June 10, 2021 – Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. This makes communications somewhat of an issue for you. You may get disconnected from your desired connection, and it may take a few hours to get back to this person. Or you could lose connection online, and wait to get it fixed. If you are lucky and none of the above relate to you, but you may be judged for what you say, so keep the conversation compassionate and polite. You have to take extra caution to not upset anyone so they don’t hang up on you… stay super nice and forgiving, and nothing will be able to disturb your peace.


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. This can cause a situation in your finances. Unless you have to purchase something that doesn’t have much significance in your life, it will alright. However, if you have to order something online, something of significance, that costs more than you can afford, you will have to see if you can postpone this transaction. Why complicate your life when you can wait a little and make your life easier. Also, see that you don’t ask anyone for repayment today. They have the upper hand, and may cause for mistrust to creep in.


New Moon is in your sign. The On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. This day represents the launching for the year cycle for you. This is the beginning of the year for you and a reason for celebration. Still today, you may not have a clear idea of how you want to proceed and what exactly you intend to be doing? It’s because Mercury in retrograde touches the sun today, adding confusion where none was a few days before. So just because you are not certain today, that is no reason to despair. Just think back and you will find what you are passionate about, and then continue to enjoy your year doing exactly what you love.


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. This New Moon you feel as though your brain is like scrambled eggs, the only thing to do is to keep and pay special attention to whatever you are involved in, and hope that you are doing ok in your work. Put on comfortable sneakers and stay as comfortable as you can be. Expect that you may find it difficult to sleep. Set your alarm so that you won’t have to make up an excuse for tardiness…


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. In your case, friendships become the issue. You have great desire to go out. The world has been opening up, and you have ants in your pants to get out, to have a drink and enjoy your friendships. That is natural! However, since Mercury is in retrograde, you need to remember not to get into a ‘he said she said’ situation. You want to have a good time, so make sure you keep it that way. There is no reason to put a friendship in jeopardy, so keep things light and lively.


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. It would be nice if you could take a day off from your business. However, if that is an impossibility, you really have to use all your tactics to keep things afloat with the least amount of confusion. And should a confusing transaction occur, see that you, as politely as you possibly can, apologize and take care of it immediately. With the least amount of words and with the most authority. You want to be respected at the end of the day, as you were when it started…


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. You may want to begin a project that has been on your mind for a long time. If you do, it will be something spectacular! You have to understand that you won’t be able to get there easily. It has to take much more preparation than you anticipate. Patience will be the key in this project. You may have to redo it, who knows? If you do, you will have even more creative people at your disposal.


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. It puts fire under you to start life all over again, and to do so with a vengeance! You are all excited, all ready to tackle any difficult situation that may arise, you don’t mind it at all! Bring it on. However, today, start very slowly, and very clearly, if you can’t find the proper support, wait. Remember that Mercury is in retrograde. What is the hurry…?


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. It’s all about relationships! You may need to tip toe for the day; the ‘tip-toe’ dancing continues. You need to realize that this is a period of time to resurrect and to empower a struggling relationship. It could be a personal one or a professional one. If there are things that you must patch up, this is a good time and place to start. There is no room for ultimatums, tantrums or anything that will make you look bad. Respect, understanding and a humble attitude will get you everywhere.   


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to do some work that you should have done but haven’t had the opportunity to, and now you are sorry that you haven’t. There is no way to avoid the unavoidable. Laziness will not go over very well. If your employees are not doing their thing, you need to be on top of them to fix whatever. Keep in mind that they, and you, can make plenty mistakes along the way, so get ready to fix what has been fixed.


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. There may be many ways to do something correctly, but it’s your way that brings the fun into that. Why work and not enjoy what you’re doing? If that happens to be your predicament, you will be miserable, until you find an occupation that turns you on. Now, you may not be ready to quit a job, and you shouldn’t! But there must be something in terms of a hobby, or an additional way to make money that will satisfy your soul.


On this New Moon, the moon the sun and Mercury retrograde happens to join together. All new beginnings start right in your home. You may have wanted to begin a career from your own desk at home. You may have wanted to start a business out of your kitchen, like perhaps baking, and sell them for extra cash. Also, you may have wanted to situate a piece of furniture in a way that makes more sense to who you have become, and to get rid of stuff that has been choking your personal space. This is your chance to do something about it and maximize your personal comfort there.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have abundance of energy that will need to be put under control! Meaning, that you will have to make sure that you don’t waste precious energy on situations that won’t do you any good. Keep in mind that you can start anything your heart desires. Love will be possible with someone who is lovable, eclectic and who needs to curb a desire to spend money unnecessarily.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

The moon conjoins the sun; New Moon at 6:53 AM EDT.

The moon conjoins Mercury and makes a hard angle with Neptune.

Mercury conjoins the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 9, 2021 – Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



If you have something to say, and Mercury is in retrograde, what should you do? Write it down and get it off your chest. Don’t send it or speak it. Wait for a better time to tackle anything. This is a good day to learn something new. Get into a course that can help you along in your career.  


You are impressive when you have so much responsibilities and you show up and do what you have to do be it easy or not. And you can get paid accordingly. However, you must not spend money foolishly on retail therapy. Make sure that your bank account is not in trouble by the end of the month.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. This is one ‘go-get- ‘em’ kind of a day! Your mind may be a little confused at first, but as soon as the sun shines through those cobwebs, the sky is the limit. Bring your project for show for all to see. Represent yourself in the most positive way.


This is one fine day to put behind something you haven’t been able to put in the rear view mirror. Today, it seems natural to say: Adios! No regrets and no misunderstanding. And should anyone close to you say something negative about you, and you would like to respond – it’s not the time or the day to do so! 


This isn’t a bad day to get the support you need, because assistance is here for you, but it really won’t make much of a difference. You either handle it yourself, or… well. You can handle anything, so don’t get discouraged. You don’t need any assistance. Take the responsibility and be proud of it.


This is a golden date for being the responsible one who comes up with the most. Quota means much and today, you come up with the largest number. You are a super person who can do it all. And take care of everyone else in the process, as well!


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You feel at ease about life and about your capabilities. You walk lighter and smile easier, knowing that there is nothing you can not accomplish once you put your mind to it. Start a project and you won’t have to look back. You may need a partner though…


You feel much more anchored than you have in a while. You see your strength growing, and see your acceptance of where you are today as a blessing. Your family means the world to you, and today you give back. You put them front and center. Leave behind what you know you can’t do no matter how hard you try.


Relationships are highlighted. Even though Mercury is going retrograde at the moment, you do have the opportunity to let some stuff off your chest. Just make sure that you don’t hurt any feelings, by making sure to think before you speak. If you choose your words wisely, you can convince anyone to support you.


You do a good job caring for your family. Your office family. And it translates into money. The boss is looking and watching and appreciating your effort. Everyone works for someone and you are humble today and do your job gracefully and without complaint. Well almost without complaint… lol.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You bring a smile onto people’s faces. You are happy about the progress the world has been making, and the progress you have been making that add up to a good day, where you are creative as well as productive.


Home is where your heart is. Your family may be in a situation that needs all of you to get together and sift through problems together, and try to create a great place for all to feel relaxed at, and to be accepted at. Also, today, you may be reorganizing your drawers some and refreshing your home environment.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have wonderful ideas that you will be thinking about. These ideas have been in your head for a long time. And you believe that should you be able to start on those adventures that that will make you happy. You may be correct! Always follow your dreams in some way shape or form. Love will be possible with someone who makes for a good partner, and who is not afraid to set you straight when you need it.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 8, 2021 – Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You can make a whole lot of money and enjoy the process. You have put your heart and soul into an adventure that is paying off, but by the end of the day, you will lament that no one noticed your greatness… oh, well! The revenge is: it’s better to have it in the bank…


Having confidence back and the world opening up, has got to make you feel better about yourself and about everything else. Your energy is up and down and has a lot to be desired, however, by the evening, you are counting your money. …better count it correctly, Mercury is in retrograde…


Hard work pays off. It may not seem so in the morning, but as the day progresses you will come to a point where you are the one who is put up on the pedestal, and admired, for your dedication through a rougher morning. The pay, well, it won’t match your accomplishments, but, not every day is a great pay day…


You are ready to kick butt where it comes to people who are not treating you nicely. You must curb desire to let them have it with both barrels! Instead, take a deep breath, go inside yourself and you will find that there may not much of a reason to be mad. Perhaps it’s the planets playing you, and you falling into the trap. Calm down and see that nothing is that upsetting after all…       


You have to be your own best friend today. Try not to trust blindly. Not everyone is a friend. Not everyone is as nice as they seem and something can happen to test your nerves. Trust your instincts but don’t act upon them. Keep quiet and have your eyes open. If this happens to be a new client, you may rethink this obligation all together. 


Your reputation is all you need to be concerned with today. You have to keep your emotions and temper in check and you have to understand that the more you handle the day with kid gloves, the better. Because you are in the mood to clown around, but if you get serious, at day’s end, you will be a winner!  


You are trying to make your home and your career function in unity, but instead what you get is a nerve wrecking unattainable situation. To keep calm ought to be your goal today. This may be necessary so that the future is manageable. If you manage to keep your cool, you will have it made in the shade, and you will feel incredible about yourself, and hopeful about the future, by nightfall!


You feel like you are everywhere and running around like a hamster in a circle. As long as there is a system in place, in all the madness, you are going to be ok. Today, is all about treating people super cautiously, not giving up on the necessary motions, and keeping the faith! Or by evening, you will be upset and exhausted.


Working like a dog has its price today. The price is a lack of energy that is borderline health risk. The thing you have to keep in mind is that you can’t afford to let your health go, for the sake of whatever is going on today. When anyone upsets you, walk away. Let it go! But that doesn’t mean that you need to quit a situation.


You are a natural motivator today. Or are you micro managing? I guess that depends on your personality. Meanwhile, motivating is a great thing. Since Mercury is in retrograde, you have to be careful that it isn’t taken as micromanaging and infuriating people you work with or work for. Being humble will make you a success today.


You may be having a great time, wanting to have the time of your summer, and you are right about that! You need to enjoy life just because you are alive. Now, when it comes to today, if you keep joking around, your boss will get incensed and you will get reprimanded. But bring life into the place and you will be glad by the day’s end.


There is so much you want to say to a sibling, and yet it would be so much wiser to recognize that Mercury is in retrograde, and that you may have to eat your words at a later date, and have to apologize. Save yourself the trouble and mental anguish, and don’t be so judgmental.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will come up with new ways to create more wealth for yourself. You will have a chance to make a new start. Invest in yourself, but make sure that you know where your money goes. You will be lucky in your career. Love will be possible with someone who thinks large and who has big ambitions. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Taurus makes an excellent angle with Pluto and an easy angle with Mars.

The moon enters Gemini at 2:48 PM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 7, 2021 – Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have one thing on your mind and that is, to make money! The world is opening up and you don’t want to lose another day of nothingness staring you in the face. You enjoy getting out there, and to conquer the world one dollar bill at a time. Good for you. Just remember to keep any type of temper in check.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are serious and dedicated to your career and to your cause. You have ideas that you want to implement, but not everything is ready for you to throw that anchor just yet. Don’t fight it, time is on your side. One step at a time is a huge thing, never underestimate the small steps that add up to a huge adventure. 


Life isn’t easy, and today you can get a little discouraged at the pace others seem to have come up to, and you are still lagging behind some. Don’t worry about anyone else, and concentrate on what is in your heart. Work on yourself. Better yourself. Give yourself tender loving care, take a bubble bath and consider that time of meditation that brings you back to number one – you. 


You may want what you want when you want it, but today will teach you that you have to wait in line. Like everyone else, you have dreams you want to see come to fruition, but to love yourself and your life as is, is the trick few people manage to understand. Fulfill yourself on the inside, and the rest will fall into place. Don’t be so hard on yourself! – is the screaming message for you today.


You expect others to be as perfectly executing as you are. Wrong! Everyone is different, and the more patience you show the more they will be happy to comply with your requests. Make sure these are requests coming from you, and not in the form of demands… you seem to come off a little harsh today.


This is one of the best days of the month for you… if only you didn’t stare out the window longingly, and hoping that your work takes care of itself… Try not to get distracted, keep your nose to the grind, get your work done beautifully, and you will be able to be proud of your accomplishments. Above all, have mercy on yourself, you are being way too hard on yourself.


Someone may have demands on you that you are not happy to hear. How dare they? Lol. Who asked them to get involved in the first place? Lol. But, should it be about money matters? You will have to tolerate them and come up with satisfactory answers. Keep your temper in check, and remain the sweet person that you are. 


Relationships are highlighted. You may not get what you want but you get what you need. Any abrupt movement coming from you only confuses people. When dealing with business associates or with a loved one, you have to stay steadfast in your approach, or they will want you to explain your position over and over again.


When you want to get paid a certain amount, today is certainly not the day to insist upon what you know is fair. Today, try to read their faces, and come to an agreement that is and will be ok with both sides. It may not be what you want, but you will be ok. Remember that you want them to like you when the sun goes down.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Unless you decide to argue with everyone about every little thing. Stop! You won’t be able to win an argument, only to end up looking foolish. You are best suited today, to take care of your job, talk little, and show what you’ve got. Show your creative side in other ways than by being loud…


Whatever you do, don’t throw in the towel in on something you have lost patience with! Your home may still be in a state of chaos, but that too will come to completion all in good time. Give your family a break and don’t try to understand or to explain what no one will be able to comprehend. It’s all good! Life is a beautiful thing.


You are your own worst enemy today. Stop the self doubt and the self consternation. Because what happened in the past is what makes you the great person you are today. Remember that today, when you look in the mirror ad all you see are flaws. Be kind to yourself.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will see things to completion, and the good thing is, they will come to fruition and completion in an easy manner. You will, however, have to make sure that you invest your money wisely, and not because of any hidden agendas that will end up not serving you well. Love will be possible with someone who is artistic, easygoing and yet who needs to get a handle on temperament.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Taurus.

The moon conjoins Uranus and makes a hard angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, June 5 – Sunday, June 6, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, the moon is in your sign and you rule the day. That doesn’t mean that everything is easy breezy. You have the feeling that a super important someone in your career is trying to block your way. Add to the equation that you may be blaming yourself. Calm your mind, and since Mercury is in retrograde, you keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Just stay put and see how things develop. On Sunday, you may get a gift of love you hadn’t anticipating. Say ‘thank you’, and enjoy someone who cares for you greatly. 


On Saturday, communications get a tough break with Mercury is retrograde, and some heavy conversation need to take place. If at all possible, postpone any heavy back and forth. Meanwhile, write down your thoughts, but whatever you do, don’t press ‘send’! Some friends are not as trustworthy as you would like them to be, even better reason to not send out anything you may regret that you have. On Sunday, the moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Words of love so soft and tender will get you everywhere! You speak so lovely, no one can deny you a thing. (But still don’t send out yesterday’s thoughts…)


On Saturday, someone in a high position may be thinking to see if they can take advantage of you. You are way smarter than that, hopefully, and do not fall for whatever idea they are trying to plant in your head. It may cost you too much money when all is said and done. Hang on to your cash! Remember, no one can take advantage of you unless you let them. On Sunday, you enjoy a day of leisurely pleasures: Wear a soft robe, put on a facial mask, and forget about any trouble you may have in life. This is your day to relax and to show some love to yourself. 


On Saturday, relationships can have a snag to them if you get too heavy in conversation, and demand too much time. The best way to handle this is to say very little, and to not allow your emotions to take a hold on you. Feelings are way overrated, and can get you in trouble, especially today when Mercury is retrograde! Meditate, and ask your feelings to settle down. Some situations you may be wrong about, and in no way need to be brought up. On Sunday, you have a lucky day in which anything possible, and a day that you are forgiven for anything you may have said or done. You are the one most likely to succeed today, just because you are so lovable.


On Saturday, you are way overworked. This is a day when you best not do anything wrong at your job! You want to be very careful about any transaction. Pay super attention. It’s best to do little – but do it correctly. It’s not worth it to threaten someone that you will quit, they may take you up on it… and friends, they are nowhere to be found… It is ok, you can handle it! On Sunday, answers to a financial issue come through places less seen, not out in the open, but which have most heart, and are most important. Keep it close to your vest, and remember the warmth in your heart when you heard this information. It can be most helpful…


On Saturday, you are as uptight as a guitar string! No one can get satisfaction being this way. Take a break whenever you need, take care to not step on the tiger’s tail, and let people be… Mercury is in retrograde, and you can blame folks who have nothing to do with how you feel. Happiness comes from within. Feelings are way overrated, can get you in trouble and are fickle and unreliable, especially today. Someone in high position can get you even more confused. On Sunday, relationships are like honey in tea, like butter on bread and like a kiss to your soul. Revel in the moment, and have a wonderful romantic dinner.


On Saturday, this can be a changing day in your life, when you apply for a new positon, or apply yourself to bring forward an important work. Unless you get that huge migraine and can’t get out the house, or can’t show up on a zoom meeting, to get to that very important appointment. But once you get out there, you have to speak with compassion and desire to please, now that Mercury is retrograde. On Sunday, your head rests knowing that you do the best job you know how to do, and that you can sleep well at night, and have sweet dreams of success. Give yourself a tap on the shoulder, the boss loves you!


On Saturday, keep as far away from trouble as you possibly can. Keep away from trouble makers, you know the ones who are unpredictable loose cannons, their arrows are aiming toward you! But you are ahead of the game by avoiding them like the plague, and then they have no power to hurt you. Their trickery is really out of control today, when Mercury is retrograde. On Sunday, relationships are highlighted. Your wish is your lover’s command. Just ask for what you need and what you want, and it’s going to appear before you as if by magic. Sweet…


On Saturday, someone may try to fleece you out of your money, thinking that you are not paying attention. Show them that indeed, you pay attention, especially because Mercury is in retrograde, and don’t believe their incessant sweet taking! A lover may be trying to woo you and that can’t be bad, but again you need to have your antennas out and your feelers all over your heart, to protect yourself. I smell a rat… On Sunday, you are standing on a solid foundation of an appreciative boss. Your work speaks for itself, so you can have a relaxing day with family, and just enjoy the simple things in life.


On Saturday, wow! You need to keep your temper well under control, don’t let anyone get the better of you! They don’t deserve it. Emotions can run hot and tempers flare, and you don’t need this aggravation. Especially if that entails a familial situation which is getting out of control. The less you get involved and the less you say, the better off you will be. On Sunday, amore is nothing short of a miracle and a joy to behold! … I wish all days were like this one… you are most charming and no one can say no to someone as nice as this. Are you looking for love? Today, may hold the answer to your quest.


On Saturday, you need to be on your toes and not get into any kind of physical trouble like falling down a set of stairs, (I’m exaggerating.) or anything unpleasant that can happen at the gym. Work out gently, and you will be just fine. Meditate with a vengeance, and calm a restless mind. And you don’t want to spend too much money on retail therapy either… On Sunday, all you want is to bask in the bosom of your family and siblings. If you can’t see someone personally, facetime and say ‘hi’! You may choose to introduce someone special to you to your family today…


On Saturday, whom do you trust? Is the question. The answer is: only the ones who have proven themselves to you over and over again. The elders whom you trusted all your life, hold the key to your happiness today. Even though, now that Mercury is in retrograde, they may sound to you like they are speaking in riddles. But somewhere in there, is the wisdom to get you out of trusting the untrustworthy. On Sunday, promote the heck out of yourself today! Invite bosses over for a barbecue, and show them what a great host you, are plus show them what an asset you can be. Love is in the air as well. What a busy happy day for you!


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will get in touch with your spiritual side. Or you would be wise to find it… When you find that you are asked to spend more money than you can afford, you will have to find the courage to deny a demand to do anything against your wishes. You will need to stay strong and do what is right by you and your family. You may get a sum of money that has nothing work related. Love will be possible with someone who is the kind of lover who loves to generously give as much as to get in retrun.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will take control over your life. You will decide that you are the boss that can make anything happen. But you will do so behind the scenes, without anyone noticing how you much you do when no one is looking. Your strength will be an inspiration to those whom you have to motivate. Love will be possible with someone who is warm hearted, practical, and who has a bit temperamental.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Aries.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mercury.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Neptune.

Mars makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon makes a hard angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Mars.



The moon enters Taurus at 1:47 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter and an easy angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 4, 2021 – Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. It isn’t selfish to have your own priorities in mind. When you made a decision to move forward today, you can get further along in your career with ease and without much difficulty. You do have to watch what you say however: Mercury is in retrograde.   


You enjoy a day that is less hectic and a lot more laid back. It has been a busy week and you are already in weekend mode. A deep tissue message will be so nice to have. Meditation will do you good as well. Self-rejuvenation is a must when you live in today’s world. Life is almost back to normal, ‘almost’ being the key word.


You need the entire village to assist you along with your projects. The good thing is how easy it is to get a positive response when you try to get the whole gang back to be in one place for one purpose, one goal. It’s easy to express your ideas, remember that Mercury is in retrograde, and you want to be prepared for your presentation.


A superior to you in your business, may have a lot to say. You can learn a lot about them from this conversation. Mercury is in retrograde, and you don’t have to respond if you choose not to. Being polite is enough. If you do engage in this conversation, just speak softly and from your heart.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Create magic with someone close to you. Communication is key to today’s success. A friend wants to understand you better and to be able to be more important in your life. Making friends now is about open communications. Mercury is retrograde, so try to immediately fix any little misunderstanding.


You are like a wound up doll working overtime and doing it happily. You get to feel the power you feel, when you are engaged doing the things you enjoy on a daily basis. That is what bring life and strength to you today. You feel reborn and refreshed doing the things you know and love. Nothing new or spectacular, just the same old, that makes you happy.


Relationships are highlighted. When you have to say what you have to say, and it won’t wait another day. Mercury is retrograde, so when you do open up, you are taking a chance. For best results, have a list you can follow, so that you can cover all your bases, and when you make sure that you have your speech filled with understanding compassion, and without any requests.


Your work grounds you today. You are a little nostalgic thinking about the past, and wondering about the future; you know what needs to be done to move forward into your future. Your work benefits from your mood, as you put a lot of thought into the details that are so easily put into the project. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You must be planning what you want to do over the weekend. Your forte today, is your ability to put people together. Call up on those who you think have the same interests and likes, and put a little game time together. Perhaps go for a hike together, or just hang out for old time sake.


Your home is where you feel the best today. Your home embraces you and shows you love. Are you thinking of how to make it more comfortable for you and for your family. Are you considering buying a piece of furniture? Think of the comfort in it and not about it being just for the sake of decoration and for looking good. It needs to have a function that makes sense. 


You want to have fun and you will get your wish. You are already thinking about the weekend and what you would like to do and whom to hang out with. You still have to have your mind on your work, or you could make mistakes. Mercury is in retrograde, and utmost concentration is required.


No one in the world knows what is good for you. You have the answers that you may be unsure of. They are all inside of you, and you need to unleash them as your personal truth. You are motivated and down to earth today, and have a way of bringing love to your home. Cook a home cooked meal for someone special.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a lot of fun! You will be back in the social whirl, and that in itself will make you happy, which will inspire you to be ambitious and creative and all the things that make you come to life. Love will be possible with someone who is family oriented, and who is a social person.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn and an easy angle with the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 3, 2021 – Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



What a busy and productive morning this is! You have to decide to put an issue in your rear view mirror, so that you can move forward. Self introspection’s first. It’s necessary in order to understand your motives and then you will understand your decision. You have your thinking cap on, and trust that all will be well.


What a busy and productive morning this is! You are thinking creatively and come up with all sorts of ways to enhance on a project you are working on. Even though you want to keep the cost down to a minimum, you still have to make sure that you invest enough so that it show up glorious and enticing, to the ones who you are building this creation for.


What a busy and productive morning this is! You are excited about the world opening up some to your career, and nothing and no one can stand in your way of success. You are on fire getting things done with ease and purpose, and your personality helps along with your wit and charm.


What a busy and productive morning this is! You are not shy about what you want and need, but you are wise to know that you don’t want to advertise your intentions. You are making plans and getting prepared for the right moment to pounce on getting your ideas out there. You are studying and preparing vigorously, nose to the grind, even putting your phone away so you won’t be disturbed!


What a busy and productive morning this is! The push and pull you have with a specific individual where you work, has a rhythm of its own. You are doing your best to push forward, and happily so, and no one, even the person who may be trying to get hold what you think is rightfully yours, get in the way of success. You can see though people and have an internal giggle while you’re at it.


What a busy and productive morning this is! Communication is key to success, and you are busy trying to get the attention of someone who is key person, without whom this prospect can’t continue. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde, and having rehearsed your words, you cut through all unnecessary information, and get straight to the point.  


What a busy and productive morning this is! You get all your chores lined up like little soldiers, and you knock them down one by one. You finish every job to perfection, and in a most timely fashion. Satisfaction is granted, and being busy and to know exactly how to succeed today, makes you feel good!


What a busy and productive morning this is! There is nothing you are worried about trying to take on. Well, actually, you are worried about certain things, but not about trying new propositions: you are ready to take chances. No one can stand in the way of your courage! We all want to have your attitude. And, you make everyone smile, while you are at it.


What a busy and productive morning this is! It’s all about family for you today. You won’t take no for an answer, should you be dealing with someone who is close to your heart, whether family or not. You lay down laws that are taken seriously, and you do it with so much flair and affection, they don’t even know they are being bossed around…


What a busy and productive morning this is! Your strength lies with what comes out of your mouth today. You are super easy going and charming, capable of getting anyone to do anything you set your mind to. Asking for what you need to get done, consider it done! Satisfaction guaranteed.  


What a busy and productive morning this is! You are in a ‘make-money-or-don’t-do-a-thing’ kind of a day. You are on a roll. Money makes the world go round and no one knows that more than you do today. You are not shy, and ask for what you know you deserve. The best thing is how much fun you are having!


What a busy and productive morning this is! You are on fire! You have your work cut out for you, and there is nothing that inspires you more than doing what is correct by yourself. You get support because you are being the leader you need to be. A leader for your own life and a leader for everyone else. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be able to continue on the same path you have been on, to elevate your life and to make it even better. You will be business oriented and will find creative ways to expand on whatever you are doing in your life. Love will be possible with someone who is business oriented, and who has a big and generous heart.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon conjoins Neptune, makes a hard angle with Mercury, an excellent angle with Mars and an easy angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Aries at 1:59 PM EDT.

The sun makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 2, 2021 – Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th.  You will enjoy time at home. Fixing to your taste and enjoying your back yard, your kitchen and your bedroom. You will be decorating after a couple of years of neglect, or just needing a change. Even starting right now today: you may stop at a garden center and bring back some annual summer plants. 


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. Looking for love? Sweet talking will get you everywhere! All you will have to do is open your mouth, say what you enjoy doing and how you like to spend your time, and you will get responses that can turn into long term friendships or maybe even long term love.


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. You enjoy the good things in life, and for the duration of this transit, you will be tempted to spend your hard earned money. You will have to develop a way to stop yourself from going overboard. Buy something spectacular, and then, those super looking sunglasses you so online, you may want to skip over them and enjoy the money in your account.


Venus enters your sign to stay there until June 27th. If you have been concerned about how you want to show up in the world? If you have been thinking of changing your style? This is your opportunity that you need to take advantage of. Find a new hair dresser, or seek a professional look that makes you more desirable on your job. 


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. The beginning of the summer sees you as less enthusiastic about going out there and having a good time. Sure you want to enjoy, but compare to how you used to be, you want low key hangouts with soft music. Still reeling from our recent history? You will use this time to unwind, and get back to loving yourself. 


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. You are happy to see that life is coming back and that you can enjoy the faces and the company of those you love once again. You will use this transit to bring back the joy and the enthusiasm for life you used to have. You will be creating new friendships and work on neglected friendships.


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. In your case, you will enjoy a period of potential opportunities which can be there to pull you up the ladder of success, with a gentle push and a gentle nudge. Look at each opportunity, and give prospects a try before you reject anything. Try it out and see. You will be admired for your consideration of each one that comes along.


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. Plan a vacation if you can, and if the guidelines approve, go for it now! Or at least, dream up and plan a trip for the future. Learn the brochures, and start to stash away money towards a great adventure!


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. You will be interested to know, on a deeper level, who you are associating with. You will be curious about what makes someone you are getting to know, tick. You will be looking to learn your history, to learn what makes you be who you are today, and to move from what hasn’t worked for you, towards what will. 


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. Throughout this planetary transit relationships are going to be in very good shape, and it’s a good time to have heart to heart talks. Good time to take a short trips together, and to have romantic dinners. The promise of love is an invitation to try out your local hangouts reopening, as well as on internet sites. Give yourself a chance and see how things develop?


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. You will be satisfied and contented by your life in general. You will enjoy the little things in life, and you won’t complain about anything. You will be happy just to be alive and to be able to wake up each day, go through your routine and enjoy your everyday work and simple chores.  


Venus enters Cancer to stay there until June 27th. If you are looking for a summer romance, you are in luck! You are in for a fabulous time. Starting today, when the moon is in your sign and you rule the day, you may even notice that there are opportunities for you to meet new people in fun arenas. Go out and paint the town, and have fun meeting and greeting.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will rethink the career you are currently involved with, and you will try new and innovative ways to handle this same career, so that you will have a more satisfying life experience, and elevate the lives of those who work for you. You won’t expect people’s understanding, but they will get on board when you show positive results. Love will be possible with someone who is a bit emotional yet practical.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Pisces.

The moon makes a hard angle with the sun and an easy angle with Uranus.

Venus enters Cancer.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

June 1, 2021 – Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On the first day of work after the long weekend, you are thrown right into the depth of whatever is going on in your career. Whatever you say is super important, and since Mercury is in retrograde, it’s doubly important that you weigh your words, and carefully craft everything you want to say. Don’t leave anything to chance.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you count your lucky stars about who you have in your corner. When you need someone to step up and be there for you, they are there in a flash. You just have to make sure that you don’t over pay for their help. You could be taken advantage of…


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you are all business all day long. You have amazing energy and are able to make more progress than you can even imagine! Take advantage of today, and make plans with as many clients as possible.  


This is one of the best days of the month for you. On the first day of work after the long weekend, you are thinking of what will make you have the opportunity to do as you need to do, in spite of some obvious blocks in your way. But you have a way of overstepping those obstacles and make way forward.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you need to ask for assistance. You will receive it, but with conditions that you may not want, and may have to back out. You will be able to take care of your own business without any help, but it will be a little difficult to get through to the other side of the equation.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, relationships are highlighted. Business is on your mind and you have someone who wants to see you succeed. Ask for whatever you need, but be prepared and rehearsed, and you will have them eating out of your hand.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you are trying to focus on the pile of work in front of you, but your mind is drifting elsewhere. There are things out there in the world which are more enticing to you than the humdrum sound of your computer keys clicking under your fingers. On a day like today, you just have to put your blinders on and do what you are getting paid to do.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. On the first day of work after the long weekend, you are itching to get started and to get started in a big way! You want to try something new never before tried. With Mercury going backwards on you, you need to really think before you leap today. It could very well be a great thing you want to try, but you need to sleep on it first.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you find that you need to stay in bed a little longer than you anticipated. Take your time, and do whatever you need to get started the proper way. Call on someone who can set you in the proper mood to get your week started. Get started gently, and you will be happier the whole week.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you are bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to pounce on the week ahead with enthusiasm. The problem is that you feel great mentally, but are tired physically. Don’t force yourself to do the impossible, and be grateful for whatever you accomplish turns out ace!


On the first day of work after the long weekend, you have expensive taste and you intend to spend money on something frivolous. Think twice before you commit yourself to anything extravagant. Look at the beauty around you and you will see that you don’t need anything but the love you have to offer. Buy something conciliatory to your needs, like a plant. Something that can last the summer.


On the first day of work after the long weekend, the moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your energy is high, your imagination is high, your desire to enjoy life is high, and you are having a fine day. You may even start a new career right out of your home! With the extra energy you possess today, you may move your furniture around, feng shui style.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be full of ideas, and full of anticipation about what the year will hold for you. You will be business oriented and you will make money that will make you try to help anyone in need. You will be charitable and create good karma for yourself. Love will be possible with someone who has high energy to keep up with you, and who is complimentary to your personality.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Aquarius makes an excellent angle with Venus. 

The moon enters Pisces at 5:08 AM EDT.

The moon conjoins Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 31, 2021 – Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You expect too much from you family today. It has been a tough journey for all of us, and you need to try to move past whatever has transpired. It will take time, but as long as you intend to heal from it. You will! Today is a day to spend with friends you haven’t seen for a long time, be it in person, or face to face on the phone.


You have friends who are there for you through thick and thin, and today, they show up loud and clear, to your heart’s delight. Your mind however, is on your career. You may want to combine business with pleasure, and invite someone who could be the key to your success, over for a barbecue.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. A one shot deal can make you a whole lot of money. Just imagine what it would be like, should it continue to go long term? You have to negotiate carefully, Mercury is retrograde, but don’t let that throw you off! Keep plugging away.


You may not be feeling at the top of your game mentally, thinking of something you regret? However, this day has a rare opportunity attached to it: energetically, you can get together some great idea, bring it to life, and have the whole thing put together with the least resistance from anyone! Don’t feel discouraged, you have got everything you need and more!


Relationships are highlighted. The matters of the heart are such a delicate thing. You can open up and say a whole lot of words and try not to jumble them up, Mercury is retrograde, or you can just show up with flowers and good intentions and that is all you both need. You don’t have to open up if you don’t feel comfortable, but you could if it so pleases your heart.  


You get promoted to the hero of all heroes on this day! Everyone is looking to you to do the right thing by all. And you deliver with flying colors. When family gets together, you are there to hold everyone’s hand who needs their hand held. You almost forget to enjoy yourself…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Today, you are most generous to anyone who is in need of a meal or in need of a helping hand. You may be hearing them with a more acute ear and with a more tender heart than the situation may need, but God bless you for giving your all!


Life is not a series of fantastical opportunities and imaginary possibilities. But today, you seem to not make sense out of reality. Nonsense can go a long way today, and actually, disrupt the progress you have been making in your life, unless you start to make sense. Let others show you what is real and what is not.


You would like to show the love you have for a sibling, and it may be at the expense of the rest of the family. Don’t forget that you are one unit, and that you have to pay the same amount of attention to everyone. Outside of that, you have the potential to entertain everyone and educate them.


As much as you would like to do something very special for someone your life, it seems they just miss the point, and don’t even see it! It may hurt some. But remember that if you love someone and they love you back, this will only be a glitch and that by the end of the week, you will be lovey dovey all the way! Enjoy a day of leisure, and pay attention to your own needs.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You try to please and please and please today, and you go overboard. Why are you doing this? Are you trying to get someone to like you? You seem to be spending money on someone and you need to stop. Whoever likes you will like you anyway.


Your heart is like a bubbling brook of love for mankind, and particularly for those with whom you are celebrating this holiday weekend. However, there could be another layer to you today: You have to allow yourself to feel an unrequited love and allow yourself to heal, should it be someone you can’t show your affection to today.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be all business all the time. You will have grand plans and big dreams and you will find any which way to make them into a reality, you will drive, fly or take a boat to get to where you can make your life what you want it to be. No one will be able to stop you. Love will be possible with someone who is spirited, likes to live life big, and who wants to help others reach their own success. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aquarius.

Mars makes an excellent angle with Neptune.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star