July 26, 2022 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



When you have to make a financial decision on the fly, or when something occurs and you have to make up your mind quickly. Don’t let people suck you in to a situation that can easily be avoided but in which you are trying to please too much, and succumb to their demands. Say ‘excuse me’, go make a phone call that will change your view on the situation, and set you back on you being in the front seat of driving your life. This transaction can wait…


Try not to be impatient today. When you wait for the phone to ring, but it doesn’t, and you are just itching to pick it up and let whomever know how it makes you feel and what you think of them, knowing they had to contact you but aren’t… take a deep breath, write down your thoughts on your note pad, but don’t press ‘send’… you don’t want to rock your world for a petty reason.


Before you get busy protecting other people, you need to protect your sanity and your own wellbeing. How you communicate with yourself when nobody is looking creates who you are, and how you travel on this planet in this lifetime. Be wise, and be gentle with yourself first! You seem to be angry with yourself, for whatever reason. Love yourself and forgive your flaws. Nobody else is perfect either…


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. People are looking to you for guidance and wisdom on how to work together in peace and harmony. Today is a challenging day for peace and harmony. People tend to exaggerate and elevate themselves like they are more financially able to bring to the table then what they may be in actuality. Your reaction ought to be calm, no matter how much you internally see the ridiculousness of the situation. 


You have high energy that takes you to euphoria and back to reality and back again. Your ambition and your motivations are clear to you, but when you speak quickly you sound like you are chewing on a whole bunch of hot food and are not making sense to those who matter. Slow down, make yourself understandable, or wait for a better opportunity to communicate. Keep your composure.   


You have a need to meditate today. Meaning, however reliable people are normally, but today are frustrating you and you don’t know how to handle it. Step away, find some privacy, and take a few minutes periodically to collect your thoughts. Remember how important they are to your life, give them a chance to save face, and stay friendly. Let’s face it, you like them normally…  


Don’t be quick to make decisions on money transfers, or money transactions that is not for you alone to make decision on, but which has others involved in the account as well. When someone tells you that it’s good for you to investment in your business, make sure that you ask the rest of group involved, and make sure that you are all on the same page. Don’t be hasty, and misunderstandings need not happen.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. There is nothing you don’t understand and nothing you can’t handle today, but the other people who are around you and have to be a part of your excitement would like to be able to get in on it too. It’s up to you to make them feel comfortable, and not outside of the loop. And your intense energy may be putting them off, so be more inviting.


They tell you to hurry up and get to your destination, or get to your job, or get to your scheduled appointment, and you try to do so, but somehow, life takes is own twists and turns and you can only do the best you can do. Tempers may flare, but you need to keep calm in and not lash out at anyone. It’s not worth it in the long run. Not to mention the heat outside… stay cool on every level…


Relationships are highlighted. You are passionate to the extreme today. If you are an actor on the stage, the audience will be eating out of your hand and you will have their attention to a show they will never forget. However, that doesn’t translate well in your personal life. Whatever you have to say to a partner, bring down the heat in your voice way down, so that you have the impact you want to have, and for peace to prevail. 


You are ready to rock and roll. But before you are ready to leave your home, wouldn’t you like to come back to a peaceful environment that celebrates with you and that appreciates your efforts? It really is up to you today, to make people comfortable, when they can feel like they are left out.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are minding your own business enjoying your day, and yet others may be in the way of your euphoria, and are demanding more than you can produce for the moment. What you say and how you respond, is how you will be remembered, on a day where people have a tough time communicating peacefully. They may lash out, but you need to just walk away… this too shall pass…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that you are extremely energetic to the point where you will need to slow down even if it doesn’t happen naturally. Meditation therefor will be a must! If you know what’s good for you. Give everything the respect and the time it deserves, and don’t rush a thing. Love will be possible with someone who luckily loves to meditate and who is on a spiritual path.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Cancer.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter and conjoins Venus.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Mars.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 25, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You start the week looking forward to a new beginning! You are looking forward to being creative this week, and you want to get all your ducks in a row for that very purpose. You ask around to find a venue that will be able to support what you need to get done. You are an inspiration to those around you and they are more than happy to be able to work with you. 


You start the week needing a pep talk to build your confidence for whatever you need to do this week. You have to spend money to support the career you want, and have to create a budget for the week. Your home is most important at this time, and you make sure that what you do reflects kindly on those who live under your roof. You won’t tolerate any kind of negative gossip. 


As you start the week you must give yourself priority when you consider that you are busy with a schedule that will make anyone envious, but that you don’t know if you can pull off. You have reliable associates who are willing to assist you, but who will get frustrated if they promise you more than they can deliver. Try to do more on your own then depend on anyone else.


You start the week with remorse that you are not as filled with energy as you would like to be at the beginning of a week. You have so much riding on your charm, and you need to be your best, but you are not exactly ready as you wake up this morning. By the afternoon, when the moon enters your sign. You get it together and are a force to reckon with.


You start the week slowly and with reverence for the coming week, you tread softly, and contemplate what you need to do for the remainder of the week. You take nothing for granted, and everything with a sense of gratitude. This is a good day to give to charity of your choice, for a cause or a person whose struggle you feel very strongly about.


You start the week evaluating the people you work with and your associates, and think of how to best delegate what you need to do by yourself, and who can be of assistance to you on other issues that you know you could use help in. You contemplate on everyone and their input into your life. Your loyalty is fierce, but it is theirs?


You start the week with enthusiasm, jumping out of bed thinking of the adventures and plans you have in mind. You intend to take care of all your plans with vigor and with passion. There are people cheering you on which you will forever be grateful for and who you love and appreciate. You can put your trust in them and them in you.   


As you start the week you are ambitious and know exactly what you want to do, because you gave it a lot of thought, and still give it a lot of thought so that there are no regrets down the line. However, you may ambitiously overschedule your calendar with appointments which will be impossible to fulfill, and you will have to change some as the week progresses.  


You start the week still getting over the weekend and dragging yourself out of bed. Once you are up with plenty of coffee or vitamins in you, you are ready and rearing to go. You indulge in grooming yourself a little too much and too long for a Monday, but you figure that you want to look good, even though you are a little tired and not feeling so well. Get it together…   


You start the week a little tired and with need to get some good nutritious food in you, to make the machine known as a body function at top form. You are lucky to have people around you who are there to support you, and not judge, and who find that you are giving your all to whatever project or job you have to do, and who enthusiastically help you to get it started.


You start the week with plenty of enthusiasm for a new week. You look forward to creating an atmosphere of wellbeing at your work place, or where you work at home. You are into it and want to get as much information as you possible can, so that it flows smoothly as the week progresses. You are building a team that can work harmoniously. 


You start the week focused, with a plan at hand and with great enthusiasm to keep things simple, doable and where information flows between all people involved. Before you get started you decide to put your home in order, in order to make sure that whatever plans you have for the week, are going to be able to have the support you need from those who dwell in your home.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy working with someone you can depend on, but you will find that you give some of your freedom this way, and that it will be best to rely on yourself and depend less on anyone else. You will be a little too sensitive for your own good when it comes to your love life, and find that love will be possible with someone who will need to cater to you. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Gemini makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

Venus makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

The moon makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The moon enters Cancer at 1:54 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, July 23 – Sunday, July 24, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This weekend is made for living in fantasy land and liking it. Which is a little bit out there. It’s good to have your desires and know what can potentially make you happy, but you have to put some boundaries around yourself so that you don’t go overboard in every aspect of your life this weekend, and you not even notice it. You are in a great mood, your head in the clouds. What you need to do is listen to those around, you who see that you are getting out of control, having fun to the max, and follow their lead. Your intentions are well placed, but you need to slow down, take deep breaths, or you will deplete of all your energy. 


This weekend is made for taking care of those things you have had no time for. You can put your house in order in no time flat, and have plenty of time to invite those family members or friends that you cherish, you know, the ones who don’t disagree with everything you do and say. Only agreeable ones are welcome. Or you stand the chance of saying way more than you plan to, and come out with a mess on your hands, with someone who may misconstrue what you say, even with the best caring intentions from you. Speak positively about every one and especially speak positively to yourself and give yourself pep talks.


This weekend is made for picking up the phone and connecting with people you adore and want to have those grand conversation you are famous of having with. Conversations that stimulate your brain which make you want to improve the condition of the planet and which make you feel good about yourself. This weekend is also good for walking around your neighborhood, get coffee in a communal table and who knows whom you may strike up a conversation with, and potentially maybe even find a love interest that you can have more in common with than you know. You keep the lines of communications open and let the fun of summer spark your soul.   


This weekend is made for advancing in your career, if you go about it in a moderate and plausible way. Since there is nothing moderate about this weekend, what happens is that you can find yourself over your head with obligations that you may not have even ascribed for yourself, staring you in the face forcing you to work over time. But since your good name is what you are thinking of, and may be compromised, you have to do your very best. There is a sense of exaggeration in all you do, and a sense that you want to believe whatever someone says to you, because you want to have love at all costs.      


This weekend is made for good times and summer fun! It’s made for great conversations by the pool where you open up about your true self, and not have to fake it in any way. Your thought process is very clear and your style of speaking is so engaging, that makes others stop to listen, and take away a whole lot of wisdom from your views. You may be copied and even go viral, potentially, so be aware of what you put out there. Your affection is so powerful that you may attract even those who may not be the kindest towards you and you may miss the point, being so eager to please.


This weekend is made for deep intimate talks that make you understand yourself and others. You make for the best detective ever, asking the precise questions that bring forth the truth in elaborate ways and in long winded words. If you are looking to find love, this weekend is about finding the truth about a potential partner, by prying and asking questions that get right to the heart of the matter, and you waste no time in uncertainty about this person. You may divulge more than you wish to, so keep a close ear to what comes out of your mouth; put yourself in the best light, and never in a derogatory way. 


This weekend is made for enjoying the company of your friends at your pool side. The more the merrier as far as you are concerned. Have you invited too many with not enough chairs for everyone? Some guests may be trying to engage others in conversations about issues they are not interested in speaking on. It’s up to you to make it stop so that peace can prevail. This weekend, some of you may be falling in love very fast, not looking at all the signs along the way, and you need to get out of the clouds and put your feet on firm ground, before you decide whether this is right for you or not. Some may get that ring on your finger that you have been hoping to get!


This weekend is made for taking care of business. If you haven’t been able to finish up on your business related work and schlepped it to interfere with your home and family time, and you must dedicate some time to it. The good thing is, once you start, you will finish up quickly, and with flying colors. It will leave you plenty of time to organize all kinds of fun events with your family. You can go overboard and long winded, when you try to express your true feelings for someone, and come up with a bunch of words and stumble over your tongue. Take it slower and think before you express yourself.


This weekend is made for coming up with a logo, or for any creative item or project you have to make, but which you weren’t sure how to get together, and which all of a sudden is just as clear as a bell. And since as your creativity is beyond the scope of your usual capacity, and out in the stratosphere, the outcome will be spectacular! You can go overboard when you try to declare your love for someone, but you got to this conclusion too fast and its only lust you are experiencing. You need to give this relationship more time before you know for sure if it’s true love.


This weekend is made for great fun at your back yard. Invite someone who is potentially good for your climb up the ladder of success, and have fun together. While you are bouncing balls for the dog to fetch, you can tap into their psyche and have a conversation where you find out a lot of information that has to do with your ambitions and desire to succeed financially. When it comes to love, you can get tired chasing a love potential, so stop before you exhaust yourself entirely, and give up all together, and that would be wrong as well. You just need to pace yourself, give it more time, understanding that Rome wasn’t built in a day.


This weekend is made for conversations that go on and on and on for hours. Now, if you like the person you are talking to, all is well, but should there be any discomfort you are feeling, you will need to know how to bow out before you don’t know if you’re coming or going. This weekend you may find that someone you weren’t anticipating, may come out and declare love towards you, and you will need to know how to respond. This may turn out to be a very good thing, if the person happens to be someone you are familiar with, someone you work with, and you just didn’t have a clue… on the flip side, beware of stalkers who speak with loving, forked tongues…


This weekend is made for investing in your interests and in your ideas. Just remember to keep it sensible and don’t let your mind drift to fantasy land. Try to rein your brain in, and stay within the realm of what is possible and can bring you loads of happiness, versus what is more than humanly possible and far more than you can chew, and that it will make you unhappy. When it comes to love, you may meet the exact thing you are looking for in the precise person who can make you happy. You have no business spending money in order to buy love. It doesn’t work, lol. But you may want to splurge for the sake of both of you and make for an exemplary date.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will come up with brilliant ideas that you need to put away for the next time around the sun. This time around, take care of all issues that need completion. Don’t get stuck in doing things over and over again; know when to put the period and don’t look back. Love will be possible with someone who likes to exaggerate some, but who is an optimist and sees life’s potentials and who likes to take on its obstacles. 

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will enjoy to put life to a test, and begin fresh from wherever you stand right now. You will enjoy tackling new possibilities and enjoy friendships and people wirh whom you have much in common. Love will be possible with someone who is a bit obsessive, but who is overly affectionate and loving as well.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon enters Gemini at 1:11 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with the sun.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter and an easy angle with Mercury.



The moon is in Gemini.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 22, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will be smart to save more money than you spend, but you will keep reminding yourself that you only live once, and that you deserve to have a good time, which costs money. You will enjoy any form of entertainment, probably get tickets for a favorite theatrical or music venue… Have fun!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for enjoying my life to its fullest.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will love your home and enjoy to take care of it, and to invite people you love there and cater to them. Your family means a lot to you and you will enjoy surrounding yourself with them. You will have to tear yourself away and do some work that pays as well… lol. Have a good time!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for whoever I consider family to me.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will be eager to learn as much as you can about issues you never thought you will be interested in. You will discover new talents and new and interesting subjects. You will be glad to work behind the scenes preparing, before these projects are ready to be viewed, and to walk before you run. Have a great time!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for trying new things of interest.”


Today, you say good bye to your time in the sun, as the sun enters Leo. But for the next four weeks you will be more than glad that you will leave the bright light of focus on you, and get back to your everyday life. You will get the opportunity to develop new ideas with the help of the company of people who have a lot in common with you. It won’t be easy as it will be a little challenging working with them. Enjoy life every day!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for getting back to my daily routine.”


The sun enters your sign. The time of the year that belongs all to you has begun. You are going to enjoy a time where you will be very ambitious, but it will be wise to be a little less pushy, and still be just as effective, and still make the best impression. Your personality will shine and you will have an optimistic outlook on life. You will be able to express yourself even better than at other times, and hold the attention of the audience you want to impress. This is your time of the year, so go for whatever your heart desires. Enjoy your time in the sun!    

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the time of the year that belongs to me.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will leave behind old issues whose cycle has ended, and you will be full of ideas and want to engage in projects that are very close to your heart. You will be in the eager to put them together immediately, which will require time alone to think through them, and is just what you desire. You will be happy to spend time in contemplation and meditation. Enjoy a time of reflection and personal growth!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for a time of development and growth.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will embark upon a very social time of the year for you, so get your dancing shoes ready… Your creative side will come to life, and you will leave an imprint of a fun touch on all you do. You may be asked to take a chance on what will complement your career, by those who appreciate your creativity. You will see success because of your daring persona at this time. Rejoice!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a daring person.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks the sun will be in your career sector. You will be interested in improving on anything that has to do with your career, and dedicated to your goal to succeed. You will have powerful supporters, who will be able to help you up the ladder of success, but you will need to check your temperamental side, so that you won’t step on any important person’s toes… Enjoy your important contacts!  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a career I love.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will appreciate the little things in life, the mundane things you do daily which make you smell the flowers along your way. You will look into the future with optimism and energy. You will revel in a time of travel and a time of learning. You will be dedicated to making your health a priority, and you will enjoy sports, and may do an overhaul in the way you work out.  Enjoy your everyday life!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking care of my health.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will take life seriously and try to settle issues that have been weighing heavily on your mind which is an honorable way to be. However, you will need to lighten up some… Take care of your nerves, and not allow your temper to get the best of you. Put faith in yourself, and please, do not doubt opportunities, and give each one a fair chance. You never know if something will work until you try. Enjoy being you!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not being afraid to take a chance.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will try to please, cater to, and take care of everyone, but find that you need to take care of yourself first. People who appreciate you will see your good intentions and be there for you as much as you will try to be there for them. You will enjoy inviting people over to your home, as you will be proud to show the improvements you will be busy implementing. Don’t forget to take care of yourself!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having good people in my life.”


The sun enters Leo, and for the next four weeks you will be glad to be employed, and glad to do the work you enjoy doing. You will be dedicated to learning more about your profession and to be an exemplary member in an environment that comes up with great projects. You will need your physical strength to keep up with the vigor of it all, and so make sure to be on top of your everyday routine of vitamins and healthy food intake. Enjoy your good health!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the profession that makes me happy.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and start to make long term plans. You will be ambitious and powerful. People will certainly stand up and notice what you have to offer, and you will thrive because of their attention. Love will be possible with someone who is ambitious and who knows how to inspire you behind the scenes.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Taurus.

The moon conjoins Uranus, makes a hard angle with Saturn and an easy angle with Neptune.

The sun enters Leo.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 21, 2022 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will possess a lot of energy. You will be working with people who will bring the best out of you, and as a group you will do very well together, as each will be just as capable as the other. Love will be possible with someone who believes that everything is possible and who enjoys robust and dynamic company.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Taurus.

The moon conjoins Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 20, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be blessed with good friends that will keep you motivated and will assist you in any way that they can. Your business will thrive because of your dedication and tenacity no matter what… Love will be possible with someone who is gentle with you and generous towards you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Aries makes an easy angle with Saturn, a hard angle with Pluto and a hard angle with the sun.

The moon enters Taurus at 2:23 PM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mercury and an easy angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 19, 2022 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will see the best of you come to life. You will promote to the most creative ideas and appreciate other people’s creativity and entertainment. You will be grateful for your friends. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, involves your home and hearth, and its needs: the pluming, closet shelving etc. After all, that is where your heart is, and you want to protect everyone under your roof, and will continue throughout this period.


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will be ever so busy cleaning and sprucing and doting and rearranging furniture in home sweet home. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, will makes all the difference in the world about how to handle the way you go about your life, and your approach to your life that will go through a transformation, that there are many ways to approach life, and you are willing to be a little more flexible and less stubborn.  


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will open your eyes to prospects, and you will not miss an opportunity to send resumes to just show those in the know about how valuable a person you can be. You are an asset and you will know how to present yourself. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, will make all the difference in the way you handle your money, spending your money and saving your money. You can start on a brand new way that satisfies you and which is your own personal business.   


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will be vigilant about your bank account, any transactions that have taken place, as it’s a good time to really look in and see what you need to upgrade, change of passwords, or anything at all that has to do with your finances, now will be the time to tackle and change. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, will be about your walk in the world. These changes will represent you and your personality and how you want to be perceived for others to see, and will manifest themselves throughout this period. 


Mercury enters your sign to whiz through here until August 5. Until then you will find that you scrutinize your own every move, but hopefully you don’t start to doubt whatever you have to do that is on your plate, and not doubt whatever you are involved in. Whatever decision for whatever changes you happen to make today, will have to do with a leap of faith you are not sure of taking, but that you need to get comfortable with your position in life, will carry you throughout this period. You will be able to explain yourself and express yourself easily. Enjoy the life you have and love who you are.


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will dig deeper into your psyche and learn about yourself, or try to. If you need therapy this is a good time to get some. You will enjoy to take time for long walks in the woods, and time for meditation. A time to heal and time to dream. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, have to do with what you are creative about and what you are meant to do with your life that turns you on, and makes you feel alive. Do you want to take a class in writing or painting or embroidery?     


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will enjoy the company of literary people and creative sorts who will be able to make for new friends for you. Should you need a new computer, or to work on new programs this is a good time to take care of this need. Any technological advancement and upgrade will be a good thing to tackle now. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, will be in your career sector art of your life, as you will be able to expand on at period as well. Life has decidedly changed for all of us, and you will try to find another way to approach your career.   


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will be so happy to be busily occupied and working on your career. You will be busy doing everything at once, and learning while you make more and more plans. The more you try the more you will find what works for you. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, have to do with your long term plans that you can begin to implement now and thought this period, and make some drastic changes if it suits your overall lifestyle in general.    


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will have a thirst for knowledge that goes beyond the scope of whatever you are doing and involved in right now. You will want to spread your wings and enhance your mental sharpness. You will want to see whatever else the universe can give you, and you will see the big picture of this. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, is about an opportunity that will allow you to start fresh, put more money in your account. A change your life in a way that will make you more powerful.    


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will not allow anyone to pry into your personal affairs, and be extra protective of those you consider to be the people you love the most. Your discerning eye will miss a trick. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, have to do with long term relationships that may even be a departure from some people whose company you no longer enjoy. If you want an explanation from someone who has wronged you, can happen within this period, and you will be vindicated and feel free.   


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will put all of your energy towards making your various relationships personal and otherwise be the focal point of your being. Nothing will make you more delighted than to see your loved ones happy. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, have to do with the way you approach your daily life, your sacred routines. Part of this routine will have to do with taking care of your health on a daily basis. You will find delight in placing a stationary bike in your office place, perhaps?   


Mercury enters Leo to whiz through there until August 5. Until then you will try your best to be the best at everything you do and the best at everything you touch. You won’t want anyone to surpass your professional input in whatever company you work for or with, and you want to be the best qualified specialist in the world. Whatever decisions for whatever changes you happen to make today, is a private decision on your part to enjoy this summer the best you know how, and to not let the summer pass you by without you some kind of hoopla included in it. A celebration of life that you want to continue even way after this period concludes.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be very lucky in many ways. You will have the freedom to do as you see fit, in order for your plans to mature, and be able to succeed in whatever you touch. Love will be possible with someone who looking out for your best interests and who will support you in all your pursuits.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

Mercury enters Leo.

The sun makes a hard angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 18, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you run the show. When someone puts too many restrictions on your ideas that represent in front of them, you don’t resent the situation. You find this to be the perfect opportunity to show what else you have in your bag of tricks. This can change the course of the entire operation. 


You have a lot of energy to hold your ground and give a stubborn argument. Will it end up in your own best benefit? Heck no! You won’t be able to win this, so to retreat is the wisest thing to do. Let’s face it, you come from two different universes, and there is no reason to butt heads. Agree to disagree and let peace prevail.


You can’t control anyone no matter what they say about you, or how much they try to stack up against you. In the end, it’s their karma they are messing with, so you keep your karma clean by not retaliating, by not getting down in the muck and mire. Let them wallow in it, and you walk the high road, head held up high.


You are going to be all business all day. You want to impress, and to express yourself in a way that shows your leadership skills. While you are busy doing what you think is best for your business, you may do, or say, something that can go against you in the long run. Be on guard and be your own best friend first.


You are well aware when you are up against a brick wall. When someone carries on again and again, and talks endlessly, but is deaf to your input, this is a day of your decision making. You either choose to continue in the travesty, or you get off the trolley and find yourself another ride that is much more complimentary to your needs. 


You know that you won an emotional freedom, when no tactics or flat out lies that are being fed to you, but you find them amusing and no longer threatening. You are most creative and it puts the fire in your belly, when someone tries to pull your strings and finds that that door has shut, and you find your freedom and strength by setting boundaries for them today.


Relationships are highlighted. To explain the deep understanding you have about something to do with your business, you express yourself in strong terms that you believe cannot be denied, yet a debate ensues. You have to be a lot more flexible if you want to get positive results. Give someone more opportunity to save face.


As hard as you try, but not everyone comes to your side of the equation. This gives someone you work with the opportunity to decide, once and for all, whether they belong with your kind of thinking, or to go on independently. As the saying goes, you have to let someone have their freedom, and see if they come back on their own volition. 


You don’t want to lose your shirt on a scheme that is presented to you wrapped up with red bows, and with all sorts of bells and whistles. Just because it shines doesn’t mean it is gold, type of thing. Use your creativity in a different way, and find a way that will be lucrative to you in the long run, and beware of being short sighted.


When someone contradicts what they are saying over and over, you find that you have to make up your mind about if you want to continue in this vein. You are confident and know your expertise, and say what is on your mind. Bring experts if you must, to back you up, after that, let the chips fall where they may.


Someone may challenge your position on a specific project you are busy working on and you don’t like their attitude. You have the instinct to put up a big stink and throw a tantrum. But that won’t let this person to see the true you. Take a deep breath, say you’re sorry, but that you have to part ways. Say it politely and leave a sweet smell of roses behind…  


You try to lay out the best case scenario. You present your case and expertise, and best ideas that make sense, and you do so with confidence and pizzazz. But then there is a heckler in the audience, who tries to contradict you and who puts up a real fight for their own benefit. The best thing to do is to let them talk, and this way showcase that they are in the wrong.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will go up against trials and tribulations that will make you rebel. It’s ok to change course, change direction. Try to go on the road of least resistance, and if it doesn’t work, change it again. Nice and easy does it after all… Love will be possible with someone who is easy going and agreeable to all you will do.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Pisces makes an excellent angle with Mercury and an easy angle with Pluto.

Mercury males a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Aries at 7:18 AM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus and conjoins Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, July 16 – Sunday, July 17, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, you want a sense of security of your family around you nice and cozy, and you may even invite someone to your barbecue whom you have had a problem with, but you want to make a fresh start. Forgiving is a wonderful thing. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, your hearth and home will be your focal point of what will make you happy. Purchase that fluffy pillow for your bedroom, or that comfy armchair for your living room. You will enjoy them for years to come.


On Saturday, take a ride to the beach or to any destination of your choosing. If you can’t, the next best thing is to start reading a long saga in a nonfiction book, or to find yourself streaming a show that brings you into other places with a different culture. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, you will enjoy people how they show up without much judgement. You will enjoy them and they will enjoy you, and will be more than happy to give you advice should you need any. Join in that block party that has your name on it, get to know your neighbors.


On Saturday, being practical brings its rewards, you may not see it today, but in the near future you will be glad of the work you put in today. The rewards will expose themselves in time. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, you will enjoy a time of self-control about your spending habits and your bank account will be happy. You will only spend money when you truly see the rewards to come. Your eyes will be wide open, and you will make sure that you have both feet firmly on the ground. If you choose to splurge, this too will be within your boundaries.


On Saturday, never doubt yourself when you know that you are in the right, but don’t do anything foolish to prove your point. Peace at all costs will make for a beautiful weekend. On Sunday, Venus enters Your sign to travel through there until August 11, you are going to be able to show your good side, and if you will find it difficult, you will still be looked at with a favorable light. You will enjoy a time of the year where you will have confidence in your abilities. Take a chance on life! Love is in the air, and you need to give someone a chance to prove themselves to you.


On Saturday, is your conscience bothering you because you haven’t hit the gym lately? Today is always a good time to take it seriously, and to rethink your plan about your health routine. Invest in your health. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, you don’t always need to bask in the limelight, and this is the time of year, that you would rather do your thing without any hoopla, and with most concentration and enjoyment of some solitude. Love yourself and the world will love you in return. 


On Saturday, you never know who is going to support you, someone who may not have in the past. Friendships get a new makeover so give someone a second chance. Who knows, you may come up with a new buddy. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, you will be lovable and people will want to see your face. Your invite box will be full to the brim, so have a party outfit ready to boogie, and enjoy the company of friends in real life or on facetime.   


On Saturday, you have to cover a lot of ground, of stuff that you have been staring at on your desk, and today, you find that to roll up your sleeves and to get it done comes easily. It feel good to regain control again. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, pull out all the stops and go for whatever you are aiming to achieve. You are the one with the greatest potential to get that promotion, if you are prepared properly… the boss thinks you are tops… and so should you feel about yourself!


On Saturday, you find people with diverse background to be fascinating subjects. You love to expend your mind, and to have conversations that show you a different side to what you believe in.     On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, you never know who you may meet in your travels. People are sweet towards you, and if someone is from a different background, that ignites your imagination even more. Enjoy life to its fullest, here, there and everywhere.


On Saturday, you churn a situation over and over in your mind to the point of nausea and you decide to put it to rest for the sake of your mental wellbeing, and good for you! Let it be in your rear view mirror. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, some situations deserve rehashing or reviewing. If there is a financial transaction that needs a do over, this will be your chance to make things go in your favor. When it comes to your love life, potential love is steaming hot and waiting for you to engage.


On Saturday, people show you their true colors that may surprise you with their truthfulness. Start fresh with someone and be more accepting of their flaws. There is nothing wrong with being more compassionate. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, relationships will be most pleasant and you will have the opportunity to get involved with someone special who will be good for you long term, and not just as a summertime love affair. Give every potential serious consideration, and yes, a second date. If already spoken for, use this time to do things together.  


On Saturday, you are allowed to change your mind, refuse or accept, move forward or retreat, depending on the situation. You are the only one who knows what you want in your life. On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, your relationship with yourself permeates every other relationship. Your health is important to your family because they want to see you healthy and taking care of yourself. Make a commitment to yourself to feel as good as you look… lol.  


On Saturday, when you want to show your talents and go as far as to appease and entertain everyone, they will be the benefactors. Do so enjoy the weekend, but not at your expense… On Sunday, Venus enters Cancer to travel through there until August 11, you will be entertaining, interesting and fun to be with. So if romance is what you want. Romance is what you can have. Make your appearance be desirable and make yourself available. The internet can be a good place to start your search, but so is anywhere at all. Keep your eyes open to who looks good to you…


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will rethink the road you have decided to travel. It’s your prerogative. This is your chance to make changes and to reinvent yourself no regrets, only moving forward decisions. Love will be possible with someone who is shy, but who can show you another way of living, a new culture to embrace.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have a very pleasant year filled with love and energy through the roof. Some traveling for the sake of a good time and learning of other cultures is also indicated. You will be loved and able to climb the ladder of success with the help of others. Love will be possible with someone who is ready to trot where you go…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Aquarius makes an excellent angle with Venus.

The moon enters Pisces at 4:18 AM EDT.

Mercury conjoins the sun.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mars.



The moon is in Pisces.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Neptune.

The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.

The sun makes an excellent angle with Neptune.

Venus enters Cancer.

The moon conjoins Neptune and makes an excellent angle with the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

July 15, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



It’s a good thing it’s Friday, when you can see your friends and start the weekend on a happy note. And don’t feel guilty that you are not doing business all day long. Life is about balance, and you are doing the right thing to leave your obligations behind for a while.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking time for recreational use.” 


You have plenty of spunk to be in charge of any undertaking, and also to keep the true nature of who you are. People may want to change you and change the direction you are going on, but they can’t change who you truly are on the inside.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being true to who I am.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. No one can tell you how to conduct your life, or where to go or what to do. You will not respond kindly to anyone who tries to change your plans openly or underhandedly. Stand up for yourself and stay the course you have planned.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not allowing anyone to invade my life.”


You’ve had it up to there with the emotional Full Moon of yesterday, and today, you will cut off anyone who even intends to make you unhappy in any way. You got the gist of who they are and you don’t intend to engage in any way.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for forming my boundaries in my life.”


You show people how to respect you especially when conducting business. You are in a serious mood and no one can give you a baloney story without you finding out very quickly, and responding so quickly it will make their head spin.   

Relationships are highlighted.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for showing people how to treat me.”


The best thing to do today, is to go with the flow. Not every day can you call the shots, and today, you have to follow orders even if it seems impossible. Show ingenuity and when take control of what you have to offer, prove what you are capable of, and become the most reliable in the bunch.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to be flexible.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. If you have felt a writer’s block, today will knock you back to the ingenious person that you are. And just in the nick of time… When you are up against a Friday deadline, you become creative, and fast!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my beautiful heart and mind.”


You don’t have to give anyone a heart attack while you do what you do… give them notice before you make any sudden moves. But of course you do not today, and that is where the problem can arise. There is no reason to shock anyone, but things happen quickly and you may not have a choice.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to be doing my thing.”


If a situation arises that gossip becomes a part of something you do, and you don’t know how to handle it, the best thing is to not get involved. Keep away from any awkward encounters, and you won’t have to say things that will shock. It not go down well. Keeping mum is the best policy today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for knowing when to back off.”


You pay attention to every detail of a monetary transaction which is a good thing, considering that you are a little concerned about not spending frivolously. Spending money on your family, is a good thing, but within limits of your budget. You are no one fool.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for enjoying my money my way.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Having said that, you don’t want to irk anyone unnecessarily because they won’t respond kindly to any sudden action emanating from you. Keep everything transparent. If you had invited anyone who is still there at your home, tell the meter has expired. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking charge of my life.”


If you are excited about something you have created and want someone to look at it, unless you are one hundred percent finished, today may not represent your true potential. This is a good day to rewrite and make sure you have all bases covered. In the end, better safe than sorry.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking my work seriously.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be glad to get rid of things that hold you back, and to let go of situations that don’t sit well with your soul. You will make a fresh new start that may shock some, but which will be exactly what you need. Love will be possible with someone who is quick on their feet to be able catch up with your changes…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aquarius.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus and conjoins Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star