May 5, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy a robust social life, which is music to your ears… you will enjoy a year of challenges that you will meet with determination with the help of family who will support you. You will make sound financial decisions and you will be able to use your money in a smart way that will advance you forward. Love will be possible with someone who is enjoys traveling and who enjoys entertaining.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Pisces.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mercury, an excellent angle with Mars and an easy angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 4, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

 for sun signs and rising signs.



You have to work as a part of a whole organization. There are multiple people and multiple ideas and many ways to see any given situation. Don’t pull your credit card out and spend money, until everyone is on the same page. On the other hand, you have to come to an understanding about your moneys. Remember that their friendship is what you want to last longer than this transaction.

Today’s affirmation:

“I pay attention to what you all have say.”


There are obstacles galore, but the desire to get stuff done is mighty. You have new goals and you have to find new ways to tackle a new world that is emerging from the long global sleep. You have your work cut out for you today, but you can handle it. You are a Taurus, aren’t you? You are tenacious. You roll up your sleeves and continue to work on your ambitions.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s difficult, but I can handle it!”


You can’t seem to get it through your head that you’ve got what it takes. You look at life like a huge problem to solve today. Don’t get intimidated! You are a person who can get through anything being light on your feet and cutting through obstacles. You must listen to your inner self, it’s trying to tell you that you need to stop having a negative outlook today.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I close the door on negative thinking.”


You may want to give up on someone. It’s your prerogative to do so, but it would be much nicer if you tried to find out what is ailing the person who is acting up, who seems to be a pain in your neck. You may be surprised at what they are carrying around with them. Try not to lose your temper and look at them closely and humanly.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am working on compassion today.


People are people are people… They will never be exactly what you want them to be. At the same time, you don’t want to try to change anyone. Because you can’t. You can pray that God changes them, but you will only get frustrated if you try to do it yourself. What you can do is make changes within yourself, so that you can handle any person who crosses your path in life.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I have patience for everyone.”


To throw the towel in, is not an option. Things are changing in this world we live in at a rapid pace; you snooze you lose. Get back on to what is happening, and get back on the ball. If you need, put blinders on so that you can concentrate on the here and now. It’s easy for you to get distracted today. Your job is what is happening today. Go with the changes and get acclimated.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to continue changing with the world around me.’


You are an emotional person who is trying to stay calm in the eye of a storm called life. Recently it has been too much for a gentle soul like yours. But today is giving you a kick in the butt to toughen up, and to push forward. No matter who is on your case, you can turn inwardly and shut them out for the sake of getting stronger. You have to do whatever makes you happy.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am getting stronger every day.”


When you are trying to get up and start rebuilding your life all over again, who is going to be there when you need them the most? Today is one of those decisive days, where you work hard and can get frustrated when some people seem uninvolved as you would like them to be. Do you change horses in mid course? Or do you give them another chance?   

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to make decisions about you.”


Not everything you want to say must be heard. Some issues do not need to be repeated on the lips on anyone. Especially by you today: whatever you see and hear, needs to stay within the confinement of the four walls you saw or heard it in. You don’t want to hurt anyone intentionally, or unintentionally. A sibling may bring you into their confidence.

Today’s affirmation:

“Loose lips sink ships.”


You can build a fantasy land scenario in your mind and want to invest money in it. First and foremost, you must make sure that it is balanced enough, that it has enough common sense to merit you investing in it. Ask yourself if you really need to invest in this project or item. Beware of scammers… Worst case scenario; you meet someone online next thing you know they ask you for money. The alarm ought to go off in your head that this is plain wrong.

Today’s affirmation:

“I won’t waste my earnings.”


You are working hard to make sure that your home is in good shape. Perhaps you noticed that it needs to have the roof in better condition. Not something you can put off any longer. It all takes one step to get started. Don’t get overwhelmed, and see that you begin the process rolling. Get estimates. It may end up costing you less than you assume, but you do have to make a decision.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is most important to me.”


You are charitable to a fault today. Surely there are items in your closet that you no longer need and can give away and declutter your life all at the same time. Which is a win, win situation: to give to charity will be a blessing for someone and a blessing for you too. A work of encouragement given to someone is a blessing to them and you can hear those words and have them resonate with you too. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to give.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be ambitious and motivated work hard to make a success. You will have the freedom to do as you will need to do, or you will demand a choice to get things done. These are changing times in the universe, and these are changing times for you too. Nothing comes easily, but you have got what it takes. Love will be possible with someone who has a vision, someone who wants the best for you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Aquarius makes a hard angle with Venus and conjoins Jupiter.

The moon enters Pisces at 10:09 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 3, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Early in the day you feel that you may have misjudged someone who assists you, and want to have words with them. To get into a tiff with this person will be a bad situation, because early in the day your words mean everything so be careful. If you have to put your foot down, do so in the afternoon and make sure to find find a compassionate and understanding tone. Is this person being penny wise and pound foolish? You see spending money differently.

Today’s affirmation:

“We have to come to common ground.”


Today turns out to be a day of decisions. You may think negatively about yourself and reflect negatively on your abilities. You may lose believe in yourself. You may be doubting the very reason you are in the career you are in. Later on in the day, you decide that this attitude is unproductive, and will get you nowhere, and you decide to take your life and your future into your own hands and stop the pity party.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to make some decisions.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. It can be the best days for you, if you know how to utilize it. Today starts with you being down in the dumps. A real Monday bummer that you are not looking forward to… as the day progresses, you get tired of standing in your own way, and you start to make a stand on your behalf, and start to handle this Monday and yourself more reverence. Nothing negative can happen to you then.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is a beautiful thing.”


Some people you think you can depend on are so out of the way destructive that you don’t know if you can trust them anymore. Your imagination is running rampant as you imagine how this person may even be trying to bring your efforts down. Could you be entirely wrong? Next thing you know, you make a decision, and make some serious changes with those who are working with you. Not everyone belongs there. You may need to let someone go. You need to find more compatible people.

Today’s affirmation:

“Sorry, you may be happier elsewhere.”


Relationships are highlighted. You want people to believe in you and put their trust in you. But that seems difficult early on today. You seem to rub them the wrong way. You want to your career not to feel as strange as it does today, as you are exaggerating about what is going on and it’s difficult to talk to those who can make a positive difference. Later on everything takes a decisive turn for the better, and things start to look up again  

Today’s affirmation:

“You know me better than this.”


You may be getting a case of insecurity and cold feet, about a project you have been working on. It’s giving you a head ache. It’s even making you sad to think about. You don’t seem to get a good handle on it. You may be even ready to drop it. And you may be right about it. However, if the situation demands an answer in the morning, you may drop the whole thing and quit! But hopefully, it can wait until later on, because by then you can breathe new life into it. Give it a resuscitation, and decide to hold on and to make it work.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing comes easily…”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You go from, early on in the day, when you are thinking that to take a certain chance on a project cannot possibly go wrong, to understanding that in fact, plenty can go wrong! The best way to handle today, is to wait until later on in the day to make a decision about it then. Understand, that whatever decision you make, has a potential to make a serious change in the way you feel about your life in general. You are growing and stretching your emotional maturity.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am being gentle with myself.”


Some people who you have to see on a daily basis, who are there for you and whom you consider family, or some people who have been helping you for a long time and in a big way, all of a sudden, early on in the day, just seem like a bunch of untrustworthy individuals and your brain is on fire! Could you be that wrong? Calm down… yes, you could be That wrong. As the day progresses and as you cool off, you come to understand that there are better ways to spend your day than judge them. Now, should someone be that much of a traitor, you have no choice but to show them the door.

Today’s affirmation:

“You guys are my foundation!”


You have to sit on your tongue. You have to sit on your lips and you have to plain shut up. If you are unable to do this, you will probably, lose someone who has potential to be an important asset and employee, but whom you may be talking to in a tone that is negative, and which shows that you have no faith in them. The best way to handle today, is to wait until later on in the day, and think about how to bring this person back in your graces.

Today’s affirmation:

“I didn’t mean to be so harsh.”


To spend money foolishly is one thing. To spend money to the point where you cut your nose to spite your face, is the dumbest thing that you could do. And early on in the day, you are doing just that! So, how do you turn this around? First of all, stop! That‘s it. It’s simple. Just stop! Then, later on in the day, when you get your breath back, make a decision to consider the importance of every dollar you earn, and to make a decision to save more than you spend, this month. Especially, hold yourself back from spending foolishly.

Today’s affirmation:

“I work hard for my money.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. But this is a complicated day. You may be thinking that everything is just fine and dandy, early on in the day, but you are deluding yourself. There are elements happening right under your nose that you may be much better off, if you were looking at life from a more realistic viewpoint. As the day progresses, you start loving yourself again, forgive the mistakes you made this morning. Later on in the day, you make decision to see life in a moire relaxed way and accept it flaws and all.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing is perfect.”


The more you love and accept your life, and the more find interest and truly get into whatever you may not like to do, yet must do for the sake of success, the better. This morning, you are able to be engaging in some pretty dumb thinking pattern: you are almost convincing yourself that all you do and al the effort you’ve put into your life is for naught, and that there is no way to succeed. The truth is far from it! Later on in the day you make a decision to always be a positive person and never succumb to being a pessimistic person.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s all in my mind.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will break barriers and find unique ways to do your thing. You won’t mind to operate in a way that only you can understand. You will have to stop yourself from being pessimistic about your future. Don’t allow your brain to wallow in negativity! It won’t measure you the way things really are which are positive. You are a successful and wonderful person. Remember that! Love can be possible with someone who is focused, and who sees the bright side in everything.   

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aquarius.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

The sun makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus conjoins Saturn and makes a hard angle with the sun.

Mercury enters Gemini.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, May 1 – Sunday, May 2, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



With nothing but career on your mind, you can turn any situation into a money building empire. You are fierce and incomparable in your approach and in your ambition. ‘Go get ‘em’, being the motto. Remember to be kind to those who are not as brilliant as you are this weekend. 


This weekend is about you being happy and easy within your skin. Those things that you have discovered yesterday, develop in your mind today. You are on the road to making a change in your life that will be successful. You are having a good time this weekend, and why not? Your life is changing and you can handle any change because your attitude is ace! 


You can handle anything better than anyone this weekend, and therefore they’ll pile it on, and you may get stuck with most of the work. You need to stand up for yourself and let others deal with your powerful stance. They won’t like you? Oh well. On the other hand, you can’t win an argument, so don’t get into one…


You are a rock star in the eyes of those who matter, and that is all that matters. You can’t go wrong, so why would you get into any situation that will make you look less than what and who you are? Stay away from trouble makers, and keep your good name and reputation.  


You are so brilliant, even your boss can get nervous of losing their position for the sake of someone like you. You don’t want to outshine your boss, but you can wear the tiara of the best employee of the weekend. At home, your family understand your momentum, they don’t mind you having to work…


It’s tough to get back to reality when you have been living the life of a superstar with all the trimmings. In order to do the best job that you can, you need to continue with the feeling of the party. Get outdoors and take a walk enjoy the sun, then and only then get back to the nitty-gritty of what needs to get done.


You are not going to collapse under the massive responsibilities you are faced with, you are better than that, and you don’t have to worry so much. That is one of your biggest problem now, worrying. Remember, that the opposite of worrying is having faith. You can overcome and you will come out the other side stronger and more resilient.  


Chatting up the people you want in your life is the way to go and your desire this weekend. You are a one of a kind, and you can prove, with plenty of charisma, just how much you are able to accomplish. You can talk a hind leg off a cow, charm an audience and have them in the palm of your hand.


Those little glitches you are experiencing this weekend, are small obstacles. The big picture is much more promising. All you have to do is to show up. As they say, showing up is half the battle. You can create a winning situation, by just doing things with ease and without thinking so much.


Your internal party is still going on, and your personality shines like a diamond. You can turn any situation into pleasurable time, and continue to have a good time while you do whatever is necessary. You don’t have to make anything into a serious affair, remember to stay young at heart.   


Keeping secrets can get heavy on the soul. It’s much better to forgive, and to say something that makes your heart forget this weekend. Tit for tat may be good for some people, but for you, you have a choice of rising above the pettiness that creates a heaviness in your soul.  


Make a wish and see what happens. Chances are you can get your wish and then some! This is a fantastic weekend to speak up, express your intentions, and go for your dreams. Find people who can assist you on your journey. Do not be silent. What could happen? They could either say ‘yes’ or ‘no’…


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will go for what feels the most true to you. You will be looking for a perfect career and for the perfect partnerships and for perfect compatibility. It’s your life and you can shoot for the stars and the moon if you choose. It will become a successful year when you stay true to yourself and when you go for the career that excites you. Love will be possible with someone who fits you like a glove, and who enjoys the same things that you do.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be blessed with tremendous energy that will make it possible for you to create the life you want, strive for success, and to pursue the career you have been, and will be working so hard for. You will enjoy travel for the sake of learning and expanding your career. Love is possible with someone who is good with words, ambitious, and can match your energy level.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Capricorn.

The moon makes an exce]llent angle with Uranus and an excellent angle with the sun.



The moon in Capricorn makes an excellent angle with Venus and an easy angle with Neptune.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The moon conjoins Pluto and makes an excellent angle with Mercury.

The moon enters Aquarius at 3:31 PM EDT.

Venus makes an easy angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

April 30, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



A monetary issue is making you wish you could figure it out overnight, and you may demanding too much too soon. You may be appalled at people’s seeming lack of concern to get it done, but you have to slow yourself down first, and realize that you are not in this alone. The upside is that it may bring out of you another idea of how to increase your income, that is way ahead of it time!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my forward thinking.”


You see all the obstacles in your wild imagination. You create a story and want to instantaneously change directions, or start on a new venture when the road is full of traffic and is slowing you down. You will have to wait your turn, and it may not happen today. However, you come up with once a year kind of ideas, the kind that revolutionize your mode of operation.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful that the sky is the limit.”


Having an ‘aha’ moment can change everything! You find out deep down that you don’t have to conform to anyone’s way of living. And when you combine that with a decision, it’s brilliant. Just understand that you cannot complete it in one day. It needs time to be researched and honed and integrated into your life. That takes time. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for willing to change my life.”


What is on your wish list, Cancer? Do you wish for the world to be just fine and healthy in an instant? But it won’t be possible to snap your fingers and have it all accomplished in one day. But should you wish to change your life in a way that brings you more influence with the help of the internet, you can strike gold. The computer is your friend today, it brings the world to you. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for appreciating my social media friendships.”


You move so fast, you may trip over your feet. The slower you go the better. There are some major additions you want to incorporate to your business, put in place pronto! But that may shock those who work under you guidance. You have to break it down better and explain why you want what you want or they will rebel. Stop running like a chicken with its head cut off…ooh what a vision…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the career I love.”


Your mind is going a million miles a minute and the thoughts are brilliant. So brilliant you may not trust yourself. You have the capacity to do it all yourself. You don’t need any help to get your ideas up and running today. But you will find it difficult to get the assistance you may ask for at the speed you expect. There is absolutely no reason to go at it at the speed you are operating on today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for this wild and wonderful world.”


Your nerves are on edge, but your mind is on your financial betterment. Someone may want to invest in your business, and that is a great idea! However, you will have to give it more time before you will be ready to get it completed and signed on. Don’t do anything at the spur of the moment. Better safe than sorry. What’s the rush anyway?

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people in my corner.”


People can surprise you in unexpected ways. You say that you are used to that already? But today, it goes are into a whole another level of ‘are they serious’? You don’t have to take everything at face value. Give it time, and it will all get itself figured out without you having to lift a finger. This will settle down into something more exciting that you are giving it credit for.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for never judging a book by its cover.”


Do you feel overwhelmed at your job? Is your home office layout stressing you out? Relax, is the order of the day! Don’t get frustrated over situations that you have no control over, or situations that may be petty. You will reach your daily goal easier when you step back from your desk and let things take their won shape and form. You’ll realize that it’s just a hectic day. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my hectic beautiful life.”


You are at the top of your game today. You can handle your emotions like nobody’s business, so why aren’t you sure of yourself? Perhaps it’s because you want to cram in your day way too much. There are only twenty four hours, so pace yourself. Don’t take a chance on something you gave very little mind to if at all! Love can throw you a curve that you don’t expect. Weigh it out carefully…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not falling for someone’s nonsense.”


The urgency to get it all done in a short period of time, is overwhelming! Look at the place you live! Whether it’s a small cubicle or a large mansion, this is where you hang your hat and this is where you find the love you cherish. Take it slower, what’s the rush? If you invited some for a weekend supper, you have plenty of time to prepare. Take a deep breath and stop the frenzy.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a home in an unpredictable world!”


Your internal clock is ticking and you may be upset at the shape the world has been taking, and you have an opinion of your own to throw into the ring. Slow your jets, cool off first, and realize that any change takes time. Even though you may think you would rather have it by midnight! You can’t expect for changes to happen overnight.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the world’s progress. Even if it’s slow.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will able to accomplish so much more than you think! You will have to try not to run around like a hamster chasing itself. Make sure that you stick to your decisions and don’t expect thing to happen overnight. Pay special attention to the unexpected, as it may hold the key to the door. Love is possible with someone exciting, and who never rests…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Sagittarius makes an easy angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Capricorn at 12:16 PM EDT.

The sun conjoins Uranus.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

April 29, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. You see the struggle that people live with all around the world and your heart goes out to them. Their experience is your experience as well, you learn so much from it. Today, you may put your money where your heart is and donate generously to a charity of your liking, you may go overboard, but it’s all for a good cause.

Today’s affirmation:

“There for but the grace of God go I.”


Today, you will be giving people the better chance of a doubt no matter the situation. The good person in you comes out today, but a little too much. Take some of this nice person for everyone else, and apply it to your own person, and take care of yourself. Protect yourself from overly trying to please.

Today’s affirmation:

“I enjoy helping others.”


Relationships are highlighted. Try as you may to elucidate your point and to explain how you feel, you may not get the exact reaction you think you will. But don’t hold it against anyone. As long as you have a sense of compassion for yourself, is all you need. You are expecting too much of your partner today. He/she is a little detached, but that will pass.

Today’s affirmation:

“I enjoy my own company, tyvm.”


With all this extra energy humming through you, there is nothing better you could do than to get a friend to go out for a walk with you. Go around the park or to go hiking. Any kind of physical exercise combined with talking about what causes are dear and near your heart, will connect you to this person and to nature itself. 

Today’s affirmation:

“This day is a healing day for me.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Someone may be playing you in your business world and may be doing disagreeable things behind the scenes. Perhaps this person is trying to undermine your efforts, take advantage of your good nature, yet you may not see it, and give this person more ammunition against your success. But you just continue being the good person you are, all this will come to light.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am keeping my eyes open.”   


Having a connection with someone special is a good thing. But every day is another chance for you to get back to reality and to get back to your work. Your home is another place that you find comfort in and a place to relax after a busy day. Schmoozing your boss is another thing that is on the agenda.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a schmoozer…”


When you are in the process of eliminating some people who bring negative energy in your life. Today, the ability to communicate your feelings is very powerful. You communicate in a manner that is intimate, and compassionate. You may give someone an ultimatum, and to give them a second and last chance. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a softy…”


You can get swept off your feet by the sweet talker. And why not? You deserve to have it happen to you! So don’t give it a thought and don’t have a doubt about what you hear. Remember that love doesn’t have to cost anything. Love is about how you are treated. And today, is one fine day! Do you know how to accept kindness?

Today’s affirmation:

“I am willing to learn to receive.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are completely immersed in your work; it’s as if you are idolizing your line of work. It’s a little alarming to see you so dedicated. Whom are you trying to impress? You will however, be paid handsomely. Maybe that is the angle… whatever you are doing, it seems to be working, so keep it up…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am on a mission.”


You are so caring and charitable today. Your charm and charisma equal your effort to be of help to those who need your help. But while you are trying to help others, your efforts may be cut down by someone who opposes you. To try and negotiate with this individual may prove to be useless. You have to do so independently.

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to help you.”


You do not have to be overly generous towards those who assist you. The people whom you have hired or the people who are part of your daily landscape. Because today you will go overboard with generosity, with the strange idea that it will solve something. And it will solve nothing. Are you feeling guilty about something and are trying to compensate for it?

Today’s affirmation:

“There is no need to go overboard.”


You are a sweetheart to end all sweethearts today, and you intend to compensate someone who deserves your praises. It can come back to you tenfold as your Karma may bring you a business opportunity whether it emanates from this person or not, that will bring a lot of attention your way.

Today’s affirmation:

“Good deeds go a long way.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be able to make a living in a subject that is very close to your heart. A project that will bring out the best in you. And you will be happy to do it with a partner equally as interested in the subject as you are. Love will be possible with someone who is compassionate, but who may be a little of a pushover. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Sagittarius.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Neptune.

The moon makes a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

April 28, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



After a bit of self-examining, it’s nice to be on a day where you can do a bunch of praying. Pray for the things you need and for a friend who has greater immediate needs than you do. Your home needs your attention, so don’t be surprised when you get annoying calls from there… 

Today’s affirmation:

“Why can’t people take care of stuff??”


From wrapping up the beautiful Pink Full Moon, to getting down to the nitty gritty of taking care of lifetime’s most pressing issue: money. Your monetary outlook is positive. The answers you hear today are positive so try to see where you can invest on whatever business you may be considering to run or to purchase, if you’re lucky.

Today’s affirmation:

“I possess.”


If someone gets the bright idea that you have to continue to do for everyone like you have been, they have another thing coming! You are definitely not in the mood to cater. You will see it as a command and will not do what you are told. Take it easy, you can decline politely.

Today’s affirmation:

“They better to ask nice…”


Love and passion are all good and well, but your mind is beginning to stretch over to the office, or the calls you are getting about having to hurry and get there. Not that you are ever tardy, or anything God forbid… you are getting restless and want to get back to work.

Today’s affirmation:

“There so much to do.”


When it comes to expressing yourself, you are a master today. No matter whether or not you are in good standing with someone you have to impress today, you are able to do so with so much ease and ability to create a story that is shows on your face, and which captures your listener.    

Today’s affirmation:

“Boy am I a charmer!”


So much action has been going on that today, you just want to plop on your couch and not move from there. If that is not an option, than you would rather not have to move from your desk. You don’t have to exercise every day! Some days are best to go with the flow.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do have to get up and get my water bottle.”


You have been bogged down with thoughts and worries about finances, and today, your mind needs a little break from it all. If possible, get in your car, put your sneakers on, or hop on a train, and take a little ride. Can you see the spring buds appearing on trees and bushes?

Today’s affirmation:

“Ahh, spring is here!”


It feels kind of nice to be let off the hook! The moon will travel on from your sign, and all you want to do is to get back to doing your job and making money; the thought brings you calm and tranquility. Your mind can wonder every once in a while, by over all, you concentrate on the most important on your list.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am TCB.”


It may all look so gloomy at first, but by the afternoon, it’s as if the lightbulb goes on above your head, and you can see clearer, and with much more optimism and enthusiasm. You thought that you may not be excited about the job you have, but today, it seems most comforting.

Today’s affirmation:

“I immerse myself in my work.”


You find that you are not responsible for everyone and everything! The one you owe most to is yourself. Take time for reflection, relaxation of your mind, and a little yoga stretching. If your boss seems bossier than ever, take it with a grain of salt. It can wait, he/she are just being cranky.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s their problem.”


You don’t have to stress so much. You have done all you can for the sake of business you needed to take care of, and today, make sure to grab a cup of tea, and call on a friend, ask them to have a cup with you. Take it light and easy, there isn’t much more you can do for today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Chit chat.”


Looking at the big picture can do no good, unless you begin to make sense out of how to translate it and how to get it done IRL. Which is exactly where you stand today. Take control of a situation, and find the precise people who share the same vision as yourself, and learn some tips from them.

Today’s affirmation:

“Ideas turn into action.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have the enthusiasm to start something big, and continue to have enthusiasm all the way though. You will begin on new adventures that are sure to have twists and turns, but will you remain steadfast? The way to make money will be by doing something very close to your heart’s desire. Only you know what it is. Love will be possible with someone who is funny, and who has a whole lot of energy. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Scorpio makes an easy angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Sagittarius at 11:43 AM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

April 27, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your career house, to last until October 6: it will affect your career in the way that you will come to understand that there is always room for change, for growth and for improvement. Tweak projects that need a little push to get them palatable to the consumer and to become one with the demands of the time. There is always room for improvement and you will find it can achieve it easily.

Today’s affirmation:

“I’ve got to stay relevant.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your self-expansion house, to last until October 6: It will be high time to reflect upon your belief system, and to take a closer look at how you see your place in the world. The world is changing, and within it you must allow yourself to be true to who you are. You need to be flexible enough to make the necessary changes and to challenge yourself to grow and to spread your mental horizons.           

Today’s affirmation:

“I am brave.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your house of deep perceptions, to last until October 6: You will find that you cannot trust everyone the way you want to trust them. Your sensual side will come out to play, but you will have to scrutinize any possible suitors. You will have to put them to the test in a much deeper way. You will need to be on guard, and to investigate before you give authority to anyone to get into your life. You will live deeper in your soul and not allow anyone who doesn’t fit in to bring you any sorrow. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I observe and I am aware.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your partnership house, to last until October 6: your relationships will grow and prosper at this period of time. You will get deeper into the relationship and give the affection that you seek to receive. You will treat your loved ones with the respect they will show you, when they follow your lead. This will be a great lesson on how to live with passion, and with the real commitment you deserve to have. You won’t accept to be in an uncertain situation. You will want proof.  

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s everything or nothing at all.’


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your house of work, to last until October 6: You will be looking to find true meaning to your work practices. You will want to change a little here and there, so that you can be contented about your daily routine. How can you improve on your daily routine, or do you need to add a dimension to your day? You can do so by incorporating something that will set up your day to be more successful in a personal way. Perhaps you can bring a yoga mat to your office space, and stretch occasionally, and build you physical strength while you are at it.

Today’s affirmation:

“I improve on my daily routine.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your house of love affairs, to last until October 6: You will be seen and you will be heard at this time, and you will enjoy wearing your summer clothes with style and with flair for the dramatic and to catch attention. You will enjoy learning more about your loved interest, and you will create a passionate and fun filled time of learning about one another while being entertained. If you are single, you will have to double vet any prospects from dating sites, just to make sure they did not exaggerate on their photos or bio.    

Today’s affirmation:

“Getting to know one another can be loads of fun.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your house of home, to last until October 6: All through the pandemic your family has been your focal point. Everything you did was for them, never resting and always bending over backwards to satisfy all their needs. Now you want to reconsider. What is a whim they demand, and when it is a legitimate want that they need? You want to ease your way back to being able to take care of what you are interested in doing, to getting back to developing your needs some more, but still within the confines of your family. You don’t intend to neglect them in any way, just to have more time for your own needs. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to find me in here again.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your house of communication, to last until October 6: You will become a wizard of words and will be an exciting performer. You will be able to choose exactly what you need to say in situations you weren’t able to find words for recently, and for which now, you will have no problem evaluating the proper words for. At the same time you will have to be careful with what you say that may hurt someone’s feelings without you intending to. Threr is much power in the words you utter.     

Today’s affirmation:

“I like that I know exactly what to say.”       


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your money house, to last until October 6: You will be happy to learn how to invest, and how to reduce the cost of living by making wiser decisions about how you handle and how you spend your money. If you have an idea of how to increase your income, you will now have the boost you need to get things off the ground and running. You will like having a busy summer of being professionally responsible.

Today’s affirmation:

“My bank account loves me.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion your house of personality, to last until October 6: It’s going to be all about you show up in the world, how you express yourself, and how you appear to the people you come in contact with. You don’t have to be shy about who you are, and you don’t have to apologize for the fabulous person you are. Above all you need to learn to accept yourself and to be proud of yourself and your achievements. Should anyone try to demean what you have accomplished, well, you just won’t care. You will be grounded in knowing that you’ve changed for the better.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love fabulous me.’


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your house of endings, to last until October 6: You have to clear your home, as well as to clear your spirit, if you want to forge forward with courage. No one can do it for you. There is no shrugging off responsibility. The quicker you will deal with your past and let it stop tormenting you, the easier any transition will become. Project into the future what you want to accomplish. Love yourself and accept your flaws and all the mistakes you have made, and rejoice in your virtues.

Today’s affirmation:

“I meditate on letting go so that I can move forward.”


Pluto begins its annual retrograde motion in your friendships house, to last until October 6: You will find yourself getting back to the graces of a special friend with whom you may have had a falling out with. It’s because you will have a heart filled with forgiveness. You will choose to be less judgmental and more open minded. You will be willing to hear both sides of a story and be still remain objective. You will however, need to protect yourself from those who may want to take advantage of your good heart. 

Today’s affirmation:

“There is nothing I won’t do for a friend.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will understand the concept that everything has a beginning a middle and an end. You will look forward and be pre-emptive, and filled with anticipation for the end of this pandemic, and you will be making plans about how to forge ahead. It may not be here yet, but you will be making space for the future to fill in at a later date. Love will be possible with someone who is a deep thinker, who likes to hear both sides to the story and who is fair minded.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Scorpio.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus and a hard angle with Saturn.

Pluto starts its retrograde motion.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus, a hard angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

April 26, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On this Full Moon in your sun sign, you find out how someone important in your life feels about you. And what you find out, may be a little amazing. You can’t anticipate their reaction. The love and appreciation you receive, is for you being the unique person you are becoming. You are challenging yourself daily and are evolving all the time. You make a powerful impression. You are being seen by someone who can help in your career goals, but the progress is slow as molasses.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am slow but steady.”


On this Full Moon, and if you haven’t by now, symbolizes that turning point that takes you from spacing out and forgetting to do the right thing by your health, from running around doing for everyone around you at the high price of neglecting yourself, to having to make a commitment about making your health a number one priority. Charity begins at home, and you need to be charitable to your own self first! So that you be the best version of yourself for your loved ones.    

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s go!”


On this Full Moon, romance is in the air. You want to be up on a pedestal for your loved one to admire, to be wined and dined. Who can blame you for having this kind of desire? Good times make for life long memories, and loving memories build a relationship one layer at a time. To just have a good time for the sake of a good time is something that we need every once in a while, well, this is your chance to sparkle in style. You are not supposed to spend a whole lot of money now, but even crunching it allows for a delicious time.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is a bowl of cherries.”


This Full Moon brings you to thought of your home and family. They are the most important today. Some things that have happened in your business recently, have come from left field and you are still learning from the shock of it all. And your home is where you have a soft place to fall, and a place to recuperate. 

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is where I live and breathe.”


This Full Moon you have itchy feet. You want to get in the car or to hop on a train, and go visit a place just to get out of your neighborhood. Your inquiring mind wants to engross itself into the culture of wherever you are visiting, and to learn as much as you can about the place its cute boutiques and healthful restaurants. You talk to the locals and have a good time enjoying people’s conversations from all walks of life.

Today’s affirmation:

“I wonder about this place…”


This Full Moon has you looking into your resources, and to face the impact that the recent events in history have cost you. And it has been a lot! You are hanging on a limb, hoping it won’t snap. You are hoping that things change quickly and that the world opens up again so that you may again support yourself and your family in the manner to which you were used to. You are well aware of your abilities and want to prove yourself again. You are rearing and itchy to get going, if only… you must muster as much patience, because there is a whole lot of progress, why with the vaccines and all…  

Today’s affirmation:

“I believe that a better day will come soon.”


This Full Moon in your moon sign is here to show you something you couldn’t have predicted about your loved one. And you will fall in love all over again. Don’t pay attention to small things, the little things that can upset a person on a Full Moon. Instead, concentrate on the big picture, and try to remember the details of what made you fall in love in the first place; revisit your journey together.  Full Moons make us emotional to the extreme, but today intimate talks bring you together even more.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I love with all my heart.”


This Full Moon has you realize that you have been concentrating on your family’s wellbeing. That you have forgotten to think of what makes you happy, and of your inner light that has gotten dimmer and needs reviving. Some of you have been running around aimlessly, and some of you have been running yourselves ragged trying to get your office or job into shipshape. Stop! Stop everything for one day, and reassess. You will be surprised at what you find out, and pay attention to your soul: it’s crying to be taken care of.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to stop and reassess my priorities.”


This Full Moon has you longing for the good old days, when you could ring someone’s door bell and hang out with your best buddies. But now, it’s been a challenge, as we all know. Today, you have had it up to there, and I can see you making tracks to your friend’s house, mask and all, happy to see a dog’s tail wagging at your arrival. (Even the dog has had it…) Or perhaps you would like see someone in the evening for a drink, and yak up and rekindle the fires of friendship. Or best case scenario, you may find romance with someone you only saw as a friend. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Romance is best when one is friends first.”


This Full Moon you realize that because of situations, or events, that have happened in your home, you have to change the way you operate in your career. You didn’t expect the surprising events that have occurred and to which you are still getting acclimated to. So you find console in your work, your career. And that no matter the upheaval, you feel accomplished and alive by learning how to balance your life. Your home feels revitalized and is happy that you are its occupant. No matter who works against you, never give up on protecting what is yours. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I embrace my career.”


This Full Moon has you dreaming about the good old days when you could jump on a plane and go anywhere. But you are keeping the faith. What you have been learning lately has been somewhat of a surprise; you didn’t expect to learn so much about yourself and about your changing goals for the future. You didn’t expect the twisted turns this planet has taken, and your mind is still reeling in disbelief. You need to show faith, by starting an itinerary of a plan for your next trip, at least begin to gather the information you need, and to learn as much as possible about the destination.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I have hope!”


This Full Moon has you understand that you can’t do it alone. It is here to remind you that you are making money in a world that is unpredictable. One day you are making this much, and another day you are not. Don’t be afraid to have someone lend a helping hand, because you may need someone to invest in your project. Friends are not easy to read now. But you know deep down whom you can and whom you can’t trust. To compare yourself to anyone is not fair to yourself. Be kinder to yourself in a time that is challenging.  

Today’s affirmation:

“We are all in this madness together.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will reminisce about your past and think of what has happened in your life. Life is precious and full of changes, and this past year has been tough. You are thinking of where you may want to live, or what changes you want to bring in your career. But this year is going to show you that whatever you do, it will be with your future in mind looking forward with hope. Love will be possible with someone who is smart and who is brave in the face of changes.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Libra makes hard angle with Pluto and an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Scorpio at 12:19 PM EDT.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mars and

Opposes the sun: Full Moon at 11:32 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, April 24 – Sunday, April 25, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, having good fun and getting your style down pat, your jeans are what you are interested in. Later on in the day, you spend preparing whatever you will need for next week’s work, laundry and watering your flowers, and food shopping with the emphasis on healthier items. On Sunday, to have clarity of mind, is a treasure to take advantage of: whatever ambition you have, it becomes clear as a bell. Enjoy this glorious day where you enjoy your chores dancing and singing. 


On Saturday, you are staying in as much as you can, being tired from the whole week’s work. Later on in the day, you want to put on your most stylish cloths and to try new look you want to try, and even though you step out on the town, but you still want to keep it low key. On Sunday, to do for others is a privilege you enjoy, but the excess to which you have been busy with during the week, has you at wit’s end and in need of serious rest. Stay on the couch all day, if you can, is advised so that you can regain your physical energy. If you can’t, just do as much as you can without feeling guilty.


On Saturday, from being a chatter bug on the phone from the moment you open your eyes, checking in with your friends, to later on in the day, when you take care of all your correspondence that will make the difference next week, and caring lovingly to your hearth and home, cleaning cooking, baking. On Sunday, you need to get involved in a group effort, and not take the responsibility on your shoulder only. Is so much easier with everyone involved, and so much more fun too.


On Saturday, you wake up needing to make sure that your bills are paid and that all is well accounting wise, to later on in the day being a brilliant communicator who is respected in your career, and taking care of business. On Sunday, you don’t need anyone else to take over when you can take control and lead the mission to success with you at the helm, and without any problems.


On Saturday, you are happy and your personality is your best asset. You do as you please, being the one who when you ask, they willingly follow your instructions. Later on in the day, you can come up with a plan to make some extra money; you make the phone call and sent out emails to support this effort. On Sunday, your mind drifts to exotic places that you would like to visit, and make a plan to see that place, or you may be making reservations to take a trip to see an old friend.


On Saturday, you may feel uneasy about issues of personal nature, and you try to meditate and take a long time to drag yourself out of the house, or you may choose to stay home and nurse your feelings. Later on in the day, the moon enters your sign and you come to life and get your strength back. The rest of the day holds a whole lot of energy! On Sunday, you feel like you have to find answers to deep seated questions that may be too heavy a burden. You need to just step out, feel the sunshine, it will make you happy and forget about whoever is bringing you down or disappointing you.


On Saturday, seems as if there are too many people everywhere you go, and all you want is to be alone. You get your wish later on in the day, when you get the chance to spend some down time with someone special to you, or by yourself, with your feet up, streaming a show. On Sunday, you thank God for your better half, who understands what you need and who is there to answer to whatever your desires are. If you are single, reach out to someone special and pour your heart about the events of the week that’s past, and you’ll find a confidant there. 


On Saturday, you must be so tired! It has been a long week and there is nothing you want more than to see a friendly face to speak with, and to make plans for the weekend together, probably someone you know from the work you are involved in. so later on in the day, you decide to meet and to chat about work. On Sunday, you are not in the mood to stay alone at home, and soon you are out the door going to the gym to meet a friend, and after a workout together, you grab a cup of coffee and have laughs with good energy that lifts your spirit up.  


On Saturday, you are busy planning out a trip, and looking up the amenities and everything that it will involve. The outdoors are where you are happy, maybe playing golf or out for a hike, lucky to smell spring flowers blooming. Later on in the day you get smart about an issue in your business that needs a most clear head in order to be put to rest, you do it that easily. On Sunday, your courageous spirit comes out to play and on display. You are proud to present what you are working on in your career. You can make progress today, which comes easily and you do it with style!   


On Saturday, emotional baggage creates for a heavy heart, and your feelings are churned up for the sake of someone you love. It may be family member who has been on your mind. Later on in the day you make sure to talk to this person and to express your concern. All you need to lend is a loving ear that shows of your humanity. On Sunday, the commotion of decorating at your home is all for a good end result. Should there is someone who has been visiting you because of the recent pandemic, or for whatever reason, you have had enough and are ready to ask for your privacy again.


On Saturday, to get to certain negotiations first thing if the morning, is not exactly something you may be excited to be doing, but since communications is always a plus, you go along with it, and indeed can find a common ground. Later on in the day, you have time to ponder the reason you do what you do, and to appreciate your efforts. On Sunday, interested in romance? You may decide to get on a website and to swipe right, and to take a chance on communicating. You are looking for stimulating people who have the same interests as you.


On Saturday, you must feel overworked and exhausted; good thing it’s the weekend… and you may not get out of bed until later on in the day, when you want to see someone special, or at least to hear their voice, or better see their faces. A lovely dinner is in store, never mind the expense! On Sunday, you want to please someone and yourself, and may go way overboard with spending money on frivolous items. Think twice before you spend money you work hard to accumulate. Keep it down to a minimum.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be a much focused person. You will know exactly what you want to do and where you want to go, but above all, you will want to have your family with you each step of the way of your journey. You will find that family is really all you will desire to please. Love will be possible with someone who is family oriented, and who enjoys to learn about all kinds of cultures.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be happiest immersing yourself in your professional choice. You will have a job you will appreciate, and that will keep you interested and constantly in motion. Spirituality will be a new interest and you may desire to learn the art of meditation. Love will be possible with someone who has a large family, and who finds interest in many ideas and in many subjects.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


Mercury conjoins Uranus.

The Moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The Moon enters Libra at 12:07 PM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars.



The Moon is in Libra.

Venus makes a hard angle with Saturn.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

Mercury conjoins Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star