurus.

Mars makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The moon conjoins Uranus.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

The moon makes a hard angle with Saturn, an easy angle with Neptune and an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 11, 2022 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Good and reliable people with whom you have partnered are becoming friends. And new friendships are becoming a good influence in your life. Together you can climb the highest mountain and complete the most difficult assignments. There is strength in numbers and you have time to go out for a drink to celebrate today’s accomplishments.   


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your hard work is paying off today. Your tenacity and doggedness have gotten you here, and you have the right to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Keep mum about the specifics of how much money you make, because there are those who want a piece of what is yours, and it’s no one’s business but yours.


No matter what dreams you have to improve your life, embrace them and start making the first step in the long road to success. The only one that stands in your way is your need for speed today, which creates a hasty way of taking care of business, and can’t be a good thing. As soon as you slow down your jets, you can see that the road ahead is clear.  


Great decisions happen naturally when you are confident from the very core of you, about this specific decision. It’s because you’ve thought it through that today gives you the green light to go ahead, and allow yourself to make changes. You know deep down that all will be well and without regrets. Don’t believe negative images to enter your mind.


There are reliable and strong relationships that you depend on which are coming through for you today. Whatever you request of them they are here to help you with their expertise and good standing. Some jealousy from your peers need not be discouraging you from engaging in what you are confident is good and positive advice. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. This is a day where you get paid for what you have worked on for a while now. You are a solid employee, or business owner, who is the epitome of how to work efficiently to have paved the way to today’s paycheck that is solid as well. Try not to work so hard today, and take time to daydream and to take care of your health needs.


So what if you tend to embellish what you need to say. As long as you have fact checked the content, you have the right to improvise and to say whatever you want with wit charm and a little puffing. You can’t help but be a bit of a showoff… No matter what project you are slowly working through, you are a happy camper.  


Relationships are highlighted. You seem to be in a rush to get something done, when in fact today, you need to take things a bit easier, a little slower. You have the correct support you need, and it will all get done in due time and without you having to sweat over it. Just relax and enjoy the ride. Indulge in good food but not much wine… lol. 


Your trusted friends come through for you with flying colors today. Now, they may seem to be a little shifty and unorganized, but having said that, their intentions are solid and good and loving towards you. They mean business and want to see you get this project finished. Trust in who you are, and in who your friends truly are to you.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You can’t help but smile. Making money is never an easy proposition, however today, nothing seems impossible to collect of what is owed to you. You may trip over your tongue some, but in the end, you receive what you worked for and you don’t have any regrets. 


Whatever you visualize eventually comes to fruition. And today, is one of those days where your dreams are becoming a reality because of the steadfast work you’ve put into every step of the way. You have overcome obstacles and have the right to enjoy a solid and good day. Definitely there is no need to show off the money you have been paid.  


You are your own worst enemy today. You need to trust your instincts, and go with your gut feelings. As soon as you let go of that what have you got? As soon as you rectify this posture, take a deep breath and become solid in your trust in yourself, all goes well. No one knows you as well as you do, so you need to stand in faith with your Karma.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will need to trust that when you want to create changes that are necessary, you have to rely on your instincts. Wrap up issues that have been disturbing you and think of the big world out there getting ready to embrace you when the time is right. Love will be possible with someone who is soft on the inside but strong on the outside…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Taurus.

The sun makes an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 10, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. Your relationships will benefit from this tremendously. This period gives your chance to contact and reconnect with whomever you have to discuss an issue that may have deteriorated in the last retrograde; it will be easily remedied. You can start new and powerful partnerships, should there be someone who can assist you along; make contact without hesitation.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. Whatever tasks that seemed to have been too much to handle in of the last retrograde, now you get the chance to start all over and get them done easily and with the least amount of effort. If there is any kind of office furniture that is better for your wellbeing, like your posture, for example, the green light to acquire it in this period. Or go ahead and try out that new gym.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. You will be the life of the party and everything you do will have a sense of good times attached to it, and a sense that nothing is impossible. You can go for whatever your heart desires, because you know how to express yourself in a way that inspires others to help you along on your journey. Because they want to be in your presence.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. This period give you the chance to make right anything that may have gotten out of hand with a family member in the last retrograde. If you didn’t see eye to eye, make up and hug. This period will enable you to start new traditions with your family; it’s your life and you can create traditions that may not have been put in place before, but that now you will all appreciate.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. You will feel like you are getting your voice back, (and how!) from feeling like you have been misunderstood and waiting patiently for this chance to be heard again. You will find it easy to say the exact words needed in any situation, and to communicate with precision and confidence. Enroll in course that will further you technologically, and invest in your future.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. You may have had to tighten your belt in the recent retrograde, and now you will find that you are more financially secure and can loosen it up a bit. Just remember to not be overly lavish, as you will have the urge to occasionally, and stick to your budget, and still be able to treat yourself.


Mercury enters again to your sign since last retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. You have your eyes open now to whomever you lost faith in, and that is alright to not have to deal with them again for your mental health reasons. Finally you can go ahead and line up all your goals and announce to the world about your intentions. Move forward with confidence, with gladness and to make sure your voice is being heard. 


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. This gives you the opportunity to get back to being yourself again. To accept yourself again, with all your faults. Is anyone perfect? You are allowed to have your feelings, to feel them and deal with them. It’s healthy for you to meditate, so sort them out and work through them. Without this how can you move forward with confidence?


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. This period gives you the opportunity to slide back into your social life that you may have had to abandon because you felt scrutinized, or not given a chance to speak. Get back to life, and have fun with all invites. Grow your circles acquaintances, and expand your social network; some may grow into lifelong friendships.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. Get back to your career and to your business plans, even to those which may have gotten fouled by the retrograde. Make right all opportunities that you weren’t able to get together, and make new plans; point your arrow and reach for the stars. Just remember you get what you ask for, and you will be so busy that it can make your head spin! So try not to overload your schedule. 


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. If you felt silenced or misunderstood, now you can finally express what you actually were trying to say, but were unable to for whatever reason. Now are will be able to do so with authority and with experience that will be easily detected and respected by all. If there is a request you need to put in front of someone of influence and authority, this is your chance to bring it forward.


Mercury enters Libra again after the retrograde, to travel through there until October 29. Your spiritual life will be able to thrive as you will discover what makes you happy nowadays, and what you have the right to rethink, and to let go of, and what you may as well not include into your near future. You know where you belong, and need to accept yourself and love yourself. You will be able to forgive yourself so that you can move through this world with ease and confidence.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will evaluate what has transpired in the past few years and make decisions built upon that about what you want to see in your future. You will reevaluate relationships and create new and inspiring ones. Love will be possible with someone who is artistic in nature, and who likes you just the way you are…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Aries makes an easy angle with Mars and a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Taurus at 5:04 PM EDT.

Mercury enters Libra.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, October 8 – Sunday, October 9, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.                          



On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will have opportunities and all the time in the world, to think of what you would like to see in your career that you have not had the time to devote to. Make changes in your career that speaks more to your heart and which will make you happy, and consequently more productive. Sunday’s Full Moon in your moon sign, and you have the right to act in any way that pleases you., you may even get away with it being your way or the highway kind of attitude… Good thing is that this time around, (it only happens once a year), you are filled with love and admiration for someone special. Go out on a date, even if you haven’t planned a thing, and enjoy the day without reservations… no pun intended…


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to revive projects which have been on the back burner, either for that lack of time or for the lack of inspiration that you needed in order to make them to move forward. But which now will go full steam ahead, without those obstacles in the way. Sunday’s Full Moon brings you up close and personal with the stuff that is best left behind. It’s The day of the year for you that brings an awareness for change, that hits you in the eye and to which you actually admit that the need for change is here and that it is good! If it’s mental anguish, let it go with a little ceremony. If it’s tangible stuff you need to unload, get to packing and donate to your favorite charity, which will be good for your Karma…


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to push internal struggles out into the open, and therefor let them out of your hurtful place and bring life and happiness back into your soul. There is a time to put a period on troubles and a determination to get to the place of faith. Sunday’s Full Moon is one of the finest of the year for you! Allow yourself to let your hair down, let loose some and enjoy the day with abandon. What is life for, if it wasn’t to enjoy? Not to mention, if you put yourself out there, love and romance is what you may just come across and trip over delightfully.


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to resume communications with those figureheads in your life that have the power and the momentum back in your life, and to put you back in the front for promotions, and for creating the life you want with their powerful influence on your life. Sunday’s Full Moon may have you a bit resentful that you have to work on your career. Sure, you like what you do for a living, but this is Sunday, and here you are toiling away. Oh, well… acceptance is part of being able to be happy, and you can put a little of a game into your work, and enjoy thinking of the profits that will come. Besides, love is awaiting silently at home for you, once your work day is done.


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to devote more time for your health, and to devote more time for the way that You want to deal with your health. You will be able to join in classes which were unavailable thus far, and get the happy back into your exercise routine. Sunday’s Full Moon this is one of the best Full Moon of the year for you. Your imagination brings ideas that can further help you in your life, so hurry up and jot them down. This is a day for you regain faith in yourself and in the universe to support your ideas. Connect with people you love who are living far away and put a smile on their face and your face.  


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will begin to enjoy life the way you haven’t been able to; you will be able to party and put on your fancy dressy outfits. You will be able to put romance back into your life. You will be able to have the kind of lasting love life that is healthy and productive, and not destructive and toxic. Sunday’s Full Moon can agitate you if you don’t see it for what it really is meant to be used for. It’s meant to be used for Sageing and smudging of your soul. It’s a day for spiritual cleaning your environment and your soul. Put the past behind, (hopefully you have learned a lesson), and to make a conscience decision to move forward with a grateful heart and a happy soul that all is well in your world.


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to give more time to your personal life, and devote more quality time with family, that has gotten neglected for no fault of your own. It’s just that the pace of your business was so demanding and so strong, and you have been overwhelmed with it. Sunday’s Full Moon is in you sun sign. Relationships are what you concentrate on today, and what makes you sit up and pay attention to. Create an atmosphere of forgiveness of love, patience and appreciation. Go out to your favorite romantic restaurant, or stay home and make the kind of day to remember, selfies and all…


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to get back to enjoying your life your way; you will be able to communicate with people in an easy uncontrived way, and in a way that is of your own desire, and not in a way that has been dictated to you by all sorts of pressure that came from outside. Sunday’s Full Moon brings out the ambitious in you. It brings out the ambition that makes you want to go on a lovely trail you enjoy hiking on, or to hop on your bicycle. Unless you have to work today, which will make you a bit antsy, but you will be able to get through the load of tasks with enthusiasm.


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to get back control over your monetary life. You have had to succumb to whatever you needed to do, or to keep your head above water, and now you will be able to regain control and make your money in a way that pleases you more, is more effective and which produces more earning power. Sunday’s Full Moon brings out the playfulness you so much enjoy! You have the best day, just frolicking around doing whatever your little heart desires, and you won’t allow anyone to rain on your parade! It’s your life, your business to do with it as you please, and you can have the romantic dalliance you choose to enjoy.


On Saturday, Pluto, in your sign nowadays, begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to regain control over your life as a whole. Control that must have felt like you lost some footing, and that everyone who felt like being a boss over you succeeded in a way… you will be back in the driver seat of your life! Sunday’s Full Moon brings your desire to be with your favorite people in the world, namely your family! Tear away from your busy schedule and spend quality time with them. Make a meal fit for a king, with all the trimmings, and have a cozy time.


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to dig into your psyche and do some serious healing that may have had to be postponed for whatever reason, especially, life that kept you working, and you were not able to give the time you deserve, to yourself and to your needs. Sunday’s Full Moon brings the best out of you! You enjoy the gift of the gab today, so you ring up everyone and their mother, for a little chat that will pick them up as well as it will do you a world of good. Get out and get some coffee, you may bump into that dog you like from your neighborhood, so have a bone ready…


On Saturday, Pluto begins its direct motion and for the next seven months, you will be able to concentrate on the friendships you have in your life. You will be able to take a closer look, and decide which ones work and which ones do not, and have not, and to which you haven’t had the time to pay close attention to. Sunday’s Full Moon may find you on edge about a monetary transaction. Don’t let that occupy your time so much, and enjoy a day where you can buy something that you have been coveting for a long time. Treat yourself, you deserve it, as long as it fits within your budget…


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will create a life that is more meaningful to your and to your family. Your family will be front and center in all your decisions and will be a part in assisting your career as well. Love will be possible with someone who likes to exercise and who is artistic and easy to love.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have a year filled with love and attention to the ones you appreciate in your life. You will have a tendency to pay attention to detail, which will serve you well in your business transactions. Love will be possible with someone who is a little of an emotional person, but who loves with all their heart and soul.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune, makes an easy angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Mercury.

Pluto begins its direct motion.

The moon enters Aries at 11:57 AM EDT.

The moon in Aries conjoins Jupiter.



The moon is in Aries.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus

The moon makes an opposition to sun: Full Moon at 4:55 PM EDT. 

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 7, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



What you need to stop doing immediately is to be so hard and demanding of your ego. You can’t cram into one day what needs to be done in a week’s time, no matter what! Take a deep breath, pour yourself a glass of wine, take a bubble bath, then sink into a streaming situation that makes you forget about yourself and your ego’s demands.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for loving myself.”


Try to avoid at all costs having to lick your wounds and feel sorry for yourself. Time keeps marching on and you have to make the adjustments that are requested of you. Every season in life has another way of enjoying life. Your friends may be busting your chops today, but they are the ones who encourage you, no matter what, in the long run.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for enjoying every season of life.”


Pushing, pushing, pushing may have worked for you recently, but you find that today, it will backfire. Your drive may be stronger than anything you may have felt recently, but you must put down the wand of demands, and replace it with a softer tone. If you don’t, it will fall on deaf ears and people may even rise up and demand your removal from the throne.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for speaking softly and gently.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have brilliant ideas that you need to present to the ones who can carry it from this point on, and make it an effort that everyone will benefit from. What you need to stop immediately, is the need to take care of everyone, coddle them and try to make their lives easier. They are not children and you will find that they reset your good intentions.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking care of business brilliantly.”


Your high energy today, may be annoying to those who feel threatened by the authority you demonstrate and the talent you exhibit. Try to avoid at any costs to ask for anything that may be misconstrued as a demand. They will think you are here to belittle them, or expose them. Of course you are not, but that is beside the point. Get it done by yourself.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being kind to others.”


Relationships are highlighted. People are resisting you from all fronts. They have a way of doing business and you seem to have your own way. The way to come together and find a compromise, is when you back off the need to be understood by one and all. Not everyone will understand you, especially not today, and who cares! Come to an agreement with them, and love yourself for who you are.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not expecting to be understood all the time.”


Serving others will come naturally to you today, and is the best place to put your energy. Just clearing your space and cleaning it will make you feel cozy and ready for the weekend. What you want to avoid at all cost, is to insist upon serving someone who doesn’t want your help even though you may think they do.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for following the road of least resistance.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. This is a fine day to back off and let others take the reign. Take it easy, and let others carry the heavy load. As much as you would like to push through and start a great campaign, there are obstacles in your way. The only green light is to take it easy on yourself. Don’t do anything physically too demanding where you can hurt yourself.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking a mental or physical day off.”


You feel protected at home, and are at your best when there isn’t anyone around. Stay humble and do what needs to be done for your family. When you try to demonstrate talent, where you would normally shine, today is taken as you being a showoff! Yes, it’s Friday, but try to avoid dressing festively; they will say you look like a clown. Unless you don’t care what they say…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a humble person.”


Running around all over the place with your sneakers on, certainly will scratch your itch to not be sitting still gazing out the window. So do those kind of chores that give the chance to get out and greet folks. What you need to avoid at all costs is to try to ask a family member to do something, they will consider it an attempt at getting bossed around.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my legs and limbs.”


You try to make a living and to be down to earth about it. Be patient with yourself. There is only so much ground you can cover. Try to avoid at all costs the idea that you have to know everything about everything, or else you see yourself as the one who is lacking in knowledge and everyone else has an upper hand on you. You know that’s not true!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being enough in any situation.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. The wisest way to approach today is to understand that there is only so much money you can earn in one day. Today, is time for introspection, and not time for outward expectations even from those who are on your side? They are busy with their own lives, and you may take it personally, and feel rejected that they don’t want to do business with you.     

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for knowing when to back off.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will break free of any kind of life you don’t like and don’t appreciate. You won’t like anyone bossing you around. You will be business oriented and find a way to get around any change placed in your way. Love will be possible with someone who is sweet by nature, and hard working.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Pisces.

The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus and a hard angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 6, 2022 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You may have a change of heart on something important. It’s your prerogative to do so.  This could alter what you have been doing and send you on an entirely different path. Therefore, before you press ‘send’ on this suggestion, to a pivotal person, give it double and triple thoughts, and make sure you’re not making this huge decision on a whim… 


Anything remains pie in the sky until it starts to take shape and form. Creatively, there is no one who can top you today. Take this great project, or this great dream you are aiming for, and give it your personal touches, your signature, and get the ball rolling. Get in contact with your connections, those who can make the difference they will come on board easily today.


Your drive to succeed is very powerful today. You may not want to hear ‘no’ for an answer, but you never know what response you will receive. It’s up to You to determine what you need done, and it’s up to You to get the ball rolling. Your family is pivotal to this transformation that can take place, if you know yourself and what makes you tick.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. What you have to say is highly important and personal to you today, because it can cause a wave of change. So before you go before a key person in your life, and intend to convince this person, which will be super easy to do, make sure that you truly want this change to take place all together.  


You scrutinize whatever is going on today, and try to see it through the glasses of practicality. If it makes no sense to you, it would be a hard sell for anyone. If you want to get this project off your shelves and into the hands of the consumer, you have a good idea of how to do so. There is no room for frills so break it down to what makes most sense.


Relationships are highlighted. Your creativity is powerful about how to sell a hard sell. Embellishments are acceptable and the way you paint the picture is brilliant, but you must know the distinction between what is borderline to false presentation due to an over the top imagination. Remember to be as truthful as you can be, and you will still be able to sell a refrigeration to an Eskimo.


Your internal life comes out today, as you want nothing more than to put down on paper the way you feel about someone or about something. It’s better to put a draft down in your notes first, before you ever decide to send this email. You also have plenty of energy today to tackle whatever needs to be cleaned. Take out your Windex and get to it.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Long time friendships are highlighted. Life keeps changing, and these precious relationships go through their different stages that mirror your lives. This connectivity is what brings out the creative in you, and the love you feel for these individuals, and the love you have for the things in life we take for granted.  


When there are too many plans, too many commitments you have inserted yourself into, and today is the day when you are asked to show the work you put into them, and to show how well you have performed. There isn’t much wiggle room, and you are best not to get emotional. Have the confidence to keep it simple and present your progress.


The way you visualize your life going forward is so powerful today. Now that you know what you would like your life to look like, it’s the making it into reality that is the issue you want to get started about. It takes a first step in anything one wants to achieve, and today, while you have such a clear graphic in your mind, is a great starting point.


There are things you would love to see happening, but of course, life take its own path as the universe has its own ideas of how your life is supposed to unfold. The less resistance you give, the happier your life will be. Certain things are inevitable, and others you have the ability too change. To know which are which, the way to peace of mind is.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. The people you have collected along the way of life, are like putty in your hands today; you can mold these connections any which way you choose, and find resistance to be non-existing. Your family needs to get on board, is where the more difficult sell is, but all in all, this is your day to ask for what you need in life to get you going forward in the direction of your choosing.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will stay truthful to who you are in every situation, and will find that others may be surprised when you back out of projects that you feel are not allowing you to stay true to who you are. Your accomplishments and success will reflect the amount of work you put into things. Love will be possible with someone who is your anchor and who understands you. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The entered Pisces at 8:47 AM EDT.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 5, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



They love you! They are excited for your success and want to be part of whatever project you are involved with. With you as someone they respect, you are all in a good position to become an exemplary group with the most gifted people. As a group you cannot be beat. Brainstorm and find new ways to become even better.


Whatever you do today, you do with conviction, dedication and tenacity. You are all business all day, and whatever you decide goes. Just remember, that they will remember you when you leave the room and you don’t want to come off like someone who thinks they have it all figured out and no one else is as smart as you are.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have the right to dream and you have the right to create the life that you want for yourself and for the ones you love. Think of the big picture and of the opportunities you can have when you keep your options open. Don’t lock yourself in to anything less than fabulous.


You can get into a situation that looks easy only to find that it isn’t good for you. It calls your name, tantalizing and calling you in. But don’t fall for the trap. It can work out long term, and even right now, but only when the one person who was not in your corner, changes position and decides not to go against you. Make sure are everyone is on board.


Relationships are highlighted. Your communication ability is so well pronounced today, it would be a shame to not reach out to a person who can be important to your future and to your career. You are a combination of seriousness wrapped up in a charming fun loving person whom anyone would like to have as a friend.


The fatigue you feel is the kind that happens after you grind through your work and know that you have given it all you’ve got. The good thing is that you are making money and don’t have to sweat too hard to make it. The boss enjoys to put you in a position of an overseer who knows how to manage others with smarts and experience.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. The planets keep shining on you with encouragement. They urge you to take this great chance in life. They are encouraging you that the tide is in your favor and that you have nothing to fear. Your creativity is heightened and you can come up with a great idea that can make your life sweet.


You have to be as good in starting projects as you are in wrapping them up. This is a good day to wrap up stuff that no longer brings you happiness and only agitate you. Why hang on if you can be so much better without this situation? Or without this person? If the relationship is beginning to feel fake, it probably is.  


The world is at your feet and you are a part of the best community. The freedom you seek now is to be able to be yourself and to be doing the stuff that you only used to dream of. This is your chance to make a leap into your future, take a leap of faith, because you are well educated by now, you have your ducks in a row and are able to make the change.


When you think that things can’t get better, and yet they do. And here you are able to negotiate a great deal that will make you money while making you look good, and your reputation remains positive and strong. Negotiate your price, and you just may get it…  


The moon is in Aquarius and you rule the day. You can run any show and do anything at all and be a superhero. Or you can be as lazy as you want to be and have nothing going for you and be just as contented. And that is where the problem lies. It’s up to you what kind of life you wish to have. This is a fantastic day to make a successful adjustment.


Nothing ventured nothing gained, when you hide in your room. But if you use your time doing the kind of work in your room that you can in no way do on the outside, formulating ideas for when the project is ready for its day in the light, then you are a success today. It’s all about preparation, and you are in a preparing kind of a day. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make life look easy. Whatever you will be a part of, will be something that everyone will have a great time with you. Your energy level and your ability to handle life with ease and dignity will be the key to your success. Love will be possible with someone who is a lover of life and who is creative.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aquarius.

The moon makes an excellent angle with the sun, a hard angle with Uranus, conjoins Saturn and an excellent angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star