Saturday, July 3 – Sunday, July 4, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. You find that your carefree attitude doesn’t jive with someone who seems friendly enough, and yet would like to bring your spirit down to their level of celebrating. You still have to be yourself without going head to head with a fool who thinks they know it all…


On Saturday, the moon enters your sign early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. You set the tone and may not be aware of the impact you make. Yet don’t expect everything to run smoothly today and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. You have to be gracious no matter where you are, even if they are not your cup of tea. Peace ought to be your first priority, without instigating any fights with anyone, for any reason. You must work on having a spirit of acceptance and inclusion.    


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. Your desire to have everyone leave you alone to your own devices to do just what you please, seems to fall on deaf ears. In order to keep the peace, it would be wise to go along with the program that someone may be imposing upon you temporarily. If you can’t win them join them kind of a thing.      


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. You don’t have to go along with suggestions by friends that can send you to the poor house, just to entertain them in the style they want you to entertain. Do your thing, (you don’t need filet mignons on your grill,) and stay out of arguments with these folks. Don’t engage in exposing your own personal feelings for the weekend, just have fun.      


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. Some see you with envy as you are so good looking, and see you as holding advantages in some way, and it may irk someone. To keep the peace takes a lot of incentive from you. Try your hardest to welcome everyone, and to be welcomed. Remember that people have been cooped up for too long, and may have lost their minds just a drop, lol…       


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. Your peace can be threatened by an inability to get from point A to point B. It could be relentless traffic, or that you just want to stay put, but someone wants you to go there… what you won’t do for family… you go the extra mile and brave exhaustion.     


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. You may be overly excitable because of the pressure of the recent events. Try to stay calm, count your blessings, and take this as a lesson of how to not to succumb to have emotions from overflowing and showing in ways you may not want someone see you. Just enjoy the weekend, regardless of what happens around you…


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. People may be unpredictable and weird, but that only comes to prove that you can control the brigade. Give up control, and watch situations dissipate. Have fun instead. It may surprise to find you that you can be a part of the problem…    


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. Some of you may have to work when you want to go to a barbecue, but you will have to do what you have to do first. You find that discussing politics is not a good idea! Once you realize that you don’t have to get down and be serious, life will be so nice this weekend. Some days voicing your views is just not the time or place… Seek peace and it will find you…       


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. You are willing to let bygones be bygones, but the other party is not as ready to follow suit? Sometimes removing yourself from the equation is not to retreat, but a call for peace… postpone any confrontations and you will be happy you had. Just take life one day at a time, and enjoy the weekend.      


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. You feel connected to so many, and you may feel comfortable to say things you wouldn’t otherwise feel comfortable saying. However, it may backfire, and leave you in a compromised position. Try not to, inadvertently of course, antagonize anyone, but keep the peace at all costs… enjoy your home this weekend.      


On Saturday, the moon enters Taurus early in the day, and remains there throughout the entire weekend. Don’t expect everything to run smoothly today, and on this Sunday, the Fourth of July. Your desire to stay close to home, to hang out in your very neighborhood, can be a little out of range, close by or not. Your needs are not the first on your family’s awareness and therefore not on their list of priorities, so you may have to find a destination to hang out that may not your first priority… to be flexible is key to having a fun and easy weekend.       


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will an independent person, and will try to bring into the fold people who may not be the cup of tea of others in the group. Your originality will inspire those who will join in on their own accord. They will be inspired by your tenacity and energy. You will have to be careful of who you invest in and with whom you invest. Love will be possible with someone who is passionate, hardworking and stubborn.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will shock people because of your independent spirit that will show up for all to see. Even those who knew you before will be taken aback at your strength and determination to do something original. Don’t worry, they will come to realize you know what you are doing is right by you and by them. Love will be possible with someone who has a sense of humor, who is hardworking and suborn.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Aries makes a hard angle with Pluto.

 The moon enters Taurus at 8:28 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter.

Mars makes a hard angle with Uranus.



The moon is in Taurus.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus, a hard angle with Saturn, an easy angle with the sun, conjoins Uranus and makes a hard angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful 4th of July weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 2, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are the charmer you always wanted to be, and today, your wish is our command. You can be a little star struck with yourself; that is where the danger lies…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being such a charming heart breaker…” lol.


You need a day off to dust off the past, so that you can stand in your present and look forward to your future. You don’t feel like doing too much talking. You are just not in the mood. It’s your prerogative.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not having to do much, but be quiet.”


You are chatty, chatty, chatty, and looking for someone to accept all you have to say. It’s a good thing that you are entertaining and imaginative. So that everyone is interested in hearing more and more…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having someone to talk to…” lol.


You have to take care of your mental wellbeing at the most basic level. You can have a wonderful day getting information that will help you mentally, emotionally and psychologically.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my sound mind.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. It’s so nice when people speak plainly. You have had enough misunderstandings and now all is out on the table. You don’t have to guess what people are thinking.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for life being simpler.”


You get a very deep understanding on the subject of partnerships and investments. You learn and grow as a person. Write it all down so that you can study it some more. Knowledge is power especially in business.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for learning new subjects.”


Relationships are highlighted. Talk plainly, have a discussion that can turn around a situation that may have been frustrating and that today, can make a stride forward. It’s good to have it all in understood.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having an understanding, finally.”


If you have had it, are frustrated with yourself and want to feel better and to look better, today is that turning point you have been waiting for. Get your sneakers and do what you are supposed to do with sneakers…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking care of my health.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are just the person to entertain everyone. Today, your mouth is sarcastic yet you are funny and engaging. Thank you for entertaining us…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for allowing myself to let my hair down.”


Home sweet home and family sweet family! That is all that is on your mind. You go through the motions of your tasks and get ready to have a chat with someone familial… that is where your heart is…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my loving family.”


The way you express yourself is unique to you today. It has your stamp on it, and you are very happy to be able to speak your mind without worrying that you may be hurting anyone’s sensibilities. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a normal conversation.” Lol.


You try to be as practical as you can be in spite of people who may trying to tell you otherwise. Only listen to those who are older, more experienced and wiser everyone else is just annoying and clueless… lol.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for those who are older and wiser.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy getting a new understanding of how to operate your career, knowledge will come from sources you least expect. You will have to decipher between who is on your  side and who is not. Love will be possible with someone who is energetic, a lover of art and who is a businessperson.   

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 1, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. When someone blames a friend of yours of wrong doing, you naturally, you want to come to their defense. However, I wouldn’t stick my nose into situations that are out of your jurisdiction, out of your control, and out of your ability to protect them. Bring a chuckle into that situation, and get them to see that nothing is as important as they make it out to be. Be a peace maker or stay out. Let them handle it themselves.


As long as you can see your family, is all that matters to you. Having to work on your career has too many obstacles it’s better to not try to fight against it. When there is a wave that is too difficult to ride, you can’t fight it, just surf relaxed and ride it out. Don’t strain so much about business transactions, you can’t fight city hall… just do what comes naturally take the road of least resistance. Whatever is true and tried, is good to go, and leave the heavy lifting to another day.


You are a giver who wants to do the best for a friend. But the problem is larger than what you can do to help. All you can do is offer advice. And even that may not be taken as you would like it to be taken. What you can do as the road of least resistance today, is to concentrate on your career. Work on issues that you can accomplish today but keep away from long distance connections. Stick to what is happening right in front of your eyes, on your desk, and work on that.    


This is a hard working day. This is a wonderful day to get results. Unless you intend to demand pay from anyone at all! Because at soon as you make demands, the day can go south. You may be so passionately involved with someone hot, and that will work out well for you and this person for a day, but don’t get excited and lose your head just yet… put this love to the test.


This is one of the best days of the month for you, to get answers when you listen to advice from those who have more experience in your field. This is a good day to kiss and make up with your sweetheart. Yet, this is not a good day to expect unattainable situations. Take a back seat in any given situation at all. Be super polite, listen with both ears, don’t shout out suggestions or what you think are responses. 


If you are hunkering down thinking that you must finish a task, the best way to get to your goal without a tremendous amount of frustration and without chastising yourself, is by taking a deep breath, stepping away from your desk. Regain yourself, and get back to the grind. But once you are finished – you see how much you have accomplished! People are looking from a distance and admiring your achievement.  


Relationships are highlighted. This is a great day to understand what is expected of you. Speaking with your boss or with those with whom you are partners with, brings results. However! And this is a big one: you have to understand that to listen and to respond harshly and with judgment, can ruin an otherwise great day of progress. Take everything lightly with a grain of salt, and don’t get upset at anyone. Just listen, keep an open mind, and answer politely.


This is one day in which the best thing to do is to keep your head down, stick to your job, and don’t get involved with anyone who is trying to get you involved in all sorts of situations that ultimately, may or may not have anything to do with you, but which will definitely a have negative affect. Relationships are complicated, and today, is not a good day to figure things out or have talks about the relationship. Thank the Lord for it and enjoy your job!    


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You need to have a lot of gumption and hutzpah to get along and conquer, an otherwise not easy day to navigate. As long as you don’t get up on your hind legs and scream about how right you may be, you will do fantastic. This is not a day to take a chance, but rather, to show that you know how to do in what you have already learned how to do. Show progress.


A monetary issue can change on the dime. Be prepared for whatever happens and know that there is always tomorrow to tackle again whatever it may be. There is no reason to go head to head and get into a resisting type of situation. You won’t be able to win. What does go well today, is to take are of those you love at home. See what you can do for them. You are able to make someone happy there, and to feel useful and needed.


You come off as the most demanding; you want to keep a reputation as someone who is willing to get along with anyone, so it’s on you to check your attitude and make sure that you stay polite, understanding and assisting to anyone in need. You give great advice, so stay the wise person you are expected to remain for the duration of the day. It will be difficult to keep your composure, and is quite the test today. Attitude will be most important.  


You seem to think that the burden of the whole world is on your shoulder, and that will never be able to come up from under. Of course it’s only a perception, and not the reality of any current situation. But perception is one’s truth, and it’s difficult to get you out of this head space today. Get off the pity party, and take care of yourself. Get on a stationary bike or get out for a brisk walk that world will look much brighter for sure. Prayer and meditation bring peace and comprehension.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will all business all the time. You will try to find out solutions and you won’t let up until you find them. It won’t be an easy road, but nothing will stop you. An important friendship will change drastically, but when on door closes… Love will be possible with someone who is passionate, obstinate and all around a powerhouse. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Venus.

Mars makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The moon makes a hard angle with the sun, an easy angle with Saturn and an excellent angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 30, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are in a private mood and want to have time for yourself. There are issues that you don’t tell the world about, and that is your right. Don’t feel obligated to share when you are not ready. Having said that, there are those who are your elders and whom you respect, who may have some of the answers you are looking for, if you only ask. 


Friendships are a treasure that you have in life, and today, when someone acts in a way that isn’t so honorable, you give them a second chance, that’s because you don’t want to look at the reality in a given situation. Also, talking out situations brings you the love you yearn to get, from those whom you give love and attention to.


Today, you are like the boss who flatters, and who gives their underlings a second chance. Your generosity makes them like who you are today. But if you don’t want them to walk all over you, you need to find the balance between being soft yet firm. Also, you are in a wonderful cycle that pays you handsomely in money.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You don’t mind when you can live in a little bit of dream land and not have to think about the trivial realities in life. You need to give your brain a rest, and today, it’s getting just that. You think positively, and let the troubles of life stay in the background. Please, don’t take anything at face value. 


Truths are facing you in the face and you can’t allow them to not be taken seriously. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t help but paint them a little rosier, because you can laugh at the absurdities of life. Money issues and work payments straighten themselves our naturally: you don’t have to put up a fuss.


Relationships are highlighted. Sweet talk the one you love and go on a romantic dinner, or grab a quick lunch together. Also, when you discuss issues with important figures in your life, you gloss over important issues that seem negative, and leave those for another day. Today, you feel like keeping things loving, comfortable and with solutions that are pleasing to both of you.


While doing your work, or busy at your job, it is best that you keep your eyes on the project at hand, and not space out too much. You may slip the knife and cut yourself, God forbid… but if you keep your mind on the task at hand, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor, keeping in mind that you may not get paid on time…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are having a wonderful summer day, with all the trimmings! You are ready to face whatever music in your business, because you are used to the craziness by now… and then you are ready to put on a red dress and go out dancing, if not, you would like to take in a comedy show, or something that doesn’t require you to do anything but watch.


Your mood is to get things understood, evaluated, and then leave them alone. Your family issues demand your attention, and you are ready to face them. For one thing, today, you are forgiving and loving, and you can see how the situation and bring you the peace and love that you so crave. Communication is key.


You have the right to see life any way that you want. You have the right to speak your mind and expect to be heard. And today, you can get the best of both. You speak sweetly and without judgement, and you are ready to hear the side that the other person presents. They have the right to see life anyway they want, and to speak up and to be heard, just like you want to be heard.


You are in a loving mood and want to give a gift to the object of your affection. Why don’t you? And if you cannot afford too much of a gift, you can show it with a token of a flower. Find time to go shopping or shop on websites, it will relax you and give you the time you need for retail therapy. Or shop for a book that is of a spiritual and self help kind that you will enjoy as well.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You have been working so hard and the demands on you have been plural. You need a day to reflect and to see how you feel about the job you have, which is so demanding. Meanwhile, go through today’s motions, get your job done, and then do something that you can enjoy which is of a personal nature. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find your wings and fly! After all that has happened in quarantine, you are ready to fly the coup, get out and travel somewhere, somehow. And good for you! You want to shake the past off of you, and find the strength and inspiration you need to be happy. Love will be possible with someone who has a strong personality, and who is able to keep up with your energy level.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune and makes an easy angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Aries at 9:22 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 29, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You don’t have to be upset about a friend who does stuff that seems unbelievable to you! This person just doesn’t understand and is unaware that it’s hurtful to you. So forgiveness is a good thing on your part. Let bygones be bygones even if this hurtful situation happened just yesterday. Lol.    


Friendships mean the world to you, and today, you can prove your dedication. Even though life is at a time of uncertainty, you can still find time for a cup of coffee and a chat with a friend who is sweet and uncomplicated. Talk about fashion or about business, and you will laugh at it all. What else do you need today?!


You are all business all day and that is just the way you like it! You don’t want to talk, (better avoid going on and on,) just keep it short, and get to the point please, and get to making money, which is what you want to do. This is the easiest road to take. You like the career you’ve chosen, and get paid handsomely today. Enjoy!


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Today is a much easier day than yesterday: today, you can get so much more accomplished. Financial issues can come to a positive resolution when people are easier to get along with, and more able to accept these solutions. What you say goes! You must love that…


If you intend to talk to someone intimately, but at the same time you have on your mind that you want to straighten them out in some way, forget it! Don’t go forward with a conversation that will leave everyone angry, and unable to defend themselves. Instead, try to see the situation in a different way; try to walk a mile in their shoes.


Relationships are highlighted. Communication is key to any successful relationship and today, you have a great desire to speak. You want to speak, either about important issues or just to take about anything, as long as you have someone to talk to. Otherwise, you may be talking to yourself that will do too. Lol. If you see an argument developing, don’t pursue in it.  


It makes you feel good to do your chores, yes the ones you usually don’t appreciate doing, like doing the dishes or folding the laundry. It makes you chirp with delight, because it’s keeping you from dwelling on issues that are deeply seated, and which you don’t want to go near with a ten foot pole at least today!


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You intend to make today easier than yesterday, and you refuse to be brought down by planets which are pesky and stubborn. What you have in mind is to be wined and dine and be entertained, if you possibly can. You put some makeup on, and your high heels… and the rest is history! You know how to have fun!


With communication being difficult by planets which are holding you accountable for every word, you would rather relax at home. You would rather curl up upon your couch and stream shows to your heart’s delight. This way you can be as judgmental as you want to be and no one can hear your complaints. Lol.


You have a sudden urge to express yourself and to show someone the beauty of where you live. You connect with someone and that brings a smile to your face. Keep the conversation light, and try not to get into issues which are difficult to come to any type of solutions or conclusions. 


You have a one track mind: Show me the money! You don’t want to hear about yesterday’s drama. Today, you are having an easier day, and you intend to keep it this way. You are not fooling around, you want results for the work you do and you want to get paid. You can’t demand anything, you just hope they are being fair about what you deserve…


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Having a lighter day than yesterday, you lick your wounds and decide to have a great day regardless of the past, regardless of what others think of you, and regardless of any circumstances outside of your control. Bring coffee and cupcakes for the people you work with, and enjoy your day!


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find your life most enjoyable in ways that you never thought possible. You will find new ways to have a life that keeps you interested. You will go on unplanned travel trips and go on vacations. Love will be possible with someone who is easy going, hardworking and who likes to travel.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Pisces.

The moon makes an excellent angle with the sun, an easy angle with Uranus and a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 28, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Life has been unpredictable, and you feel insecure about how to make your money. If you adapt to see things as constantly changing even without warning, you will be able to change with every move others make, to which you have to be able to respond. It may be a constant battle, but you can win with the right attitude.


It will take a lot more effort than you expect, to get anything off the ground. Your determination is a big factor in how much effort you put into it. There are circumstances outside of your control that you have to get used to, and which don’t go along with your personality. In the evening, it may be very nice to connect with a friend.


You may be itching to get out of wherever you are, and to go on a little road trip. Or at least take the morning off from your job for a while, and get outdoors for a spell. It’s tough to concentrate on the here and now, when your mind is everywhere but here. It will be easier to finish your work later on in the day, when you will be able to concentrate better.  


You are forward thinking and happy to work hard and to things done. You are chasing away feelings that are hurtful in order to have a clear mind when you are engaged at your job. You may need an aspirin to get through the morning, but the evening is a breath of fresh air. Relief!


You try to straighten out vibrations between two people and be a mediator, but you may be dwarfed by the two and find yourself in a place you don’t want to be in. Leave well enough alone, and let them deal with it themselves. And in the end of scenario, try to stay friendly with both… somehow…  


Someone may try to hurt your reputation to do your job the way you want it to be done. You have to be super diplomatic about how you handle this situation. Anger won’t do you well. Try to keep your cool, and wait for this storm to blow over. Stay classy but firm.


Your nerves are shot by the same old scenarios, and you almost can’t help but respond emotionally. Take time off to regain your composure, and see if you can settle it all with the fewest amount of words. If not, remove yourself from the situation, and give yourself time to settle your nerves. 


You are a tower of power, but it won’t be wise to throw your clout around and infuriate someone who is in charge. If you are the one in charge, be watchful of what you say and how you treat people. It may not be your intention to upset anyone, but they can see it differently. Put it behind you and make up immediately.


You hold very strong opinions which can come out aggressively today, and if you are not careful can offend someone. Try your best to keep your opinions under wrap today, and you won’t go wrong. In the evening you can speak your mind with a little less consequence, but still you need to be careful.


You have to get used to making money in a way you may not have before. You may have to change your profession? Or make some changes to what you expect to make in terms of dollars, and accept that life is different and that you have to make provisions along with those changes. 


You feel beat up a little from the recent events in the world, to which you have been closely associated. You find yourself having to see the ones closest to you in a different light. The people you see on a regular basis have changed, and you are trying to enjoy these new people just as much as the ones before them.


Your struggle is real. You are trying to be the best that you can be, and you are disappointed that the rest of the world doesn’t seem to care to be the best it can be. Don’t lose faith in humanity, people may not be as wise as you are. Let people be who they are, and you strive for the highest way of living.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will possess so much energy, but you will find it difficult to direct all this energy to good use. You will have to meditate regularly to quiet your mind, so that you will be able to get your life working, and stuff done. After you meditate, you will be able to take care of issues in a much easier fashion. Love will be possible with someone who has many interests and who is passionate about them all.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon enters Pisces at 1:51 PM EDT.

The moon conjoins Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, June 26 – Sunday, June 27, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, you are thinking of friends you have lost recently, and friends who have turned their back on you, and you feel sad about the turn of events in the recent year of pandemic. Keep in mind that you will make new friends, and that you will find endearing and lasting friendships. You try to overcompensate and to appease, where you shouldn’t. On Sunday, love junkie Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. You will enjoy being a little more extravagant during this cycle, and you will enjoy showing your flair for fashion. You will enjoy the company of those who want to wine and dine you, in places that charge more than you usually intend to spend. But, hey, sometimes you have expensive taste.  


On Saturday, major changes are happening in your life, some which are easier to accept and some which are difficult to accept. You have to roll with the punches and go with the flow. That is the wisest way to acclimate yourself to a new reality. You are maturing and growing as a person. On Sunday, aesthetic Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. You may have eyes set on some beautiful couch you have been yearning for, and suddenly you won’t be able to stop yourself from purchasing items which are expensive. Retail therapy can get you off guard. But your home will be a contender for house most beautiful.


On Saturday, you find that in order to do enjoyable things and enjoyable outings, it costs money. You may have made too many reservations, and now you may be regretful. But what you need most, for the sake of sanity, is to get out there and enjoy your life. You will be able to pay it off. Go visit that museum and have a good time. On Sunday, harmonious Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. There is nothing you will want more than peace among those you see on a regular basis, and you will avoid any type of confrontation and show the rest of us what true peace looks like. Peace on earth for all mankind.


On Saturday, you may want to get overly serious in the subjects you choose to discuss. To keep it light seems difficult, but try… Take care of financial matters, pay off whomever you have to, but don’t speak about it; you don’t need to get involved those who are not a part of the solution. They want to have a good day without drama. On Sunday, fair minded Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st, making your monetary life a bit less complicated than it has been, and a little less stressful to make a good living. Less worry and more money in your pocket to play with. You may buy yourself a little bauble as a token of celebrating life. Don’t spend much and enjoy to your heart’s content.  


On Saturday, on the outside, you are a light that shines and helps those who need your support. Even though on the inside you may be hurting and worrying about someone with whom you have a loving relationship. Cast your worries to a higher power. On Sunday, affectionate Venus enters your dramatic sign to travel through there until July 21st. You will be feeling a little better about whoever you have been worrying about. And feeling a lot better about who you are too, and about what you want to accomplish. It’s also giving you a loving personality, and you’ll be careful about everyone’s feelings.


On Saturday, changes in your job description may start today, whether or not you are ready for the changes. They may be big changes or small subtle changes. Since nothing stays the same in life, you may as well think big, and make the adjustments that begin to get you on a path to plenty. On Sunday, forgiving Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. You’ll have a soft touch that will be so welcome for someone, and you will be more than happy to lend a hand to someone who needs you now more than ever. Connect every few days, and bring relief to a hurting soul.


On Saturday, you want to have an enjoyable weekend, you smile and are playful, but deep down you are dealing with a period of difficult adjustment to the world that is opening up. It’s not coming easily to you, and you have to dig deep and be brave. Remember, that anything worthwhile is worth a risk taken. On Sunday, convivial Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. The party you so much need, is happening somewhere. Get your GPS going and find wherever the fun is and join friends near or far. Find relief with friends of like mind, and make some along the way.


On Saturday, your life has been changing and you have been trying to do the best you can in accordance with these changes. You have been there for everyone who needs you, but starting today, you have to begin to think of yourself as well. You can never please everyone, can you? On Sunday, charm magnet Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. It will give your career the boost you are hoping for, so connect with anyone who has shown interest in you and find with whom you have common grounds. People who are impressed by you will be willing to give you a chance.  


On Saturday, what you thought held priority in your life, and what you held closest to your heart is going through major transformation. We change through life and mature, and have the right to change our opinions consequently. Try not to doubt who you are, or your new found passions, and embrace the person you are becoming. On Sunday, diplomatic Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. So even though you like to strike up conversations with strangers, you don’t have to worry about putting your foot in your mouth. Everything you say will have a touch of honey in it… go on a love trip or begin to plan one.


On Saturday, there are monetary issues that have been changing for you, and that you may or may not be happy about. But to get all upset about a situation which is out of your control is absurd, and can only cause you mental anguish. If you don’t like a deal that you are offered, just don’t get it into this deal. Nobody can force you into anything. On Sunday, sensual Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st. You will be as attractive as honey is to the bees, and an admirer may want to spend time with you. Begin by connecting face to face on the internet that is much safer, for starters, then do some digging to find out about this person, and after that, who knows, lol…    


On Saturday, give yourself a lot of credit for handling the recent changes in your life. It hasn’t been easy, and it still isn’t. Rejoice in the good things, but don’t blame anyone for situations which are out of your hands. It’s really nobody’s fault. It’s not their fault that time keeps moving on. On Sunday, calm Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st, to allow you to chill out some aggressive notes between you and the ones you love. It will dull the sharpness of hard feelings you may feel about people you work with as well. This transit will surely come in handy…


On Saturday, you best take care of your health. Take a day off, or make some time during the day, to concentrate on your wellbeing. Go to a local organic food store, and buy food for the week which is all about nutrition. Exercise but lightly today, and get those endorphins going. On Sunday, languid Venus enters Leo to travel through there until July 21st, so instead of being hell bent on exercising, you will suddenly choose to go to a sauna or sit on the sand at the beach and call it a workout. Lol. In all seriousness, you will require some more time at rest, and a little more sleep to handle hectic days. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will have to introduce new ways to add to your money making journey. When it comes to investing, you will have to give any opportunity a lot of thought. And especially, try not to mix money with friendships. Invest in yourself and in your own passions. Love will be possible with someone who is self-confident and who is a risk taker. 

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be able to find solutions to how you make your money that looks complicated and prone to abrupt changes. You will wisely work on leaving behind feelings that have been hurt, so that you can move forward. Partnerships are questionable, so if you intend to get into one, make sure no hard feelings can creep in. Love will be possible with someone who is down to earth and is a hard worker.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Capricorn conjoins Pluto and makes a hard angle with Venus.

The moon enters Aquarius at 10:09 AM EDT.



The moon is in Aquarius.

Venus enters Leo.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mars, conjoins Saturn, makes a hard angle with Uranus and makes an excellent angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 25, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



…when you are a brilliant career person you just are… And today, you take a project in a new direction starting with the bottom. There is nowhere to go but up, and you are the driver of this ship.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being in charge.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have fantastic ideas brewing in your head, and you would like to snap your fingers and get them done. However, situations move much slower than you would like them to be.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having dreams.”


This is one step closer to have closure on old issues. It doesn’t mean that you have to forget, you can’t. It only means that you can look at it today, and it may shock you, but you have peace in your heart about these old painful issues.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having peace in my heart.”


Relationships are highlighted. Say what’s on your mind and it will fall on friendly ears. Your wish is their command. Even people you never imagined would be willing to do what you ask of them, will be more than happy to oblige today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the great people in my life.”


You are one great working machine with the kind of potential that makes everyone stand up and salute! Keep up the good work, and try not to spend too much money, unless it’s about investing money back into your project.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the work I have to support myself.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You bring a smile to people’s faces as you walk in the door. You can do whatever you choose to do as you are brave, have a wonderful attitude, and have to guts to take on anything you desire to accomplish today.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the successes I have in life.”


You have everyone else on your mind and you are last on the list. No matter how well you treat your family, no matter how you change your schedule to maximize time with them, where does that leave you? Think about that, and schedule time for you. Don’t neglect yourself.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my amazing family.


This is one lovely day to get your thoughts across, and to be understood and admired for the wisdom with which you handle your life. Tell of your experiences and make some admirers along the way. Enjoy your neighbors and arts and craft shows near your home.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my lovely neighborhood.”


Things are falling into place and you are involved in projects that have surprising tasks attached to them. However, they are money asking propositions. You may be tempted to have an expensive weekend, enjoy the fruits of your labor! You are in your safe zone.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my crazy job.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are the life of the party. You are electrifying and you get everyone get up and boogie. Not being able to stand still, for you the weekend starts early.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to enjoy my life!”


You don’t have to get down and boogie if you don’t want to. Nobody will force you. You are allowed to be you. And the you that you are today is as follows: you want very much to be a little bit of a hermit, sit on your couch and fill your mind with good reading material. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my comfy space at home.”


While you are busy checking yourself out in the mirror, you have to stop and think of a friend who needs to connect with you today. Exchange of concepts and outlooks, will make for an invigorating conversation.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being needed.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be looking into the relationships in your life, and try to see who belongs with you going forward, and whom you no longer feel the same esteem for anymore. It’s ok, no hard feelings, but you have to set up your life in a structure that can support you going forward. Love will be possible with someone who is little hard to understand, and who has a good radar for people’s character.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Capricorn.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

Neptune begins its retrograde motion.

The moon makes an easy angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 24, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This Full Moon is in your career house. You can be rocked by someone who is not on your side, and get distracted from what is important for you today. Don’t let it! You don’t have to be impolite, but you just turn your attention back to your plan, and have faith that it gets done. You are powerful.   


The Full Moon brings out the wonder you have for the planet. Connect with those who make your life the wonder that it is. Keep focused no matter how many distraction come along, which may be plenty. And the traffic! It can be at full stop, but keep the faith that you will reach your destination.


The Full Moon can make you feel like all you have worked for, and all that you have struggled for was for nothing! Don’t let negativity sway you from doing what you know is the correct thing to do, for your sake and for everyone else sake. Pay your debts even by small increments, and sleep better at night.


Have some fun, it’s your one and only Full Moon for the year! The Full Moon is in you sun sign and you feel most optimistic. Although a Full Moon can make you emotionally charged up, this time around, it’s charging you up rather optimistically. The world is opening up to you and you are full of hope.


This Full Moon finds you thinking about how to get your body back in shape. You are contemplating the kind of exercise that will get you back to optimum strength and health. Dietary provisions are on your mind as well. The seeds you sow today, will show results for months to come.


The Full Moon makes you feel most alive and in the mood for fun. You find it difficult to concentrate on the hum drum when there is an exciting world out there. Romance is in the air, so take advantage and bring your lover a rose as a token of affection. Real love lasts past the knees being weak at your lover’s sight…


The Full Moon brings your need for nesting, and your need for taking care of your home, way up to the forefront. You want to be in a place where you can feel comfortable and loved. Order that new couch that is made for comfort and which is esthetically calming to your soul for years to come


The Full Moon has you want to hop on your bike and to find all the little places that opened up again in your neighborhood and to check them out. Or to go on a hiking trail that gets you out of the house and into nature where you can find the peace and serenity you seek.                                                       


In this Full Moon you have the desire for retail therapy. Sometimes you need to scratch an itch. Why not?! There must be something shiny that caught your eye and that today, you simply cannot help yourself, and off you go getting your credit card out. If you can pay it off in one payment, go for it…


The Full Moon is in your moon sign. Don’t allow petty nonsensical things upset you to no end, and for which by tomorrow you will be very sorry that you have allowed to get to you! Close your eyes for a moment, breathe deeply, and realize that nothing is as important as you make it out to be.  


This Full Moon shows you that there is nothing but love in you, and that you want to spread that love to anyone who is less fortunate. A smile you give to someone may be enough for them to cheer up. Or connect with someone who you know needs emotional support.


The Full Moon in your friendship house, makes you want to see your buddy or your bestie, and if possible get out and meet up somewhere for a beer, and for good suggestions, and for good friendly advice, the kind that only they know how to give to you, and you to them. Love is powerful!


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be thinking of the people in your life. You will have a very good sense of who does continue to belong there, and who you know deep down is causing you to want them out of your life. Make a plan to make a better life for yourself. The past is gone, and the future hasn’t happened yet. Love will be possible with someone who is passionate, a good accountant, and who is eager to help you in your quest for a better life.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon enters Capricorn at 9:05 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter.

The moon opposes the sun: Full Moon at 2:40 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 23, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This could be one of the best days of the month for you, if you decide to learn and to expand your knowledge, but then to keep it all to yourself. On another front, you may be over aiming and miss your mark. It all depends on your attitude. You need to listen more than to speak and to observe more than reveal. The less you talk the more you learn.  


You say so much but what about? The best thing today would be if you could get together with your buddies and talk about things that are most important in your lives. What you will discover from these conversations, may be helpful to your love life or to your career. You may choose to be quieter, and speak less compare to your friends that would be wise.


Relationships are highlighted. This is a fine day to discuss something which is of importance to your career. The people or persons who could be most supportive can become most loyal, just falling all over themselves to do what they can for you. All you have to do is be honest with yourself and be clear about what it is exactly you aim to achieve.


You have a chance to showcase ideas today. Even though those who matter will take a double take before they go for it, they will come around in a passionate and positive way, and will embrace your vision. You have a direct and specific oriented way of showcasing your plans.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You get answers to your questions: the research you have been working on is paying off today. Make inquiries and you will get deep and detailed responses. You may not appreciate someone’s boastful ways, but you will appreciate that they know what they are talking about.


Get in touch with someone who could be the one to help along in what you would like your career to look like. This person is a friend and wants to see you succeed. This person will recognize the ambitious spirit in you and will be a force beneath your wings. …you may have to clarify that you may not be interested in being romantically involved. Unless you are…


What a fine day to sell your concepts and to bring them to those who can be the creative force behind them. If you are successful in getting people interested, it can change the direction of your career for the better. Speak up and be heard. Looking for love? Make contact and give it a chance.


The more humility is shown by you, the farther your appeal will take you, and the more money you will be able to generate. There is a colorful way about you today, in the way you express yourself that may seem appealing at first glance, even enviable. However if you want to be approachable, you realize that it’s a bit overly boastful.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You know that you have to put behind you some issues. Only when one door closes can another door open. Give yourself the opportunity to move forward unhindered, and listen intently to what you are being taught. Try suggestions even though you may not think they are compatible with you. Chances are you will be wrong and love the new you.


Please don’t dig your heels in thinking that you know better today! Listen to what someone special on your life says. This person is here to be a pivotal person in your life. This person’s intentions are good, so keep both ears open and don’t walk away. Looking for love? Look for someone who you never thought you could ever consider.


It’s worth it for you to dedicate your day to doing the right thing by your chores. Don’t procrastinate in a day that promises that the better your production, the more money you will be rewarded. Roll up your sleeves, and get down to the nitty gritty. Clear out your space if need be, and make room for what matters.


This is your day to shine! Whatever you have in mind to do, whomever you wish to impress, whatever you intend to say or whatever you want to showcase, the results have the potential to be spectacular. When in love, you ought not to judge anyone by the cover, it could be an entirely different interior waiting to be exposed.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a joyful time being alive. You will be happy to take whatever ideas you have had in mind to do but couldn’t, because of the pandemic, and put them back on the front burner. You will concentrate on what makes you happy and let the rest take care of itself. Love will be possible with someone who is emotional by nature, and on a spiritual path.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Sagittarius.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn.

 The sun makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mercury.

Venus makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon makes a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star