August 19, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You hear good news about your association with those who have been the cornerstone to your success. You are all elevated to a new point of success. Don’t let it go to your collective heads… Today, is another day of solid jobs that ought to keep you grounded…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Get in touch with people who may be the key to your success. Tell them of your plans and ask for advice on how to proceed. Some days are tough to balance time between your personal life and your career, and today is one of those days…


You have very strong ideas and very strong points of view. Your soul is stirred by events around you, and today, you see them in a personal way, and how the world is effecting your life. When you come to a peace within yourself about what is happening around you, you find happiness today.


Relationships are highlighted. You make a powerful impression on those who count, and on who want to befriend you. You don’t have to show off your possessions, or how much influence you have. Just be you, and show your beautiful potential as a friend.


You are having an exceptional day in your career, and are able to show higher ups of your true potential. Just don’t take advantage of their good intentions towards you, and blow it by being overly boastful about your achievements.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You come off more timid than you actually are. You exhibit a lack of self-esteem as if you hide your confidence and courage. There is wisdom about when to show your smarts and when not to, and you are doing the correct thing by today…   


You may be over inflating your potential and that is normally not a bad thing, but today, you express yourself so over the top that you may lose the confidence of someone who has been in your corner. To keep your reputation intact, you have to sound a little more down to earth. 


You may be spreading yourself too thin all over the place, because you don’t know how to say ‘no’, and that it can topple the whole apple cart. Today, do things in moderation, which means that you may have to decline some tantalizing project. …but you are super impressive…


You have to know when to speak and when not to. Today, the line is blurry at best: you think you have the stage to say anything that is on your mind, but do you really? Keep your views away from your place of work. The two do not combine!


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are braver than you ever gave yourself credit for! Take a chance on life, and do what you desire to do: invest in your dream! However, do not overstretch yourself financially to the point of breaking. Know your limits, and stay practical.


You may be hell bent on impressing someone, but today is not the day to do so! Or you may want to show superiority over someone annoying or challenging, again, don’t! Take a chill pill, show compassion and listen without showing off. We already know how wonderful you are, lol.  


Don’t give up on a project that has been going fine, but to which you seem to have a lack of trust in today. Everything takes time to come together, and today is a mental exercise for you, to strengthen your faith in knowing how fortunate you are. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have success in your job, because you will sincerely enjoy the work you will be involved with. You will have the tendency to do things in an exaggerated way, and to go over the top in all that you do. Tone down some and find balance. Love will be possible with someone who is able to keep you grounded, and who is your biggest cheerleader.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Capricorn.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus and an easy angle with Neptune.

Uranus begins its retrograde motion.

The moon conjoins Pluto.

The sun makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 18, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



A good word about your leadership elevates you to higher positions and higher understanding of how to run a business. You may be a little moody, but a good word puts you back in the driver’s seat and able to run the operation with ease and with good results from those whom you have hired. This is a good day to get the best out of other people.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Whatever you touch has the potential to turn to gold! Your ideas are taken seriously, and you can start working on them. Your style of leadership is serious yet amusing, and you can make progress by taking chances you never did take before. Shoot for the stars.


You may be overthinking things a bit. You are giving situations, which are not serious, a little too much time to think about. So before you make mountains out of molehills, take a step back, reassess, and maybe you can see the humor in the whole thing. Instead, why not have a day of sensual pleasures to spill into the evening with a romantic, well, dinner and drinks.


Relationships are highlighted. Words of love so soft and tender… but they do have an edge to them… lol. However, your clever way of putting things makes a date mighty entertaining and interesting. So if you want to have a blind date, this could actually end up being a fun night. You may find that you have a lot in common to discuss. Unless your views clash… but that’s another story…


There is virtue to working as hard as you do, and to try to do the best job for the boss. However, you are not exactly in the mood for what someone is saying about your coworkers, and especially if you are a part of the conversation. Don’t make a big deal and squash the situation by not being responsive. Anyway, the pay is fantastic, so you are willing to put up with some nonsense.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Even so, someone is not enjoy your joking around! That someone seems to not understand your sense of humor, or thinks that they are the butt of your joke. This someone needs to be handled with kid gloves today, so just back off, and find someone less sour than this person is today.  


Your home is the focal point today. Invite someone special for a homemade dinner, and you will find that conversation flows to personal subjects and heart to heart talks. You may end up giving more information that you thought you would, but which you won’t mind, because you can get good advice from a good person who likes you.


You may think that you are doing a friend a favor by giving advice, but in reality you will regret this thought process. Your intentions may be good, but this person is not interested in the least in what you think about the situation, and you will find out that no good deed goes unpunished. To keep this precious friendship on good terms, keep the conversation light and lively and not personal.


The career you have chosen is doing well today. You are being held up as an example of good behavior for all to see. So, you are an inspiration and the others want to model their behavior after yours. Try to take this attitude into your civilian life, and try to show people how to be kind to one another. In other word, try not to be selfish on a day where you can be an inspiration to one and all.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Gee, you look so pretty today! You can find a beauty regimen that will turn you on, or perhaps you want to purchase a ‘dress for success’ outfit that looks good and yet is not provocative. Another good thing about today, is that you can let go a situation from the past that has caused you pain, and never look back! A feat that is hard to come by.


To tell tales of wow only makes you look foolish today. Even if you have a real heartfelt story to tell, it will come off too heavy and not as believable as you would have liked it to sound. It may be that you want a relationship work out, and that is the reason you decided to open up. If you do decide to talk, try to infuse hopefulness and talk about good times to come.


We all need a friend sometimes. A close friend has a way of making you feel better about a situation: have you been a little aggressive with someone and now you hear about the consequences of it? But to talk to a friendly voice can make your day come alive, and happiness possible. Your friend can help you weigh your options about how to make the other situation right again.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will run your life your way or no way at all! Especially when it comes to your work. But you know what to do with your life, just try to make sure that you do not irritate people with your attitude. Love will be possible with someone who likes to teach and who may want to have a large family.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon enters Capricorn at 1:58 AM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus.

Mercury conjoins Mars.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 17, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may be approached with opportunities to do something wild and wonderful of a creative kind, that can keep be busy with for at least a few weeks, opportunities you can do right there from the privacy of your office, and from there send off into social media.


To reach a compromise about financial issues is always the way to go. Especially today: instead of seeing this situation as something daunting and impossible to overcome, you can make great progress, when you are willing to see the other side’s point of view and keep their needs in mind.


Relationships are highlighted. What a fine day to approach anyone you want to speak with. You drive your point across clearly, and prove that your vision can be something everyone involved will be happy to be part of. Even if someone may come up with a view that is confusing, you will be able to bring your point back into to front seat.


You are the person who acts in the most professional way today. Everyone takes notes of how you behave and wants to copy your work style and your attitude. It is good for you and for the whole system in which you operate. You are appreciated and expected to do the best work of all…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are the one who is an inspiration to everyone around with your good energy and positive attitude. If anything is bothering you, you certainly are not showing it today. You intend to have a wonderful day and that is it! Should anyone may be in a foul mood, they either lighten up because of you, or you choose to leave the room…


You feel a little stuck in the rigidity of today’s schedule but you have no choice but go along with the program. The best thing you can do today, is to finish up on projects you have been working on. Your home is highlighted as the place where you regain your energy – which isn’t the greatest today. 


This is a good day to take care of communicating with people. Lay out the subject you need to discuss, have all your information in front of you. You make sense and get the response you would like to get. What you say grabs that listener, because your knowledge of the matter is on point.


What a fine day to make money! You are clear about what you are doing, and you get the respect you deserve, and then you get what you ask for, plus+. The only snag could be when someone is not telling you the entire story, and you have to pry the details out of this person.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You have ideas brewing in your head, and today gives you the opportunity to make further strategies about how to proceed with your ideas. This is an excellent day to contact the people who may be pivotal to making your plans into reality.


This is a day in which you are tired. Your energy is off, or not up to par to do anything that can propel you forward. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that you cannot progress. Work behind the scenes, and to keep on keeping on. But this is not a day to being them out for the world to see.


Do you want to socialize and have a good time? The best thing to do, is combine friendship with a touch of taking care of business included in it: you could have dinner with a trusted friend, and discuss issues that deal with issues of the past, to which you want to have another person’s opinions.  


You may be weighing the pros and cons of a business you want to decide whether to leave behind, or to expand. Today, gives you the potential to get very good feedback by a professional, who can steer you in the right direction. It would be wise to make an appointment to have such a discussion.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will take chances you would normally not take, and get to the next level in your career with gumption. You will enjoy life to its fullest, appreciate being alive, and try to make life as entertaining as you possibly can. Love will be possible with someone who is fun to be around, and who loves to make you laugh.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Sagittarius.

The moon makes a hard angle with Neptune, an excellent angle with the sun and an easy angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 16, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will want to do whatever you can to be of service to your loved one. “Here are your slippers, dear!” kind of a time. You will offer to help in whatever work trickles down even when it infringes on to your time together. ‘Lovers who work together, stay together’, kind of a thing.


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will be able to go on that diet you have been promising yourself you will go on, only to not be able to do so. And this time you will persuade yourself to do so, because of how you see yourself in the mirror… …some will blame you for being shallow, but you can just stick your tongue out at those…


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will find that you would like to get into a creative pursuit to enjoy when you are not at work. Perhaps you will start knitting a sweater or crochet scarves for the colder season, and perhaps you will like to write that novel you’ve wanted to write. Or find that logo you have been trying to come up with.


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will find respite in your home. Your home will be the number one place you will run to, because you will find that, no matter if it’s beautiful or not, to you it will be the most calming and enticing place to be, where your strength comes to the forefront and where you can visualize doing anything at all.


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will enjoy the outdoors, you will enjoy going to museums, to local arts and crafts shows and you will enjoy life outside of your home. Have your sneakers by the door, you will use them plenty for the sake of calming your mind while walking, singing or dancing.


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will find a peace and enjoyment in making a living. Yes, waking up in the morning and going to do the work you do, whether you are doing it from home or going to your office, you will find the game in it as a challenge that it’s useful, and find contentment there as the reward.


Venus your ruler enters your sign to travel through here until September 10th, and for the next month you will look for ways to take care of yourself in ways that are beneficial to your mental health. Like you will seek out places where you can get foot massages and deep tissue massages and maybe have your partner join in with you, but it will be primarily for your sake. You will look good and find a perfume that helps you relax, and you will smell good as well… Lol.


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will be invited to many an affair, but you will say: “What party?!” The last thing you’ll want to do is to go to places where you find that people do not appreciate you fully. You will, however, love to visit places where you are appreciated for who you are, and not for what they think you ought to be. You will be able to feel out a phony about this in a second time! 


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will be liked by more people than you have in a while. They will flock to you and want you around because they will find you to be cheek pinch cute. Even if you won’t think so and won’t know what they find in you. Be grateful for having people who adore you, and you will find that your charm even works on higher ups in your business. 


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will find that you will be elevated in your business and you may not understand why or why now. Bask in the moment and take advantage of it. There are issues behind the scene that brought you to the attention of someone who matters, and the rest will be history. Sometimes all we have to do is thank our lucky stars. Just believe that you are deserving of success.  


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will have a more peaceful view of the world that you may have held recently. You will come to accept situations you have no control over, and accept those who hold a different point of view than your own. You may get luckier than most, considering the spike in the virus again, and be able to travel to enjoy the company of someone you miss.


Venus enters Libra to travel through there until September 10th, and for the next month you will find that you come to peaceful resolutions to arguments, which will be short lived yet passionate. If you are arguing about money, you will get your answer and your wish because you use diplomacy and patience. You can ask for a raise, it could happen… 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you may get back to working with someone with whom you have stopped doing business with. You may even to partner up with this person. Partnership will work well for you. You will find that you have more time for love, or for your loved one to do just what you two please, than you may have had in the recent past. Love will be possible with someone who is dramatic in nature, and who is expressive and creative.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Sagittarius.

Venus enters Libra.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mercury, an easy angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, August 14 – Sunday, August 15, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



There is so much for you to do to get on top of your health regimen. You feel as though your health and your mental attitude have to do with how you earn a living, and you are correct about the correlation between them. However, don’t strain your brain! If you can’t get to the gym because of too many tasks to complete, don’t sweat it! Take it as easy as you possibly can. Leave any stressful situation for another day. Enjoy a healthy and a happy late summer weekend with your family. 


Relationships are highlighted all weekend long. Connect with special people in your life. Even with those who have left your life for reasons unknown. Even if a bridge has been burned, and you want to get in touch, why not? It can either be a new chapter in your relationship, or you will find out where you stand once and for all, and that too can be a blessing. Either way, there is communication to be had, and memories to be made this late summer weekend. Have heart to heart talks, but be aware that a lot of reality will be faced and filtered through.


You feel as though you are carrying the whole world is on your shoulders and that you have to take care of everyone. When then, do you have time to take care of yourself? Either take a day off, and forget about your duties and responsibilities, and even disconnect your phone, if need be, or don’t complain when you don’t have a minute to yourself this late summer weekend. Because deep down you want to get in your car, or rent one, and take a long slow drive on long winding roads,a nd check out nature.


Ok, you are the one to enjoy this late summer weekend the most! Ok, so you don’t want to hear “no” for an answer when you invite someone to a comedy show or to go dancing. Why? Because you are sure that everyone feels the way that you do. Wrong! Be gentle with people, and go with the flow. If anything, you can provide the entertainment by just being yourself, because on this weekend, you can be the entire entertainment. A one human band… you sure are fun to be around…


Your weekend is most busy. When everything happens all together, and you are all over the place, but in a much focused way, you can get a lot done. If you’re lucky, you have a planned barbecue in mind, in your home and invite everyone you know. If you are working, and may be resenting having to work on this late summer weekend, just remember that your horoscope is so intensely forward moving, that you will be glad you had. You will be happy when all is said and done, down the line.


Not too often are you as exhausted as you seem this weekend! At the same time you are not exhausted enough to not want to chit chat. You are busy on social media so much that when the battery is about to die, you plug it in and start with your phone connections. Have a good time having your feet up. Or perhaps you have to get off the couch and take care of some chores, like food shopping? Other than that? Just do you, stay put and recuperate.


Feeling a little melancholy? Reminiscing about yesteryear with all of the good times and the sad times, and of all the loves you knew? Just remember that you are who you are now, because of those times and experiences. If you want to indulge in a retail therapy day, that is quite understood, but highly unadvisable. Enjoy your friends and hang out only with those who are mellow enough. And not with those to make you feel anxious…


The moon is in your sign for the entirety of the weekend, and you are the boss! And boy, are you having a good time bossing the rest of the population around! There is a darn good reason why you are excited and having a good time. Your dreams are falling into place, and you have plenty of time to enjoy your career and your friendships this late summer weekend. Enjoy!


If there is any bitching and moaning for you to sound off, you are sure to let someone know that you are not happy with them. What’s the problem? Are you finding that you have to make too many steps along the way of your career? Or has a plan you have hatched up that you thought was just the ticket, but that you find that you have to work too hard to get there? Take responsibility, and you will find that you are madder at yourself than anyone else. Things do take time to come together… Put your feet up and give your brain a rest. Everything will fall into place.


Everyone wants to be your friend, and you either love to have company this weekend or go see people to the point where you already have picked your party dress, or you find yourself on the other side of this equation, and would like to hide from said company, and draw your shades down, with the sign ‘not home’ on your door. There is no in between. The question is why? And the answer is that you are worried to be asked personal questions. You need mental rest, not excitement.


Everything but the kitchen sink is thrown at you, and you are supposed to make sense out of everything, and be able to carry on and make a success out of this weekend. Indeed, if you can handle all that is coming at you and if you can juggle it properly, you will be successful beyond measure. You are being tested this weekend, and let’s see if you sink or swim towards new and exciting shores.


You are much grounded in your thoughts and in your beliefs. You know who you are and what kind of people you want to hang out with. That means that you stubbornly know all this, and have a righteous attitude about it. Not to mention that someone is irritating you to the point where you feel justified not wanting to see their face. But hold on before you shooting your mouth off! Karma is something you want to keep on the good side of you, and canceling people spells the opposite… Karmicly speaking.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will see your home changing in the way it functions – you either change rooms around, expand, or think of selling, or adding an office to your home. Whatever happens, life has been in a major change, and you will be planning your next move, starting with your home. Love will be possible with someone who is super capable and independent, and whom you may discover at a job site, or at a business transaction.    

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be a tower of power who makes changes to your life without looking back! You will show that you know how to get things done, and you will be admired for your stamina and for your knowledge. Love will be possible with someone who does well working in partnerships, and who never travels the world solo.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Scorpio.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mercury, a hard angle with Saturn and an easy angle with Mars and a hard angle with Uranus.



The moon in Scorpio makes an excellent angle with Neptune, a hard angle with the sun, an easy angle with Pluto, a hard angle with Jupiter and an easy angle with Venus.

The moon enters Sagittarius at 11:12 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 13, 2021 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You may have to give more love than you receive today, and that’s ok. Not every day can you see eye to eye, and yet as long as the love is strong, all is well. However, should someone deceive you today, you find the perfect words to say your piece. Perhaps you are better off without this person.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


Idle hands are never a good thing. So roll up your sleeves and do the chores you have to do no matter if you want to or not. Think of the end result while you resent having to do the stuff that you have to do today. Look at it this way: when the weekend rolls round, you will have it all behind you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


Your weekend starts early! If life is a party, you certainly know how to live it up today! You may have put your dance shoes on early on in the day in anticipation of having great fun. Save your energy for this evening, and enjoy every precious moment of doing whatever your heart desires.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


Your home is where you heart is and today, you enjoy your home after the week’s work is done. All you want to do is stretch out on the couch and start to stream a lengthy series you have been eyeing. Enjoy a home cooked meal, and watch how your life is all around you. Happiness is what this is.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


You go about your business minding your own business and having a decent day doing so. You think of the weekend coming up; thinking how you would like to stay at home and do nothing. Or at least stay at home and putter around. You have worked all week, and deserve a quiet time indoors.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


Finishing up on a project that you have to sell, is all you’re thinking about. Perhaps it’s because the weekend is coming, and you want to start with a clean slate next week, and you are doing a good job in doing so. Your concentration is on point, and your feet are firmly planted on the ground.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


You finish up the week on a high note. Whatever obstacles you were facing you got over without complaining, and you got a whole lot of help when you played your hand properly. Today, you are basking in your own glory, and enjoying a well done week. Treat yourself to something special.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


You gave it your all this week, and you’ve come to a point of exhaustion. The more you push, the worse it’s going to get. You have to put a period on the week, get on your couch, curl up with a good book, and get yourself back together again. You want to have energy to enjoy the weekend.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


A smart opportunity lands in front of you, and you take advantage and get a group together to see if it makes sense for you to get you all involved in it. It’s a profitable situation that you ought to sleep on, over the weekend. Meanwhile get these friends together for a drink and get a party started.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


Some weeks never seem to end and this one sure keeps going on and on. You are all business all day, with no reason to rest, and you’re picking up momentum. The good thing is, you have the energy to back it up, and still have plenty left for partying with your buddies over the weekend. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


You have left no stone unturned this week, and deserve to enjoy today. Why stay at home when you can go visit someone and have a good time. It looks like you may have to work over the weekend, so you may as well enjoy this evening. A love connection can be an interesting person to look into.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”       


You want to know where every transaction went to and how. You do a thorough job and feel a lot more at ease than you have earlier in the day. With your mind at ease, you are now ready to enjoy an intimate date. Make reservations for a sexy corner table at your favorite restaurant. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for lovely summer days!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole, and see that deep down you are ready to consider some changes. You may want to change what you do or change your approach. You may want to take courses in a subject you enjoy but for which you are not completely ready for. Love will be possible with someone who is not easy to understand, but who has a curious mind and enjoys many interests.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Libra makes an easy angle with the sun, a hard angle with Pluto and an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Scorpio at 8:02 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 12, 2021 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. You can have people to eat out of your hand because you say the right words and act in a way that is charming and unpretentious. Everything about you spells for others that you are willing, and wanting to join in whatever they are doing as well. An all-round day of joy.


You are all business all day, and nothing and no one can possible divert you from the subject at hand! Saying that you are stubborn is an understatement today. You enjoy the stuff that makes your everyday ordinary, and yet so extraordinary by virtue of you being alive and that’s enough.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You bring a smile to the faces of those who are in the room as soon as you walk in. You bring joy wherever you go, because your spirit feels less burdened today. You have goals which are in place, a good reason for you to be happy.


Not every day is a holiday, and today certainly looks like a working day for you. You are doing what is expected of you, and you put your heart and soul into it. Well, at least you put your body into it. You take things seriously. Maybe too seriously.


What a day for easy communication for you! Whatever issues need to be discuss, by all means, make yourself helpful for a day of coming together in thought and in action. The answer to any of your requests will be a resounding “yes”! Especially to requests from the heart.


You can make stride in a project that may have been taking forever, up to now, to come to any kind of fruition. But here it is, and you are so far into it, and can finish it today. The pay isn’t bad either! You will be proud of your achievements. One small achievement at a time.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You have a happy day in which you find the best in everyone you work with and with anyone who crosses your path. People are complimentary to you and you are happy to great one and all. Your wish is our command.


You have such a busy day, and yet your find yourself engulfed in emotions that make you think of yesterday and what has happened in your life in the past. This new strain of Corona is upsetting to you today, as you are trying to live your life as best as you can. Keep your chin up and your hands busy.


Your work is keeping you spread all over the place, and you know that you must pause every once in a while, to grab coffee with a friend. Whether in person or on the phone, take time off for a little conversation that will make all the difference in the world, and a few laughs won’t hurt either…


You make for a good boss when you listen to those who have something to say, and you are all ears. You take whatever anyone says, as long as they are expert of course, and you can make the project so much more profitable by the information you receive.


This is a fine day to set goals in line for action. Get all the information you need, that you may have already, and start the very first step towards that long term goal. You have fine opportunities today to take advantage of which supersede any other thing that may be keeping you busy today.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may find yourself in deep conversation about intimate subjects that you may not be in the mood to discuss at all. You can always tear yourself away, and get back to whatever you have been doing. Your mental health matters most of all today.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have to overcome many obstacles, which you will be able to conquer by asking questions and by doing your research. You will make money from an unexpected source, by giving advice or by teaching. Love will be possible with someone who is not easy to understand, and who is tender hearted.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Libra.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 11, 2021 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Picky Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will notice every little thing that annoys you in your office, and to which you won’t rest until you find a solution for. Just don’t throw anything against the wall in frustration… just get it to your liking, for optimal productivity.


Expressive Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will look for amusement wherever you can find it! You will enjoy your life more than you have the right to, and not waste time on worrying about the future or to ponder about the past. You will find happiness where you can find it, and make no apologies about it.


Meticulous Mercury, your ruler, enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will relentlessly work on projects in your home sweet home, and without stopping! You will want the next few months to be as comfortable for you and your family. You will find the furniture you have been searching for, but haven’t been able to find due to shortage, or whatever reason, and you will come to a peaceful place in your heart about your home.


Communicative Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will have so many communication opportunities that you will find yourself preparing for them until the wee hours of the night. You will have to make sure that you get enough sleep… but you will be able to cover much ground that has eluded you recently, and be able to speak to all the people you need to discuss important issues with. You will need a mental vacation when this cycle is through…


Detail oriented Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will have the eagle eye: observing of the comings and goings of your money. You will find a more appropriate way to look at your banking, and change your system if need be. You won’t rest until you see that the system is as uncomplicated as possible. All this action will go on, because you’ll see that you’re over spending, and it can get out of control, and you want to get back to being more frugal.


Never resting Mercury your ruler enters your sign, to travel through here until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will look like the energizing bunny! You will be rushing around and no one will be able to keep up with you. You will be able to cover more territory than you can even imagine, however, and even though you are known for precision, you will have to keep in mind, that it’s more important to complete your projects with accuracy. You will have to make a mental notation that quality is more important than quantity. 


Visionary Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will crave time alone. You will crave the things in life that money can’t buy. You will crave extra time for the luxury of meditation, for closing your eyes and napping during the day and time to dream up a new you. You will have vivid dreams with lots of details in them. Keep a notebook next to your bed and jot them down when you can. You will need more rest than you usually do.


Chatty Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will find every party every place of gathering and every fun friend you can dig up to go see shows, or just have lots of lunches with dear friends. You won’t be able to help yourself! Life is too short, and life is for the living, and you will live it up to the hilt, well as much as this current pandemic rules will allow. And good for you!


Logical Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will find that you don’t have much option but to stick to taking care of your business dealings, and business developments. There will be much action there, and you will need to make sure that you are not going to miss on any important opportunities. However, you won’t be able to handle the volume that will be thrown on your desk, and what will pour into your inbox.


Observant Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will soar above the rest of us and above the entire planet. You will be in search of a better way of life and in search of better opportunities. Your vision will be twenty-twenty and nothing will pass your super vision. No one will be able pull any fast ones past your eyes. You will gain wisdom that will come in handy later on in the year, so keep your mind as open as your eyes.  


Persistent Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will look for every loop hole and for every opportunity to make all your financial transactions that you have had with someone, known to you. Statements with whomever is intricately involved with you in investments, or in any other type of partnership. You will have a great need to know exactly where you stand, and you will leave nothing to chance. It’s a smart move on your part, which will make you be at ease.


Analytical Mercury enters Virgo to travel through there until August 30th, and for the remainder of the month you will try to understand the relationships you are currently involved in. Whether they are of the personal type or in business. You will relentlessly, bring up the perception of how you think people treat you. You will have to be cautious not to overdo it, because you never know how they may react. You will find yourself, at multiple times, in need to take a deep breath, and to mumble something under your breath. To keep the peace – needs to be your greatest goal now.    


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be a money making machine, and you ought to make sure that you are not going to be a money spending machine. Your potential for success is great and your opportunities multiple. Love will be possible with someone who is a little emotional, and who appreciates beautiful things.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Virgo makes a hard angle with Neptune, conjoins Venus and makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Libra at 4:08 PM EDT.

Mercury enters Virgo.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 10, 2021 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



When you want so much to infuse magic to a humdrum day and a humdrum project you are working on, or on a job you are doing now, and good for you for having the desire to do the best that you can. However, it may not need that fancy dress you are wanting to throw on it, to beautify it. Sometimes it’s best to leave simple things just as they are. They are charming without any brouhaha.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. The stories you tell are just wonderful! They are filled with romance and suspense and everything in between. Here is a vision: you, sitting on your front porch with a neighbor chewing on an old story and stretching it as far as you can to your amusement and delight. But hold on! Whom do you think you are kidding, no one believes any of it, and so what? It’s all in good fun… On to another subject: you may want to throw out that old ugly chair already…


It’s all about how you present yourself today. Your language needs to be the best you can have, and the way you speak has to be as entertaining as you can possibly come up with. And before you come up with any outlandish speeches, know that you have to censor them beforehand. Be as clear as you can be and remember to stay as close to the spine of the story as you can, without veering off the subject too much…


When you give, you give with both arms open, and with your wallet open too. But today, it would be much wiser to think before you give any money that has been not easy for you to save and scrimp for. Be economical and don’t be swayed by sweet talking someone who may or may not be down on their luck. Because when all is said and done, let’s face it, you didn’t believe half of what was said. 


Today you have the attitude that everyone is going to be in complete harmony with you, but you really don’t know that for a fact, because some folks can be way off what you assume their attitude would be towards you. Oh well, don’t put too much into this, they will come around tomorrow. It’s only just a glitch…


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. That being said, you have to keep in mind that you are rushing along, but things and situations unknown can be present, and present temporary hurdles. To wear sneakers and try to get over these hurdles will only prove futile. Patience is key today, and sometimes to postpone does not mean to procrastinate.  


You are trying to get your head together to be able to handle whatever is on your plate, when someone makes a joke and a mockery of what you find sacred! It gives you unnecessary anxiety. The thing is, even your best buddies don’t particularly understand what you are going through. Don’t hold it against anyone, it’s just another day… You’ll all be singing kumbaya soon enough…


There is so much momentum in your day that you can get tripped up by an outlandish idea that seems easy to put together, when the fact is the opposite is the truth. So you try, and can get disillusioned. The key to today is to be able to look the truth in the face, and not to make business decisions based on face value alone. Someone may be massively exaggerating and not tell you.


Fantasy and fairytales go hand in hand today. The good thing is that you wake up ready to make miracles that popped up in your head, and which you think are a piece of cake to create. Your heart may palpitate at the genius you have uncovered in the depth of your mind, but before you rush to get started give it another few days to mature in your mind. You may or may not change your mind about the whole thing.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Before you promise anyone anything by way of financial payment or aid, remember that you are biting more than you can chew. Cut the number in half and then you will come to a more feasible number to rely on. Negotiate something a little more realistic and not what you would like it to be. It’s not that you are not being dishonest, is that you are seeing things a bit over budget.


You don’t have much patience for anyone who is telling one thing and white washes the truth about it. Some of the truth is seeping through the BS, and some is hiding there pretty well. It’s not up to you to figure it out, and you won’t be able to anyway. Just wait until tomorrow and see who is telling you what and why. Kapish? Lol.


Relationships are highlighted. If you are ready to present a project to someone important to your progress, you need to rethink what you are working on. Are you missing the point by a mile? Or is it that you your heart is just not really into it, and that you don’t seem to find the connection between your mind and your heart? Whatever the case may be, it’s not fatal, it’s something for you to discover and repair.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be able to continue on a path you have already have chosen and to find imaginative and creative ways to pursue a more lucrative way to create your wealth. The trick will be to do so without making a false impression that can be a hurdle in your path. Love will be possible with someone who is a little complicated and whom you need to know better before getting further involved…   

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Virgo.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 9, 2021 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Happy go lucky you, has to get down to the nitty gritty, the things in life that happen every day, whether you like it or not. The trick to today, the first day of the work week, is that you have to teach others how to do what is necessary, and you find it perplexingly difficult to do something so simple. You scratch your head, and chuckle. This too shall pass, it isn’t as bad as you think it is…


You are glad it’s the first day of the working week that you are already stepping outside of your home and going to get busy with something that inspires you, brings out your creative juices and just makes you feel alive! The trick to today be: you go overboard with embellishing what creative project you do to the point of kitsch, tacky. Step back, take a look and get back to it tomorrow…


The weekend has left your mind reeling? Or is it the hangover? Whatever the case may be, today, is a new day, a new week and a new you! You are ready to start it out with a bang! To deal with the biggest problems like they are no problem at all! Well fancy you, but the trick to today is to not jump in with both feet when you don’t have a clear idea what exactly is expected of you, or what you expect of the day…


What started to be a day where you feel grounded and ready to tackle just about anything, suddenly takes a turn. The trick to today is that you are not careful you will be all over the place, with no rudder and nowhere to hang your hat. Destination isn’t clear? Concentrate on the small steps that will get you somewhere closer to the destination which seems far from reach, all of a sudden… whassup??


Your day is chugging along, with the New Moon behind you bringing you to start on new adventures and to have the courage to tread on new paths, the trick to today, is that you have to keep an eye on those who promise you a certain amount of money which they cannot verify where it comes from. Where it comes to money, you need to have eyes all over your head. Or, you can make more money than evaa!


No matter how strange your dreams may have been in the night, you wake up to a new day to greet. A day where your energy is sky high, the moon is in your sign combined with Mars and Venus, and when you do so well. The trick to today be to not be so trusting of anyone who whispers words that you know are too good to be true; like when you turn you head and think: “Hum”?


With the social time behind you, you may be exhausted from all the celebration of summer. You wake up thinking of those who are worse off than you are, and your heart goes out to someone who needs help. You’ll stop at nothing to try to lend a hand. Whether or not it will help we shall see. It’s your intention that counts!


Your head is still spinning, after you wake up, as though you have had no sleep at all. It’s the excitement of what you are working on, which is making you be grateful to be alive. The trick to today is keep an eye on someone who claims to be a friend, but in the back of your mind you are not so sure…. And you are right, it may just be smoking mirrors this person is hiding behind…


From dreaming and having wanderlust, to trying to get these plans, one step at a time and bring them into a cohesive kind of a strategy. The trick to today is, that to try to make anything cohesive is an exercise in futility. What you find yourself doing, is trying to see with whom you want to make this project: you have lovely prospects but the answer is not yet here.


You feel rejuvenated after a mental cleansing and you are so ready and rearing to face whatever the week holds for you. But first, you just want to play hooky, at least for a little while. Your mind is a little jumbled, on a beautiful day like today, which may be confusing to you. Connect with someone you adore and have a lovely conversation, before tending to the nitty gritty things in life. 


When you’ve discovered who is on your side and who isn’t, the first thing you think of at the beginning of this week, is that you don’t like to hold grudges and you are willing to wash the slate clean right away! You don’t want any bad feelings lingering on. For one thing, it takes too much energy to hold grudges. And for another, you are a sweetheart and are a lover not a fighter.


There is nothing you can do when a step you had to take in your job, a situation that went down that you couldn’t do anything about and there is no going back. Chalk it off to experience, and to a learning stepping stone. The trick is, you want to give people a second chance because you are a nice person, but don’t be surprised when you are disappointed, and again, a learning experience. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be an independent individual who likes to live on this planet by doing your own thing. You won’t want anyone dictating to you what to do and where to go. You won’t mind breaking every rule to get to your destination. You will however, have to watch that no one takes you for your money without you even noticing that you are being had. Love will be possible with someone who is generous, (hopefully not with your money), and who has the energy to keep up with you…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Leo conjoins Mercury and makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Virgo at 10:56 AM EDT.

Venus makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The moon conjoins Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star