Saturday, September 11 – Sunday, September 12, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, there is so much in your favor, but you don’t seem to see it where it comes to someone who is one foot out the door, or do you want to give them the boot? Don’t quit just yet… On Sunday, this is one of the best Sundays of the summer for you. Stop worrying about a quitting versus not quitting a situation! Enjoy the last rays of sunshine this summer. Time will take care of that problem.


On Saturday, relationships are highlighted. You may have to show up where you don’t feel like being. Since you are a classy person, you do what needs to be done, and get out of there as fast as possible… On Sunday, love is not an easy thing, it’s a verb. Have loving intimate talks, if you want a long lasting love. Not a screaming match…


On Saturday, you have a great desire to clean you house. Either that, or the mess is too great and you have to. Either way, put some inspiring music on and get it done. You’ll be happy you have. On Sunday, relationships are highlighted. Love and having a good time go hand in hand today. Find a place to go, a festival, a feast, or a street fair and have a good time!


On Saturday, this is one of the best Saturdays of the year for you. Even so, your nerves are on edge and the thing that calms you down is to find a way to entertain yourself in a productive and creative manner.  On Sunday, finally calming down, you settle into your room, and notice all that you need to do, to make you be able to enjoy that room. Take notes.


On Saturday, your home is where you love to be today. It’s your cocoon, it’s where you don’t have to pretend and where you are happiest. Money worries have an easy solution. On Sunday, this is one of the best Sundays of the summer for you. Life can be so amusing and interesting! And today, you throw your hat in the air, and go for having as much fun as you can possibly handle.


On Saturday, is a fine day for communicating your thoughts and for meeting up with neighbors for coffee and chit-chat. You have lots of energy, and are able to convince someone of whatever you need to have understood. On Sunday, even when one is loaded with energy, one has to take a break and rest. This is you today. Collapsing from having too much of a good time? Or from over work.


On Saturday, take time to relax. Check your statements, whom you have to pay but may have overlooked, and don’t pay your quarterly tax payments. Get some rest and plenty of sleep. On Sunday, fresh as a daisy from being so vigilant the day before, it’s time to do some very light exercise around the neighborhood. Go for a walk at a leisurely pace, then sit on a bench and daydream and soak in the sun.


On Saturday, the moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your personality shines, and yet you have to watch out for being a little too unpredictable or abrasive. Take time to see a friend who may need you. On Sunday, you being a very social person now, want to see if you can talk money with a friend: separate money and friendships.


On Saturday, too much is going on in your business, but you need to step back and have a day for yourself, if possible. If you have to be show up, stay in the shadows. You don’t have to demand too much of yourself. On Sunday, the moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are as cute as you can be, and you could make some very good business, but it is Sunday…


On Saturday, there is no way of stopping you from making a connection with a friend, or have a get together somewhere, be it on zoom or in person. You need people more than you know. On Sunday, people can be annoying trying to get you out of the house, and you don’t answer the phone. You need a day for reflection more than you need to gallivant with friends.


On Saturday, you are in charge of the business today, and have to find ways to make it work, when deep down you need a break from it all. Don’t get angry, do what is required and you won’t regret being dutiful. On Sunday, not everything people do sits well with you, but there is no reason to get upset over it. Enjoy the remaining rays of summer.


On Saturday, this is one of the best Saturdays of the year for you. Take a trip, go to the beach or go to visit someone you treasure in your life. You have a way about you today to get them out too! On Sunday, the only way to get someone to do what you want or expect of them, is not by pushing them harder. That’ll only freeze and stop all together.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be a period of time in which you will be searching for a spiritual way to see your life. You need to understand life as it is nowadays and it is way different than it has been. You need to find a way to acclimate and to enjoy your life. You will find many books to read and have a need to learn. Love will be possible with someone who is fun to be with, and who is a little bit of a know it all…

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will want to know your roots and where you are coming from. You will want to have a more meaningful connection to your work in the future, and you will be making notes and taking it into account. Love will be possible with someone who is family oriented, and who can keep up with your tremendous energy level now.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Scorpio.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus, an easy angle with the sun, an excellent angle with Neptune, a hard angle with Jupiter and an easy angle with Pluto.



The moon in Scorpio makes an easy angle with Mars.

The moon enters Sagittarius at 4:35 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 10, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Sensual Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, giving you time to strengthen a relationship. This person is worth loving, so before you may decide to discontinue, find a way to make it work. Do so through intimate talks, and understand that no one is perfect. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking time to get to know someone intimately.”


Pleaser Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, you will be inclined to bend over backwards for the ones you love. And even though harmony will be your goal, there will be plenty obstacles to make life interesting.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for learning how to live with the one I love.”


Peace loving Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, and you will feel compelled to give a voice of reason to conflicts between the people you work with. Your quandary will be whether you ought to stick your neck out, just because you may be too nice to say no.    

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for learning how to make an exit.”


Indulgent Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, and you will find yourself being enticed to go overboard with cravings that may or may not get gratified. You will need to dig deep and ask yourself if you really need this much indulgence.    

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having some luxury in my life.”


Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, you will want whatever you are involved with and whatever you will be doing, to be somehow, connected to your roots and to give you the feeling of continuation to something dear to your heart.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for watering the roots that make me blossom.”


Welcoming Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, you will be looking to find someone to listen to you and to understand. A sounding board if you wish. Will you find someone of kindred spirit? That will be your quest, anyway.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people who understand my heart and soul.”


Acquisitive Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, to purchase or not to purchase will become your reality. So the criteria will be to look very deeply inward, and find out if you really need the item you are aiming to make your own.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the beautiful possessions abound my home.”


Charm magnet Venus enters your sign to travel through there until October 7th, and you will have to decide whose attention you will be interested in accepting. You may find that you will choose to be full of scrutiny towards any prospect who comes around with words of enticement.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for them telling me that I am a charm magnet.”


Forgiving Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, and you will have to decide whom you wish to forgive and forget and start fresh with, and whom you wish to forgive and yet keep at arm’s length going forward.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for letting go of what has haunted my psyche.”


Trusting Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, and you will have to make decisions based upon if you believe what people say, or are you suspicious about their sweet words. Coming from a place where you like to believe that they are innately good people.    

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for giving people a second chance.”


Calm Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, making you think of your reputation. Your career is most important in a time of change, an you will want to make sure that you leave people with a sense of you being respectful and non judgmental about them.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for knowing how to leave people wanting more.”


Enjoyment loving Venus enters Scorpio to travel through there until October 7th, making you aware that there are elements in your life that you have overlooked, perhaps and most likely, because of Covid. You want to be set free to enjoy your life to go wherever you want to go. Will you be able to? That will be the ultimate question.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the life I used to have, and the memories I have built.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find people who are kindred spirit to you, and with whom you want to spend time. People who will lift your spirt, and for whom you can do the same. Family will be super important throughout the year cycle. Love will be possible with someone who has an inquisitive mind, who may be a voracious reader, and interesting to be around.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Libra conjoins Venus.

The moon enters Scorpio at 2:05 AM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Saturn.

Venus enters Scorpio.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 9, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. It may be difficult to convince someone about your intentions. Even though they are perfect as far as you are concerned. And they are for you! But they see life just a tad different. Oh well, everyone is entitled to their way of seeing things.


There is so much under the bridge, and yet so much to look forward to. Professionally, you are having a day where you see how far you have come for the work you’ve put into a project. But breaking bread with your family is your priority and comes first today.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. There comes a time when one has to take a chance if one wants to succeed in anything. Today, is one of those days. No guts no glory. Don’t be afraid to go for it! You have a flair about you that makes people stand up and cheer you on.  


You can’t change anyone unless they want to change. The only thing you can do is to separate yourself from anyone who is not a contributor to your life, but a contaminator. Next! It’s not as easy or as simple as all of that, or is it?


Whatever you have been trying to implement into your life, today, you can find the folks who are able to put on their listening ears, and to listen to the wise words emanating from you. You make sense and make it sound profitable.


Change is a good thing and to accept change is even better. Today, change has a fantastic chance of being just what you need in your life. Be open and allow yourself to take a chance on something new and exciting.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Easy come easy go? Actually, it’s easy go. In other words, change is happening. The world is not the same, and you are reacting accordingly. Today, it’s easy to let go of stuff that is no longer viable in your life going forward. Discard!


You may think that what is in front of you is difficult to accomplish, but you are just a little low on energy. Yes, you still have to roll up your sleeves and get down to it, but most of the hard work is done. Don’t succumb to self pitying. All is well.


Your charm is what makes your day happen. Turn it on, and people have to listen. You have a way about you today, and what you say is very convincing. It will allow you to make a certain change. That and determination.


You have been waiting for the result of the major changes that you have been working on to manifest in your life. Today, they do. Celebrate the hard work, and the financial profits that come along with this victory.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. There is so much that you can do to help along with the changing face of your life. But today, it’s best to keep your plans under wrap. You don’t need anyone scrutinizing what is in your heart and mind.  


Change doesn’t come easy. It never does. You are in the middle of the hard work that comes along. You don’t have to convince anyone, just go about your business and think for yourself. Others don’t necessarily understand.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that either you create some changes or that they will find you. You have to catch up with the times and acclimate your actions to it. You will search to find ways that free you from making your money the same old way, and you will find great success in doing so. Love will be possible with someone who allows you to do what you need to do, and who allows you to be where you need to be for your personal growth.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Libra,

The moon makes a hard angle with Pluto and an excellent angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 8, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. Nobody is perfect! So when you want to see someone doing their best, you may get disappointed. But they will do the best they can. Compliment every attempt and you will find that people love to do for you the best they can.


All work and no play makes for a boring person. Do your job and try to do it well, even though it may not be your best work, and then find something amusing to spend your time with.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You bring the pep into any situation. You are energetic, brave and ready to tackle anything and it is infectious. People want to be in your company. Movie and dinner at your place?


Being a home body, you need days where you can just not care about how you look and what is going on in the world, you just need to sit on the couch and veg out. Do your work, and then it’s off with your shoes…


Your need to reach out and touch someone is strong. Making money is all well and fine, but you also need to hear someone’s voice. Facetime and have coffee together. Now, you are ready to get back to the nitty gritty.


Good day to put your money where your mouth is, and make sure that whatever your office needs, you provide for it. You may consider to put a stationary bike there, to keep your health at an optimum.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You feel so much better than you had yesterday! Your energy is almost up to par and you are preforming on all cylinders. If you have to face a few people, you make a very good impression. 


If you can take a day off, do so. If you cannot, just do the best you can. You don’t have to have a stellar day and be a hero every day, do you? Even your average is fine. Don’t worry.


Gather the ones you work with, or your crew, and show them what your expectations are. You speak brilliantly and you are being a straight shooter. They will get what you say, and respect the process.


With business on your mind, you come up with great ideas of how to make money, and you have the right idea to ask for what you are worth. You have to speak in a way that people can understand you however.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Nothing that can bring your spirit down today. Well, almost nothing… don’t let the small stuff make you sweat, you are doing just fine, so don’t allow yourself to be your own worst enemy.


You can be confusing without trying to be. You may be too demanding and it can get to be borderline obnoxious. If you want to get good results, try to modify your attitude and walk very softly.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be seeking perfection from how you make your money. Don’t be disappointed in how you make your living. You can find a shoot off of what you are currently engaged in doing, you will find it interesting and easy to obtain. Love will be possible with someone who finds you amusing and who generous with their money.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Libra.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn and conjoins Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 7, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Being hasty could cause you physical harm. You have to be extra careful in all you do, especially at your office. Make sure to go out of your way to be extra nice to someone you may not be so keen on, as this New Moon will set the tone for months to come. Choose peace, and you will find it. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.


Your energy is a beautiful thing to behold on this continuation to the New Moon. You have a great position on how you intend to move forward. You have the guts and gumption to do whatever you need to do to make your life a place of good times no matter where. You are an inspiration to yourself and others, a bright light that shines.


The weekend continues in your home, as the New Moon is causing your home to be in a state of commotion. It could be a very loving kind of commotion, but still it is a mess that needs to get straightened out, so that you can hear yourself think over there. Having had fun is what will carry your spirit forward for months to come. The price is a massive cleanup…


The New Moon continues, and your brain is trying to catch up with your ever perpetually moving body. You are in motion, and don’t seem to be able to stop. Put this amazing energy to good us; find the course that you need, or teach yourself a new software that can enrich your life moving forward. Too much coffee will make you nervous and shaky…don’t spill it, it’s hot…


Try to find ways to save your money. This New Moon is still going on and you may be on a shopping spree from hell. Put a period on this, and only keep the stuff that makes sense. Some of it is too spontaneous for good reasoning. And try not to, by accident, give your pin number to your bank card, to anyone…


The New Moon continues, giving you a chance to be reborn, and choose who you want to become for the next year cycle. Try to accomplish whatever old or new concepts are brewing in your mind. With determined planet Mars in your sign and on your side giving you the push you need. Slippery people can be in the way, but your energy and desire to live are way stronger.


If you need to stay in bed a little later this morning, give yourself the chance to recuperate from your mental strain, love yourself enough to do so. Meditate and do yoga this morning, like the salutation to the sun. It will ease your way to the New Moon’s demand to get up and boogie. Do all you need to do today with a little extra care? Easy does it.


You are in a creative mode. Create a new logo, or learn how to knit that scarf with the time you spend at home. Perhaps you can start making your winter holiday presents, or join a club that teaches people of like mind, as this New Moon is still here giving you the push and the delight to do things that turn you on. 


You are all business as the New Moon continues. You get ready with a mental baseball bat in your mind, as you lack patience to deal with those who are lagging behind, or hung over from the long weekend. Relax! Time is on your side and all will get taken care of… be nice, you got this…


Let the New Moon tell you what and where you see yourself within the next six months. Let your imagination be your guide. Yes, some of your plans are a little out there, but whichever are down to earth, and whatever you can do to propel yourself to move forward, take that into account, and give it a chance. Changes are good.


Some days can bring a person down. And today, you are being overly negative. This New Moon is here to tell you to get off your derriere, and find a way to take care of your health. And don’t do it backwards: find a way to exercise, stretch, do yoga, before you call a doctor to ‘fix’ you. Today, is an excellent day to take the first step in a long road to health and wellbeing.


Relationships are highlighted on the continuation of this New Moon. You may get a little impatient with yourself. Are you trying to ‘win’ a situation? You won’t be able to be in good standing if you want to be the star of the show. If you let them say their piece, you will have peace all the way around. You may want to bring a third party in to be the voice of reason.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be loaded with energy! It can be positive energy, or negative energy, depending on how you want to use your time. You will need to meditate, each morning, to calm down internally, so that you can make good decisions. Nothing can stand in your way to a better life. Love will be possible with someone who is very career oriented, and who takes care of their family.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Virgo makes a hard angle with Neptune, an excellent angle with Pluto and conjoins Mars.

The moon enters Libra at 11:21 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 6, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The New Moon showcases your leadership qualities. Be it on the job front or within your family unit. They are expecting you to lead the way, and to show where your heart is when you have to teach people what you expect out of them. Do it successfully, and you land a position to last at least for six months.     


This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. Rarely do you have the opportunity to shine in your creativity and to showcase it to those who count. You bring so much joy, that it enables you to click with people who are otherwise too serious for their own good; you bring out the good and special out of people.


In the New Moon your home is the focal point. If there is frustration about how to delegate responsibilities, to make it possible for you to participate in your job or career, whether you work from home, or have to commute. If you have to find people to take care of the kids or pets, you can find the person to do so. Of course the first thing to do is to establish if they are reliable. Install security cameras to show you their activities.


The New Moon finds you so loaded with energy, that you may not know how to handle it. Concentration is key for today. Keep it together, and you will be able to move forward with the most ease of any other person. Dedication makes you reach your goals. Build a team that can match your energy level, or you will be frustrated with those who lag behind. Be truthful, and leave charity cases to another day.  


With the New Moon you can land a job that is so fine, has so much potential to make money that you cannot turn it away without at least giving it your best shot first. Invest in yourself and in your future, and don’t spend money foolishly. This New Moon shows a powerful time to make money. But there is a great desire to waste money as well. You’ve worked for it, us it wisely. 


The New Moon is in your sign. There are so many positive aspects to this New Moon that everything you touch has the possibility to become a spectacular reality. It all depends on how serious you are about starting new adventures, new jobs. Your energy is through the roof, so take advantage of a time where you are operating on all cylinders.


The New Moon will come to prove to you that you don’t have to be flashy and loud. It will prove to you that when you roll up your sleeves, and work behind the scenes of a project, you will end up with all the glory, because when you are alone and on your own, you are super creative. Don’t mind getting a little dirty along the way: dirty children are happy children…


The New Moon is a time that will prove to you that your allies are the supreme people in the world, and that you can’t wait to do more projects with them. They are loyal and have all the attributes you need to do absolutely anything your heart desires. When people prove loyalty, it’s the best!


The New Moon has in it all the powerful elements you need to launch a new project in your career. It is a fantastic time to go ahead and try something new and exciting. Keep your eyes on the ball and don’t lose sight of it. Staying focus is the only problem for you.          


This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. Your idealistic view of the world and your potential are so powerful, that if you just jot down your thoughts and possibilities, and have it ready to consider as a potential on your to do list to tackle at any time within the next six months.


The New Moon has your nerves revved up. The question is, is it revved up for naught, or is it revved up for a good reason. If it’s for naught, your nerves will get the best of you. But if you have a reason to invest money in something spectacular, invest with enthusiasm, but set a strong limit and a line in the sand on expenditures.  


Relationships are highlighted this New Moon. You have a way about you to the get the most potential of folks. And now, if you choose a team, it has a potential to be a stellar team. Show compassion, and you will be a hero. Anything short of that can topple this relationship.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a push and pull between a desire to make it on your own, and an understanding that you have to include someone else to the equation. Launch something new that will last at least six months, but remember that two heads can be better than one. Of course, you have to trust this person first and foremost. Love will be possible with someone who is able to work with you but not stand in your way.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Virgo.

Mars makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon conjoins the sun: New Moon at 8:52 PM EDT.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

The sun makes an excellent angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, September 4 – Sunday, September 5, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Saturday is one of the best days of the month for you. You have a strange desire to see a loved person in your life. You either face to face them on your phone if all else fails, or hopefully you can see this person in person. The conversation is lively and good for both of you. On Sunday, the love fest continues and if you are lucky, you will have a wonderful time having dinner with another important person in your life.


Your family is all you want to surround you on Saturday. You yearn for a home cooked meal with the most important people around you. Your career seems to be taking care of, so you intend to have a day for personal business. On Sunday, you need your mind to be engaged and so you yearn for the proper entertainment, hopefully it has your family included as well. However, there are changing winds there.


There is nothing you would mind to try on Saturday. Ideas that come out of you, are thought to be entertaining and may be even provocative, but there is nothing you would rather be doing, then begin to exercise those ideas and try to make them into reality. On Sunday, your daring spirit can turn these ideas into action. You never thought you have the guts to do certain things but you do! One has to take chances.


Great financial opportunities lie right beneath the surface and all you have to do is unearth them. Don’t be afraid to take off the top layer to see what lies beneath. Look closely ask questions, and do your research and on Sunday, you may land an opportunity that can change everything for the better. By the evening, the moon is in your sign and you have the confidence that you are doing the correct thing.


On Saturday, the moon is in your sign and your rule the day. You are in the best of moods because you are in the company of someone special. Someone who allows you be who you are, and with whom exchanging ideas comes so easily. On Sunday, yesterday’s conversations are having an impact on how you view you job, and may want to change some things there.


If you find it hard to relax on Saturday, because you are filled with some sort of regrets, just make that phone call, make up and move on. However, it will be easier to do on Sunday, when love is the answer to every question you may have.


On Saturday, someone you count on may be making you feel a certain way, because you don’t like their motives, yet you don’t want to hurt their feelings. On Sunday, you have the ability to put this person in their place with so much class, they won’t even know what hit them… The lesson is to let people be who they are, and you stay true to yourself.


You may not think that things are going your way, and that not everything is well with your world, that’s how you feel on Saturday. But on Sunday, when you have it in your heart to go help someone your feeling change completely, and you no longer think that you are the center of the universe, but that person is.


Saturday is one of the best days of the month for you. The moon is in a fire sign such as you are. Although it’s tough to get your point across and even to get anyone’s attention, it is a good day for you to because you can defy all that you have ever learned, and find that you are interested in something entirely different. On Sunday, you are willing to put your money where your mouth is. 


There is so much going in your favor, that your need for deep worries will show that that is baseless. You have great ideas on Saturday, regarding your business, and on Sunday, you can make the necessary changes with so much confidence that all is well in your world.


On Saturday, relationships are highlighted. You would like to make decisions based on what is good for everyone involved, and you come up with some great solutions indeed. On Sunday, if there are any reservations on your part, about the same issues, you check your heart to see if it sits well with your soul as well. You want to do the right thing by everyone, and you do so with a sincere heart.   


The way you make your money, and your job is what is on your mind on Saturday, and you are questioning, whether it is right for you. Are you truly suited for it? These are reasonable thoughts, and today, you come up with some alternative or additional ways to make more money. On Sunday, the feedback you receive from friend substantiates what you think.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be reflecting on your past and thinking ahead. You will be clearing the decks for the future and unclutter more than just your mind. If you are fed up with the way you are making your living, it may not be time to move on, but it is time to reconsider, and to look forward with faith and not with worry. Love will be possible with someone who may be a game changer for your life.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be reflecting on your life and have the courage to make the changes you know you must do which are inevitable. Your attitude is brave, and you will be ready willing and able to start fresh. You will have opportunities and it will be wise to check each and every one and act upon them. Love will be possible with someone who is as passionate as they are a force of nature.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Leo.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mercury, a hard angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Uranus.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Saturn.



The moon in Leo makes an easy angle with Venus and a hard angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Virgo at 7:06 PM EDT.

Venus makes a hard angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 3, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day where you want to throw your uniform on the chair, let your hair down, put on you dancing shoes and go stepping out on the town. This wasn’t an easy week to get through, and you are more than happy to enjoy the weekend.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my work and my play time.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day where you would rather stay home, take off your shoes and plop down on the couch with a bag of unshelled peanuts (oh, the mess!) in front of the screen, and think of whom you would like to invite over the weekend to join you in your favorite place: home.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my home I adore!”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day where you count your earnings, and then to go out to dinner in your neighborhood, and then go watch the stars from some obscure unlit nature spot, and then think about what else you want to do with your extra energy…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my neighborhood which makes me feel at home.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day where you want to spend your money. You have earned it and you have the right to do with it as you please. Are you are thinking of getting tickets to see your favorite show. Do it! It may be costly, and getting there could be a problem, but life is short and you have to enjoy every precious moment.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for deciding to enjoy the life God gave me.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day where you are the one who will be calling the shots, and they better oblige if they know what’s good for them… lol. Just don’t succumb to a shopping spree from hell, where you end up spending too much money and later regret it with all the returns you will have to submit. Lol again… have a great time though!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being the boss of my life, thank you very much…”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day of reflection and a day that is tailor made to donate by Venmo, Apple Pay or send a check to a donation of your choice. To do something nice to another human being will start off your weekend on a classy note, and make you smile internally, as well.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my good heart.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day where you want to start the weekend a little earlier, and get together with a bunch of friends. The spiritual kind of friends who would perhaps, like to join you in a Yoga session, or to do something physical like dancing.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my friends who save me.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day with new ideas buzzing around in your pretty head, new hopes and dreams and a new attitude of letting others be their crazy selves… lol. Your mind is already on nest week and business. Stay connected and leave next week to next week.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my friends who let me be me.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day in which you can take a trip with someone who you want to do business with, or at least get hamburgers ready and get the barbecue in your back yard ready to entertain the boss. No need to talk business…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people who guide help me along the way.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day that may be a little too heavy to start the weekend with. Get your mind some rest. Forget the week that has passed and don’t think about next week either. You need some mental rest and recuperation. Your mind is reeling with possibilities that will have a time and a place. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for allowing myself to let go and relax.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day of spending time with the important relationship in my life to enjoy with sensuality and intimacy. What is a life without intimacy? Give yourself permission to get out of your shell, let someone into your inner world and join the human race. Lol. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for giving myself permission to let go of privacy.”


With feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, today is shaping up to be a day to be dutiful to the ones you love. A day to do your chores, which may seem to be endless and maybe not too interesting, but when you think that you are doing them for the sake of those you love, nothing is impossible or boring.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my family I do anything for.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole, reflect on the people who came and went, of the loves you won and lost, and on the great things you have accomplished. Life is tough but here you are! Still standing! That is a great achievement on its own. Love will be possible with someone who is fun to be around, and yet is a deep thinker.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Cancer makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Leo at 11:59 AM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 2, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Fanatical influences are going to force you to look inward and find what in the world is going on. However, since you will find no answer that will be satisfactory, you may as well throw your hands up in the air, meditate to your heart’s content and stay out of trouble. Someone who works for you may be at the root of this insanity. (Or a coworker.) There is no winner here.


Being impulsive today will get you into all sorts of trouble masquerading as cute mischief. But the end result can cause more damage than you think. If a proposition sounds too good to be true, it is! Stay away from trying to make people happy by trying jokes or pranks on them. Anything that you didn’t give deep thought to, may come back to haunt you.


Please, do not expect that hefty amount of money to be deposited into your bank account, by a boss who may be telling you tall tales of how much the project brought in, or will bring in, and is plain selling fiction about how much of it is your stake in it. There is nothing further from the truth there. To be fair, this person, the boss, may be in the dark as well…


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Someone is delusional about information they are spreading around. Is it you? Are you the one who is less than sure about what you are saying, and yet seeing no harm in saying that? Well! There can be harm generated, with the best intentions, of course. Be a hero, and change the narrative of the conversation. Tell them that you only ‘hope’ what you say it true. Give them a way out.


Be careful not to get into any marketing scheme dressed up as an opportunity, and fall victim to promises of making money that won’t exist when all is said and done. Poof! Stick to the true and tried today, and maybe then you can’t go wrong, but there are no guarantees today to the success of anything monetary.


People have a tendency to be awful disappointing today, so rely on yourself and leave the rest be. But don’t stop having faith in your friends, just not today…the more you dig your heels in trying to explain what you mean to say, stop! It won’t do any good, it will only be a waste of time.


You don’t like it when people are being nebulous and you can’t understand their motives. Does it apply to you today? Are you the cause of confusion? You don’t mean to be, but you are a problem when you don’t specify exactly what your intentions are. Higher ups put little faith in you today…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You can become lethargic in an instant and not understand where your energy dissipated into? It’s because you may be depending on people who are not pulling their weight today, and you are trying to compensate for their inability to do what they had promised. It’s ok, not every day is a picnic. 


Your day can turn negative in an instant with you standing there in amazement with your jaw dropped, as to how could this happen! Now that you are armed with this knowledge, in order to avoid humiliation, perhaps you can be proactive and have all your ducks in a row before you decide to take a chance on a project.


Relationships are highlighted. Deception is in the air, and you can smell it a mile away! Whatever someone whispers in your ear, pretend it never happened. Because there is no truth to it, or a leg to stand on this information. Move on and don’t depend on anyone’s advice but your own. (They may have been duped as well.)


Are you trying to convince anyone about a business opportunity that you want them to join in? Have you really checked it out thoroughly? Chances are you haven’t. Because if you have, you could see in the small print, or a little voice way in the back of your mind that it is probably some sort of a pyramid scheme that the end result won’t sit well even with you… it’s a mess…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. If you wish to attract someone to join you in a project of your choosing, hopefully it is of a spiritual kind. Like working in a church setting and such. That will make for a big success along with the Bingo included… Anything other than that will fall into an abyss you don’t want anything to do with!


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will experience a very spiritual year if you listen to the signs. This will be a tricky year to navigate, that if you want to be successful at, you will have to rely on your own instincts and not on those who you think have the answers for you. Read the small print in anything and give it double the thought. Love will be possible with someone who is very friendly, and who may be priest like in nature. Otherwise, be cautious of who you choose long term.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Cancer.

The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.

Mars makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus, an excellent angle with Neptune and an easy angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

September 1, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have your eyes on a prize that you want to haul and bring home. It could be a hefty payday, or it could be that you know that if you have your eye on the ball, it will end on a positive note. Your home is a buzzing place of communication, where you are surrounded by family that loves you.        


When you talk it comes through as if you are making fun at a given situation. You are being serious, but you have to make others feel it too. Otherwise, your words will not be taken in the way you want them to be taken, and then people won’t take them to heart. If you want results, stop kidding around.


Your home is where your heart is but something is stopping you from getting the pleasure you can derive out of it. You have to put extra effort to get your way. To do so peacefully, you have to show less attitude and say less. Actions speak louder than words, and you will be understood.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. It’s easier to get you way today, but still there are obstacles that could emanate from you saying something in a way that irks the listener. Do yourself a favor, and do your thing without having to explain yourself. It’s probably not their business anyway. The less you chatter, the better off all your day will turn out.


When you find that you are worried about stuff and not sure why, the best thing to do is to place your attention onto the less fortunate. Use today to do an act of charity that won’t break your bank. A little donation will lift your spirit, and do someone else well. It will do wonders for your Karma.


If you are worried that you have bitten more than you can chew today, and that you have way too much on your plate, don’t worry! Today is made for asking others, who are ready, able and oh so willing, to assist you in anything you need help in. just ask.


Even though you know a lot about what you are talking about, the day will not go the way you want it to, if you put too many demands on those who are supposed to be your most important helpers. No amount of complaining can win them over. The only way to get them on your side, is to prove to them, what is in this for them.  


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You shine when you offer and assist along the way, but know your place. You don’t have to agree with everything said, you just have to get involved and get the show on the road. Whether you like it or not, it’s best not to say anything. Bottom line is, it’s not your call.   


You may owe someone money, and you know that you can repay them. Today, it weighs heavily on your soul. You wish you could wave your magic wand and have the debt paid. If you possibly can, pay up and move on. If you can’t, make a phone call, put a good vibe into this situation, and get a payment plan in place.


Relationships are highlighted. You have so many good ideas running around in your head, and today, you communicate them to those who matter. It won’t be an easy sell, but you’ve got what it takes. To convince them, you need to show the step by step way, it will be a lengthy explanation.


You take your work so seriously today, that it is a joy to see. It must be interesting work, because you are immersed in it and almost have a religious experience… who cannot appreciate someone like you today? You get super good tips as a reward, and all is well in your world.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. It’s all fun and games until someone is not happy with you? This could be the scenario: you need to put a serious face on, and wait until the evening when the work day is done, to start with some shenanigans that you seem to need to infuse into your life. Everything has to have its time and place.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will break free from those whom you are not in agreement with, and do your own thing. You are willing to be an independent commodity, to make your family whole. You will find new people to assist you. Love will be possible with someone who will give you all the space you need to be your own person to reach your goals.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon enters Cancer at 1:26 AM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mercury and an easy angle with the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star