January 22, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



After getting over a day that wasn’t too easy, today is a different picture. You can play and you can work and you can do whatever with a much lighter heart and with much love in your heart. Love is possible and major complications get a defined and taken care of. Breaking free just got easier.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for moving forward.”


The answer you have been searching for is ready for you to hear. The question is do you accept it? Do you believe in your heart of hearts that you can live with this? If not, there is more information available for you to find out what will work for you. But it’s in your inner truth that you have to make sure that you can live with the consequences.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for listening to my gut instinct.”


You have to come to an understanding of the mind with your group, or it stands a chance of people getting frustrated and a situation can boil over. The approach needs to be a super soft one, you have to handle things with kid gloves. People can get aggressive if they don’t get paid on time and to their liking.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for getting these people together.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. If you want changes to be made, you have to make the change in you. You are strong enough to decide upon how to develop your personality, and you can make the changes there. No one can do it for you. You can’t change anyone, but you can pray for someone to change within themselves. Adjusting to situations takes bravery and commitment.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making the changes I need to make within myself.”


Some things have to stay locked within your soul and not come out for someone to see. At least not for today. There is so much that is new, and that will become more exciting as time goes on, today is tough on you because you have to take care of issues that are difficult, but that need to get done and over with.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for looking forward to my future.”


People whom you are connected to for a long time and who are showing signs of frustration, can only be handled with gratitude and thankfulness. If someone who was always good to you, is suddenly acting a little out of character, don’t make rash judgements. Just listen and learn, and act with patience.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having good people in my life.”


Being overworked can be a blessing, if you look at it this way. But there is nothing easy about having so much to do and so much responsibility you haven’t asked for, piling up. Take it with a grateful heart, but make sure that you get your rest at day’s end. Less partying and more sleep will do you wonders.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my busy life.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. There is nothing wrong with looking with excitement into the future, the sky is the limit. Visualize whatever you want to see happen, and make plans to see if you can do what is in your mind and heart. So if you daydream some today, make sure you stay focused, so that you don’t make a major mistake on your job.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the job I hold and hold dear.”


You have to treat yourself better. Your health may be in the balance. If you are not being treated unfairly somewhere, you ought to make the changes that must be made. You may not want to do anything about it, you want to be subtle, but sometimes being loud gets you results you want. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having people who can be of assistance.”


Relationships are highlighted. Sudden moves can confuse someone who is simply trying to have a conversation with you. Expect someone from out of town to call, or come and visit, perhaps unexpectedly, and find that you have much in common, or find out how much you have grown in different direction. Whichever the case may be, accept one another as you are.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the interesting dear people in my life.”


Word gets around quickly and you want to keep your reputation intact. Before you utter words that are hurtful, or which may get a revolt out of whoever is being gossiped about, think of the consequences. Do you want to be the kind of person who is kind and forgiving, or do you want to be the kind who is harsh and unfair? 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a good person.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You would like to have fun, but the world has not exactly opened up yet. But you are inventive and can come up with ways to entertain yourself and others. You’ve decided to be a happy person and no one can change your mind about it. If there is anything you have learned recently, is that you don’t need much to be happy.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the wisdom I have gained.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will start out into the world with new convictions with a new attitude. You have become so much wiser and so much stronger that you feel like you could conquer the world. But it has to start with your home. Your family has to be on the same page as you, and to have a peaceful life together. Love will be possible with someone who is somewhat of a homebody, and who is organized. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Venus, an easy angle with Neptune, a hard angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 21, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



There is so much to accomplish and so much work to be done, that involves your whole life that you simply don’t know what to do first, and it may find you paralyzed for a time. First of all, you don’t have to have all the answers. And secondly, rushing through will only leave you panting. Try to take your time and begin by organizing your home. Your enthusiasm will move you forward.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is so much I want to do.”


You have thoughts permeating in you that you think must come out and told to someone who will then be sympathetic and understanding. However, whatever it is that you are feeling may not be ready for anyone’s ears. Work on your plans and only when you have a more concrete idea, bring it for someone to check out your progress. Today, you will find that people’s patience is short, and their attention span shorter still.

Today’s affirmation:

“Time is on my side.”


Try as you may, you can’t please everyone. You have the best intentions, even ready to help monetarily, and yet, you notice that you don’t get the response you think you deserve. Your efforts don’t seem to be appreciated. You need to do whatever it is, without any expectations. Only then can you have a happy heart, knowing that you didn’t expect anything in return, and that your actions have benefited someone.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do it for your sake.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You know that there are opportunities out there, that are not easy to reach, but to which you aspire to get to. There is a sense of speed that you think you have to get there right away, but you know that in reality, it will take time. Settle down some and slow your engines. Make your ambition known and let your personality shine a light on the road ahead.    

Today’s affirmation:

“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”


Your patience is very short with people today. There isn’t much they can say to you that can make it any better. You would rather not have to listen to anyone’s stories, let alone have to respond and give advice. Suit yourself and don’t do anything that will upset you. Take some time today for self care. Even a bubble bath, and leave your phone in the other room, will bring you the relief you seek.

Today’s affirmation:

“Sorry, I need to be alone for a moment.”


You may have gone out of your way to help your group, and you are puzzled by the lack of interest. You may be looking for explanations that you won’t receive, and even if you do, it won’t fill the void you are feeling today. No one can fill this void but you. You have to be willing to let go of the past and to step forward, perhaps away from this group, if you find that their time and influence is a thing of the past.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to move forward.”


You try to make someone is a charge understand the pressure you are operating through, and they may not have time to deal with your conversation. It’s not that they do not have respect for you, it’s that you have to deal with your own pressure, and to get the job done without getting the support you know you could get from your boss. Take a deep breath and show them that you are an asset and a gem.

Today’s affirmation:

“People are way too busy today.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. This is one busy day with more chores to do than you can wrap your head around. If you do not take time to rest, you may collapse, heaven forbid! You can’t continue to run around like a hamster and think that it won’t affect your health. You must take a few minutes every hour for stretching, for closing your eyes or just to stop your brain for a moment. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I am only human.”


You feel alive and ready to take on whatever life throws your way. You are enthusiastic and so eager to get going that it is easy to lose your temper, when there is so much commotion that interferes with what you want to do. If you can handle all the noise around you, you can come up with some brilliant creative ideas. If you cannot rise above, might as well join that circus and have fun together. 

Today’s affirmation:

“If you can’t win them, join them.”


Relationships are highlighted. Conversations can get heated, and to have the proper approach is the only way to get on someone’s good side. First of all, you have to tone the rhetoric down some: whatever you need to say, think of a kinder and of a mellower approach to take. Make some changes to your home furniture, and the way your home flows, and that will give you a chance to work some energy off.

Today’s affirmation:

“All I want is to have a peaceful home.”


Your ears must be perked up to stories that are so out of line and so out there, that it is difficult for you to take it all in! And then whatever you hear must stay with you, because if you gossip, it has a chance on not reflecting very well on you. This information will only be useful if it is used to broker peace between the parties involved, and you are not the one to do the job. Even if you feel terribly for the people involved.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am sorry I overheard this.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are beginning to enjoy your life, and you don’t want anything to stand in your way of enjoyment. But to having to make a living is a little inconvenience that you have to deal with. Do what you have to do and get your work done, and find a way to have fun, perhaps, splurge on yourself and buy those shoes you thought looked so comfortable in the photo.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is so much I want to do.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will start to work on your home and to complete whatever project you have been working on there. This will all be as preparations for the future that you want to make changes in, and in which your home holds importance. Get rid of clutter and it will make you feel freer and happier. Love will be possible with someone who is starting a new chapter in their life, and who are enthusiastic about the wellbeing of others.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon conjoins Uranus, conjoins Mars and makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 20, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



An opportunity to bring in house help so that you can handle your job, is a temporary solution. There is no reason to jeopardize your career for the sake of an emergency that is short lived and could be handled by remote, or by someone’s help. Unless anyone is in harm’s way. Listen and make a decision that is based on not having to do anything drastic. To balance work and home has its challenges today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Is this really necessary?”


Forward thinking ideas are making your head spin. Hurry up and jot down notes that will intrigue your mind for days to come, about a subject that helps you find your place in today’s society, and in what is driving them. You want to help, and it starts with the ideas that grace your mind today like sparkling jewels. Don’t be afraid of these visions, and be enthusiastic that you do have a way to be relevant.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a cog in a wheel that’s turning.”


Put down your wallets, your credit cards and your cell phone that all you have to do is hover on a gadget and boom you paid in a flash. You probably can live without whatever it is that is burning a hole in your money. Unless! Unless you intend to invest in a computer program, or in a gadget that can help you connect more efficiently in this digital world, in which case consider it an essential.

Today’s affirmation:

“I’s an essential…”


There is no reason to hurry against time. You can’t help but go as fast as all of this, but you must be cognizant of not getting in trouble, of not getting hurt, and to watch out from hurting the other guy. You are placed strategically well for a position you are aiming for, but acting irrationally won’t get you there, and in fact can turn someone off. Take your time and you’ll get to your destination.

Today’s affirmation:

“The slower I go the faster I get there.”


Whatever you think is going on has a sense of impossibility attached to it? You are either creating a bigger issue out of it, or you are missing the point altogether. Before you tell others what is in your mind, you have to stop in your tracks and, unless absolutely necessary, don’t divulge whatever it is you may think is important. Ask yourself if it’s crucial to say it out loud. If not, it will certainly have a way of backfiring.

Today’s affirmation:

“Hmm, I don’t think it’s that important.”


You must hide that green eyed monster and put a lid on it with fasteners. There is no reason on earth why you would feel so inclined to put a relationship with a trusted friend to the test. Your trust ought to be much stronger at this point. However, if you are about to hire someone to be an assistant, think twice before you allow a stranger to be in your life, when you barely know anything about this person.

Today’s affirmation:

“Are you to be trusted?”


People in high position are looking at you with a fresh set of eyes. But they want you to be savvier in your computer skills in some way. If you want to impress them today, get on this situation immediately, if it means that you sign up for a course right then and there. And expect to be at their beck and call on a minutes notice, and still be fresh as daisy after they have you run around like crazy.

Today’s affirmation:

“Some days you just have to jump when the boss snaps their finger.”


It may be difficult for you to do the same old, same old today. Your heart is yearning to get out, and to explore the wide yonder. So before you go kookoo, dream up a travel agenda, and have faith that you will get there sooner than later. Meanwhile, try not to get too distracted, and take time for a walk in the park, or to daydreaming without being too hard on yourself. Some days it’s difficult to focus.  

Today’s affirmation:

“My brain is all over the place.”


Try not to get involved in complicated financial situations that seem very enticing, and yet can get overwhelming as soon as you think you have them down pact and without a problem. If however, you have thought a situation out carefully, and today you have to sign on the dotted line, this could be a money making opportunity that you knew you are taking a chance on. Good luck to you!

Today’s affirmation:

“I am taking a chance.”


You want your loved ones to be on your side no matter what, and for that to happen you have to change your behavior today. You must stay calm when you see nuttiness emanating from people who are usually most thoughtful and dependable. But today, they come up with stuff that has you saying: “WT-?” Take it in stride and laugh it off. But don’t get yourself involved in any type of scheme, whatever you do…

Today’s affirmation:

“Have people lost their senses?”


You may be called to be the hero in a situation at your work place. Should you be called, you will come running and save the day. However, if this is just another day in the office, a situation can get quickly out of control and leave you speechless, and if mishandled, maybe even jobless! So before that happens, remember to say nothing and take on jobs that you know you can handle with no problem.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I only deal with the true and tried.”


A sudden expense just for the sake of having a good time can be the thing to do if you have a day off, and you want to throw money around. Just make sure that you still have your rent or mortgage… but should someone tell you about a money making opportunity that sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Not only that, it may drain you dry. Read the small print with a magnifier… and keep your temper in check…  

Today’s affirmation:

“I keep away by a ten foot pole…”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and be surprised to how far you have come. You will begin to put together in your mind, a way to get out of a lifestyle that you have known and have grown tired of. It’s your prerogative and you ought to start making plans. There will be much commotion in your home, with construction or renovation. If there is someone there who took residence, it may not work out as you planned. Love will be possible with someone who is genuinely gentle in spirit, and who is easy to pick up and go anywhere anytime…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Aries makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The Moon enters Taurus at 1:57 PM EST.

Mars conjoins Uranus.

The Moon makes a hard angle with the Sun.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 19, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The life giving Sun enters your sign. It’s your time of year, and you will be so inclined to do just what you choose to do for the next four weeks. Your wish will our command, or else! You will hardly take ‘no’ for an answer. Having to balance your business world with your home life will have you on your toes. You will have to make decisions about how to split your time there. As for today, you gather information to make it possible for you to do your thing later on.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s my way or the highway!” Lol.


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, will give you a chance to take care of issues you haven’t had time to take care of prior to now. You will be happily doing the things that Pisceans like to do. Like you will carve time to meditate, and take your time to understand the shape of humanity these days, and will enjoy to get into discussions of what ought to be done to get to an ideal way of living.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s pray for a world that is fair to one and all.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, you will be happily getting in touch with long lost friends that you don’t see on social media… you will be creating new alliances to make your life more interesting, and more profitable. You will have to make sure that these new acquaintances are positive to your life; not everyone will be what they seem to be.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am careful about who I accept into my life.”


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, your ambition will come back. And with a vengeance. You will be inclined to make plans and take care of them pronto. There will be no stone unturned, and success will be sweet. But you will have to keep your temper in check.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am on the ball!”


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, you will be happy to be alive, regardless whether you are able to bet around as much as you would like. You would like to go on a trip, but you may not be able to, instead, you will be looking at destinations to explore in the future. You will have faith for good things to come.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life will be a beautiful thing.”


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, you will find yourself wanting to straighten out financial situations that involve several individuals. You ought not try too hard and try not to be super insistent. If you can make the situation right, do so. But if it becomes so that these individuals become upset, let it go for the time being.

Today’s affirmation:

“Peace is more important than money.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius you will have to look at your partnerships and evaluate how you got there, and what you need to do to strengthen the union. Because if you won’t pay attention to your relationships they will make themselves aware to you, and then neglect will be what you will have to fix. Might as well shower love and affection on your better half.

Today’s affirmation:

“Hi, how’s everything?”


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, you will be chasing to get your foot on the thresh hold of working on what you were supposed to do, whether you want to or not. You will have jobs that will show you as someone who is the expert in the field you are in, and you will be able to get more and more experience.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am trying for employee of the year.”


Relationships are highlighted. For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, you will rip the door off its hinges and run out into the sun be it whether you are in a cold climate or warm! And you’ll just say hello to the sun and enjoy your life just because. But there will be some elements which will test you to the max, and to which you will have to stay calm and keep on trucking.    

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is interesting.”


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, your home will be the focal point and you will be able to make plans that suit you regarding your home and begin to work on it. If you are involved in the career of your choice, and have been waiting for a word of acknowledgement about the progress you have been making, a surprise conversation with the person in charge will make you feel that you belong there.  

Today’s affirmation:

“Things are coming together.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you, so you either continue with a love affair, or leave it alone. For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius you will get the chance to get the education you need for the work you want to get into in the near future. It will give you a chance to make up for what you are lacking. You will find new places in your neighborhood to have your coffee at and to meet some new people to chit chat and charm.  

Today’s affirmation:

“New places new faces.”


For the next four weeks, now that the Sun enters Aquarius, and you will want to be fiscally responsible, and to start a way of saving some of your earnings, that can take you into your later years. You will be able to spend some money but not before you make sure that you are not wasteful. You like being practical, and this gives you the chance to look at your life from a point of view that makes you a little more secure.

Today’s affirmation:

“Make some, save some spend some.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at life from a more spiritual way. You will want to make changes that will be meaningful while they will be essential. Your communication skills will be excellent and will bring you the success you seek. Love will be possible with someone who likes to meditate and likes to take hikes in nature.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aries.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Venus, and an easy angle with Mercury.

The Sun enters Aquarius at 3:40 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 18, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Your energy is on your home and on your home life. You find healing there when you don’t feel that everything is fair in the world. Money issues may be brining your spirits down a little, but at home you feel alive and happy. Only spend $ on things that make you feel contented, and on some healthy foods.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need some comfort food.”


Your talkative side is coming out. You have a desire to speak about topics that you are familiar with, but you have to make sure that they are a healing force, or leave them alone today. People need encouragement and inspiration, and not to get bogged down with someone else’ troubles, trials and tribulations.

Today’s affirmation:

“I send you healing vibes.”


You want to spend some money that you think will do well for someone in your inner circle. Being generous to this person will put you in good light with them, and will build another rung on a precious relationship. The key here is to do this from your heart, and in direct reason to make someone feel better.

Today’s affirmation:

“I brought you some soup and a mystery box.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Should you have an inkling to feel sorry for yourself, because someone doesn’t understand you, is natural every once in a while. Perhaps you have to be more giving and less anxious? This can have an easy fix as long as you listen to this beloved person, you will find that you may be mistaken. All you need is love and all will be well. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Do I expect perfection?”


The fighter in you has had a tough time staying in, and has been ready to pop out at any moment. You need to hold it in and allow your rays of goodness shine through. Life isn’t fair, we all know that. (Or do we?) And you have to allow for some type mistreatment without taking it personally. People are suffering.

Today’s affirmation:

“I forgive, because you may be struggling.”


You feel warm and fuzzy when you are involved with the group that turns your creativity on, and where you can lose yourself for a time. You feel more alive than you expected with this group today. They are the type that can see past your insecurities, and sees the good in you. You hate to say good-bye till tomorrow.

Today’s affirmation:

“That experience was so healing.”


To be a true leader you have to do the right thing by those who are your subordinates, and to be able to see their suffering. Which is a good cause for you to have special tolerance towards them. In your business life or in your private life, to take the high road with people who are having a tough time, is a good thing.

Today’s affirmation:

“Don’t worry about it, I got your back.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Some subjects are just plain touchy, and there is no reason to go there, when you care about people who may not have the same point of view as yours. You want to have your coworkers enjoy your company. It is easy today, if you stick to issues that bring you all together, as a one force to be reckoned with.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get this job done!


You have to stay tolerant of someone you care about, someone you have a romantic relationship. Nobody is perfect, and when you hear them out, you see that they are trying to do their best. Open and intimate talks are key to making a strong foundation and strong unit. Forgiveness has to be at the heart of it all.

Today’s affirmation:

“I over look you’re…”


Relationships are highlighted. Having mercy on someone who can make your blood boil is a talent that you can learn to exercise today. You never know what people may be going through these days, and which makes them snap for no apparent reason, only known to them. Turn this thing around, and prove to yourself that you can work with any kind of person. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I know you must be hurting…”


Go gentle on people who want to have their way when you try to show them that you know your stuff, and that you know your job better than they think. Let them talk, and then come back with patience of a saint. That will show them to back off, and let you do your job. They will be pleased when it’s all finished.

Today’s affirmation:

“Don’t worry, I know my stuff.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Romance runs hot when you allow for the object of your affection to be human, and show human traits. Gifts will not necessarily work today. What does work is to have an open mind and an open heart, and to look at this person in a deep way, and not in a superficial way. Otherwise, what’s the point anyway?

Today’s affirmation:

“I am genuinely interested in you.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be work oriented, and find the kind of job that makes you heart happy. You will have your family as the focal point in your life. Of course they always are, but this year you will find it more so. Try not to spoil them, but you will want to make them more comfortable and purchases furniture for all to enjoy. Love will be possible with someone who has a lot of energy, and who will be very tolerant and forgiving of your faults.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Aries at 2:08 AM EST.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Saturn and an easy angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, January 16 – Sunday, January 17, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This Saturday nothing is too tough, to get and nothing is too tough to get over. So when you want to have the fun you crave, there is no reason to ditch your core beliefs; you can take them with, you and not have to preach, no matter how much you may get sucked into it. On Sunday, a unique connection between generous Jupiter and independent Uranus, allows you to release your fears and go brazenly on to make the changes that you have to make. But beware of purchasing anything in an impulsive manner. Unless you fall completely in love with a particular item that helps you with said changes.    


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. Have a good time spending some of your hard earned money, even though you may not have been working at all recently. This is a fun weekend to buy something frivolous that will cheer you up: some new kind of make up or get a lovely haircut. On Sunday, a unique connection between dignified Jupiter and rebel rousing Uranus, behooves you to accept someone who, somehow, may have gotten into your home, and whom you may have a problem releasing out of there. When you want to help someone in need, you don’t have to bring them home to be helpful…


The Moon is in your sign this entire weekend. This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. Loving yourself is always a good thing that sometimes we forget to do for the sake of the ones we love. This weekend is about you. So whatever you want to do, do so and hope that your loved ones follow along. They will. On Sunday, a unique connection between righteous Jupiter and change promoting Uranus, provides with great ideas that come at the most unexpected times. Great ideas that can change the course of your year and send you in a direction you least expect, but which can be so motivating and freeing. You may want to think it over, and see if you are going to go in that direction.


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. What a lovely weekend to have a nice bath, a little yoga for exercise, a good book, or e-book, washing your lingerie and for catching up on all those private stuff you don’t have time for any other day. On Sunday, a unique connection between moral Jupiter and radical Uranus, can find you looking for money to invest in a humanitarian cause. It’s a beautiful thing but you have to remember that you are only human and can only do so much, regardless if you want to invest more for a great cause. Only give as much as you can afford. Don’t break your bank…


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. It is definitely not difficult to get in touch with a special friend, and to talk about silly easy things that don’t need for your brain to strain. We can all use time off from thinking, here is your chance… On Sunday, there is a unique connection between boundless Jupiter and liberating Uranus that you can have you shock yourself in a good way, when you suddenly make a career move that no one expected of you to make. But it’s your life. You have the right to write your own script.


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. It’s easy to get a leg up on all those resolutions you need to stick to, and that by now seem be less attractive. This is an easy weekend to get it right, and get over that hump. From this point, to continue won’t seem so daunting. On Sunday, a unique connection between big thinking Jupiter and unconventional Uranus: don’t squash down an idea that is so profound you won’t believe that it’s even possible to make into a reality. You never know! Think it over, and start to believe in yourself that you can invent such a thing and that you can incorporate it into your life.


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. The things you want to tell your partner, but weren’t sure when the time is right for such a talk, well this is it. Create an atmosphere which is engaging and friendly, and speak up. It’s a piece of cake! On Sunday, a unique connection between opinionated Jupiter and hasty Uranus, has your patience for small minded people, for jealous people, very short! And you won’t let any one of those ruin your efforts in progressing in the partnership you have been working on for a long while now. Stay strong in your convictions, but keep your emotions under control.  


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. When you think that you deserve more pay for your well done job, this is your chance to speak up and see where the conversation leads. As long as you don’t go overboard, there is no reason not to get to a meeting of the mind. On Sunday, a unique connection between jovial Jupiter and instability promoting Uranus, create a situation where you may feel stifled by a relationship. Before you run for the sake of running, understand that to be together takes work and understanding and comradery that goes through all sorts of trials and tribulations. Take a deep breath and remind yourself of why you got together in the first place. 


This weekend relationships are highlighted. On Saturday, nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. Which means, in this example, that everything that you do together feels good. Make time and make room for one another, and forget about the whole world. In a business sense, this is a fine day to chit chat just to see how you get along, before you decide on bonding in a partnership. On Sunday, a unique connection between ethical Jupiter and rebellious Uranus, someone you work with is creating so much chaos, that you are not sure if you can continue in this particular job or is it all a charade? This may stifle your enjoyment, but be patient, the truth will eventually come out. Put your blinders on, stay strong and on point.


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. Your family needs you and you need them. So this weekend, play board games, do some puzzling and enjoy each other’s company. Call on an old relative, and see how they are holding up in this restrictive environment. If at all possible and if you’re allowed, visit them and make their life a better place. On Sunday, a unique connection between excessive Jupiter and wild Uranus, can send your blood boiling when someone makes a judgement about anyone in your family! But you better put your claws back in, and not perpetuate a volatile situation. This too shall pass.


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. If there is a risk you’ve been wanting to take and you just didn’t know when the right time is, this weekend, you can stretch your horizon and find that you have strengths you didn’t even know existed. Entertainment you seek and that is exactly what you will find. On Sunday, a unique connection between ethical Jupiter and blunt Uranus, brings your sense of loyalty into question. When you see someone you love being mistreated, you can hardly contain yourself, and may set off a chain of events that you will regret. Don’t give these people any credence, and take the high road. You are not retreating, you are keeping the peace.


This Saturday nothing is too tough, and nothing is too tough to get over. A lot has happened and there is one place you want to be, and it’s your home. That is where you regain your strength and where you get the love you need. That colorful couch you so much wanted, perhaps there is a sale sign on it now. Purchase it and enjoy it for years to come. On Sunday, a unique connection between fair minded Jupiter and erratic Uranus, can set off a chain of events between you and your coworker that you definitely want to nip at the bud before it escalates. Whatever you hear said, consider it to be gossip and let it go! It’s not going to be worth it for you to get involved.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will find imaginative ways to make your life easier. You will enhance your home to be more environmentally friendly. You will enjoy learning and expanding your knowledge on issues that make your earning capacity higher. Love will be possible with someone who is easy going, curious by nature, and a good conversationalist.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you won’t be shy and you will find innovative ways to break every rule in order to get to your destination. You will find it easy to get people to help you along your way. They will trust your judgement and they will admire your tenacity. Love will be possible with someone who loves to travel the open roads with the top down, and who enjoys to discuss all sorts of topics.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon is in Pisces.

 The Moon makes an easy angle with Mars, an easy angle with Uranus and an easy angle with Venus.



The Moon conjoins Neptune and makes an easy angle with Pluto.

Jupiter makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon makes an easy angle with the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 15, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Big changes are taking place and you are more than happy for anything to move forward already. You take things into your own hands, and seek information to make your commitment into a reality. Seek and ye shall find. Whatever discussions you have, it eventually turns into talking about money.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making a commitment to myself.”


You’ve been asking yourself where you are going. And if you hear an answer that is crystal clear, and which comes from your soul, then to proceed is the only thing to do. However, if the answer is nothing but a whimper, and you don’t know for sure, that means that you still have to wait and see.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ebbs and flows of life.”


When you want your voice heard, you need to have a state of mind that is inspiring. A voice that speak of innovations and of a way to get a start fresh. Do you think you have it in you today? Remember, you will be judged by your peers, but you do have a chance to get together and create something special.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the friends who accept me as I am.”


By the end of the day you are tired. It’s a good kind of tired. You have been working day and night. You are being the boss and having to deal with subordinates, especially today and in the past few days. You really need to have an evening to chill. Turn off the electronics, and look again in the morning.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my high energy levels…”


There is so much beauty in the world, and you just can’t wait for it to open up so that you can enjoy the view. Until then, you are making strides in the direction you have been creating for yourself. The stars are giving you a way to being less stubborn and more open to suggestions, which is always a good thing.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being open to life’s suggestions.”


The world is an inspiration for you with all its complications. The bad habits you have gotten back on because of the virus is something you are looking into changing. Breaking habits is possible when you set your environment to support your decision to change, and not rely on will power, and yes, it takes time.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making up my mind about healthy living.”


Pivotal people in your life are making an impact on you, when you discuss intimately what you need and they response back with answers that satisfy you, because they come organically, and come from a positive place in their heart. However, someone may be on their way out, because you can tell a phony a mile away.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for those who are true to me.”


You have to finish a job that has been taking over your life. You can begin to put the finishing touches there. From having frank talks and a new way to communicate with a partner, now you can jack it up a little more and have a night of passion. You are proud of the good job you have done and can celebrate.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for life as it appears before me.”


Living life to its fullest, provided with the restrictions of today’s world, makes you able to tolerate whatever comes your way. You are working overtime and having to deal with all sorts of interruptions, and yet have to stay polite and accommodating, is not easy. Your love relationship saves you at day’s end. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my work, and play time.”


Challenges that happen while you try to be creative, and to do the things that you used to do before this virus, show their faces during the day. But you rise above and come up with a wonderful product. At day’s end, you look at your family and enjoy having a meal together. It’s the simple things in life…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my family and for the simple things in life.”


Your point of view is significant to you and to someone who is seeking your advice. Your home is most important, and you are making changes there. Seek the information you need to make renovations there. At night, you want to have the fun you have been missing on because of the darn virus. This too shall pass…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my home which I love.”


Living pragmatically and within your budget always feels good. It allows you for some extra perks like to take a short trip to somewhere not too far, just to enjoy a day in the country. But there is no place like home! You may find yourself changing your sheets to flannel ones, to cozy into and have a snooze…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the cozy feel of my home.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have loads of energy that you can put in to good use, by getting logical information you need in order to move your agenda forward. Make sure that you get the right kind of facts and figures, and that you not get lost in emotional reasons to do things. Love will be possible with someone who is easy going, money making, and who likes to travel.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Pisces at 5:18 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 14, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



If you want to transform your life, today is one of those days that you just may be able to do so, while cutting down the time it would take to get things done. Now, should you not be able to get it done in one day, you can get a fresh start about it today. But remember, it takes money to make money. However, you are too smart and know what costs how much, and you won’t get taken.

Today’s affirmation:

“I could use a change!”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Change for the sake of change is never a good idea. There needs to be a reason for a change. You can get a change that takes you forward and you can get change that takes you back. You need to ask yourself if you need to make the change that is staring you in the face, or if you better make the huge decision, and stop in your tracks.

Today’s affirmation:

“Where am I going?”


You feel passionately and have a cathartic voice when you have that meeting on zoom. You see things in a way that can transmute everyone’s mode of operation. When you come up with this solution, the kind that can make all the difference in the world, you have to lay it on quietly and spread it out smoothly and with much care. If you make too much noise about it, the listeners will claim deafness. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Please hear me out, I have a suggestion.”


You are a powerhouse today, and can make a huge impact on those who work for you, when you come up with a new and impressive clients. Taking into account that you have looked into and vetted these prospects, or you could find yourself dealing with people who will be way over your head. The scrutiny of your collective group and their input is important as well.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have done my research.”


You are making a move that is powerful and strong and mentally challenging to you. Is it something you have wanted for a long time? Have you looked into every avenue before you decided to take this particular road to success? And should anyone else decide what is good for you going forward, they will come in front of you, who is determined and not at all inclined to follow along. Be careful not to ruffle any feathers.

Today’s affirmation:

“I know what I need to do, thank you very much.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have come such a long way, and today you can further your personal growth by making a commitment to yourself, to work on your habits and all the psychological ways, and examine the ways that you are sabotaging yourself and not loving yourself. You’ve got what it takes. You can change this for the long term one day at a time. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I make healthy practices my goal.”


You can lay down the gauntlet and make demands, this could be the only day this year that you will get away with it. Your demands come from a place of knowing exactly what kind of partnership you want, because you have had enough experience, and you find someone who is the exact opposite, or completely different from your usual experiences. This person intrigues and fascinates you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am passionate about you.”


Relationships are highlighted. When you have to discuss an issue with your boss, how do you approach it? Are you the kind that beats around the bush? Whichever way your approach, and for whatever reason, you decide to do things differently. However new method you choose, make sure that you are being direct, and not try to manipulate situations, because that won’t work, and may put you in a not-so-good light.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a straight shooter.”


There are so many reasons you ought to be tired from all the chores you have to do in the office, or around the house. But you have such resolve to be passionate about life, that you find energy and in fact are inspiring others, and you make a pact with yourself to continue appreciating life, and find colorful and original ways to entertain yourself going forward.

Today’s affirmation:

“Enjoy life every day!”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may be blamed for being overly domineering, and you may have one hell of a fight on your hands. It’s a good thing that the Moon is in your sign and that you can charm your way out of a situation that could, otherwise, make changes in your life that you don’t want to happen. Listen intently and take mental notations, relating to whatever you said or done, and don’t do it again…

Today’s affirmation:

“I didn’t mean to be mean…”


Your shadow will show no matter where you go, so that there is nowhere to hide. Not that you would want to, but you are exposed to the scrutiny of others. Fortunately, you have experience to share and as long as you keep everything above board, and speak plainly and humbly, so that no one can get the impression that you are power hungry and have a personal agenda, you will be regarded with great esteem.

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to share with you.”


Should there be much to be desired about the way you are making your money, today is a good day to seriously consider another venue. You probably know what it is, it has been mulling in your head for a while now, and it won’t take you long to make some kind of transfer from one employment to another. Or change your mode of your present work to a way that is more beneficial and which makes more profit. 

Today’s affirmation:

“There is more than one way…”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make changes to the way you live, and most likely see an expansion of your family or those whom you call family. You will be able to make more money than in recent years, and you will see life through practical lenses. Love will be possible with someone with a lot of charisma, has a powerful character, and who likes to have a good time.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aquarius.

Uranus begins its direct motion.

The Moon conjoins Mercury.

The Sun conjoins Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 13, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today is the New Moon in your sign. Everything begins today. This is the starting point of whatever you have been planning and hoping to get accomplished this year. Your mind has never been as clear as it is today, and you know what your plans are, you are hoping that they coincide with the pandemic closing down already! You are ready and rearing to go. Hopefully you can start immediately, even if that means that you have to do all virtually, without actually meeting people IRL.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let get started one way or another.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: There is much more that you have to figure out before you will be ready to put fuel in the tank and get the car rolling. This is a fine day for preparation and examination. Find out what is in your heart, first and foremost. After you have a good and heartfelt talk with yourself, and you are certain of how you feel, you still have to understand, that you can get fickle and change your mind. That is why it’s important for you to understand what is in your heart today. Because you may change your mind, but your heart knows best for the long run…   

Today’s affirmation:

“It all has to start with what is a good fit for me.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: Make a wish! What are you dreaming of, and what are you hoping in your wildest dreams? Even if you won’t be able to come up to those expectations, you still will have a dream for the fishes to swim towards: those light rays showing above the water line, to where the sun shines. Aim high and don’t stop until you can reach your desired destination. Life is complicated nowadays, and there is not an easy way. New equipment may be essential and help along the way.

Today’s affirmation:

“I think I want to buy a new computer.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: You can find a new and improved way of running your business and a new way to handle your career. Or you may find yourself interested in a new business altogether. If someone brings before you today with a new business proposition, as long as people who are a part of the equation don’t make you pay upfront to join into something you haven’t vetted properly yet, and that you need to look into much more before you are ready. Don’t get sucked into spending money under pressure.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is a new plan in the making.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: The sky can be the limit when you have your mind made up, about what you see your future to look like. What do you want to accomplish this year? Make a plan and follow it to fruition. The world will open up again, and you will be able to fly high. It’s essential that you write down what you want to do, and put it on your desk so that you can view it. Don’t worry, just put one foot after the other.   

Today’s affirmation:

“Life will be good again.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: The past year has had its ups and downs but you are stronger for it, and have put the past behind you. If you interested in an investor to invest in your product, today is a day to contact the people you think could be helpful. You work hard, and may want to see if there are ways for you to make money while you are doing your work, and while you are asleep. Are you interested in investing in the stock market? See if you find ways to learn about this and to get it started.

Today’s affirmation:

“There are more ways to make a living.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: Hurray to your relationship. You have come a long way since the pandemic started, and you have had some major shifts in your relationship status. Today is the start of the whole year ahead as far as you and your better half are concernd. Even though it’s midweek, why not cook up a candle lit supper and celebrate your future together and all the fun you will have. It’s nice to have someone in the time of pandemic, imagine how much fun you will have once the world opens up again. If you are looking for a business partner, this is a good day to get in contact with this person and to have a talk.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is the starting point.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: the new job that may be so appealing is indeed a new door opening up for you. When you examine this opportunity, you must consider if it’s practical for your life as it is today, or if it will be overwhelming and you may get too tired on a daily basis. Weigh the pros and cons and make an intelligent decision. There will be many twists and turns to this job in the long run, but all you can do is see how it feels at this time; does it leave you enough time to take care of yourself? You don’t want to run yourself ragged. 

Today’s affirmation:

“New opportunities are a blessing.”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: you come to life in a big way. You want to celebrate the day, and to celebrate life just because you are alive. You will be flashier in your choice of clothing, and put on your finest jewelry after you have your hair and makeup done just so… You are ready to face the world, and to have fun with the drama in the way you present yourself to the world. Your day will most likely get disrupted periodically, but you will be glad to have time to look in the mirror and fix your lipstick, under that mask… Lol. The silly things in life is what makes it pleasurable nowadays. 

Today’s affirmation:

“There ought to be lipstick that doesn’t smudge all over my mask…” Lol.


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: you are in a better position than you know. You are in a better positon to get a head start on opportunities that come your way, and you are in a better position to have a leg up on the competition. Your energy is direct and forceful and you are taking care of all the details. After all these months, you may come to the decision that to work from home is the best answer for you. In which case, this is a good day to get your area designated into a working place, with everything you need around you. Make it pretty, and comfortable as well. Life is bound to get better…  

Today’s affirmation:

“All is well in my world…”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: You can feel your spirit taking flight as you are trying to enjoy life as it is presented to you nowadays, while you have hopes for a better day. Whatever communication needs to be attended to, this is a good day to get your mail answered and your vision expressed to those who make your world turn. People may be obnoxious periodically, but you have a handle on how to handle them. You love them and see their weaknesses and their strengths. The bottom line is, they will listen and you have to insist they take notes.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get started!”


Today is the New Moon in Capricorn: if you are tired of spending money on the same old situation, and you want to start fresh, this is your day to put a new financial plan into action. How do you want to make your money? Do you enjoy your current position? If you are discouraged, this is a good day to send out resumes and see if you can strike a chord with someone who will then give you a chance to prove your ability. If you decide to cut up some credit cards, by all means, start saving instead of spending.

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t need all these possessions.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a new day and a new attitude. Nothing that you don’t want to continue needs to continue. Put a period on the past and start a new page in your history. You will have an enterprising in which you can accomplish anything you set your mind to doing. Love will be possible with someone who is pragmatic, and who likes to lead an orderly life, with some fun involved, of course.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Capricorn conjoin the Sun: the New Moon is at 12:01 AM EST.

The Moon conjoins Pluto.

Mars makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The Moon enters Aquarius at 11:44 AM EST.

The Moon conjoins Saturn and makes a hard angle with Mars.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

The Moon conjoins Jupiter and makes a hard angle with Uranus


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

January 12, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. As you get prepared for the New Moon in your sign tomorrow, a sudden need to make an investment may come over your circumstances, and you are torn between spontaneity and wanting to have a plan. Talk to yourself about any situation that arise today, in realistic terms, and not with blown out of proportion ways.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to count to ten.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, your mind is working overtime and your heart maybe beating extra hard. You don’t know what to think about some issues regarding your home and you are not sure which way to turn. The answer will show up naturally, no matter how hard you try to come to a solution. You have plenty of time to understand certain situations.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel inspired to do something…”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, you believe in opening up the market place of ideas and not shutting them down, especially when those ideas come from you. And today, you are a fountain of ideas. You don’t want to be hasty in providing them to your crew before you thought them through; however, if you have already rehashed them, your ideas could be revolutionary. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I breathe in and I breathe out, slowly.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, are you considering to belong to a certain society? A very creative society? You have to pay to join. Did you know there are dues to pay? Or did this just spring on you, that you have to come up with a certain amount, or that you have to invest in this, and you are not sure if you are ready to pay that much? It all depends on how you feel about this investment and the people involved.

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to work on humanitarian causes.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, on this one of the best days of the month for you. You feel torn between too many things to do and too many obligations to get through. Your priorities are a little blurred. Before you give up altogether and not care who is the most important on your list, write it down, write that list, and why no start with whatever has ‘most urgent’ written all over it? Don’t press yourself too much. No stress.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take a deep breath and go for it.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, you have to try to speak as clearly as possible or you can find yourself in a confusing situation that is demanding as well. If there are items you have to send over the mail and such, long distance or not, check that the address is correct. There is money to be made here, and you want to be someone who people will trust after this transaction. Type with precision.

Today’s affirmation:

“Accuracy is key today.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, relationships are highlighted. Yet to get to an intimate conversation seems difficult at best. It takes patience to build up a foundation that is solid. And your patience is necessary today, if you are to come to any resolution today. If you cannot, don’t get upset so quickly. Simply postpone it to when circumstances are more favorable for discussion.

Today’s affirmation:

“I must not go from one to one hundred so fast…”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, you find that you job description is not etched in stone the way you expected today. And yet you want to be most professional and disciplined. Count to ten and then speak in terms that everyone understands. Or ask in terms that everyone understands ad gives you the correct answer. Or at least a response that doesn’t confuse issues even further.

Today’s affirmation:

“Why is this so difficult to understand? Lol.


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, on this one of the best days of the month for you; whatever transactions on jobs that have been stalled, seem to have a way of appearing back on your desk one after the other, in a succession you are hardly prepared for. To rush through them will not make you feel secure about them. Hunker down, and get aquatinted with each and every one of those demanding situations.

Today’s affirmation:

“Transparency is most important.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, you have to hold back from breaking free out of the confinement of your home, or out of any oppressive situation you feel is holding you back. Hang in there, and don’t allow your emotions to burst at times you least want them to burst out. When facing people, remember to stay cool and collected. It really has nothing to do with them, and you don’t want to make them feel responsible.

Today’s affirmation:

“I work on patience.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, be careful when dealing with people today; your expectations of what they are supposed to bring into your life today, may be a little askew. You can blow your top, and regret it just as quickly as the avalanche appeared! Get the marbles out of your mouth, and express yourself in a way that is clearer than you have it in your head…

Today’s affirmation:

“It all starts with me.”


As preparation for the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow, it’s up to you to hang on to your financial investments, and to keep an eye when you have to discuss them. There may be someone who thinks that to be spontaneous, and give you information that you weren’t expecting is nothing that can come as a surprise to you, but it does. Take this information and work with it.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I use information to my advantage.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that other places and other faces have a calling to you. You may want to change your circumstances and perhaps your life as well. It’s up to you to prepare for such a time, and this year you take a chance and look around to see if you find a new meaning to explore. Love will be possible with someone who is a planner, but who has spunk and verve to try new horizons.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Capricorn.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star