August 31, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



People may shoot down your ideas and make you feel foolish about even saying them out loud, but the truth is you make sense. But they make a fuss to stop you from getting an approval. The good side of the day, is that you find compassion from someone special to you, and love ensues.


Monetary issues are not going your way today, and you may get discouraged. But don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time before you will be able to visit this situation again to your benefit. Meanwhile you make for the best employee and may get rewarded with a better pay for that alone.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. It isn’t nice to try to trip someone. That kind of Karma can come back to you, so please don’t do whatever you feel like doing to someone. You don’t have to like everyone, but you must to coexist. When you are kind it will come back to you tenfold. Romance runs hot today, so do something exciting with someone fun.


It’s all in your head. If you are thinking that there is someone conspiring against you, it’s all in your head. And even if you may be correct, don’t get depressed about it. This too shall pass and in a very short period of time. You won’t have to do a thing. It’s their Karma they are messing with.


Not every friend is a true friend, and today, they are showing their true colors. You find out who your friends are, and who you can live without, thank you very much… talk it out with someone you trust and put a period to this episode. It may just be that that person is having a bad day?


Even though there are many obstacles for you to surmount today, but the great thing is that the end result of you being dedicated to your work, and being immersed in all you do, will be wonderful! Your love life flourishes today also so have a good time…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Everything goes smoothly, especially your love life. This is a good day to start a relationship, or if you are in a relationship, to just have loads of fun with your loved one. You are distracted when you do your work, but you don’t mind at all…


You may throw your arms up in the air and give up on trying to clarify a financial transaction between a few people and yourself. You need to get back to this another day. However, you find the arms of your loved one a soft place too fall…


Relationships are highlighted. You are super ambitious and have talks with a higher up, but things don’t go as smoothly as you hoped. Don’t get discouraged, it was a good start. Now get out there and have a good time with a bunch of friends.


You may be resentful about the work loaded job that has landed at your feet, but if you do what you need to do to get this done, this will stack up to many points in your favor for the future. In the end this is a winning proposition, so get busy.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Whatever has fouled your mood can be easily remedied with a love date that will be entertaining. Romance is in the air, and that makes everything alright. Go for a sightseeing ride, or just stay put, it won’t matter much, it’s all good…


When there is no peace at home but turmoil, it makes situations difficult. However, you can rely on your loved one to take off the pressure by cooking a homemade dinner and a movie, and cuddle up on the couch.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be all business that has a tinge of ruthlessness to it. You have to soften the way you observe the world, and soften your touch. You will be at the top of your game already thinking into the future, and taking your own inventory. Love will be possible with someone who will not be effected by you ambitiously working long hours.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Venus, a hard angle with Mars, a hard angle with Neptune and an excellent angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 30, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Critical Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will have to feel grounded in your relationships and not get lost in them, or give your power away in them. Stand in who you are, and communicate from your point of view without worry that you won’t be accepted.


Never resting Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will need to feel grounded in how you do your job each and every day, without second guessing yourself. No matter how a day progresses, you will need to have a vision for each day, and try to stick to it. Believe that you have it just as good as the next person.


Mental Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will want to tackle things you never would have before. You will be excited at trying new possibilities and you will have to trust yourself without getting discouraged by others opinions and by your own insecurities. The moon is in your sign today, and you rule the day. Do something extra special for you only. Be a little selfish, it’s ok.


Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will welcome the autumn season with creating a cozy and fun home. Decorating will take up a quite a bit of your time, but you will be happy to do so. The look may change into many different appearances, but you will enjoy your home and your family. Paint one wall at a time, if that is what you feel like doing.


Talkative Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will be a chatty person who is looking for someone to talk to about anything that is relevant, but especially about how to navigate your everyday and your work life. You will want to get answers about how to make your everyday easier, and your life flow easier; how to switch from one ‘hat’ to another. You will also enjoy to sit on the stoop and talk to your neighbors. Maybe meet new ones?


Analytical Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will be smart to make sure that your bank account and your earnings all line up, and that you are not being resentful about what others are making or try to catch up with them. Be happy with what possessions you have, without being envious about other people. What you have is not what defines you.


Brainy Mercury enters your sign today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will need to find many projects to get busy with, so that your hands are always doing something, and your mind is engaged. Otherwise you will deal with pent up energy that will have nowhere to go. Which in return could make you the frustrated person you don’t want to be.  


Analytical Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will find yourself doing a whole lot of reflecting about all the recent events, and Lord knows there have been many. You will need to turn negative thoughts into happy memories, by thinking about them in a different way, and by forgiving all digressions someone had about you.


Discerning Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will find that even though your group of friendships may expand, and that you will find old friendships to smile about again, at the same time you will have to try not to become judgmental about them. You will learn that you will need to accept people as they are, if you want to stay on friendly terms…         


Quicksilver Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. Being ambitious is nothing new to your nature, and yet, you may come across opportunities that expand your career, even though you may be over your head already. Be careful to not overdo, and then have to redo what you do…


Visionary Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. Even the deepest dreams in the corners or your psyche will come out and question whether you are doing what you were meant to be doing, or should you change course. You will need to stay steadfast, and trust that you are already on the right track.          


Vixen Mercury enters Libra today to travel through there until November 5th, with three weeks of retrograde between September 27th and October 18th. You will be tantalized and excited about your paramours and those who will try to be. Competition between friends to get your attention can be exhilarating, but fraught with problems, if you take it seriously, and don’t see the humor in this. Money issues will need to be handled with kid gloves. Stay tuned…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have to be very meticulous about the books you keep, and about your life in general. You will have a one track mind and be a career person all the time. You will have to schedule time for love and for friendship. Love will be possible with someone with whom you have a spiritual connection and with whom you finish each other’s sentences… 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

Mercury enters Libra.

The moon makes a hard angle with the sun and an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, August 28 – Sunday, August 29, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, you may be nursing a bit of a headache, but that won’t stop you from doing countless chores that confuse you by day’s end. Food shopping, done. Laundry, done. Time to rest? No rest for the weary. On Sunday, you may feel like someone is trying to push you away from a job, for their own benefit. However, now that you are aware and prepared mentally, you can shoo them away as easily as snapping your fingers, and prove how much of an asset you are. Victory can be yours, but you must be persistent. 


On Saturday, the moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your energy is up, your enthusiasm for the good things in life are up as well. Even those who have been in your way of appreciating life fully, are on your side and celebrating life alongside. On Sunday, you know how to drive your point across and how to express yourself with a flair and the confidence that will make people stand up and cheer! Everybody wants to be you today… lol.


On Saturday, you wish people left you alone but of course they are coming out the woodworks. Better have a poker face and go along with the program. How bad can it be to be loved and sought after? On Sunday, you feel as though you have to figure out a familial question that may have been lingering on for a long time, (perhaps even for generations.) Now you can finally put a period on it, and move on.


On Saturday, speaking of being sought after? You are the one who is most sought after this day. How can you refuse anyone who is looking for a stimulating conversation, even though it may be going round and round, but is fun and educational? On Sunday, if you want to bring someone into the fold of a group you belong to, take to the floor to convince them about your feelings. You will be heard clearly and the answer will be in your favor.


On Saturday, when you get the opportunity to make money, why wouldn’t you?! And you do take advantage of a day where you can make money to be proud of. Everything else is secondary. Good luck! On Sunday, if you feel insecure about a potential business proposition, put your mind at ease: the end result is gorgeous. Your whole family will profit from it and effected in a positive way.


On Saturday, this is one of the best days of the month for you. You may sense that someone doesn’t understand your motives, you find a way to explain yourself and this person comes to understand what you need to get done, and gets on board with you on this project. All bad feeling disappear. On Sunday: isn’t it nice to have a day where you’re so clear headed, no matter what goes on in the world? Where you can define your goals, and have an inner knowing that you will be able to achieve them?


On Saturday, you see even a negative situation with a sense of spirituality, and a need to understand why you are upset. Some days it’s not easy to stay calm, and you are having one of those days. Your energy level is a little low, but this shall pass. On Sunday, it’s as if you have unlocked the mysteries of the whole world itself, and found your rightful spiritual place in it! You understand the grace there is in the hardships we all are going through.


On Saturday, relationships are highlighted. What a fun day to visit with friends! Entertaining and having a good time doesn’t stop you from hearing what is on their mind and lending a hand should anyone need your help. You drop everything and find time for them. On Sunday, if you ever felt tongue tied and incapable of discussing something important with someone, today is the day to tackle the issue, and come to a mutual understanding.


On Saturday, you are seriously thinking of declining invitation to have fun. You are thinking of your career, and are doing a great job and enjoying your work. What a fine day, to make progress, and forget about any kind of foolishness for another day. On Sunday, if you have ever felt that you need to have an explanation to a job that you could do in a most wonderful way, but don’t because of a lack of knowledge, today is your day to ask! You will be enlightened, and able to do it with ease!


On Saturday, this is one of the best days of the month for you. You put a smile on everyone’s lips with your good attitude, and with your enthusiasm to have a good day, and you inspire everyone else to join in. On Sunday, you are an extraordinary story teller today. If you need to write down something important about your life and have it understood by one and all, today is your day. It has the potential to change your life for the better.


On Saturday, strong feelings of a need to let go of an old wound, get past a situation and to move forward. It won’t be an easy transition, but a necessary one, and you will be happy when it’s all said and done. On Sunday, when you need to clarify a situation between you and someone important to your life, you want the conversation to be from the heart, and accepted by both of you with compassion, today is your day. Negativity will be erased.


On Saturday, you desire to put on your sneakers and go for a walk, while you out, you are on your phone chatting away. All you want is to have meaningless conversations of cheer and good will. On Sunday, meaningful conversations are more what you want to hear today, and indeed, you can get down to the bottom of just about anything you need an answer for; you ask smart questions and get the answers.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will have a way about you to get all your needs done without consulting anyone because you will do everything naturally, with enthusiasm and with a knowledge that will give you an edge above the rest. You will make business plans that you will be able to check off one by one. Love will be possible with someone who is a frustrated traveler, who loves to read adventure books.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have a year where things will be chugging along in a faster pace, and you will be satisfied at the result of whatever you will be busy creating. Make a gutsy plan, and watch it mature right before your very eyes. Love will be possible with someone who is ambitious, and family oriented.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:



The moon is in Taurus.

The moon conjoins Uranus, makes an excellent angle with Mars and an easy angle with Neptune.


The moon in Taurus makes an excellent angle with Pluto, a hard angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Mercury.

The moon enters Gemini at 12:42 pm EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 27, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You won’t allow anyone to steal your thunder. When you do a great job and someone is there to be unhappy with it, that doesn’t mean that they are right. And besides, why would you care? You have finished the best you can, and the pay is even more than you had anticipated.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the wonderful work I am blessed with.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Determination is your strongest point today. Wild horses couldn’t sway you from what you need to take care of, and nothing can stop the delight you feel for how far you’ve come. You are making serious progress that took hard work to create, and many obstacles to overcome. But change is inevitable. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the changes I am making in my life.”


You need to rest your brain from all the hardships in the world around you that are creating some conflict in your life, and slowing down your progress. Maybe there is a reason why you have to slow down? Maybe you need your rest, and leave figuring out important issues to another time.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for giving myself time off.”


Your friend may be demanding, but you don’t mind at all. You are willing to overlook many flaws because you love this person. Your friend needs an ear to dump all sorts of trouble onto, and you are being too nice to decline. Go for coffee, get an ear full and a huge hug in the end…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my complicated friends.”


What are you, a money making machine? Or are you only acting as one? But you are having a good time being in control for the day. Even though a female person may not be so happy for you, and may be creating a situation to rain on your parade, but that only makes you stronger.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for becoming a force to be reckoned with.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Speak your mind and get your wish. Make plans that are long term and they will come true. You have the Midas touch and everything you touch turns into gold. What a lovely day to be alive.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for a week when the end result is good fortune.”


You wish life wasn’t so exasperating nowadays but it is. And today, it gets to you some. Light up candles that perfume your surroundings so pretty, sink into a bubble bath, or go for a foot massage. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off situations you have no control over, and to relax deeply.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the blessings that make life rich.”


Relationships are highlighted. You make decisions on the fly, and they end up the right decisions. You don’t have to think much or contemplate much to know that you are involved with the correct people for any situation, and that you are involved with the perfect person in love.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having great persons on my side.”


Your work ethic does not go unseen by those who matter the most. They may even be contemplating to promote you. By the looks of today, you deserve the best! You are all over the place and that doesn’t seem to make you flinch. Easy breezy does it! And you don’t even break a sweat.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ease by which I have handled this week.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Whatever plan you have been making, and whatever adventure you want to be on, today it solidifies in your mind and off you go! Make the first step to a long journey. You are a breath of fresh air, and nothing can stand in your way. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having opportunities that make my life interesting.”


When you need to get information about the very foundation of a project that you are very serious about getting involved in, you are capable of getting this information without them knowing that you have even asked. You have an ability to pry into mysteries today, and become enlightened.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the courage to follow my dreams.”


When you talk to someone important to your progress you don’t have to tell everything. It’s good to let some stuff stay as personal. If this person likes what you have to offer, they will be happy to have you on. Some stories need to stay unspoken. It’s your life to create boundaries of your own.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for creating my own life story.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have things very clear in your mind about what you want to do. It may mean that you will have to rely on yourself, because others may not see it the way that you will. They will need proof that you know what you are doing. Love will be possible with someone who is ambitious and who is not afraid to join you on your adventures.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon enters Taurus at 12:27 AM EDT.

The moon makes an excellent angle with the sun and a hard angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 26, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You have a chance to make great stride in your relationship with those who work for you, and with those who work with you side by side. Let bygones be bygones, or start on a new way of working and relating to one another. Today, your personality shines and you sound rational and with a plan.


Make long term plans. You know exactly what you want to take a chance on, based on what hasn’t worked in your life, and based on what passions you have that you want to integrate into your life. You have never been so clear headed without any reservations or doubts, and time is on your side.


Your compassion for a friend has no bounds. You want to give them the best advice and do so with open arms. Just make sure that your giving nature isn’t working against your family’s interests. Your friend may ask to move in with you temporarily… it will take a long time before they leave…


Talk to someone who can help you in your career. Someone who has the key to unlock your potential and to get you to prove how brilliant you are. Your status on the internet makes your business go around; today gives you a chance to have an edge by improving your presence there.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Order that machine, or that gadget that can change how you run your operation, or help it in a profound way. That thing that can make your work easier, and make you more money. There is always room for improvement and today counts.


Open your heart and express exactly what you are dissatisfied with, and you will get results. You are so on top of your game, you possess so much positive and intense understanding of how this operation works. If you do not, this is a very good day to learn about the machinations involved.  


Relationships are highlighted. You are super passionate, and are able to express yourself very well. If you want to talk to your partner about what you have had enough of, and what you want to see going forward, this is the day to engage in this kind of conversation. The whole household will be effected in a positive way.


If you have to upgrade your web presence, if you need to be assisted there in some way, you can find the person who can do just that. Your ability to absorb these changes is heightened, and you absorb like a sponge. It will change your work habits and make you more efficient for the long run.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Bring your ideas and knowledge for higher ups to see and hear. If you want to make an impression that is affirmative, and if you want to come off smart, dress for success and look glamorous. What comes out of your mouth is innovative, brave and impressive. You are the whole package today.


Your power of observation is heightened, and your desire for change is great. This is a powerful combination that has the potential to change your life and to bring you closer to what you want your life to look like going forward. You are intuitive and compromising at the same time.


The way you speak today is enthusiastic, and you find the precise words to express exactly whatever you feel deeply. No one can walk away misunderstanding your motives or why you say what you say. So if there is anyone you want to come to an understanding with, this is your day. Face time…


Relationships are complicated even when they are in the best case scenario. And today, you have a chance to unravel complicated situations and make them easy to digest again. Your approach is simple and uncomplicated, and you can get right to the point and have hugs and kisses in the end.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be super brilliant! You will be able to see through people, and understand them before they even speak. You will take chances, and make great progress by sheer energy and determination. Love will be possible with someone who is loving and who has a very strong work ethic.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The moon makes a hard angle with Pluto and an easy angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 25, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You want to spread love and you do so with no problem today. Show compassion and thankfulness, and they will eat out of your hand. Bring coffee and bagels for your crew, and they will remember this day, and won’t cost you much. They will feel appreciated.


There is a lot you can learn about yourself today, while you do the thing you love to do the most. Hopefully it’s your job. Because you can impress with your knowledge and with your passion. Tune inward, and you will come out on top.


Friendships flourish, and should you need someone to break up a day that is complicated, you know who to reach out to. That is what friendships are for. This is the kind of day, that if you haven’t spoken to someone for a long time, you will both feel like no days have past at all.


You are all business all day, and you won’t have it any other way. Your mind may be distracted by the world around you, but what you enjoy is the ability to get back to what you love to do. It calms you down and this crazy world doesn’t affect you, almost protect you then.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Sweet words come out of you and inspire others. And if you need to be inspired yourself, just remember how much you are doing for others even when you could be making money. You make time for someone who needs to hear your sweet voice saying these words that cheers them on.


You want to continue to work on what is important, and there is no better time to get started than the present. You are focused and your office can get into shipshape in no time, as long as you don’t get involved in long winded conversations that go nowhere. Stick to your work, and enjoy your day.


Relationships are highlighted. There is no subject of any depth that needs to be discussed today, unless absolutely necessary. Give a token of appreciation a single rose, or a bouquet of flowers, which will speak volumes without one word uttered. Love is a beautiful thing, and action speaks louder.


As much as people may be lining up to help you in your day, you really can do it all by yourself, and probably better. They mean well, but confusion even chaos may ensue. To prevent any unnecessary headaches, it’s best to just have coffee with your peeps and not ask for anything at all.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are creative and are able to make your business a place where people actually want to come to work, and not feel tired after a short period of time. As long as you are being entertaining, all goes well, and your collective work is excellent.


Your home is where you think the best, rest the most and can do your best work also. Best case scenario, bring your work home. It will allow you to not listen to outside noises that slow you down, and you will be able to make stride much better than anywhere else.


There is so much love in your heart, and you want to express it. Make time for a little romance and for a little intimacy. You may want to dress sensually for a dinner for two. If single; write a note and send it to someone you like and want to know better. You never know, it may do the trick…


Money makes the world go around, and today, you are focused on making a living, and trying to impress an important person. You know that if you do a good job, you stand a chance to get paid more than you normally would for the same thing. Nothing can stand in your way, but yourself…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will continue building your life one brick at a time, with the help of someone who will be pivotal to your success. You will be able to make more money than you have recently, and be able to save more, spend more and enjoy your money more. Love will be possible with someone who has a sweet disposition and who is strong at the same time.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 24, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Disagreements in the office become more and more convoluted the more you all talk. The noise makes no sense, and breaking it down doesn’t help any. Wait for a better opportunity to ask for what you need done.


It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt… lol… but seriously, you want to be a jokester today, but then it won’t take root and won’t come off the way you want it to. And you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.


When you need to do your laundry, and then you notice your terrace is a mess and then the fridge is a mess… you know where I am going with this? There is no end to your house demands. Tell it to shut up, and put your feet up instead… done!


Inquiring minds can get you into an awful lot of trouble… if you hear anything disturbing or just unbelievable, let it go from one ear and out the other; it deserves not one good reason to take it seriously. And certainly, do not repeat it…


Money transactions need to be checked and double checked, and if possible leave alone altogether. Why complicate a good thing? Nothing is clear, and nothing needs to be purchased, unless one hundred percent necessary.


Don’t put your bets on whatever anyone says. If you don’t see it with your own two eyes, it could be a trick they are trying to suck you into. On the other hand, it’s nice to know who is for real and who isn’t. 


When you doubt yourself is where lots of troubles can start. But, at the same token, you ought not trust yourself today, and still try to keep away from trouble. Hmmm… There is no good answer…


When your creative juices are not taken seriously, and you try to up yourself, and jump too high for your own good. That is the picture today. Try to stay on steady ground, without exaggerating.


You are the maverick, who thinks that your work is the one to relay on, but that is when no one seems to give you the creds you deserve? The more you let go, and the less you try to convince, the more you are believable. 


There is no preaching allowed today, lol! Which means, you can stand up on your soap box and no one will believe a word you say, and they just keep moving on. To make an impression, keep your ears open and your mouth closed…


The best case scenario, is you keep away from finances involving others. Postpone any such situation, and try not to sign anything involving long term commitments. Wait for an easier day to deal with financial stuff.


Whatever you say sounds like goobly goop to the ears of the listener. Even if they nod their heads in agreement, there is no agreement done. This isn’t April Fool’s day, there is nothing to discuss of any importance. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have so much on your plate, and so many new propositions to sift through, it will be difficult to see the forest from the trees. Ask professionals’ advice before starting on a new venture. Love will be possible with someone who is a hard worker, and who wants to see you grow and succeed.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune and makes an easy angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Aries at 2:57 PM EDT.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 23, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



When your work is as aggravating as anything, you just don’t know what to do or where to turn. Let’s face it: your patience is thinner than thin. Take a deep breath and you will see that when you ask nicely, someone comes to the rescue, which proves to you how important they can become.


When you fall into a grove that won’t let you down, until you finish a project that feels good. The people who are supposed to get creative with you, now, that is a whole another story. They can be quite contrary and not at all obliging. So you take it upon yourself to finish, thank you very much…


There is a push and pull and you feel torn between your career and those who dwell under your roof. Unfortunately, you can only be in one place at a time. The good thing is that you are so loved, even though they are blind this struggle, and love to be around you and want to help in any way. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. People having conversations around you fill your head and you don’t know how to shut the sound off. However, your knowledge of the subject is so deep, that nothing can deter you from providing excellent results. Turn off the outside noise and watch your strength build.


When someone wants you to engage in conversations that are so deep, and to which you have to be alert and comfortable hearing. It’s difficult, but you are gracious enough to listen and to give the wisest advice you can come up with. You do have to make sure not to be emotionally effected.


Relationships are highlighted. This is one of those lucky and wonderful days to have talks about your relationships and to have you be heard and cherished. And furthermore, a gift may be in store for you…    


What a wonderful day to allow yourself to be yourself and to love who you are as you are. Forgive all your mishaps all past transgressions. It’s a difficult mental exercise to do, but is so worth it! Enjoy every day because you are worth the effort.


This is one of the best days of the month for you? Pulling teeth seems easier today, than to get anything done. It seems like people are not responding in the way you want them to. However, the saving grace is your great attitude! You seem undaunted by it all, and all ends well.


You are super ambitious, but situations outside of your ability to control, are moving as slow as molasses. The good thing is that people are anxious to do as you ask them to do, and can back you up when nature doesn’t allow, and they help speed up transactions some.


You are so focused and so wonderfully on top of your game, that anyone trying, and they will, to divert your attention to anything but the bottom line, will be sadly mistaken. You are not falling for any foolery, even though there will be plenty who want to see you confused.


You are the one who is called to inspire any of us who may be lagging behind. It’s your job today, to get some fire under us. You don’t mind at all; just be careful that you don’t lose money by paying more attention to others than you do to yourself.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are being so forgiving, you may even forgive someone who owes you the most money ever. Yup, such is your state of mind that you just want peace, but others are not as forgiving as you are, and may want to continue in some animosity, but you just won’t have it!


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have issues that present themselves in a relationship that will need to have an answer one way or the other. You are at a point in your life where you want to know what to do next and these issues are the most paramount that will decide your long term decisions. Love will be possible with someone who may be working in finances, who loves to play with numbers, and knows how to amass money.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Pisces.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus, a hard angle with Mars and a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, August 21 – Sunday, August 22, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon has you jumping in your seat waiting to get up and out the door. You are on pins and needles and itching to do something! This is your ‘party hardy’ time to get all dolled up and head to a great dance club. Closed, you say? Do it at home! The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will have to be satisfied by what you produce, without getting frustrated, that you can do more. You will work very quickly, and that the quality may suffer. Look at it differently: the trick will be that the less you do, and the slower you go, the less frustrated you will be with the end result product. 


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon, you have a great desire to work on your career. You have all the energy to have a profound day, and to make stride in the direction you want to proceed on. People are open to hear you and to be helpful. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will try to find pleasure in all you do. The words, ‘try to find’ are what will rule your time. Be happy with whatever entertainment comes your way, and take advantage of it. Do something so that you can get out of your house, and enjoy life. If outdoors is the only place you feel comfortable, so be it. Find a concert in the park, and get some dancing going… You will also be super creative so you will find enjoyment in all you do daily.


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon has you head spinning with all sorts of thoughts going in different directions. There is no respite for the thinker that you are, and you don’t mind thinking about the state of the world. Whether or not you come to any answers is a whole another story. Your curious mind is busy and that in itself makes you happy. A good book by your side is all you need. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four week you will try all sorts of things to get your career in motion. Even though your career may be in motion, you will try all kinds of methods to kick start even more projects that you already have on your plate. Just because you have energy to do all great things, doesn’t mean that you won’t be over exerting yourself needlessly. Concentrate on what you are already involved in.


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon has you thinking back in history, and thinking about how you got to where you are, and you are feeling stronger, even though you are emotional about it. You can have a ceremony of letting go of the past, and promise yourself, that you will not make the same mistakes again. You are human and you ought to love yourself, warts and all. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will have enough energy to kick start all sorts of events that will cram your schedule to the max! But you will be happy about being so busy, whether or not it produces results won’t be your major criteria. You will be wonderful company to keep, so please, keep situations light and lively, and not inundated with serious issues.    


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon is in your sun sign finishes your time in the sun with a bang! Continued good times from yesterday, and a sense of a party no matter what day it falls on, but especially this time around, when it’s on a weekend! Have a blast wherever you are, and enjoy every precious moment. The sun enters Virgo, and for the next four weeks you will be able to make more money than you have in a while, which will make you very happy. On the other hand, you will have the desire to spend more money than you have in a while too! Don’t spend money on anything more than what you have to, and give thoughts to spending, before you use splurge. And read the small print before you sign on a large purchase.   


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon can bring out the most frustrated in you! You will have to back off, walk away, and best case scenario, stay home! Do you not need your rest anyway? You have been running around all over the place, sometimes with a purpose and sometimes with no purpose at all. Take an e-book and park yourself on a bench with it. The sun enters you sign, and for the next four weeks you will dream up dreams that are comprehensive and down to earth enough that will you see through for the next twelve months. You will have loads of energy, and be a diligent worker, who is an inspiration to everyone and especially you will be inspiring yourself.


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon and you are in the mood to prank, or to just have as much fun as you want to have. Whatever you think is going to be funny, won’t work! You crave entertainment so badly, that you are willing to do anything. Why not find ways to get some exercise in at the same time? Play ball in the park, or volleyball on the beach? Tire yourself while being entertained. It will do your body good and your mind will be satisfied. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you be low on energy, and will need to renew it every day. Make sure to take extra time for rest and extra time for slumber. You will have very vivid dreams and have spiritual awakenings about what you want to do for months to come, and begin to research your ambitions.   


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon is trying on your need to be home versus your need to be working. But when something important is calling, of course you can’t be at that barbecue… The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will enjoy people and try to see them for social purposes. You will have a friend who has been true to you, but who may eventually, spill a secret you told, to your dismay, and you will contemplate if you ought to continue this friendship.


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon is playing with your head. The things you took for granted are not the things that make you happy today… or any more. That’s ok, you are an evolving person, so don’t be hard on yourself. Your views may be changing, and you could be taking the side of those you never agreed with before? Have good time, and don’t worry about a thing. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will be all career oriented all the time. You have to watch out that you don’t rush into what will seem like easy enough opportunities to tackle, when in reality, they can turn into situations that are not so easy to reach. Don’t hurry into anything prematurely. Wait until you will be perfectly satisfied that you had done diligent research.    


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon brings you some worries about a money transaction? But deep down you know that the end result will be a positive one. It could be all in your head, and your nerves are frayed for other reasons, or just because it’s a Full Moon. Take things with a grain of salt, and don’t over analyze situations. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will get by on sheer energy! The kind of energy that is filled with optimism, and devoid of pessimism. You won’t want anyone to bring your spirit down, or argue with you. You will look for the positive in people and reject the negative. Just try not to force your views on anyone, they do have their own minds and opinions…  


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon in your moon sign promises that whatever glimpses you see of what you want to do, and where you see yourself going are becoming clearer. To dig deeply is easy sometimes, especially today. The other side to this, is being a little melodramatic about yesteryear and missing the good old days, when life was simpler and the world healthier. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks, do not be afraid to dive into the deepest places in your soul, and do not do anything without consulting your inner self. You will try to see about what to do next, but not until it will sit well with your soul. You will be cautious and somewhat suspicious of those who try to lure you into situations.  


Saturday, is much like tomorrow, and represents the beginning of the Full Moon: On Sunday, the Full Moon reminds you how fragile life is and how precious. You feel for those who are having a hard time nowadays, and even more so for yourself. You are thinking of those who have failed you and how you could have done a better job with those people. But this is not a day for you to get in touch with them, but rather to contemplate of what conversation you would like to have in the future, with someone special to you. The sun enters Virgo and for the next four weeks you will try to please and satisfy even the most unappeasable people. This will only lead to you getting frustrated by them, and ultimately you will realize that you can only remain true to yourself, and not try to be what others what you to be.     


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be able to accomplish goals you have been working on for years, and to finish projects that have the potential to make you plenty of dough. You will want to connect in a more meaningful and spiritual way with your loved one, or loved ones. Love will be possible with someone who is a great communicator, and who wants to connect with you in a spiritual way as well…

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole, and contemplate how far you have come. You will be a voracious reader and want to expand your understanding on the history of humanity. You will see the big picture of where you want your life to take you. Love will be possible with someone who is a natural money maker, and who will be able to help you with investing and growing your portfolio.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Aquarius.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.



Mars makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

The moon in Aquarius conjoins Jupiter.

The moon makes an opposition with the sun: Full Moon at 8:02 AM EDT.

The moon enters Pisces at 8:43 AM EDT.

The sun enters Virgo.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 20, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



There is nothing you want to do more than to have beer and a pizza with an old friend, and talk about the good old days. However, you are inundated with demands from your family and that takes precedence over anything fun or foolish you have in mind. Oh, well, the weekend is coming…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a demanding family, bless their hearts.”


You are all business all day, hoping to finish up before the weekend, but there are no guarantees that you will. It seems you have been busier than ever, but are you being productive? You come up with very creative ideas of how to do your work quicker and with most efficiency. You clever you!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a creative sort, thank you very much!”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Today, you are very much in tune with your past and have a keen understanding of what makes you tick. You seem to be making plans; are you planning a trip to see family, because you couldn’t visit them because of this damned virus?

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a wonderful family.”


You need to lighten up and have a good time. Your brain is working overtime, and is not letting up. You need to lighten up and direct your brain to think about positive things, and not negative projections of stuff that could or couldn’t happen. As they say: “It’s all in your head.”

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a functioning brain in the first place.”


Relationships are highlighted. Speak to someone in charge, and you may get a raise, or at least, you’ll find out how much you are appreciated. What a lovely day to be in love! And what a lovely day to have a good time with someone special. As long as you are not being demanding, all goes well.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having special people in my life.”


You are super brilliant today, and if you get the opportunity to prove your mind is strong and powerful, good things emanate. Like a better job or a more productive set of people to work with. You may fall for someone you work with, and start an office romance. Just make sure to play by the rules…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the special people who help me daily.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Self-indulgence comes easily to you today, and why not? You deserve to have a day that is all yours! If you possibly can, take the day off and have a beauty treatment and then have a nice meal with someone special. Or buy yourself something beautiful you fancy.

Friday’s gratitude

“I am grateful for being alive!”


You have a great sense of who you are and where you came from. And you want to pay homage to those who came before you and made it possible for you to be the person you have become. When you have this kind of wisdom, only good things can follow… ancestry dot com, anyone?

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my important influences.”


You can’t dictate to anyone what to do even when you love them. You have to check boundaries, and spread your loving influence on social media. Because when you speak people listen to what you say, some will even take it as gospel. So be extra kind and understand the impact you make on them.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a good influence on people.”


You are in fine standing at your business, as you have made some money, and now you’re wondering how to spend it? You appreciate beautiful things to purchase and you have some serious wanderlust and want to travel, somehow, and are willing to pay plenty to get there.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to spend the money I earn.”


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are in a good mood and full of optimism. You are happy to be able to pay your debts and to be able to start fresh, unweighted by obligations. And even if you still owe some, you can make a serious dent in it, and feel freer than you have in a while.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a cause to celebrate life.”


You want so much to help a dear friend. And you will go to any lengths to do just that. You may not feel wanted, but you are so insistent and make yourself available at all hours of the day and night. That is how much you appreciate your friends and want to see them well and happy.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my good heart.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have much success in your career, and especially if family is involved supporting you. You will be a natural communicator. If you are not hitched, there is a good chance that you will find matrimonial bliss. Love will be possible with someone who is a great listener and who gives wise advice. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

The moon enters Aquarius at 4:49 AM EDT.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Venus and conjoins Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star