Saturday, May 14 – Sunday, May 15, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Your strong personality shows itself in all its glory this weekend. Your mind is set on changing certain aspects of the most important issues in your life and rightly so. Try to work on this, and leave other people’s problems away from your concern. They will think that you are meddling in their affairs, no matter how genuine you may be. Concentrate on your own life and on issues that matter to you. You may not be in the mood to see anyone and that’s ok. It’s your life and you can keep to yourself when you choose to. You can even meditate even in a room full of people… 


Relationships are highlighted. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. When you are gentle with people they are gentle with you. So ‘do unto others’ certainly holds a meaning this weekend. The more good you do for others the more they will return your kindness. Social activities are highlighted as well, so leave home sweet home for the sake of a good time. Put no pressure on yourself as you must be kind to yourself first and foremost, and only seek entertainment and comfort. Comfort food is way above nourishing food, so go for what you enjoy.


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Distractions from family members need to be put on hold. Get back to family drama next week if you must. This weekend you need to put all your attention on the details that will make your work hum with ease. Any mistakes now, will be blown out of proportion and you will have to answer to them. Be grateful for what you have, and continue in the job that puts the butter on your bread, and don’t fret over whatever little things bother you there. When in the company of people, keep the conversation light and make yourself easy to understand.


This is one of the best weekends of the spring for you. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. The spotlight is on you and you feel invincible. You are voted the most popular person this weekend, so when you are out and about on the town, go on a spree of group selfies (and don’t forget to snap on of your own), to put on social media. If you are looking to change your clothing style, or if you just want to add another interesting piece of clothing to your wardrobe, go for it. It may not be a dress-for-success piece, but it will surely be something to enjoy on an evening out, or for a special occasion.


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Are you looking to balance your time between your work and a social activity you are invited to this weekend? You hope that your energy level to remain high even though your work is demanding. Whoever you want to impress and who you may want to invest in you at that gathering, will only be moved by gentle coaxing. Make no demands on anyone as it will fall on a deaf ears. If someone is avoiding you consider yourself lucky. You only want people in your life who appreciate you.  


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. This weekend is all about communications and all about what you hear and what you say. The more you listen the wiser you will become. So if you have questions to ask a professional, don’t hesitate and ask away. This information could be crucial to your future. Great decisions will be able to put you on the correct road for you to follow moving forward. Keep your ears open and have coffee only with people who are wise and knowledgeable, don’t waste your time on small talk with inconsequential conversations.


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Nothing good in life happens without a serious amount of effort put into it, and Lord knows, nothing stays the same. You have worked hard and now you see that a change in direction, or at least a change in how you operate the same ideas, has to be applied. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry so much. This weekend your mind is worried and therefore you are anxious to start changing something in your life. Set your concentration in this direction, and rejoice in life! Please, don’t get sidetracked by anything that can upset your weekend.


The moon is in your sign this weekend and you have the power. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. This will give you the momentum you are seeking for a project. Give all the attention you have for what you want to see moving forward, and try to put a period on whatever you want to put behind you. To move forward is the only thing that matters when the wind is behind you pushing you towards success. Show off what you want to present, but at the same time, try to remain humble. 


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Being sensitive to others takes a new meaning when the world seems to have gone off its rocker. You try to find your place but you don’t know whom to trust and rightly so. This weekend is made for you to observe and see, and not for you to put your two cents into any situations that may be a mine field. Stick to what you know and don’t spread any kind of gossip; chances are you are not seeing the full picture and will have a misunderstanding on your hands to clear up later on. 


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into your Monday. You have a forceful way of expressing yourself this weekend, and you may want to rethink your approach to people. Your intention is to entertain them, but you can come off sarcastic and miss the mark. This can be a super social time for you, if you keep in mind other’s sensitive hearts. Get together with those with whom you have most in common, so that there can be no chance for misunderstandings and no reason to regret getting together with them. At the core you like them, so keep it that way…    


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. If you feel stuck in the past this is your launching board out of being stuck and into the unknown and into the all possible; be brave and don’t let emotions hold you back. The only one standing in your way is yourself. Believe in yourself and make grand postures and show faith in all that you can be. You don’t have to entertain at home, if it’s too much for you, even if someone suggests the first barbecue. Sometimes it’s ok to say no.


This is one of the best weekends of the spring for you. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. This weekend puts the sensitive in your already sensitive nature to a whole another level. Instead of getting hung up on unimportant things, turn your mind off on what really ought not matter to you one bit, and concentrate on what matters to you most, such as on expanding your mind and on continued education on what turns you on, and on what matters most to your heart and soul. To develop your interests is something that enriches you and which never ends.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will make subtle changes to the way you approach people and find that you enjoy people who are more mature and are able to assist you in a meaningful way. You will make new connections and enjoy a social time. Love will be possible with someone who is an asset to your life.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and not waste any time to begin to implement the changes necessary to make your life the life you want to live. Love will be possible with someone who is demanding but charming. Charmingly demanding…           

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Libra makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Scorpio at 6:35 AM EDT.



The moon is in Scorpio.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.

 The sun makes a hard angle with Saturn, and an easy angle with Neptune.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mars, a hard angle with Saturn and an excellent angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 13, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today represents a release point of karmic nature. Relationships are highlighted. If you have been needing to face a partner, and you have been waiting for the time when you can show how you feel and also how invested you have been in it, it all comes to a point of must. You know your value and know what you deserve that you may not be getting.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for giving my words importance.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. When some things come to an end, some things begin, or they transform into another form. Taking care of your health has come to a point of must. You know that your body needs to exercise, and what the results will show if you don’t. Walking is simple and easy, start with moving your body daily.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for getting back to taking care of myself.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. This is one of the best days of the month for you. If you have been feeling blocked and unable to unleash the best out of you creative self. It has come to a point of must: Hold back some of the theatrics you are made of today, and you’ll still be able to let loose and start a new chapter in your creative life.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being the wonderful me again!”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If your frustration is so strong, and you have been trying so hard to balance between your home loving nature and your career, it comes to a point of must. Bring it forward to the ones who will be able to make your life better; get a dog sitter, a baby sitter, or make a schedule you can live with on a daily basis.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making my home life easier.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If you feel that your knowledge and experience is not being paid attention to, or utilized, if you are sick and tired of not having the feeling of freedom, now to comes to a point of must. Speak your mind and keep it positive so that you can make a move forward with cheerfulness.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for understanding that nothing good can happen unless I am cheerful!”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If you have been frustrated about your financial situation, if you have felt as though you are not getting a fair shake at life, and your nerves have just about had enough, understand that you can’t make a change to succeed, unless you become the joyful self you used to be. A dark attitude begets a dark attitude. All this comes to a point of must.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for becoming happy again… or else!”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. If you have been thinking that your day of calling the shots has long gone, and if you’re wondering if the people you have been working with have long moved on, it all comes to a point of must. Look them up, see where they are at, or start fresh. It’s a new day.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for coming to a place of peace about changes.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If you have been feeling like you are completely emotionally exhausted and completely spent, and you feel as though you need to take the longest nap and after that you need to take time out for healing, it all comes to a point of must! If you don’t make yourself a priority, your health will come and force you to pay attention.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking time to heal.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If you have been feeling isolated from those with whom you have had so many good times, or if you want to get back in the graces of a dear friend, there is point at which you see the responsibility you bear, and it’s at the tip of your tongue just what you want to say to remedy the situation. It has come to a point of must. Now is the time.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for finding my way back.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If you have been frustrated that you deserve better than what has been your position on the ladder of success, if you want to show them what you’ve got, that you are ready for the greater responsibility, it is all coming to a point of must. Prove that you know your stuff and woo them, or self-destruct. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for knowing my worth.”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. This is one of the best days of the month for you. If your reality hasn’t changed in years, that you haven’t been able to move forward, and you feel stifled and constrained, and that you have been wanting to start fresh; close your eyes, envision the big picture, copy and save! Act upon it, it has come to a point of must.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for finally seeing my direction!”


Today represents a release point of karmic nature. If you have been unable to move forward and have felt almost paralyzed and frozen, and if you feel that if you don’t break the chains that hold you down you will explode, you know that you must find a new way of operating your business. You have come to a time of must. Find your strength and go for it. You can do it!

Friday’s gratitude

“I am grateful for coming to an inner understanding of my needs.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle nothing will be able to stand in the way of you making sure you enjoy your family life. You will have to learn how to balance your time: Create a time management board for your daily activities and chores, and for quality time with family. Love will be possible with someone who has a very specific understanding of whom they want to love, and ought to be more flexible. Could it be you?    

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Libra.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 12, 2022 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. If there is anyone to whom you owe an apology, there is no better day than today to say what you want to say. With a clean slate and you will feel much lighter in your heart and soul. This person will change their mind about you and even see you in a very new light.   


It’s spring cleaning day. Make a little time to clear out some spaces and put some spic and span into it. Charity work, or to give to charity will make you a happy person. There must be stuff you need to get rid of that others could use. And anyway, it will be good for your overall health to have a clean place.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your creative juices are flowing today and that puts you above the rest. People want you to join in with the fun but you don’t feel like doing much. Your idea of a good time is to be left alone to color in, read a romance novel or to create something you would like to put out on social media.


Loving your home goes along with your sign, and today gives it another dimension. You can start a business out of your home that will change your life and allow you to be able to do it all from your home. Your computer skills may need some improvement and you can look into that right away.


When you speak it sounds like music to the ear of some lucky someone. And when you discuss your vision to higher ups, they take what you say as gospel. They assume you know what you are talking about and are agreeable. All you have to do now is to prove you know what you are talking about.


Money coming your way that had a whole group of people involved in making it happen. Remember that Mercury is retrograde, and that you have to make sure you understand documents you need to sign. When it comes to love, this is wonderful day made for passion and intimacy.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You feel a bit insecure for whatever reason, but you speak to someone who knows you and showers you with complements and then you realize that you are loved and appreciated, and that everything will be alright as long as you surround yourself with people who care about you.


There is a sense of elation about you and you think that your workout place, or your trainer, are the best place to be a part of. As a matter of fact, you like it so much, you think it’s the perfect place. Look around, there may be a summer romance sprouting from your very gym. You even like pushups?     


When you need someone whom do you call on? This person is here for you today, to show you that they care and that they are willing to assist you and shoulder your job with you if it’s too difficult for you to manage. Accept the help and delegate some of your work. And afterwards, go out for a beer…


You are a little on edge trying to do so much and balance so much that you tend to talk nervously.  You can schmooze people all day long and still not be sure if they are loyal to you? It’s in their actions, not their words, that you find the answer that will surprise you. Relax, they like you very much.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Visitors from a faraway land, or a visitor who loves you and can’t wait to see you, and who is a world traveler may call you up and have a wonderful conversation that will make up for all the time you haven’t heard from one another. Peace, isn’t it grand?  


Your high energy is the driving force to sell something you have created or something that you have been trying to invoke awareness in. Today, interest is peeking and you can make a good deal of money on this. Unless it’s about something you want to purchase for your home… think twice…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will do everything in your power to create an atmosphere of peace wherever you go. You may want more freedom to do your thing, but find that your family and your wellbeing is more important than anything. Love is possible with someone who is a good example and inspires you to take care of your health.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Libra at 2:35 AM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter, an excellent angle with Mercury and a hard angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 11, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have good intentions and try to perform in your job the best that you can, however it’s at the expense of your health because you are pushing yourself beyond your limits. Remember that you are human and need to take a break every once in a while today. You will get paid handsomely, which will make you feel better anyway…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Not everyone wants to come out and play. Their attitude and the way they approach you, tells you that it’s a good thing that they may not want to engage. However, the ones who do, are here for you and want you to not only do well today, but to have a few laughs along the way. 


You may not feel like getting out of bed today, because you know that there is someone who is opposing your ideas to what the important issues of the day that need to be tackled. But of course you must get to the business at hand. Once you do, you will be wise to move with caution and to observe more than to engage. You feel good having something up your sleeve that is known only to you, you don’t have to give it away.


The mysteries of nature that create the spring season, is calling your name today. The warm air makes you want to hop on your bike and go for a ride in the park, or ride around the neighborhood looking for outdoor hangouts. To take a friend with you is a bonus you won’t miss out for the world. And what about work? Oh, you’ll get to it at some point and make it fit somewhere in the day…


You must be sick and tired of fairy tales told to you about how much money you can make. Today, the fairytale continues, as numerous people tell you that they want to include you in their transactions that will fatten your wallet. Stop being pessimistic! Opportunities are there. You never know, so don’t leave any stone unturned and you will see money coming your way.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Personally, plans and ideas flooding your mind are worth following. When others speak, take whatever you hear today with a grain of salt. If you are a gullible person, you will fall lock stock and barrel for a story delivered with passion and which sounds convincing. Having said that, everyone is still worth listening to, because opportunities are endless when you weed them out and try to find the real ones.   


You don’t have to work out every day, do you? You may choose to stay home and give yourself a facial, or take a lazy bath before you go to work. Even standing up may be too much of an energy drain… But of course, you get yourself to do what you need to do, and resenting it some. Don’t be hard on yourself. Some days are just like that, that you drag yourself around…


You can make anyone feel cheerful today, and without much effort both… you just be yourself and you seem to make people happy today. Or rather you all get silly and make foolish jokes. It may produce friends which will come about in this odd way; friends who are a mixture of business and comedians… 


There are some people at your business place who are a little bit of an emotional bend today, and are difficult to talk to because of that. The best thing to do is to avoid them like a plague and do things yourself if possible. The good thing out of the day is that you come out looking like a shining beckon of light and are even congratulated for a great day’s work. 


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your day dreaming encompasses a far and wide range of subjects that you are meditating on. Your mind is wondering all over the place, but you don’t mind because the visions are positive and uplifting, and plus, you can’t help yourself. The big picture you work up in your mind, has a lot to do with why you see life in its best case scenario. Enjoy your life!


Before you sign on any purchase, or on any business transaction that is meant to pay you, read carefully between the lines, there could be some buffoonery going on, even outside of the fact that Mercury is retrograde. But good things do happen today, because if you wish to enjoy your home life, you can invite someone without breaking the bank, and have a heart to heart talks.   


Relationships are highlighted. There are so many things to discuss about all sorts of issues that will keep you both amused and interested for hours. If you have to speak to a business partner or your boss or someone who’s working for you, you may want to remember that Mercury is retrograde, and that your words matter. Good vibrations from you are better and go farther than any words can…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will do whatever makes you happy even if it may irritate some people. You will simply be doing what comes naturally and you just won’t be able to please everyone. You will however, please you and that is a very good thing. You will need to make clear what you expect from people, which may be unclear. Love will be possible with someone who fun to be with is, and who has a good heart. 

Good luck and God bless you.

Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Virgo.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mars, an excellent angle with the sun and a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 10, 2022 Tuesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You have been enjoying time of introspection and meditation, and now that upright Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a time of personal growth and a time when you will enjoy showing your bubbly personality. However, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd you will have to be careful about getting involved in any gossip, and speak very humbly or risk others’ thinking that you are a showoff, and they will want to see you brought down a peg or two. Keep being honorable and you will nothing to worry about.   


You have been enjoying a time of social interaction and you have found out who your true friends are. And now that benevolent Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be glad to have more quiet time for yourself. A time for reflection upon your past and a time for meditation. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you will have to be careful about any monetary transactions and pay close attention to any details between the lines.


You have been enjoying a time of good standing in your business and your career, and now that jovial Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be glad to have more time to mingle and for making new friendships and time for a little more fun. Now that Mercury, which happens to be in your sign, begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you need to be extra careful about anything that you do which has others involved with, and which can affect their standing and consequently yours. Be extra respectful of others, so that you won’t have to have to explain yourself later on.


You have been enjoying time of visualization of what will makes you happy, and now that magnanimous Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will get the opportunity to put this into action and grow your business and advance in your career, while being fair to your underlings. Remember to keep some cards close to your chest, and understand that your problems are not other’s problems and that they can only exacerbate situations, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd.  


You’ve had a time of self-examination and have been deep in thought, and now that no-bounds Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will rejoice in allowing yourself to reemerge, and visualize how to make into reality that which is best for you, and have the freedom to make concrete plans. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd you will have to make sure that you are honest when dealing with friends, and make sure that every communication is clear as a bell so that there will not be any complications that may arise later on.


You have been enjoying time of making connections; some that will be there for the long run and some that have been good for the time being. And now that blunt Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will able to delve deeper into yourself, and be able see through others phoniness and truthfulness with clarity. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you will have to pay close attention to all business transactions to make sure that your reputation remains intact. Make sure that you understand what everyone involved has to receive and that there will be no misunderstandings down the line.


You have been enjoying a period of taking time for taking care of your health and time for having good times with family. Now that opportunistic Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a time of making new personal connections, and of being able to get closer to those you love and have good time with them. Since Mercury starts its retrograde today until June 3rd. you will have to be aware of what you say, and how you communicate with anyone with whom you have a difference of opinion with: you want to be able to remain on friendly grounds with everyone going forward.


You have been enjoying a period of creative expression, and now that boundless Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a period of taking time to have a robust health routine that you will find easy to put into place, and which will make you more energetic. You will have to be careful about signing any financial documents that have other people involved in, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd. Read and reread the small print and postpone signing, if you possibly can.


You have been enjoying time with family closeness and reconnection, and now that excessive Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy a personal time for plenty romance, and for creative endeavors and of doing your thing. However, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you have to listen carefully to what everyone says before you respond, so that others are able to express themselves, and feel like they are being heard, and to make sure that no misunderstandings arise for you to have to clean up in the future.


You have been enjoying a good time of getting to know your neighborhood and find places of entertainment and good communications with everyone. Now that hospitable Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will enjoy more private time at being a couch potato, and a time of taking care of the needs of your home, decorating it and some entertaining there. However, when it comes to your job or way of making a living, you will have to make sure that you do your job correctly and pay attention to details, now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd. the devil is in the details, and the clearer direction you give or receive, the better for the long run.


You have been enjoying time of making a good living and making money in a way that you enjoy, and now that no-limit Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be able to study and expand your knowledge that will serve you for years to come, so that you can make money in a way you will enjoy going forward. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, you will be extra creative and able to express yourself in a zany but fabulous way. You will, however, have to be careful and be aware, that you don’t disrespect anyone, which may come back to haunt you.


You have been enjoying a time of personal growth, you have learned much about how strong can be and how capable you are, and now that generous Jupiter enters Aries and for the next six months you will be able enjoy a time of using this knowledge and have opportunities to make more money and a time for self-enrichment. Now that Mercury begins its retrograde motion today until June 3rd, little things are going to be asking, or even demanding for your attention in your home, and you will have to fix them before you do anything else, and not neglect them anymore.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have loads of energy to do whatever you desire to do. You will have to be careful about monetary transactions and have read the small print. You will enjoy quiet times and make time for travel and good times. Love will be possible with someone who is soft spoken, and also fun to be around.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Virgo.

Mercury begins its retrograde motion.

Jupiter enters Aries.

The moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 9, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are inundated with work issues that you don’t want to not have to deal with today. You realize that just because you are made to deal with subjects that you’ve been wanting to put an end to, in the end you are happy that you tackled these unpleasant situations.


You are trying to balance your work life and your home life. It’s a delicate situation, but you are intending on finishing up, and by hook or by crook, you manage to! You leave nothing to chance, and ask no one for assistance.  


You realize that not everything you know about a situation, and not everything that you have heard about that same situation is yours to repeat. The best thing is to move on from it. As long as it hasn’t hurt more than your feelings, you’re whole…


You may be nervous about money issues but you now that it’s all temporary and that you will be alright. But whatever happens try not to make it an issue that can hurt good standing relationships with those who have assisted you for a long time now.


When it all looks like it’s too much to handle for one person that you find how strong and resilient you truly are! Ok, so someone disappointed you, but you find that maybe it’s actually was good that they have moved on.


Just because you may be disgusted with a situation, and have even moved on mentally from it, but it’s there staring you in the face. What are you supposed to do? Don’t talk about it today, but Do make a decision when you will speak about it so that you can move on. 


You may be making a much bigger deal about a situation that may never be resolved anyway. Sometimes it’s good to avoid situations and leave them alone. Watch from the sidelines to see what happens and how it develops without your input.


You are more mature now, and when generational situations come to light, that you have to take care of someone older, you see it from a more mature point of view and take on responsibilities that weren’t able to prior. Growing up looks good on you!


You may have spoken about a situation over and over again until you feel like you have no more to add to it, but here is someone trying to suck you into the discussion again. It’s your life, and you can recuse yourself from the same old same old.


Emotional impact of a situation that is certainly trying, and yet, where you have to show that you can rise above. It’s challenging for sure; they are watching to see how mature or immature you are in the way you respond. Calm down and shrug it off.


When you are afraid to make a final decision about a long standing issue, but you know that you have to. Somehow, and it may be uneasy about doing so, but you finally put an end to it, put a period and are able to move forward. Halleluiah!  


You know that you have to take better care of yourself and put time into self care. But how do you find the time to schedule for this? Time management is difficult, but you make a decision which you are proud of, and finally create a schedule you can live with!


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will try to continue on the same path you have chosen that is not easy to manage. Find someone to assist you so that you will be able to balance your work and home life simultaneously. Love is possible with someone who is likes to read books and who is charitable. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Leo makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The moon enters Virgo at 6:54 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, May 7 – Sunday, May 8, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are down for lots of fun and games. Do yourself a favor, and let any serious issue of importance on the back burner. Concentrate on the silly aspect of life; look at being entertained and good times as a meditation and a time for healing. You will get back to the grind soon enough on Monday…


Being home makes you feel good all over. A barbecue, if the weather permits, will do you good. Should that not be possible, than just enjoy home cooking in your kitchen and then it’s time to enjoy some streaming and chilling out. Putter around the house and you will get the results you want.


Interior dialogue makes all the difference, that’s why you must speak to yourself in a positive way. Don’t be hard on yourself, life is not easy to navigate. You have itchy feel and can’t wait to get out on your bike or go for a scenic walk with a close friend whom you can bounce ideas with.


You don’t mind at all if you have to work this weekend, you will be paid properly and nothing will make you happier than to be able to use some of it for future travel. You may want to see a coworker or friend for a drink after work and then it’s back to the grind you welcome.


The moon is in your sign the entire weekend. You can cover a lot of ground and achieve a lot once you put your mind to doing anything. Your concentration is strong and your desire to complete a project will surmount anything else. You are a go getter now, and get the results you want.


You work through emotions and all that has transpired in the past few weeks, and make it all good with your soul. You would rather observe than participate, and cherish your privacy this weekend. Work on what you need to behind the scene that will put you ahead for next week.


It’s as if someone took the cork off the champagne bottle, and all you want to do is hang out with friends and party this weekend. Have a good time! You may find that a friend is inconsistent, and may be judging you. How to handle this depends on the trust and history you have with this person.


You feel good about your life and about your prospects. You look at your achievements and have a sense of accomplishment and joy. Even though some people can be contradictory, you look at it with a sense of humor and get things done even with them in the mix.


Wanderlust is taking you over, and you can’t seem to stop thinking about the world and what you want to see happening in the world. You try to see where you fit in the big picture, and where you would like to visit given a chance. People’s conversations better be interesting or you bolt…


You look into your past with love for what you have gone through and with a little admiration for yourself, as to how well you have handled yourself. Life isn’t easy and you are a trouper. Give yourself a slap on the shoulder and enjoy some laughs with friends.


Relationships are highlighted this weekend. You can approach whomever you need to speak with regarding a creative endeavor you may be trying to finish or to get off the ground. You will find that people are cooperative and want to see your home life thriving as much as your career. 


You may want to be of help to someone, to make sure that what they are doing will be up to par. But don’t do it and neglect your own obligations. They may or may not see your generosity. No matter what, there is no reason to engage in gossip. Use your gift of the gab to entertain your family… 


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will work on finishing projects, and take care of issues that you have long needed to put a period to and contemplate on moving forward. There are changes around the corner and you may want to prepare for. Love will be possible with someone who is adaptable and easy going.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be able to start a business from the comfort of your home. You will work hard and make strategic changes in order to make life easier for you. Your progress will be a marvel to watch. Love will be possible with someone who loves to read books and is easy to talk to. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Cancer makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The sun makes an easy angle Mars.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Leo at 7:50 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with Venus.



The moon is in Leo.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus and a hard angle with the sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 6, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and begin to inquire about your options for the future. Communications will be your strong point and you will make your media presence speak for you. You will have to do more commuting when you make money. Love will be possible with someone who knows how to make connections.   

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Cancer.

The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Venus.

The moon makes an easy angle with the sun, an excellent angle with Mars and an excellent angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 5, 2022 Thursday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



That which is full shall be emptied and that which is empty shall be filled again. That is the law of nature. So when you see that your finances are not what you think they ought to be, either in a good way or in a bad way, don’t stress. It will work its way back to where all is well in your world. 


When you are not sure what will happen down the line, it’s best to concentrate on the here and now. Don’t try to second guess life, it will unfold before you when the time is right. Enjoy every minute of life and cherish what is before you. Nothing else matters.


When you feel like the rug is being pulled from under your feet like you have no control over the events in your life, what you Can do is to Not assume responsibility. Your conscience is clear, and so the karma will be good when all is said and done.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. If you are planning to depend on someone who has been a reliable source for anything from helping you, to being available to you for whatever reason, not today Josephine! No one is reliable and no one can be depended on. Do it yourself and be happy. 


Great ideas to advance your career are flooding your brain. Do it! Go for anything that seems as farfetched as can be. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it! Yes you can. However, listen to your gut: if it tells you that the source is unreliable; only then drop the whole thing like a hot cake…


News that can throw you off guard, and which you doubt, may actually be what you need to hear. This could be a new road for you to follow. Don’t be afraid, or shy away from anything that you haven’t thought of as a possibility. That could be exactly where you ought to take a chance on. 


Your emotions can be raw, as you may be tested to the limit to see if you have got what it takes. You can pass the test with flying colors when you keep your emotions under wraps, and show strength in the middle of a storm that someone may be putting you in the middle of.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Some people are as reliable as an unpredictable cannon. You know who they are, and you need to stay away from them as far as possible today. But… if you want to surprise your sweetheart with a candle dinner! Boom, good times are certain. 


There is an element of getting hurt today, that you won’t know why this is happening, except that you can handle the consequences. You have been trying to live the healthiest life you know how to, but today, it can tell you to stop for the day. Indulge and have rich steak and that chocolate cake. 


Relationships are highlighted. Someone of importance will love your craziest ways, and that will catch you by surprise. After all, you wanted to startle them with your smart and sassy attitude, but instead, they love that spunky delivery and find you to be the treasure beneath the attitude: Love can be found in a most amusing and unexpected ways. 


Your home has been a place of amazement to you recently, and today, it’s clear why it is. The wisdom of family helping family is a great reason to live and to love. Whoever has helped you to get to this point, a point of positive change and happiness, send them a hug or thank them over dinner?


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Even if you are not a poet, today your writing ability matches that. So pick up your writing tablet, and put down in words that which needs to be written and that which needs to be sent out, like your resume or whatever will spread your message on social media. Your charm will shine through as well.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will see changes happening that you either have prepared for or not prepared for. Your inner dialogue will be of the spirit and it will show you the way to proceed. Love will be possible with someone who is willing, ready and able to change along with you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Cancer.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus.

The sun conjoins Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

May 4, 2022 Wednesday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by listening to your inner self that is telling you the wrong message. You are on a good path, don’t change direction today!


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by spacing out on the mundane things that need attention. As long as you keep an eye on your money, no misunderstanding will arise…


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by overinflating marginal possibilities. When something is too good to be true, it usually is. Stick to the true and tried.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by trying new ideas on people who couldn’t care less, or who are not being engaged in what they are supposed to be doing.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by paying attention to people’s negative talk. Remember that you got here because you are good at what you are doing.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by neglecting someone has had an impact on your life that you now take for granted. Say “thank you”, it will warm their heart.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by daydreaming to the point of forgetting an important assignment or appointment. Get your head out of the clouds…


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by suppressing your voice by not telling it like it is. Let people know how you feel about a situation, and don’t regret it later.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by not doing the best thing by you today, because someone hurts your feelings, unable to accept you as you are. Rise above…


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by paying attention to others who try to suck you into their agenda and their problems. Take control back to you.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by halting a project in progress, to a dead stop, for the sake of someone who is a squeaky wheel, throwing a tantrum.


When everything is chugging along at a decent speed, you can screw up by listening to advice that won’t serve you well. Even though this person is older and wiser, the advice is way off base…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be busy on a pragmatic path that will do you good financially. You will cherish family and may be even work with a family member. Love will be possible with someone who knows how to listen to you, and who is able to give you good advice.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Gemini makes an excellent angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Neptune.

Mars makes an easy angle with Uranus.

The moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

The moon enters Cancer at 7:05 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star